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the plugin is designed to simplify the process of generating schema markup for various types of content. This plugin is particularly useful for enhancing the structured data of your content, making it more accessible and understandable for search engines.

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This is a Sanity Studio v3 plugin.

What it is

The @operationnation/sanity-plugin-schema-markup is a Sanity Studio plugin designed to simplify the process of generating Schema Markup, also known as structured data, for various types of content. This plugin is particularly useful for enhancing the structured data of your content, making it more accessible and understandable for search engines. You can read more about Schema Markup on the official website.

Key Features

  • Schema Markup Generation: The plugin allows you to easily generate schema markup for different types such as articles, recipes, reviews, and more.

  • Sanity Studio Integration: Seamlessly integrate schema markup generation into your Sanity Studio workflow, making it a part of your content creation process.

  • Dynamic Schema Markup: The plugin supports the dynamic creation of schema markup, enabling you to tailor the structured data based on your specific content and requirements.

  • React Component: Use the <SchemaScript /> component in the FE to inject a JSON-LD script into the <head> of the document.


To get started, install the plugin using npm:

npm install @operationnation/sanity-plugin-schema-markup

Usage in Sanity Studio

Add it as a plugin in sanity.config.ts (or .js):

import { defineConfig } from 'sanity';
import { schemaMarkup } from '@operationnation/sanity-plugin-schema-markup';

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [schemaMarkup()]

You can then add the schemaMarkup field to any Sanity Document you want it to be in.

const myDocument = {
  type: 'document',
  name: 'myDocument',
  fields: [
      title: 'Schema Markup',
      name: 'schemaMarkup',
      type: 'schemaMarkup'

Usage on the front-end with React

Create a shared SchemaMarkup component that can be used in any page in your React app.

import { SchemaScript } from '@operationnation/sanity-plugin-schema-markup';
import { Schema } from '../types/Types';

type Props = {
  schema: Schema[];

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID;
const dataset = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET;

const SchemaMarkup = ({ schema }: Props) => {
  return (
	  <SchemaScript schema={schema} projectId={projectId as string} dataset={dataset as string} />

export default SchemaMarkup;

Create schema markup script dynamically

To create the schema markup script you need to follow the schema type patterns: Click here to see all schema patterns

import { createImgUrl } from '@operationnation/sanity-plugin-schema-markup';

const projectId = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_PROJECT_ID;
const dataset = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_SANITY_DATASET;
const SchemaMarkup = ({ data, setting })=> {
	const { getImgUrl } = createImgUrl( projectId, dataset );
	const  articleSchemaType = {
		type: 'Article',
		headline: data.title,
		description: data.excerpt,
		datePublished: data.publishedAt,
		dateModified: data.modifiedAt,
		author: {
			type: 'Person',
			url: setting.domain
		publisher: {
			type: 'Organization',
			name: setting.companyName,
			logo: setting.logo

	return (
	  <SchemaScript schema={[articleSchemaType]} projectId={projectId as string} dataset={dataset as string}  />

All schema type patterns


Article Schema Markup Type

const article = {
  type: 'string',
  id: 'string',
  publisher: {
    name: 'string',
    logo: 'string',
    type: 'string',
    id: 'string'
  headline: 'string',
  datePublished: 'string',
  image: ['string', 'string'],
  author: {
    name: 'string',
    url: 'string',
    type: 'string',
    id: 'string'
  description: 'string',
  dateModified: 'string'

BreadcrumbList Schema Markup Type

const breadcrumb = {
  type: 'BreadcrumbList',
  id: 'string',
  itemListElement: [
      type: 'ListItem',
      id: 'string',
      position: 1,
      name: 'string',
      item: 'url'
      type: 'ListItem',
      id: 'string',
      position: 2,
      name: 'string',
      item: 'url'

FAQPage Schema Markup Type

const faqPage = {
  type: 'FAQPage',
  id: 'string',
  mainEntity: [
      type: 'Question',
      name: 'string',
      acceptedAnswer: {
        type: 'Answer',
        text: 'string'
      type: 'Question',
      name: 'string',
      acceptedAnswer: {
        type: 'Answer',
        text: 'string'

