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@orca-so/whirlpools-sdk - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.7 to 0.2.0



@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ import { TransactionBuilder } from "@orca-so/common-sdk";

increaseLiquidity(liquidityInput: IncreaseLiquidityInput, sourceWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address): Promise<TransactionBuilder>;
decreaseLiquidity(liquidityInput: DecreaseLiquidityInput, sourceWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address): Promise<TransactionBuilder>;
decreaseLiquidity(liquidityInput: DecreaseLiquidityInput, sourceWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address, resolveATA?: boolean, ataPayer?: Address): Promise<TransactionBuilder>;
private refresh;

@@ -11,2 +11,13 @@ "use strict";

var __rest = (this && this.__rest) || function (s, e) {
var t = {};
for (var p in s) if (, p) && e.indexOf(p) < 0)
t[p] = s[p];
if (s != null && typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === "function")
for (var i = 0, p = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(s); i < p.length; i++) {
if (e.indexOf(p[i]) < 0 &&, p[i]))
t[p[i]] = s[p[i]];
return t;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

@@ -48,6 +59,14 @@ exports.PositionImpl = void 0;

return (0, public_1.toTx)(this.ctx, (0, instructions_1.increaseLiquidityIx)(this.ctx.program, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, liquidityInput), { whirlpool:, position: this.address, positionTokenAccount: yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(positionWalletKey,, tokenOwnerAccountA: yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(sourceWalletKey, whirlpool.tokenMintA), tokenOwnerAccountB: yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(sourceWalletKey, whirlpool.tokenMintB), tokenVaultA: whirlpool.tokenVaultA, tokenVaultB: whirlpool.tokenVaultB, tickArrayLower: public_1.PDAUtil.getTickArray(this.ctx.program.programId,, public_1.TickUtil.getStartTickIndex(, whirlpool.tickSpacing)).publicKey, tickArrayUpper: public_1.PDAUtil.getTickArray(this.ctx.program.programId,, public_1.TickUtil.getStartTickIndex(, whirlpool.tickSpacing)).publicKey, positionAuthority: positionWalletKey })));
const txBuilder = new common_sdk_1.TransactionBuilder(this.ctx.provider);
const tokenOwnerAccountA = yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(sourceWalletKey, whirlpool.tokenMintA);
const tokenOwnerAccountB = yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(sourceWalletKey, whirlpool.tokenMintB);
const positionTokenAccount = yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(positionWalletKey,;
const increaseIx = (0, instructions_1.increaseLiquidityIx)(this.ctx.program, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, liquidityInput), { whirlpool:, position: this.address, positionTokenAccount,
tokenOwnerAccountB, tokenVaultA: whirlpool.tokenVaultA, tokenVaultB: whirlpool.tokenVaultB, tickArrayLower: public_1.PDAUtil.getTickArray(this.ctx.program.programId,, public_1.TickUtil.getStartTickIndex(, whirlpool.tickSpacing)).publicKey, tickArrayUpper: public_1.PDAUtil.getTickArray(this.ctx.program.programId,, public_1.TickUtil.getStartTickIndex(, whirlpool.tickSpacing)).publicKey, positionAuthority: positionWalletKey }));
return txBuilder;
decreaseLiquidity(liquidityInput, sourceWallet, positionWallet) {
decreaseLiquidity(liquidityInput, sourceWallet, positionWallet, resolveATA, ataPayer) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {

@@ -60,2 +79,3 @@ const sourceWalletKey = sourceWallet

: this.ctx.wallet.publicKey;
const ataPayerKey = ataPayer ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(ataPayer) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey;
const whirlpool = yield this.fetcher.getPool(, true);

