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@opencreek/ext - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.0--canary.21.3702576932.0 to 2.0.0--canary.22.3712435423.0



@@ -1,5 +0,107 @@

export * from "@opencreek/deno-std-collections";
export declare function filterNotNullish<T>(arr: Array<T>): Array<NonNullable<T>>;
export declare function mapAsync<T, U>(arr: Array<T>, f: (e: T, index: number, array: Array<T>) => Promise<U>): Promise<Array<U>>;
export declare function filterAsync<T>(arr: Array<T>, f: (e: T, index: number, array: Array<T>) => Promise<boolean>): Promise<Array<T>>;
declare type PairSplit<T> = T extends [infer F, infer L] ? [Chain<F>, Chain<L>] : never;
declare type IfString<T, U> = T extends string ? U : never;
declare type FlattenChain<T> = T extends Chain<infer U> ? Chain<U> : never;
export declare function objChain<K extends string | number | symbol, T>(value: Record<K, T> | ObjectChain<K, T> | Chain<readonly [K, T]>): ObjectChain<K, T>;
export declare function chain<T>(value: ReadonlyArray<T> | Chain<T> | Iterable<T>): Chain<T>;
export declare class ObjectChain<K extends string | number | symbol, T> {
private val;
constructor(val: Record<K, T>);
value(): Record<K, T>;
keys(): Chain<K>;
values(): Chain<T>;
mapKeys<U extends string | number | symbol>(transformer: (key: K) => U): ObjectChain<U, T>;
mapValues<V>(transformer: (value: T) => V): ObjectChain<K, V>;
mapEntries<U extends string | number | symbol, V>(transformer: (key: K, value: T) => [U, V]): ObjectChain<U, V>;
filterKeys(filter: (key: K) => boolean): ObjectChain<K, T>;
filterValues(filter: (value: T) => boolean): ObjectChain<K, T>;
filterEntries(filter: (key: K, value: T) => boolean): ObjectChain<K, T>;
export declare class Chain<T> {
private val;
constructor(val: ReadonlyArray<T>);
value(): ReadonlyArray<T>;
associateBy<S extends string | number | symbol>(selector: (el: T) => S): ObjectChain<S, T>;
associateWith<U>(selector: (key: string) => U): IfString<T, ObjectChain<string, U>>;
chunk(size: number): Chain<T[]>;
distinct(): Chain<T>;
distinctBy<D>(selector: (el: T) => D): Chain<T>;
dropLastWhile(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): Chain<T>;
dropWhile(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): Chain<T>;
every<S extends T>(predicate: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => el is S): this is Chain<S>;
every(predicate: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => boolean): boolean;
some(predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => boolean): boolean;
first(): T;
firstOrNull(): T | undefined;
filter(filter: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => boolean): Chain<T>;
filterAsync(predicate: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => Promise<boolean>): Promise<Chain<T>>;
filterNotNullish(): Chain<NonNullable<T>>;
find<S extends T>(predicate: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => el is S): S | undefined;
findIndex(predicate: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => boolean): number | undefined;
findLast(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): T | undefined;
findLastIndex(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): number | undefined;
findSingle(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): T | undefined;
firstNotNullishOf<O>(selector: (item: T) => O | undefined | null): NonNullable<O> | undefined;
flatten(): FlattenChain<T>;
flatMap<U>(transformer: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => Chain<U>): Chain<U>;
forEach(callback: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => void): void;
