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@opentripplanner/core-utils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.19 to 0.0.20




@@ -16,2 +16,4 @@ "use strict";

var queryParams = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./query-params"));
var storage = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./storage"));

@@ -34,2 +36,3 @@


@@ -36,0 +39,0 @@ time,

@@ -28,3 +28,2 @@ "use strict";

exports.getLegBounds = getLegBounds;
exports.routeComparator = routeComparator;
exports.legLocationAtDistance = legLocationAtDistance;

@@ -41,3 +40,3 @@ exports.legElevationAtDistance = legElevationAtDistance;

exports.getTimeZoneOffset = getTimeZoneOffset;
exports.transitModes = void 0;
exports.routeComparator = exports.transitModes = void 0;

@@ -281,22 +280,2 @@ var _polyline = _interopRequireDefault(require("@mapbox/polyline"));

function routeComparator(a, b) {
let aComp;
let bComp;
if (a.sortOrder !== null && b.sortOrder !== null) {
aComp = a.sortOrder;
bComp = b.sortOrder;
} else if (!Number.isNaN(parseInt(a.shortName, 10)) && !Number.isNaN(parseInt(b.shortName, 10))) {
aComp = parseInt(a.shortName, 10);
bComp = parseInt(b.shortName, 10);
} else {
aComp = a.shortName || a.longName;
bComp = b.shortName || b.longName;
if (aComp < bComp) return -1;
if (aComp > bComp) return 1;
return 0;
/* Returns an interpolated lat-lon at a specified distance along a leg */

@@ -311,3 +290,5 @@

const pt = (0, _along.default)(line, distance, "meters");
const pt = (0, _along.default)(line, distance, {
units: "meters"