@@ -65,3 +85,22 @@ if (!whirlpool) {

return (0, public_1.toTx)(this.ctx, (0, instructions_1.decreaseLiquidityIx)(this.ctx.program, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, liquidityInput), { whirlpool:, position: this.address, positionTokenAccount: yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(positionWalletKey,, tokenOwnerAccountA: yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(sourceWalletKey, whirlpool.tokenMintA), tokenOwnerAccountB: yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(sourceWalletKey, whirlpool.tokenMintB), tokenVaultA: whirlpool.tokenVaultA, tokenVaultB: whirlpool.tokenVaultB, tickArrayLower: public_1.PDAUtil.getTickArray(this.ctx.program.programId,, public_1.TickUtil.getStartTickIndex(, whirlpool.tickSpacing)).publicKey, tickArrayUpper: public_1.PDAUtil.getTickArray(this.ctx.program.programId,, public_1.TickUtil.getStartTickIndex(, whirlpool.tickSpacing)).publicKey, positionAuthority: positionWalletKey })));
const txBuilder = new common_sdk_1.TransactionBuilder(this.ctx.provider);
let tokenOwnerAccountA;
let tokenOwnerAccountB;
if (resolveATA) {
const [ataA, ataB] = yield (0, common_sdk_1.resolveOrCreateATAs)(this.ctx.connection, sourceWalletKey, [{ tokenMint: whirlpool.tokenMintA }, { tokenMint: whirlpool.tokenMintB }], () => this.fetcher.getAccountRentExempt(), ataPayerKey);
const _a = ataA, { address: ataAddrA } = _a, tokenOwnerAccountAIx = __rest(_a, ["address"]);
const _b = ataB, { address: ataAddrB } = _b, tokenOwnerAccountBIx = __rest(_b, ["address"]);
tokenOwnerAccountA = ataAddrA;
tokenOwnerAccountB = ataAddrB;
else {
tokenOwnerAccountA = yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(sourceWalletKey, whirlpool.tokenMintA);
tokenOwnerAccountB = yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(sourceWalletKey, whirlpool.tokenMintB);
const decreaseIx = (0, instructions_1.decreaseLiquidityIx)(this.ctx.program, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, liquidityInput), { whirlpool:, position: this.address, positionTokenAccount: yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(positionWalletKey,, tokenOwnerAccountA,
tokenOwnerAccountB, tokenVaultA: whirlpool.tokenVaultA, tokenVaultB: whirlpool.tokenVaultB, tickArrayLower: public_1.PDAUtil.getTickArray(this.ctx.program.programId,, public_1.TickUtil.getStartTickIndex(, whirlpool.tickSpacing)).publicKey, tickArrayUpper: public_1.PDAUtil.getTickArray(this.ctx.program.programId,, public_1.TickUtil.getStartTickIndex(, whirlpool.tickSpacing)).publicKey, positionAuthority: positionWalletKey }));
return txBuilder;

@@ -68,0 +107,0 @@ }

@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@ import { Percentage, TransactionBuilder } from "@orca-so/common-sdk";

refreshData(): Promise<WhirlpoolData>;
openPosition(tickLower: number, tickUpper: number, liquidityInput: IncreaseLiquidityInput, sourceWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address, funder?: Address): Promise<{
openPosition(tickLower: number, tickUpper: number, liquidityInput: IncreaseLiquidityInput, wallet?: Address, funder?: Address): Promise<{
positionMint: PublicKey;

@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ tx: TransactionBuilder;

initTickArrayForTicks(ticks: number[], funder?: Address): TransactionBuilder;
closePosition(positionAddress: Address, slippageTolerance: Percentage, destinationWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address): Promise<TransactionBuilder>;
closePosition(positionAddress: Address, slippageTolerance: Percentage, destinationWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address, payer?: Address): Promise<TransactionBuilder>;
swap(quote: SwapQuote, sourceWallet?: Address): Promise<TransactionBuilder>;

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ /**

getOpenPositionWithOptMetadataTx(tickLower: number, tickUpper: number, liquidityInput: IncreaseLiquidityInput, sourceWallet: PublicKey, positionWallet: PublicKey, funder: PublicKey, withMetadata?: boolean): Promise<{
getOpenPositionWithOptMetadataTx(tickLower: number, tickUpper: number, liquidityInput: IncreaseLiquidityInput, wallet: PublicKey, funder: PublicKey, withMetadata?: boolean): Promise<{
positionMint: PublicKey;
tx: TransactionBuilder;
getClosePositionIx(positionAddress: PublicKey, slippageTolerance: Percentage, destinationWallet: PublicKey, positionWallet: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionBuilder>;
getClosePositionIx(positionAddress: PublicKey, slippageTolerance: Percentage, destinationWallet: PublicKey, positionWallet: PublicKey, payerKey: PublicKey): Promise<TransactionBuilder>;
private getSwapTx;

