Operational Visualizations
Set of visualisations primitives for building visualisations.
⚠️ This is highly experimental package and doesn't follow semantic versioning yet.
yarn add @operational/visualizations
import * as React from "react";
import { DataFrame } from "@operational/frame";
import { Axis, Bars, Chart, useScaleBand, useScaleLinear } from "@operational/visualizations";
const frame = new DataFrame();
interface BarChartProps<Name extends string> {
width: number;
height: number;
margin: number | [number, number] | [number, number, number, number];
data: BarsProps["data"];
x: Name;
y: Name;
const BarChart = <Name extends string>({ width, height, margin, data, x, y }: BarChartProps<Name>) => {
const xScale = useScaleBand({
frame: data,
column: x,
range: [height, 0],
const yScale = useScaleLinear({
frame: data,
column: y,
range: [0, width],
return (
<Chart width={width} height={height} margin={margin} style={{ background: "#fff" }}>
<Bars data={data} y={x} x={y} xScale={xScale} yScale={yScale} style={{ fill: "#1f78b4" }} />
<Axis scale={yScale} position="left" />
<Axis scale={xScale} position="bottom" />
const App = () => <BarChart y="sales" x="Customer.City" width={300} height={300} margin={[20, 60]} data={frame} />;