@@ -568,2 +549,275 @@ if (pt && pt.geometry && pt.geometry.coordinates) {

return itinerary.legs[0].agencyTimeZoneOffset + (new Date().getTimezoneOffset() + dstOffset) * 60000;
* The functions below are for enhanced route sorting functions for
* the route viewer on OTP-react-redux.
* They address route ordering issues discussed in
* and
* Gets the desired sort values according to an optional getter function. If the
* getter function is not defined, the original sort values are returned.
function getSortValues(getterFn, a, b) {
let aVal;
let bVal;
if (typeof getterFn === "function") {
aVal = getterFn(a);
bVal = getterFn(b);
} else {
aVal = a;
bVal = b;
return {
} // Lookup for the sort values associated with various OTP modes.
// Note: JSDoc format not used to avoid bug in documentationjs.
const modeComparatorValue = {
TRAM: 2,
RAIL: 3,
BUS: 8
}; // Lookup that maps route types to the OTP mode sort values.
// Note: JSDoc format not used to avoid bug in documentationjs.
const routeTypeComparatorValue = {
0: modeComparatorValue.TRAM,
// - Tram, Streetcar, Light rail.
1: modeComparatorValue.SUBWAY,
// - Subway, Metro.
2: modeComparatorValue.RAIL,
// - Rail. Used for intercity or long-distance travel.
3: modeComparatorValue.BUS,
// - Bus.
4: modeComparatorValue.FERRY,
// - Ferry.
5: modeComparatorValue.CABLE_CAR,
// - Cable tram.
6: modeComparatorValue.GONDOLA,
// - Gondola, etc.
7: modeComparatorValue.FUNICULAR,
// - Funicular.
// TODO: 11 and 12 are not a part of OTP as of 2019-02-14, but for now just
// associate them with bus/rail.
11: modeComparatorValue.BUS,
// - Trolleybus.
12: modeComparatorValue.RAIL // - Monorail.
}; // Gets a comparator value for a given route's type (OTP mode).
// Note: JSDoc format not used to avoid bug in documentationjs.
// ttps://
function getRouteTypeComparatorValue(route) {
// For some strange reason, the short route response in OTP returns the
// string-based modes, but the long route response returns the
// integer route type. This attempts to account for both of those cases.
if (!route) throw new Error("Route is undefined.", route);
if (typeof modeComparatorValue[route.mode] !== "undefined") {
return modeComparatorValue[route.mode];
if (typeof routeTypeComparatorValue[route.type] !== "undefined") {
return routeTypeComparatorValue[route.type];
} // Default the comparator value to a large number (placing the route at the
// end of the list).
console.warn("no mode/route type found for route", route);
return 9999;
* Calculates the sort comparator value given two routes based off of route type
* (OTP mode).
function routeTypeComparator(a, b) {
return getRouteTypeComparatorValue(a) - getRouteTypeComparatorValue(b);
* Determines whether a value is a string that starts with an alphabetic
* ascii character.
function startsWithAlphabeticCharacter(val) {
if (typeof val === "string" && val.length > 0) {
const firstCharCode = val.charCodeAt(0);
return firstCharCode >= 65 && firstCharCode <= 90 || firstCharCode >= 97 && firstCharCode <= 122;
return false;
* Sorts routes based off of whether the shortName begins with an alphabetic
* character. Routes with shortn that do start with an alphabetic character will
* be prioritized over those that don't.
function alphabeticShortNameComparator(a, b) {
const aStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter = startsWithAlphabeticCharacter(a.shortName);
const bStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter = startsWithAlphabeticCharacter(b.shortName);
if (aStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter && bStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter) {
// both start with an alphabetic character, return equivalence
return 0;
} // a does start with an alphabetic character, but b does not. Prioritize a
if (aStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter) return -1; // b does start with an alphabetic character, but a does not. Prioritize b
if (bStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter) return 1; // neither route has a shortName that starts with an alphabetic character.
// Return equivalence
return 0;
* Checks whether an appropriate comparison of numeric values can be made for
* sorting purposes. If both values are not valid numbers according to the
* isNaN check, then this function returns undefined which indicates that a
* secondary sorting criteria should be used instead. If one value is valid and
* the other is not, then the valid value will be given sorting priority. If
* both values are valid numbers, the difference is obtained as the sort value.
* An optional argument can be provided which will be used to obtain the
* comparison value from the comparison function arguments.
* IMPORTANT: the comparison values must be numeric values or at least be
* attempted to be converted to numeric values! If one of the arguments is
* something crazy like an empty string, unexpected behavior will occur because
* JavaScript.
* @param {function} [objGetterFn] An optional function to obtain the
* comparison value from the comparator function arguments
function makeNumericValueComparator(objGetterFn) {
/* Note: Using the global version of isNaN (the Number version behaves differently. */
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */
return (a, b) => {
const {
} = getSortValues(objGetterFn, a, b); // if both values aren't valid numbers, use the next sort criteria
if (isNaN(aVal) && isNaN(bVal)) return 0; // b is a valid number, b gets priority
if (isNaN(aVal)) return 1; // a is a valid number, a gets priority
if (isNaN(bVal)) return -1; // a and b are valid numbers, return the sort value
return aVal - bVal;
* Create a comparator function that compares string values. The comparison
* values feed to the sort comparator function are assumed to be objects that
* will have either undefined, null or string values at the given key. If one
* object has undefined, null or an empty string, but the other does have a
* string with length > 0, then that string will get priority.
* @param {function} [objGetterFn] An optional function to obtain the
* comparison value from the comparator function arguments
function makeStringValueComparator(objGetterFn) {
return (a, b) => {
const {
} = getSortValues(objGetterFn, a, b); // both a and b are uncomparable strings, return equivalent value
if (!aVal && !bVal) return 0; // a is not a comparable string, b gets priority
if (!aVal) return 1; // b is not a comparable string, a gets priority
if (!bVal) return -1; // a and b are comparable strings, return the sort value
if (aVal < bVal) return -1;
if (aVal > bVal) return 1;
return 0;
* OpenTripPlanner sets the routeSortOrder to -999 by default. So, if that value
* is encountered, assume that it actually means that the routeSortOrder is not
* set in the GTFS.
* See
* Also see
function getRouteSortOrderValue(val) {
return val === -999 ? undefined : val;
* Create a multi-criteria sort comparator function composed of other sort
* comparator functions. Each comparator function will be ran in the order given
* until a non-zero comparison value is obtained which is then immediately
* returned. If all comparison functions return equivalance, then the values
* are assumed to be equivalent.
function makeMultiCriteriaSort(...criteria) {
return (a, b) => {
for (let i = 0; i < criteria.length; i++) {
const curCriteriaComparatorValue = criteria[i](a, b); // if the comparison objects are not equivalent, return the value obtained
// in this current criteria comparison
if (curCriteriaComparatorValue !== 0) {
return curCriteriaComparatorValue;
return 0;
* Compares routes for the purposes of sorting and displaying in a user
* interface. Due to GTFS feeds having varying levels of data quality, a multi-
* criteria sort is needed to account for various differences. The criteria
* included here are each applied to the routes in the order listed. If a given
* sort criterion yields equivalence (e.g., two routes have the short name
* "20"), the comparator falls back onto the next sort criterion (e.g., long
* name). If desired, the criteria of sorting based off of integer shortName can
* be disabled. The sort operates on the following values (in order):
* 1. sortOrder. Routes that do not have a valid sortOrder will be placed
* beneath those that do.
* 2. route type (OTP mode). See routeTypeComparator code for prioritization of
* route types.
* 3. shortNames that begin with alphabetic characters. shortNames that do not
* start with alphabetic characters will be place beneath those that do.
* 4. shortName as integer. shortNames that cannot be parsed as integers will
* be placed beneath those that are valid.
* 5. shortName as string. Routes without shortNames will be placed beneath
* those with shortNames.
* 6. longName as string.
const routeComparator = makeMultiCriteriaSort(makeNumericValueComparator(obj => getRouteSortOrderValue(obj.sortOrder)), routeTypeComparator, alphabeticShortNameComparator, makeNumericValueComparator(obj => parseInt(obj.shortName, 10)), makeStringValueComparator(obj => obj.shortName), makeStringValueComparator(obj => obj.longName));
exports.routeComparator = routeComparator;