@@ -46,0 +46,0 @@ private getTickArrayPublicKeysForSwap;

@@ -63,6 +63,6 @@ "use strict";

openPosition(tickLower, tickUpper, liquidityInput, sourceWallet, positionWallet, funder) {
openPosition(tickLower, tickUpper, liquidityInput, wallet, funder) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
yield this.refresh();
return this.getOpenPositionWithOptMetadataTx(tickLower, tickUpper, liquidityInput, !!sourceWallet ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(sourceWallet) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey, !!positionWallet ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(positionWallet) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey, !!funder ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(funder) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey);
return this.getOpenPositionWithOptMetadataTx(tickLower, tickUpper, liquidityInput, !!wallet ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(wallet) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey, !!funder ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(funder) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey);

@@ -73,3 +73,3 @@ }

yield this.refresh();
return this.getOpenPositionWithOptMetadataTx(tickLower, tickUpper, liquidityInput, !!sourceWallet ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(sourceWallet) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey, !!positionWallet ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(positionWallet) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey, !!funder ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(funder) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey, true);
return this.getOpenPositionWithOptMetadataTx(tickLower, tickUpper, liquidityInput, !!sourceWallet ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(sourceWallet) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey, !!funder ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(funder) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey, true);

@@ -96,3 +96,3 @@ }

closePosition(positionAddress, slippageTolerance, destinationWallet, positionWallet) {
closePosition(positionAddress, slippageTolerance, destinationWallet, positionWallet, payer) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {

@@ -106,3 +106,4 @@ yield this.refresh();

: this.ctx.wallet.publicKey;
return this.getClosePositionIx(common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(positionAddress), slippageTolerance, destinationWalletKey, positionWalletKey);
const payerKey = payer ? common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(payer) : this.ctx.wallet.publicKey;
return this.getClosePositionIx(common_sdk_1.AddressUtil.toPubKey(positionAddress), slippageTolerance, destinationWalletKey, positionWalletKey, payerKey);

@@ -121,3 +122,3 @@ }

getOpenPositionWithOptMetadataTx(tickLower, tickUpper, liquidityInput, sourceWallet, positionWallet, funder, withMetadata = false) {
getOpenPositionWithOptMetadataTx(tickLower, tickUpper, liquidityInput, wallet, funder, withMetadata = false) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {

@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ (0, tiny_invariant_1.default)(public_2.TickUtil.checkTickInBounds(tickLower), "tickLower is out of bounds.");

const metadataPda = public_2.PDAUtil.getPositionMetadata(positionMintKeypair.publicKey);
const positionTokenAccountAddress = yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(positionWallet, positionMintKeypair.publicKey);
const positionTokenAccountAddress = yield (0, common_sdk_1.deriveATA)(wallet, positionMintKeypair.publicKey);
const txBuilder = new common_sdk_1.TransactionBuilder(this.ctx.provider);
const positionIx = (withMetadata ? instructions_1.openPositionWithMetadataIx : instructions_1.openPositionIx)(this.ctx.program, {
owner: positionWallet,
owner: wallet,

@@ -152,6 +153,6 @@ metadataPda,

const [ataA, ataB] = yield (0, common_sdk_1.resolveOrCreateATAs)(this.ctx.connection, sourceWallet, [
const [ataA, ataB] = yield (0, common_sdk_1.resolveOrCreateATAs)(this.ctx.connection, wallet, [
{ tokenMint: whirlpool.tokenMintA, wrappedSolAmountIn: tokenMaxA },
{ tokenMint: whirlpool.tokenMintB, wrappedSolAmountIn: tokenMaxB },
], () => this.fetcher.getAccountRentExempt());
], () => this.fetcher.getAccountRentExempt(), funder);
const { address: tokenOwnerAccountA } = ataA, tokenOwnerAccountAIx = __rest(ataA, ["address"]);