groupBy<K extends string | symbol | number>(selector: (el: T) => K): ObjectChain<K, ReadonlyArray<T>>;
indexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): number | undefined;
lastIndexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): number | undefined;
includes(el: T, fromIndex?: number): boolean;
intersect(...arrays: (readonly T[])[]): Chain<T>;
join(separator?: string): string;
mapJoin(separator: string, transformer: (el: T) => string): string;
last(): T;
lastOrNull(): T | undefined;
map<U>(transformer: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => U): Chain<U>;
mapAsync<U>(transformer: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => Promise<U>): Promise<Chain<U>>;
mapNotNullish<O>(transformer: (el: T) => O): Chain<NonNullable<O>>;
maxBy(selector: (el: T) => string): T | undefined;
maxBy(selector: (el: T) => bigint): T | undefined;
maxBy(selector: (el: T) => number): T | undefined;
maxBy(selector: (el: T) => Date): T | undefined;
maxOf(selector: (el: T) => bigint): bigint | undefined;
maxOf(selector: (el: T) => number): number | undefined;
maxOf(selector: (el: T) => string): string | undefined;
maxOf(selector: (el: T) => Date): Date | undefined;
maxWith(comparator: (a: T, b: T) => number): T | undefined;
minBy(selector: (el: T) => number): T | undefined;
minBy(selector: (el: T) => string): T | undefined;
minBy(selector: (el: T) => bigint): T | undefined;
minBy(selector: (el: T) => Date): T | undefined;
minOf(selector: (el: T) => bigint): bigint | undefined;
minOf(selector: (el: T) => number): number | undefined;
minOf(selector: (el: T) => string): string | undefined;
minOf(selector: (el: T) => Date): Date | undefined;
minWith(comparator: (a: T, b: T) => number): T | undefined;
partition(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): [Chain<T>, Chain<T>];
permutations(): Chain<T[]>;
reduce(reducer: (accumulator: T, current: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => T): T;
reduce(reducer: (accumulator: T, current: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => T, initial: T): T;
reduce<O>(reducer: (accumulator: O, current: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => O, initial: O): O;
reduceRight(reducer: (accumulator: T, current: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => T): T;
reduceRight(reducer: (accumulator: T, current: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => T, initial: T): T;
reduceRight<O>(reducer: (accumulator: O, current: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => O, initial: O): O;
reverse(): Chain<T>;
runningReduce<O>(reducer: (accumulator: O, current: T) => O, initialValue: O): Chain<O>;
sample(): T | undefined;
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Chain<T>;
slidingWindows(size: number, { step, partial }: {
step: number;
partial: boolean;
}): Chain<T[]>;
sort(compareFn?: (a: T, b: T) => number): Chain<T>;
sortBy(selector: (el: T) => Date): Chain<T>;
sortBy(selector: (el: T) => bigint): Chain<T>;
sortBy(selector: (el: T) => string): Chain<T>;
sortBy(selector: (el: T) => number): Chain<T>;
sumOf(selector: (el: T) => number): number;
takeLastWhile(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): Chain<T>;
takeWhile(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): Chain<T>;
union(...arrays: (readonly T[])[]): Chain<T>;
unzip(): PairSplit<T>;
withoutAll(values: readonly T[]): Chain<T>;
zip<U>(withArray: readonly U[]): Chain<[T, U]>;
export {};
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __exportStar = (this && this.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) {
for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p);
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {

@@ -22,21 +12,342 @@ function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.filterAsync = exports.mapAsync = exports.filterNotNullish = void 0;
__exportStar(require("@opencreek/deno-std-collections"), exports);
function filterNotNullish(arr) {
return arr.filter((it) => it != null);
exports.Chain = exports.ObjectChain = exports.chain = exports.objChain = void 0;
const deno_std_collections_1 = require("@opencreek/deno-std-collections");
const _1 = require(".");
function objChain(value) {
if (value instanceof ObjectChain) {
return value;
if (value instanceof Chain) {
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(value.value()));
return new ObjectChain(value);
exports.filterNotNullish = filterNotNullish;
function mapAsync(arr, f) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return Promise.all(;
exports.objChain = objChain;
function chain(value) {
if (value instanceof Chain)
return value;
if (Array.isArray(value))
return new Chain(value);
return new Chain([...value]);
exports.mapAsync = mapAsync;
function filterAsync(arr, f) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const includes = yield mapAsync(arr, f);
return arr.filter((_, index) => includes[index]);
exports.chain = chain;
class ObjectChain {
constructor(val) {
this.val = val;
value() {
return this.val;
keys() {
return new Chain(Object.keys(this.val));
values() {
return new Chain(Object.values(this.val));
mapKeys(transformer) {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val);
const mapped =[k, v]) => {
return [transformer(k), v];
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(mapped));
mapValues(transformer) {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val);
const mapped =[k, v]) => {
return [k, transformer(v)];
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(mapped));
mapEntries(transformer) {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val);
const mapped =[k, v]) => {
return transformer(k, v);
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(mapped));
filterKeys(filter) {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val);
const filtered = entries.filter(([k, _]) => {
return filter(k);
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(filtered));
filterValues(filter) {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val);
const filtered = entries.filter(([_, v]) => {
return filter(v);
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(filtered));
filterEntries(filter) {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val);
const filtered = entries.filter(([k, v]) => {
return filter(k, v);
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(filtered));
exports.filterAsync = filterAsync;
exports.ObjectChain = ObjectChain;
class Chain {
constructor(val) {
this.val = val;
value() {
return this.val;
associateBy(selector) {
const entries = => {
return [selector(m), m];
return objChain(entries);
associateWith(selector) {
const entries = => {
return [
return objChain(entries);
chunk(size) {
const chunks = (0, deno_std_collections_1.chunk)(this.val, size);
return new Chain(chunks);
distinct() {
const unique = (0, deno_std_collections_1.distinct)(this.val);
return new Chain(unique);
distinctBy(selector) {
const unique = (0, deno_std_collections_1.distinctBy)(this.val, selector);
return new Chain(unique);
dropLastWhile(predicate) {
const dropped = (0, deno_std_collections_1.dropLastWhile)(this.val, predicate);
return new Chain(dropped);
dropWhile(predicate) {
const dropped = (0, deno_std_collections_1.dropWhile)(this.val, predicate);
return new Chain(dropped);
every(predicate) {
return this.val.every(predicate);
some(predicate) {
return this.val.some(predicate);
first() {
var _a;
return (_a = this.firstOrNull()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (0, _1.error)("No first element found");
firstOrNull() {
return this.val[0];
filter(filter) {
const filtered = this.val.filter(filter);
return new Chain(filtered);
filterAsync(predicate) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const includes = yield this.mapAsync(predicate);
return this.filter((_, index) => includes.val[index]);
filterNotNullish() {
return this.filter((it) => it != null);
find(predicate) {
return this.val.find(predicate);
findIndex(predicate) {
const ret = this.val.findIndex(predicate);
if (ret === -1)
return undefined;
return ret;
findLast(predicate) {
return (0, deno_std_collections_1.findLast)(this.val, predicate);
findLastIndex(predicate) {