@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ "use strict";

const fareType = _propTypes.default.shape({
details: _propTypes.default.objectOf(_propTypes.default.shape({
fareId: feedScopedIdType.isRequired,
details: _propTypes.default.objectOf(_propTypes.default.arrayOf(_propTypes.default.shape({
fareId: _propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, feedScopedIdType]).isRequired,
price: moneyType.isRequired,
routes: _propTypes.default.arrayOf(feedScopedIdType).isRequired
routes: _propTypes.default.arrayOf(_propTypes.default.oneOfType([_propTypes.default.string, feedScopedIdType])).isRequired
fare: _propTypes.default.objectOf(moneyType)

@@ -546,4 +546,4 @@ });

const queryType = _propTypes.default.shape({
from: _propTypes.default.string,
to: _propTypes.default.string,
from: locationType,
to: locationType,
date: _propTypes.default.string,

@@ -550,0 +550,0 @@ time: _propTypes.default.string,

"name": "@opentripplanner/core-utils",
"version": "0.0.19",
"version": "0.0.20",
"description": "Core functionality that is shared among numerous UI components",

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

"gitHead": "b31b6cc7bce62577a9353610a7a09a317dc1f800"
"gitHead": "d3c1a989083b925d9a08eb053c750a57013524ac"

@@ -5,2 +5,3 @@ import * as itinerary from "./itinerary";

import * as query from "./query";
import * as queryParams from "./query-params";
import * as storage from "./storage";

@@ -16,2 +17,3 @@ import * as time from "./time";


@@ -18,0 +20,0 @@ time,

@@ -231,23 +231,2 @@ import polyline from "@mapbox/polyline";

export function routeComparator(a, b) {
let aComp;
let bComp;
if (a.sortOrder !== null && b.sortOrder !== null) {
aComp = a.sortOrder;
bComp = b.sortOrder;
} else if (
!Number.isNaN(parseInt(a.shortName, 10)) &&
!Number.isNaN(parseInt(b.shortName, 10))
) {
aComp = parseInt(a.shortName, 10);
bComp = parseInt(b.shortName, 10);
} else {
aComp = a.shortName || a.longName;
bComp = b.shortName || b.longName;
if (aComp < bComp) return -1;
if (aComp > bComp) return 1;
return 0;
/* Returns an interpolated lat-lon at a specified distance along a leg */

@@ -260,3 +239,3 @@

const line = polyline.toGeoJSON(leg.legGeometry.points);
const pt = turfAlong(line, distance, "meters");
const pt = turfAlong(line, distance, { units: "meters" });
if (pt && pt.geometry && pt.geometry.coordinates) {

@@ -511,1 +490,252 @@ return [pt.geometry.coordinates[1], pt.geometry.coordinates[0]];