@@ -171,3 +172,3 @@ const { address: tokenOwnerAccountB } = ataB, tokenOwnerAccountBIx = __rest(ataB, ["address"]);

whirlpool: this.address,
positionAuthority: positionWallet,
positionAuthority: wallet,
position: positionPda.publicKey,

@@ -189,3 +190,3 @@ positionTokenAccount: positionTokenAccountAddress,

getClosePositionIx(positionAddress, slippageTolerance, destinationWallet, positionWallet) {
getClosePositionIx(positionAddress, slippageTolerance, destinationWallet, positionWallet, payerKey) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {

@@ -203,3 +204,3 @@ const position = yield this.fetcher.getPosition(positionAddress, true);

const resolvedAssociatedTokenAddresses = {};
const [ataA, ataB] = yield (0, common_sdk_1.resolveOrCreateATAs)(this.ctx.connection, destinationWallet, [{ tokenMint: whirlpool.tokenMintA }, { tokenMint: whirlpool.tokenMintB }], () => this.fetcher.getAccountRentExempt());
const [ataA, ataB] = yield (0, common_sdk_1.resolveOrCreateATAs)(this.ctx.connection, destinationWallet, [{ tokenMint: whirlpool.tokenMintA }, { tokenMint: whirlpool.tokenMintB }], () => this.fetcher.getAccountRentExempt(), payerKey);
const { address: tokenOwnerAccountA } = ataA, createTokenOwnerAccountAIx = __rest(ataA, ["address"]);

@@ -247,4 +248,4 @@ const { address: tokenOwnerAccountB } = ataB, createTokenOwnerAccountBIx = __rest(ataB, ["address"]);

const positionIx = (0, instructions_1.closePositionIx)(this.ctx.program, {
positionAuthority: this.ctx.wallet.publicKey,
receiver: this.ctx.wallet.publicKey,
positionAuthority: positionWallet,
receiver: destinationWallet,

@@ -251,0 +252,0 @@ position: positionAddress,

@@ -89,3 +89,3 @@ import { Percentage, TransactionBuilder } from "@orca-so/common-sdk";

* If `funder` is provided, the funder wallet has to sign this transaction.
* If `wallet` or `funder` is provided, those wallets have to sign this transaction.

@@ -95,8 +95,7 @@ * @param tickLower - the tick index for the lower bound of this position

* @param liquidityInput - an InputLiquidityInput type to define the desired liquidity amount to deposit
* @param sourceWallet - optional - the wallet to withdraw tokens to deposit into the position. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param positionWallet - optional - the wallet to that houses the position token. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param wallet - optional - the wallet to withdraw tokens to deposit into the position and house the position token. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param funder - optional - the wallet that will fund the cost needed to initialize the position. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @return `positionMint` - the position to be created. `tx` - The transaction containing the instructions to perform the operation on chain.
openPosition: (tickLower: number, tickUpper: number, liquidityInput: IncreaseLiquidityInput, sourceWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address, funder?: Address) => Promise<{
openPosition: (tickLower: number, tickUpper: number, liquidityInput: IncreaseLiquidityInput, wallet?: Address, funder?: Address) => Promise<{
positionMint: PublicKey;

@@ -110,3 +109,3 @@ tx: TransactionBuilder;

* If `sourceWallet`, `positionWallet` or `funder` is provided, the wallet owners have to sign this transaction.
* If `wallet` or `funder` is provided, the wallet owners have to sign this transaction.

