Avro TS
Generate typescript from avro types.
It consists of a very quick sequential, functional parser. Uses typescript's compiler api to convert avro to typescript AST, and pretty prints the results. No dependencies apart from typescript.
yarn add @ovotech/avro-ts
And then you can use the function to get typescript types:
import { schema } from 'avsc';
import { avroTs } from '@ovotech/avro-ts';
const avro: schema.RecordType = JSON.parse(String(readFileSync(join(__dirname, 'avro', file))));
const ts = avroTs(avro, {
logicalTypes: {
'timestamp-millis': 'string',
date: 'string',
decimal: {
type: 'Decimal',
import: "import { Decimal } from 'decimal.js'",
recordAlias: 'Record',
namesAlias: 'Names',
namespacedPrefix: 'Namespaced',
This converter currently supports
- Record
- Union
- Map
- Logical Types
- Enum
- Map
- Array
- Root-level union types
Union types helpers.
When complex union types are defined, the output will include a namespace (named Names
by default), containing the namespaced address of properties.
This allows usecases as such:
import { Names, WeatherEvent } from './my-type';
const event: WeatherEvent = {};
The union members uses never
to prevent erroneously creating/accessing a union member with mutiple keys.
Running the tests
Then you can run the tests with:
yarn test
Coding style (linting, etc) tests
Style is maintained with prettier and tslint
yarn lint
Deployment is preferment by lerna automatically on merge / push to master, but you'll need to bump the package version numbers yourself. Only updated packages with newer versions will be pushed to the npm registry.
Have a bug? File an issue with a simple example that reproduces this so we can take a look & confirm.
Want to make a change? Submit a PR, explain why it's useful, and make sure you've updated the docs (this file) and the tests (see test folder).
This project is licensed under Apache 2 - see the LICENSE file for details