* The functions below are for enhanced route sorting functions for
* the route viewer on OTP-react-redux.
* They address route ordering issues discussed in
* and
* Gets the desired sort values according to an optional getter function. If the
* getter function is not defined, the original sort values are returned.
function getSortValues(getterFn, a, b) {
let aVal;
let bVal;
if (typeof getterFn === "function") {
aVal = getterFn(a);
bVal = getterFn(b);
} else {
aVal = a;
bVal = b;
return { aVal, bVal };
// Lookup for the sort values associated with various OTP modes.
// Note: JSDoc format not used to avoid bug in documentationjs.
const modeComparatorValue = {
TRAM: 2,
RAIL: 3,
BUS: 8
// Lookup that maps route types to the OTP mode sort values.
// Note: JSDoc format not used to avoid bug in documentationjs.
const routeTypeComparatorValue = {
0: modeComparatorValue.TRAM, // - Tram, Streetcar, Light rail.
1: modeComparatorValue.SUBWAY, // - Subway, Metro.
2: modeComparatorValue.RAIL, // - Rail. Used for intercity or long-distance travel.
3: modeComparatorValue.BUS, // - Bus.
4: modeComparatorValue.FERRY, // - Ferry.
5: modeComparatorValue.CABLE_CAR, // - Cable tram.
6: modeComparatorValue.GONDOLA, // - Gondola, etc.
7: modeComparatorValue.FUNICULAR, // - Funicular.
// TODO: 11 and 12 are not a part of OTP as of 2019-02-14, but for now just
// associate them with bus/rail.
11: modeComparatorValue.BUS, // - Trolleybus.
12: modeComparatorValue.RAIL // - Monorail.
// Gets a comparator value for a given route's type (OTP mode).
// Note: JSDoc format not used to avoid bug in documentationjs.
// ttps://
function getRouteTypeComparatorValue(route) {
// For some strange reason, the short route response in OTP returns the
// string-based modes, but the long route response returns the
// integer route type. This attempts to account for both of those cases.
if (!route) throw new Error("Route is undefined.", route);
if (typeof modeComparatorValue[route.mode] !== "undefined") {
return modeComparatorValue[route.mode];
if (typeof routeTypeComparatorValue[route.type] !== "undefined") {
return routeTypeComparatorValue[route.type];
// Default the comparator value to a large number (placing the route at the
// end of the list).
console.warn("no mode/route type found for route", route);
return 9999;
* Calculates the sort comparator value given two routes based off of route type
* (OTP mode).
function routeTypeComparator(a, b) {
return getRouteTypeComparatorValue(a) - getRouteTypeComparatorValue(b);
* Determines whether a value is a string that starts with an alphabetic
* ascii character.
function startsWithAlphabeticCharacter(val) {
if (typeof val === "string" && val.length > 0) {
const firstCharCode = val.charCodeAt(0);
return (
(firstCharCode >= 65 && firstCharCode <= 90) ||
(firstCharCode >= 97 && firstCharCode <= 122)
return false;
* Sorts routes based off of whether the shortName begins with an alphabetic
* character. Routes with shortn that do start with an alphabetic character will
* be prioritized over those that don't.
function alphabeticShortNameComparator(a, b) {
const aStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter = startsWithAlphabeticCharacter(
const bStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter = startsWithAlphabeticCharacter(
if (aStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter && bStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter) {
// both start with an alphabetic character, return equivalence
return 0;
// a does start with an alphabetic character, but b does not. Prioritize a
if (aStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter) return -1;
// b does start with an alphabetic character, but a does not. Prioritize b
if (bStartsWithAlphabeticCharacter) return 1;
// neither route has a shortName that starts with an alphabetic character.
// Return equivalence
return 0;
* Checks whether an appropriate comparison of numeric values can be made for
* sorting purposes. If both values are not valid numbers according to the
* isNaN check, then this function returns undefined which indicates that a
* secondary sorting criteria should be used instead. If one value is valid and
* the other is not, then the valid value will be given sorting priority. If
* both values are valid numbers, the difference is obtained as the sort value.
* An optional argument can be provided which will be used to obtain the
* comparison value from the comparison function arguments.
* IMPORTANT: the comparison values must be numeric values or at least be
* attempted to be converted to numeric values! If one of the arguments is
* something crazy like an empty string, unexpected behavior will occur because
* JavaScript.
* @param {function} [objGetterFn] An optional function to obtain the