HowTo Schema Markup Type

const howTo = {
  type: 'HowTo',
  id: 'string',
  name: 'string',
  description: 'string',
  image: 'url',
  totalTime: 'string',
  estimatedCost: {
    type: 'MonetaryAmount',
    currency: 'string',
    value: 'string'
  supply: [
      type: 'HowToSupply',
      name: 'string'
  tool: [
      type: 'HowToTool',
      name: 'string'
  step: [
      type: 'HowToStep',
      text: 'string',
      image: 'url',
      name: 'string',
      url: 'url'

ImageObject Schema Markup Type

const imageObject = {
  type: 'ImageObject',
  id: 'string',
  author: 'string',
  contentLocation: 'string',
  contentUrl: 'url',
  datePublished: 'date',
  description: 'string',
  name: 'string',
  caption: 'string'

LocalBusiness Schema Markup Type

const localBusiness = {
  type: 'string',
  id: 'string',
  name: 'string',
  logo: 'string',
  image: 'string',
  url: 'string',
  telephone: 'string',
  priceRange: 'string',
  address: {
    type: 'PostalAddress',
    streetAddress: 'string',
    addressLocality: 'string',
    addressRegion: 'string',
    postalCode: 'string',
    addressCountry: 'string'
  geo: {
    type: 'GeoCoordinates',
    latitude: 0.0,
    longitude: 0.0
  hasMap: 'string',
  openingHoursSpecification: [
      type: 'OpeningHoursSpecification',
      dayOfWeek: ['string', 'string'],
      opens: 'string',
      closes: 'string'
  sameAs: ['string', 'string']

Organization Schema Markup Type

const organization = {
  type: 'string',
  id: 'string',
  name: 'string',
  alternateName: 'string',
  url: 'string',
  logo: 'string',
  contactPoint: [
      type: 'string',
      id: 'string',
      telephone: 'string',
      contactType: 'string',
      contactOption: ['string', 'string'],
      areaServed: ['string', 'string'],
      availableLanguage: ['string', 'string']
  sameAs: ['string', 'string']

Person Schema Markup Type

const person = {
  type: 'string',
  id: 'string',
  name: 'string',
  url: 'string',
  image: 'string',
  jobTitle: 'string',
  description: 'string',
  email: 'string',
  telephone: 'string',
  birthDate: 'string',
  gender: 'string',
  spouse: 'string',
  parent: 'string',
  worksFor: {
    type: 'Organization',
    name: 'string'
  address: {
    type: 'PostalAddress',
    streetAddress: 'string',
    addressLocality: 'string',
    addressRegion: 'string',
    postalCode: 'string',
    addressCountry: 'string'
  sameAs: ['string', 'string']

Product Schema Markup Type

const product = {
  type: 'Product',
  id: 'string',
  name: 'string',
  image: 'string',
  description: 'string',
  brand: {
    type: 'Brand',
    name: 'string'
  sku: 'string',
  gtin8: 'string',
  gtin13: 'string',
  gtin14: 'string',
  mpn: 'string',
  offers: {
    type: 'Offer',
    url: 'string',
    priceCurrency: 'string',
    price: 'string',
    priceValidUntil: 'date',
    availability: 'url',
    itemCondition: 'url'
  aggregateRating: {
    type: 'AggregateRating',
    ratingValue: 'string',
    bestRating: 'string',
    worstRating: 'string',
    ratingCount: 'string',
    reviewCount: 'string'
  review: [
      type: 'Review',
      name: 'string',
      reviewBody: 'string',
      reviewRating: {
        type: 'Rating',
        ratingValue: 'string',
        bestRating: 'string',
        worstRating: 'string'
      datePublished: 'date',
      author: { type: 'Person', name: 'string' },
      publisher: { type: 'Organization', name: 'string' }