return (0, deno_std_collections_1.findLastIndex)(this.val, predicate);
findSingle(predicate) {
return (0, deno_std_collections_1.findSingle)(this.val, predicate);
firstNotNullishOf(selector) {
return (0, deno_std_collections_1.firstNotNullishOf)(this.val, selector);
flatten() {
const flattened = this.val.flatMap((it) => it instanceof Chain ? it.val : []);
return new Chain(flattened);
flatMap(transformer) {
forEach(callback) {;
groupBy(selector) {
var _a;
const record = {};
for (const el of this.val) {
const key = selector(el);
if (record[key] != null) {
(_a = record[key]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.push(el);
else {
record[key] = [el];
return new ObjectChain(record);
indexOf(searchElement, fromIndex) {
const ret = this.val.indexOf(searchElement, fromIndex);
if (ret === -1)
return undefined;
return ret;
lastIndexOf(searchElement, fromIndex) {
const ret = this.val.lastIndexOf(searchElement, fromIndex);
if (ret === -1)
return undefined;
return ret;
includes(el, fromIndex) {
return this.val.includes(el, fromIndex);
intersect(...arrays) {
const ret = (0, deno_std_collections_1.intersect)(this.val, ...arrays);
return new Chain(ret);
join(separator) {
return this.val.join(separator);
mapJoin(separator, transformer) {
const mapped =;
return mapped.join(separator);
last() {
var _a;
return (_a = this.lastOrNull()) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (0, _1.error)("No last element found");
lastOrNull() {
const last = this.val[this.val.length - 1];
return last;
map(transformer) {
const mapped =;
return new Chain(mapped);
mapAsync(transformer) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const ret = yield Promise.all(;
return new Chain(ret);
mapNotNullish(transformer) {
const ret = (0, deno_std_collections_1.mapNotNullish)(this.val, transformer);
return new Chain(ret);
maxBy(selector) {
// this is save because maxBy is overloaded too
return (0, deno_std_collections_1.maxBy)(this.val, selector);
maxOf(selector) {
if (this.val.length === 0)
return undefined;
let max = selector(this.val[0]);
for (const el of this.val) {
const selected = selector(el);
if (selected > max)
max = selected;
return max;
maxWith(comparator) {
return (0, deno_std_collections_1.maxWith)(this.val, comparator);
minBy(selector) {
// this is save because minBy is overloaded too
return (0, deno_std_collections_1.minBy)(this.val, selector);
minOf(selector) {
if (this.val.length === 0)
return undefined;
let min = selector(this.val[0]);
for (const el of this.val) {
const selected = selector(el);
if (selected < min)
min = selected;
return min;
minWith(comparator) {
return (0, deno_std_collections_1.minWith)(this.val, comparator);
partition(predicate) {
const [left, right] = (0, deno_std_collections_1.partition)(this.val, predicate);
return [new Chain(left), new Chain(right)];
permutations() {
return new Chain((0, deno_std_collections_1.permutations)(this.val));
reduce(reducer, initial) {
return this.val.reduce(reducer, initial);
reduceRight(reducer, initial) {
return this.val.reduceRight(reducer, initial);
reverse() {
return new Chain([...this.val].reverse());
runningReduce(reducer, initialValue) {
const ret = (0, deno_std_collections_1.runningReduce)(this.val, reducer, initialValue);
return new Chain(ret);
sample() {
const ret = (0, deno_std_collections_1.sample)(this.val);
return ret;
slice(start, end) {
const ret = this.val.slice(start, end);
return new Chain(ret);
slidingWindows(size, { step, partial }) {
const ret = (0, deno_std_collections_1.slidingWindows)(this.val, size, { step, partial });
return new Chain(ret);
sort(compareFn) {
return new Chain([...this.val].sort(compareFn));
sortBy(selector) {
// this is safe, because sortBy is overloaded as well
const ret = (0, deno_std_collections_1.sortBy)(this.val, selector);
return new Chain(ret);
sumOf(selector) {
return (0, deno_std_collections_1.sumOf)(this.val, selector);
takeLastWhile(predicate) {
return new Chain((0, deno_std_collections_1.takeLastWhile)(this.val, predicate));
takeWhile(predicate) {
return new Chain((0, deno_std_collections_1.takeWhile)(this.val, predicate));
union(...arrays) {
return new Chain((0, deno_std_collections_1.union)(this.val, ...arrays));
unzip() {
const [left, right] = (0, deno_std_collections_1.unzip)(this.val);
return [new Chain(left), new Chain(right)];
withoutAll(values) {
const ret = (0, deno_std_collections_1.withoutAll)(this.val, values);
return new Chain(ret);
zip(withArray) {
return new Chain((0,, withArray));
exports.Chain = Chain;