@@ -116,8 +115,7 @@ * @param tickLower - the tick index for the lower bound of this position

* @param liquidityInput - input that defines the desired liquidity amount and maximum tokens willing to be to deposited.
* @param sourceWallet - optional - the wallet to withdraw tokens to deposit into the position. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param positionWallet - optional - the wallet to that houses the position token. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param wallet - optional - the wallet to withdraw tokens to deposit into the position and house the position token. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param funder - optional - the wallet that will fund the cost needed to initialize the position. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @return `positionMint` - the position to be created. `tx` - The transaction containing the instructions to perform the operation on chain.
openPositionWithMetadata: (tickLower: number, tickUpper: number, liquidityInput: IncreaseLiquidityInput, sourceWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address, funder?: Address) => Promise<{
openPositionWithMetadata: (tickLower: number, tickUpper: number, liquidityInput: IncreaseLiquidityInput, wallet?: Address, funder?: Address) => Promise<{
positionMint: PublicKey;

@@ -131,10 +129,11 @@ tx: TransactionBuilder;

* If `positionWallet` is provided, the wallet owner has to sign this transaction.
* If `positionWallet`, `payer` is provided, the wallet owner has to sign this transaction.
* @param positionAddress - The address of the position account.
* @param slippageTolerance - The amount of slippage the caller is willing to accept when withdrawing liquidity.
* @param destinationWallet - optional - The wallet that the tokens withdrawn will be sent to. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param destinationWallet - optional - The wallet that the tokens withdrawn and rent lamports will be sent to. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param positionWallet - optional - The wallet that houses the position token that corresponds to this position address. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param payer - optional - the wallet that will fund the cost needed to initialize the token ATA accounts. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
closePosition: (positionAddress: Address, slippageTolerance: Percentage, destinationWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address) => Promise<TransactionBuilder>;
closePosition: (positionAddress: Address, slippageTolerance: Percentage, destinationWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address, payer?: Address) => Promise<TransactionBuilder>;

@@ -171,11 +170,10 @@ * Perform a swap between tokenA and tokenB on this pool.

* Deposit additional tokens into this postiion.
* The wallet must contain the position token and the necessary token A & B to complete the deposit.
* If `wallet` is provided, the wallet owners have to sign this transaction.
* If `sourceWallet`, `positionWallet` is provided, the wallet owners have to sign this transaction.
* @param liquidityInput - input that defines the desired liquidity amount and maximum tokens willing to be to deposited.
* @param sourceWallet - optional - the wallet to withdraw tokens to deposit into the position. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param positionWallet - optional - the wallet to that houses the position token. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param wallet - the wallet to withdraw tokens to deposit into the position. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @return the transaction that will deposit the tokens into the position when executed.
increaseLiquidity: (liquidityInput: IncreaseLiquidityInput, sourceWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address) => Promise<TransactionBuilder>;
increaseLiquidity: (liquidityInput: IncreaseLiquidityInput, wallet?: Address) => Promise<TransactionBuilder>;

@@ -187,7 +185,9 @@ * Withdraw liquidity from this position.

* @param liquidityInput - input that defines the desired liquidity amount and minimum tokens willing to be to withdrawn from the position.
* @param sourceWallet - optional - the wallet to deposit tokens into when withdrawing from the position. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param destinationWallet - optional - the wallet to deposit tokens into when withdrawing from the position. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param positionWallet - optional - the wallet to that houses the position token. If null, the WhirlpoolContext wallet is used.
* @param resolveATA - optional - if true, add instructions to create associated token accounts for tokenA,B for the destinationWallet if necessary.
* @param ataPayer - optional - wallet that will fund the creation of the new associated token accounts
* @return the transaction that will deposit the tokens into the position when executed.
decreaseLiquidity: (liquidityInput: DecreaseLiquidityInput, sourceWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address) => Promise<TransactionBuilder>;
decreaseLiquidity: (liquidityInput: DecreaseLiquidityInput, destinationWallet?: Address, positionWallet?: Address, resolveATA?: boolean, ataPayer?: Address) => Promise<TransactionBuilder>;
"name": "@orca-so/whirlpools-sdk",
"version": "0.1.7",
"version": "0.2.0",
"description": "Typescript SDK to interact with Orca's Whirlpool program.",

@@ -10,3 +10,3 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0",

"@metaplex-foundation/mpl-token-metadata": "1.2.5",
"@orca-so/common-sdk": "^0.0.4",
"@orca-so/common-sdk": "^0.0.6",
"@project-serum/anchor": "^0.20.1",

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ "@solana/spl-token": "^0.1.8",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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