Recipe Schema Markup Type

const recipe = {
  type: 'Recipe',
  id: 'string',
  name: 'string',
  image: ['url', 'url'],
  description: 'string',
  keywords: 'string',
  author: {
    type: 'Person',
    name: 'string'
  datePublished: '2023-11-08',
  prepTime: 'string',
  cookTime: 'string',
  totalTime: 'string',
  recipeCategory: 'string',
  recipeCuisine: 'string',
  recipeYield: 'string',
  nutrition: {
    type: 'NutritionInformation',
    servingSize: 'string',
    calories: 'string',
    fatContent: 'string'
  recipeIngredient: ['string', 'string'],
  recipeInstructions: [
      type: 'HowToStep',
      name: 'string',
      text: 'string',
      url: 'url',
      image: 'url'
  aggregateRating: {
    type: 'AggregateRating',
    ratingValue: 'string',
    bestRating: 'string',
    worstRating: 'string',
    ratingCount: 'string',
    reviewCount: 'string'
  review: [
      type: 'Review',
      name: 'string',
      reviewBody: 'string',
      reviewRating: {
        type: 'Rating',
        ratingValue: 'string',
        bestRating: 'string',
        worstRating: 'string'
      datePublished: 'date',
      author: { type: 'Person', name: 'string' },
      publisher: { type: 'Organization', name: 'string' }
  video: {
    type: 'VideoObject',
    name: 'string',
    description: 'string',
    thumbnailUrl: ['url', 'url'],
    uploadDate: 'date',
    contentUrl: 'url',
    embedUrl: 'url'

Review Schema Markup Type

const review = {
  type: 'Review',
  id: 'string',
  author: {
    type: 'string',
    name: 'string'
  itemReviewed: {
    type: 'string',
    name: 'string'
  reviewRating: {
    type: 'Rating',
    ratingValue: '5'
  name: 'string',
  reviewBody: 'string',
  publisher: {
    type: 'Organization',
    name: 'string'

Service Schema Markup Type

const service = {
  type: 'Service',
  id: 'string',
  serviceType: 'string',
  provider: {
    type: 'string',
    name: 'string'
  areaServed: {
    type: 'State',
    name: 'string'
  hasOfferCatalog: {
    type: 'OfferCatalog',
    name: 'string',
    itemListElement: [
        type: 'OfferCatalog',
        name: 'string',
        itemListElement: [
            type: 'Offer',
            itemOffered: {
              type: 'Service',
              name: 'string'
            type: 'Offer',
            itemOffered: {
              type: 'Service',
              name: 'string'

SocialMediaPosting Schema Markup Type

const socialMediaPosting = {
  type: 'string',
  id: 'string',
  potentialAction: 'string',
  url: 'string',
  publisher: { name: 'string', logo: 'string', type: 'string', id: 'string' },
  headline: 'string',
  datePublished: 'string',
  image: 'string',
  author: {
    name: 'string',
    url: 'string',
    type: 'string',
    id: 'string'
  description: 'string',
  dateModified: 'string',
  sharedContent: [
      type: 'string',
      headline: 'string',
      url: 'string',
      author: {
        type: 'string',
        name: 'string'

VideoObject Schema Markup Type

const videoObject = {
  type: 'VideoObject',
  id: 'string',
  name: 'string',
  description: 'string',
  thumbnailUrl: ['url', 'url'],
  uploadDate: 'date',
  duration: 'string',
  contentUrl: 'url',
  embedUrl: 'url',
  potentialAction: {
    type: 'SeekToAction',
    target: 'string={seek_to_second_number}',
    'startOffset-input': 'required name=seek_to_second_number'
  publisher: {
    type: 'string',
    name: 'string',
    logo: 'url'

WebPage Schema Markup Type

const webPage = {
  type: 'string',
  id: 'string',
  name: 'string',
  description: 'string',
  image: 'string',
  breadcrumb: 'string',
  publisher: {
    type: 'string',
    name: 'string'
  license: 'url'

WebSite Schema Markup Type

const website = {
  type: 'WebSite',
  id: 'string',
  name: 'string',
  url: 'string',
  potentialAction: {
    type: 'SearchAction',
    target: '{search_term_string}',
    'query-input': 'required name=search_term_string'


We have taken the liberty of adding the most commonly used Schema Markup types from the spec. If there are some missing you wish to be added, feel free to create a PR. Contributions are welcome.


Copyright ©2023 Operation Nation LLC. See LICENSE.

Develop & test

This plugin uses @sanity/plugin-kit

with default configuration for build & watch scripts.

See Testing a plugin in Sanity Studio

on how to run this plugin with hotreload in the studio.



Package last updated on 06 Dec 2023

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