@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ "use strict";

getTotalElapsedTimeInMs() {
return (0, collections_1.sumOf)(this.tasks, (it) => { var _a; return (_a = it.elapsed) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0; });
return (0, collections_1.chain)(this.tasks).sumOf((it) => { var _a; return (_a = it.elapsed) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0; });

@@ -36,0 +36,0 @@ toString() {

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import "./collections";

@@ -2,0 +3,0 @@ * tableToString will convert an array of records into a nicely formatted tableRow

@@ -5,2 +5,3 @@ "use strict";

const range_1 = require("./range");
const collections_1 = require("./collections");

@@ -36,4 +37,5 @@ function tableRow(row, columns, columnLengths) {

const columnLength = (0, collections_1.chain)(columnLengths).sumOf((it) => it + 1) + 1;
const border = " " +
(0, range_1.range)(0, (0, collections_1.sumOf)(columnLengths, (it) => it + 1) + 1)
(0, range_1.range)(0, columnLength)
.map((_) => "-")

@@ -40,0 +42,0 @@ .join("");

"name": "@opencreek/ext",
"version": "2.0.0--canary.21.3702576932.0",
"version": "2.0.0--canary.22.3712435423.0",
"description": "",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "build/index.js",

@@ -1,21 +0,560 @@

export * from "@opencreek/deno-std-collections"
import {
} from "@opencreek/deno-std-collections"
import { error } from "."
export function filterNotNullish<T>(arr: Array<T>): Array<NonNullable<T>> {
return arr.filter((it): it is NonNullable<T> => it != null)
type PairSplit<T> = T extends [infer F, infer L] ? [Chain<F>, Chain<L>] : never
type IfString<T, U> = T extends string ? U : never
type FlattenChain<T> = T extends Chain<infer U> ? Chain<U> : never
export function objChain<K extends string | number | symbol, T>(
value: Record<K, T> | ObjectChain<K, T> | Chain<readonly [K, T]>
): ObjectChain<K, T> {
if (value instanceof ObjectChain) {
return value
if (value instanceof Chain) {
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(value.value())) as ObjectChain<
return new ObjectChain(value)
export async function mapAsync<T, U>(
arr: Array<T>,
f: (e: T, index: number, array: Array<T>) => Promise<U>
): Promise<Array<U>> {
return Promise.all(
export function chain<T>(
value: ReadonlyArray<T> | Chain<T> | Iterable<T>
): Chain<T> {
if (value instanceof Chain) return value
if (Array.isArray(value)) return new Chain(value)
return new Chain([...value])
export async function filterAsync<T>(
arr: Array<T>,
f: (e: T, index: number, array: Array<T>) => Promise<boolean>
): Promise<Array<T>> {
const includes = await mapAsync(arr, f)
export class ObjectChain<K extends string | number | symbol, T> {
constructor(private val: Record<K, T>) {}
return arr.filter((_, index) => includes[index])
value(): Record<K, T> {
return this.val
keys(): Chain<K> {
return new Chain(Object.keys(this.val)) as Chain<K>
values(): Chain<T> {
return new Chain(Object.values(this.val))
mapKeys<U extends string | number | symbol>(
transformer: (key: K) => U
): ObjectChain<U, T> {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val) as [K, T][]
const mapped =[k, v]) => {
return [transformer(k), v]
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(mapped))
mapValues<V>(transformer: (value: T) => V): ObjectChain<K, V> {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val) as [K, T][]
const mapped =[k, v]) => {
return [k, transformer(v)]
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(mapped))
mapEntries<U extends string | number | symbol, V>(
transformer: (key: K, value: T) => [U, V]
): ObjectChain<U, V> {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val) as [K, T][]
const mapped =[k, v]) => {
return transformer(k, v)
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(mapped)) as ObjectChain<U, V>
filterKeys(filter: (key: K) => boolean): ObjectChain<K, T> {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val) as [K, T][]
const filtered = entries.filter(([k, _]) => {
return filter(k)
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(filtered)) as ObjectChain<K, T>
filterValues(filter: (value: T) => boolean): ObjectChain<K, T> {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val) as [K, T][]
const filtered = entries.filter(([_, v]) => {
return filter(v)
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(filtered)) as ObjectChain<K, T>
filterEntries(filter: (key: K, value: T) => boolean): ObjectChain<K, T> {
const entries = Object.entries(this.val) as [K, T][]
const filtered = entries.filter(([k, v]) => {
return filter(k, v)
return new ObjectChain(Object.fromEntries(filtered)) as ObjectChain<K, T>
export class Chain<T> {
constructor(private val: ReadonlyArray<T>) {}
value(): ReadonlyArray<T> {
return this.val
associateBy<S extends string | number | symbol>(
selector: (el: T) => S
): ObjectChain<S, T> {
const entries = => {
return [selector(m), m] as const
return objChain(entries)
selector: (key: string) => U
): IfString<T, ObjectChain<string, U>> {
const entries = => {
return [
el as unknown as string,
selector(el as unknown as string),
] as const
