odyssey-react: Heading now applies standard line-heights for each
semantic and visual heading level. If custom line-heights are desired
for these headings, they can now be themed. Alternately, Text may be
used to generate custom font-size/line-height combinations.
odyssey-react: removes "normal" and "heading" line height props in
favor of "body" and "heading"s 1-6; (e.g. "heading3")
odyssey-design-tokens: set space scale under "scale"
odyssey-design-tokens: removes prior space tokens from dict
odyssey-react: utilizes new type tokens
odyssey-design-tokens: updates type tokens to match new scale
odyssey-react: icons deleted and renamed
odyssey-icons: icons deleted and renamed
odyssey-design-tokens: migrates all focus tokens under Focus; renames outlines
odyssey-design-tokens: define explicit exports and module type
odyssey-react: define explicit exports and module type
odyssey-react-theme: define explicit exports and module type
browserslist-config-odyssey: make package public (d0341bf)
odyssey-design-tokens: add new spacing scale (faf6f19)
odyssey-design-tokens: make Neutral Dark color available (a718368)
odyssey-design-tokens: standardize focus styles for outline (c6556a0)
odyssey-design-tokens: updates type tokens to match new scale (b763705)
odyssey-icons: update icons with new designs (c46a433)