* comparison value from the comparator function arguments
function makeNumericValueComparator(objGetterFn) {
/* Note: Using the global version of isNaN (the Number version behaves differently. */
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-globals */
return (a, b) => {
const { aVal, bVal } = getSortValues(objGetterFn, a, b);
// if both values aren't valid numbers, use the next sort criteria
if (isNaN(aVal) && isNaN(bVal)) return 0;
// b is a valid number, b gets priority
if (isNaN(aVal)) return 1;
// a is a valid number, a gets priority
if (isNaN(bVal)) return -1;
// a and b are valid numbers, return the sort value
return aVal - bVal;
* Create a comparator function that compares string values. The comparison
* values feed to the sort comparator function are assumed to be objects that
* will have either undefined, null or string values at the given key. If one
* object has undefined, null or an empty string, but the other does have a
* string with length > 0, then that string will get priority.
* @param {function} [objGetterFn] An optional function to obtain the
* comparison value from the comparator function arguments
function makeStringValueComparator(objGetterFn) {
return (a, b) => {
const { aVal, bVal } = getSortValues(objGetterFn, a, b);
// both a and b are uncomparable strings, return equivalent value
if (!aVal && !bVal) return 0;
// a is not a comparable string, b gets priority
if (!aVal) return 1;
// b is not a comparable string, a gets priority
if (!bVal) return -1;
// a and b are comparable strings, return the sort value
if (aVal < bVal) return -1;
if (aVal > bVal) return 1;
return 0;
* OpenTripPlanner sets the routeSortOrder to -999 by default. So, if that value
* is encountered, assume that it actually means that the routeSortOrder is not
* set in the GTFS.
* See
* Also see
function getRouteSortOrderValue(val) {
return val === -999 ? undefined : val;
* Create a multi-criteria sort comparator function composed of other sort
* comparator functions. Each comparator function will be ran in the order given
* until a non-zero comparison value is obtained which is then immediately
* returned. If all comparison functions return equivalance, then the values
* are assumed to be equivalent.
function makeMultiCriteriaSort(...criteria) {
return (a, b) => {
for (let i = 0; i < criteria.length; i++) {
const curCriteriaComparatorValue = criteria[i](a, b);
// if the comparison objects are not equivalent, return the value obtained
// in this current criteria comparison
if (curCriteriaComparatorValue !== 0) {
return curCriteriaComparatorValue;
return 0;
* Compares routes for the purposes of sorting and displaying in a user
* interface. Due to GTFS feeds having varying levels of data quality, a multi-
* criteria sort is needed to account for various differences. The criteria
* included here are each applied to the routes in the order listed. If a given
* sort criterion yields equivalence (e.g., two routes have the short name
* "20"), the comparator falls back onto the next sort criterion (e.g., long
* name). If desired, the criteria of sorting based off of integer shortName can
* be disabled. The sort operates on the following values (in order):
* 1. sortOrder. Routes that do not have a valid sortOrder will be placed
* beneath those that do.
* 2. route type (OTP mode). See routeTypeComparator code for prioritization of
* route types.
* 3. shortNames that begin with alphabetic characters. shortNames that do not
* start with alphabetic characters will be place beneath those that do.
* 4. shortName as integer. shortNames that cannot be parsed as integers will
* be placed beneath those that are valid.
* 5. shortName as string. Routes without shortNames will be placed beneath
* those with shortNames.
* 6. longName as string.
export const routeComparator = makeMultiCriteriaSort(
makeNumericValueComparator(obj => getRouteSortOrderValue(obj.sortOrder)),
makeNumericValueComparator(obj => parseInt(obj.shortName, 10)),
makeStringValueComparator(obj => obj.shortName),
makeStringValueComparator(obj => obj.longName)

@@ -269,7 +269,12 @@ import PropTypes from "prop-types";

details: PropTypes.objectOf(
fareId: feedScopedIdType.isRequired,
price: moneyType.isRequired,
routes: PropTypes.arrayOf(feedScopedIdType).isRequired
fareId: PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, feedScopedIdType])
price: moneyType.isRequired,
routes: PropTypes.arrayOf(
PropTypes.oneOfType([PropTypes.string, feedScopedIdType])

@@ -502,4 +507,4 @@ fare: PropTypes.objectOf(moneyType)

export const queryType = PropTypes.shape({
from: PropTypes.string,
to: PropTypes.string,
from: locationType,
to: locationType,
date: PropTypes.string,

@@ -506,0 +511,0 @@ time: PropTypes.string,

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