return objChain(entries) as IfString<T, ObjectChain<string, U>>
chunk(size: number): Chain<T[]> {
const chunks = chunk(this.val, size)
return new Chain(chunks)
distinct(): Chain<T> {
const unique = distinct(this.val)
return new Chain(unique)
distinctBy<D>(selector: (el: T) => D): Chain<T> {
const unique = distinctBy(this.val, selector)
return new Chain(unique)
dropLastWhile(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): Chain<T> {
const dropped = dropLastWhile(this.val, predicate)
return new Chain(dropped)
dropWhile(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): Chain<T> {
const dropped = dropWhile(this.val, predicate)
return new Chain(dropped)
every<S extends T>(
predicate: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => el is S
): this is Chain<S>
predicate: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => boolean
): boolean
predicate: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => boolean
): boolean {
return this.val.every(predicate)
predicate: (value: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => boolean
): boolean {
return this.val.some(predicate)
first(): T {
return this.firstOrNull() ?? error("No first element found")
firstOrNull(): T | undefined {
return this.val[0]
filter: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => boolean
): Chain<T> {
const filtered = this.val.filter(filter)
return new Chain(filtered)
async filterAsync(
predicate: (
el: T,
index: number,
array: ReadonlyArray<T>
) => Promise<boolean>
): Promise<Chain<T>> {
const includes = await this.mapAsync(predicate)
return this.filter((_, index) => includes.val[index])
filterNotNullish(): Chain<NonNullable<T>> {
return this.filter((it) => it != null) as Chain<NonNullable<T>>
find<S extends T>(
predicate: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => el is S
): S | undefined {
return this.val.find(predicate)
predicate: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => boolean
): number | undefined {
const ret = this.val.findIndex(predicate)
if (ret === -1) return undefined
return ret
findLast(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): T | undefined {
return findLast(this.val, predicate)
findLastIndex(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): number | undefined {
return findLastIndex(this.val, predicate)
findSingle(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): T | undefined {
return findSingle(this.val, predicate)
selector: (item: T) => O | undefined | null
): NonNullable<O> | undefined {
return firstNotNullishOf(this.val, selector)
flatten(): FlattenChain<T> {
const flattened = this.val.flatMap((it) =>
it instanceof Chain ? it.val : []
return new Chain(flattened) as FlattenChain<T>
transformer: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => Chain<U>
): Chain<U> {
callback: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => void
): void {
groupBy<K extends string | symbol | number>(
selector: (el: T) => K
): ObjectChain<K, ReadonlyArray<T>> {
const record = {} as Record<K, Array<T>>
for (const el of this.val) {
const key = selector(el)
if (record[key] != null) {
} else {
record[key] = [el]
return new ObjectChain(record)
indexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): number | undefined {
const ret = this.val.indexOf(searchElement, fromIndex)
if (ret === -1) return undefined
return ret
lastIndexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number): number | undefined {
const ret = this.val.lastIndexOf(searchElement, fromIndex)
if (ret === -1) return undefined
return ret
includes(el: T, fromIndex?: number): boolean {
return this.val.includes(el, fromIndex)
intersect(...arrays: (readonly T[])[]): Chain<T> {
const ret = intersect(this.val, ...arrays)
return new Chain(ret)
join(separator?: string): string {
return this.val.join(separator)
mapJoin(separator: string, transformer: (el: T) => string): string {
const mapped =
return mapped.join(separator)
last(): T {
return this.lastOrNull() ?? error("No last element found")
lastOrNull(): T | undefined {
const last = this.val[this.val.length - 1]
return last
transformer: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => U
): Chain<U> {
const mapped =
return new Chain(mapped)
async mapAsync<U>(
transformer: (el: T, index: number, array: ReadonlyArray<T>) => Promise<U>
): Promise<Chain<U>> {
const ret = await Promise.all(
return new Chain(ret)
mapNotNullish<O>(transformer: (el: T) => O): Chain<NonNullable<O>> {
const ret = mapNotNullish(this.val, transformer)
return new Chain(ret)
maxBy(selector: (el: T) => string): T | undefined
maxBy(selector: (el: T) => bigint): T | undefined
maxBy(selector: (el: T) => number): T | undefined
maxBy(selector: (el: T) => Date): T | undefined
maxBy(selector: (el: T) => Date | number | bigint | string): T | undefined {
// this is save because maxBy is overloaded too
return maxBy(this.val, selector as (el: T) => string)
maxOf(selector: (el: T) => bigint): bigint | undefined
maxOf(selector: (el: T) => number): number | undefined
maxOf(selector: (el: T) => string): string | undefined
maxOf(selector: (el: T) => Date): Date | undefined
maxOf<R extends bigint | number | string | Date>(
