Advanced tools
to surface
field ([#242])unknown
as a possible value for access
fields ([#195], [#196], [#316])amenity=parcel_locker
([#339])Thanks to all contributors: [@1ec5], [@andrewharvey], [@bagage], [@Bertware], [@bhousel], [@dieterdreist], [@fdr], [@FloEdelmann], [@jdhoek], [@jonsger], [@k-yle], [@kjonosm], [@Lukas458], [@matkoniecz], [@mbrzakovic], [@natfoot], [@nchristensen], [@Nekzuris], [@Pengor], [@peternewman], [@rene78], [@rivermont], [@TheAdventurer64], [@tordans], [@ttomasz], [@westnordost], all translators and everyone else who suggested improvements!
as an optional field to amenity=restaurant
and voltage
fields to power=substation
preset ([#187])drinking_water
as optional field to tourism=camp_site
preset ([#191])natural=spring
to be mapped as areas ([#282])man_made=survey_point
preset ([#271])man_made=adit
, man_made=mast
, man_made=tower
, man_made=lighthouse
, man_made=petroleum_well
, advertising=board
) ([#154], [#270], [#315])cuisine
field ([#252], [#296])population
a numeric field ([#260])highchair
field to restaurants and cafes ([#280])man_made=compass_rose
) ([#250])branch
field to presets with have a brand
field (such as banks) ([#249])man_made=video_wall
field to barrier presets ([#199])crossing:bell
and crossing:light
fields to railway-road crossing preset ([#194])opening_date
and check_date
fields to the building=construction
preset ([#171])amenity=ticket_validator
field to "camp site" presets ([#107])community_centre=youth_centre
([#83], [#297])parking=street_side
field to climbing gyms ([#319])layer=1
to building=roof
features by default ([#227])healthcare:speciality=gynaecology
field to plant presets ([#320])capacity
field for school and similar presets ([#136])building=parking
tag ([#277])ele
field ([#95])healthcare=sample_collection
field to milestone presets ([#110])speedway
as a value for the sports
tag of the highway=raceway
preset ([#111])name
field from area:highway
presets ([#328])area:highway=footway
([#329], [#131])information=map
and information=guidepost
features are depicting (e.g. hiking=yes
) ([#45])covered
field can be assumed to be "no" for roads and railways ([#130])amenity=charging_station
to be mapped as an area ([#330])direction
field to barrier=height_restrictor
preset ([#133])building=synagogue
preset from a "pedestrian" to a "place marker" ([#167])amenity=telephone
preset ([#208])name
field optional for rivers and stream areas ([#247])building
field from certain horse riding presets ([#273])embassy
field ([#343])layby
as a value for parking areas ([#287])emergency=assemply_point
preset ([#298])landuse=education
as an optional field to the amenity=bench
preset ([#342])landuse=salt_pond
field for cycleway and similar presets ([#346])castle_type
field ([#350])recycling:
subtags ([#349])bin
field to vending=excrement_bags
preset ([#355])usage
tag of canals ([#348])man_made=couryard
preset ([#354])wikimedia_commons
field to emergency=defibrillator
preset ([#359])flag:name
and flag:wikidata
fields to man_made=flagpole
preset ([#218])capacity=1
and traffic_sign
fields ([#212])highway=service
to all slipways ([#2])building=yes
to amenity=social_facility
features ([#159])man_made=manhole
the primary tag of the manhole preset, fixes adding an unnecessary manhole=yes
when creating such features ([#162])landuse=grass
tags to golf features like fairways, greens, etc. ([#203])gnis:feature_id
field ([#272])landuse=military
to military=barracks
anymore ([#158])cai_scale
as an optional field for hiking relation routes in Italy ([#360])direction
field to road, bike and train route relations in the US, Canada and New Zealand ([#214])expressway
field to trunk and primary road presets in the US ([#216])maxspeed:advisory
instead of maxspeed
on freeway ramps in the US ([#217])converted_by
~~ to list of discarable tags ([#116])landuse=churchyard
~~ :arrow_right: landuse=religious
~~, ~~information=hikingmap
~~, ~~information=bicyclemap
~~ :arrow_right: information=map
+ map_type=*
~~, ~~information=history
~~, ~~information=wild_life
, ~~information=wildlife
~~ :arrow_right: information=board
+ board_type=*
+ vending=parcel_pickup
~~ :arrow_right: amenity=parcel_locker
, parcel_pickup=*
~~ :arrow_right: landuse=education
values ([#188])expressway-US.json