selector: (el: T) => R
): R | undefined {
if (this.val.length === 0) return undefined
let max: R = selector(this.val[0])
for (const el of this.val) {
const selected = selector(el)
if (selected > max) max = selected
return max
maxWith(comparator: (a: T, b: T) => number): T | undefined {
return maxWith(this.val, comparator)
minBy(selector: (el: T) => number): T | undefined
minBy(selector: (el: T) => string): T | undefined
minBy(selector: (el: T) => bigint): T | undefined
minBy(selector: (el: T) => Date): T | undefined
minBy(selector: (el: T) => Date | number | bigint | string): T | undefined {
// this is save because minBy is overloaded too
return minBy(this.val, selector as (el: T) => string)
minOf(selector: (el: T) => bigint): bigint | undefined
minOf(selector: (el: T) => number): number | undefined
minOf(selector: (el: T) => string): string | undefined
minOf(selector: (el: T) => Date): Date | undefined
minOf<R extends bigint | number | string | Date>(
selector: (el: T) => R
): R | undefined {
if (this.val.length === 0) return undefined
let min: R = selector(this.val[0])
for (const el of this.val) {
const selected = selector(el)
if (selected < min) min = selected
return min
minWith(comparator: (a: T, b: T) => number): T | undefined {
return minWith(this.val, comparator)
partition(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): [Chain<T>, Chain<T>] {
const [left, right] = partition(this.val, predicate)
return [new Chain(left), new Chain(right)]
permutations(): Chain<T[]> {
return new Chain(permutations(this.val))
reducer: (
accumulator: T,
current: T,
index: number,
array: ReadonlyArray<T>
) => T
): T
reducer: (
accumulator: T,
current: T,
index: number,
array: ReadonlyArray<T>
) => T,
initial: T
): T
reducer: (
accumulator: O,
current: T,
index: number,
array: ReadonlyArray<T>
) => O,
initial: O
): O
reducer: (
accumulator: O,
current: T,
index: number,
array: ReadonlyArray<T>
) => O,
initial?: O
): O {
return this.val.reduce<O>(reducer, initial as O)
reducer: (
accumulator: T,
current: T,
index: number,
array: ReadonlyArray<T>
) => T
): T
reducer: (
accumulator: T,
current: T,
index: number,
array: ReadonlyArray<T>
) => T,
initial: T
): T
reducer: (
accumulator: O,
current: T,
index: number,
array: ReadonlyArray<T>
) => O,
initial: O
): O
reducer: (
accumulator: O,
current: T,
index: number,
array: ReadonlyArray<T>
) => O,
initial?: O
): O {
return this.val.reduceRight<O>(reducer, initial as O)
reverse(): Chain<T> {
return new Chain([...this.val].reverse())
reducer: (accumulator: O, current: T) => O,
initialValue: O
): Chain<O> {
const ret = runningReduce(this.val, reducer, initialValue)
return new Chain(ret)
sample(): T | undefined {
const ret = sample(this.val)
return ret
slice(start?: number, end?: number): Chain<T> {
const ret = this.val.slice(start, end)
return new Chain(ret)
size: number,
{ step, partial }: { step: number; partial: boolean }
): Chain<T[]> {
const ret = slidingWindows(this.val, size, { step, partial })
return new Chain(ret)
sort(compareFn?: (a: T, b: T) => number): Chain<T> {
return new Chain([...this.val].sort(compareFn))
sortBy(selector: (el: T) => Date): Chain<T>
sortBy(selector: (el: T) => bigint): Chain<T>
sortBy(selector: (el: T) => string): Chain<T>
sortBy(selector: (el: T) => number): Chain<T>
sortBy(selector: (el: T) => Date | bigint | string | number): Chain<T> {
// this is safe, because sortBy is overloaded as well
const ret = sortBy(this.val, selector as (el: T) => number)
return new Chain(ret)
sumOf(selector: (el: T) => number): number {
return sumOf(this.val, selector)
takeLastWhile(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): Chain<T> {
return new Chain(takeLastWhile(this.val, predicate))
takeWhile(predicate: (el: T) => boolean): Chain<T> {
return new Chain(takeWhile(this.val, predicate))
union(...arrays: (readonly T[])[]): Chain<T> {
return new Chain(union(this.val, ...arrays))
unzip(): PairSplit<T> {
const [left, right] = unzip(this.val as unknown as ReadonlyArray<[T, T]>)
return [new Chain(left), new Chain(right)] as PairSplit<T>
withoutAll(values: readonly T[]): Chain<T> {
const ret = withoutAll(this.val, values)
return new Chain(ret)
zip<U>(withArray: readonly U[]): Chain<[T, U]> {
return new Chain(zip(this.val, withArray))
import { tableToString } from "./table"
import { sumOf } from "./collections"
import { chain } from "./collections"

@@ -43,3 +43,3 @@ type Task = {

getTotalElapsedTimeInMs(): number {
return sumOf(this.tasks, (it) => it.elapsed ?? 0)
return chain(this.tasks).sumOf((it) => it.elapsed ?? 0)

@@ -46,0 +46,0 @@

import { range } from "./range"
import { sumOf } from "./collections"
import "./collections"
import { chain } from "./collections"

@@ -48,5 +49,7 @@ function tableRow<T extends Record<string | number | symbol, unknown>>(

const columnLength = chain(columnLengths).sumOf((it) => it + 1) + 1
const border =
" " +
range(0, sumOf(columnLengths, (it) => it + 1) + 1)
range(0, columnLength)
.map((_) => "-")

@@ -53,0 +56,0 @@ .join("")

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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