Palenca Link
Palenca Link is the client-side and the secure way to link the user accounts to Palenca and allow you to access their data via the Palenca API.
Palenca Link will handle credential validation, multi-factor authentication, and error handling for each platform that we support.
How to use Palenca Link?
Using the CDN
<script src=""></script>
Using ES6
npm install @palenca/palenca-link
import { loadLink } from "@palenca/palenca-link";
Load parameters
Parameter | Example | Description | Required | Order |
publicApiKey | public_6187344f-d2e9-4ff1-a0ca-7a1ad512682d | The public API key | True | 1 |
widgetId | c379afec-8d47-4fcf-ae07-353093baed2b | The Widget Id | True | 2 |
Load Example
const linkPromise = loadLink('public_6187344f-d2e9-4ff1-a0ca-7a1ad512682d', 'c379afec-8d47-4fcf-ae07-353093baed2b');
Configuration parameters
Parameter | Example | Description | Required |
externalId | 6187344f-d2e9-4ff1-a0ca-7a1ad512682d | User external id | False |
platform | uber | Presents to the user a single platform login form | False |
isSandbox | true | If set to true , the sandbox mode is enabled. false by default | False |
platforms | ['uber', 'rappi', 'runa] | Array of platforms the user is able to select | False |
country | mx | The alpha-2 code of the country | False |
redirectUrl | | URL where the user must be redirected | False |
customPrivacyUrl | | Allow you to add a custom privacy terms checkbox, useful if you need a custom consent | False |
whatsAppPhoneNumber | +525511223344 | Phone number with country code to receive WhatsApp messages from users | False |
hideLogo | false | If set to true , your company logo is hidden. false by default | False |
hideWhatsApp | false | If set to true , the whatsapp floating button is hidden. false by default | False |
hideConsent | false | If set to true , the consent page is hidden. false by default | False |
lang | es | Replaces the browser's auto-detected language. Available languages: es, en & pt. null by default | False |
Appearance parameters
Parameter | Example | Description | Required |
primaryColor | #1F5BC0 | Hexadecimal color, the hexadecimal color values are supported in all browsers | False |
borderRadius | 10px | The border-radius property defines the radius of the element's corners | False |
fontFamily | Roboto | The font-family property specifies the font for the PalencaLink, Only accept Google Fonts | False |
Helpful link
Template | Font | Color | Border radius |
Black | Lato | #000000 | 0px |
Default | Poppins | #1F5BC0 | 10px |
Nature | Lato | #000000 | 0px |
The only way to communicate with Link is by listening to an event. All events have a payload object with the API Envelope
The Palenca Link
The events are listed here:
Event name | Description |
ready | Indicates that your Public API key and Widget it is correct and that the widget has been initialized |
user_created | The user was successfully created |
connection_success | The user was connected successfully with the platform |
connection_error | An error occurred meanwhile trying to connect a user with the platform |
Events envelope
The envelope is always the same with the following structure:
"success": bool,
"data": Data Object,
"error": Error Object
Events examples
"success": true,
"data": null,
"error": null
"success": true,
"data": {
"user_id": "054d0a9d-38ec-40cb-a31c-09b483242e4a",
"external_id": "4a0e32bd-c3df-4172-a89d-f173d6816926",
"widget_id": "feecb679-a3cc-47ef-8fd4-600799f12a39"
"error": null
"success": true,
"data": {
"user_id": "054d0a9d-38ec-40cb-a31c-09b483242e4a",
"country": "mx",
"platform": "imss",
"account_id": "472f02e8-6b24-43a7-b529-3f71d6ecc81c"
"error": null
"success": false,
"error": {
"code": "invalid_credentials",
"message": "The username/password combination is wrong",
"errors": null
"data": null
Available Methods
Method | Descriptions | Params |
on | To add event listener subscribtions | event: string, callback: Function |
render | To render the widget | containerId: string, config: object |
destroy | To remove the iframe and event listeners | N/A |
<div id="container"></div>
let widgetId = "YOUR_WIDGET_ID";
let publicApiKey = "YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY";
let renderConfig = {
"configuration": {
"hideConsent": true,
"country": "mx"
appearance: {
primaryColor: "#ea4c89",
borderRadius: "9999px"
let link = palenca.loadLink(publicApiKey, widgetId).then(link => {
link.on("ready", () => {
console.log("Widget is ready")
link.on("user_created", (event) => {
console.log("User created", event)
link.on("connection_success", (event) => {
console.log(`Connection success for userId ${} and accountId ${}`)
link.on("connection_error", (event) => {
console.log(`Connection error ${}`)
link.render("container", renderConfig);
window.addEventListener('unload', () => {
}, error => {
import { loadLink, PalencaLinkReact } from '@palenca/palenca-link';
import { useCallback } from 'react';
const linkPromise = loadLink('YOUR_PUBLIC_API_KEY', 'YOUR_WIDGET_ID');
const Home = () => {
const handleEvent = useCallback((event: string, data: object) => {
}, []);
const options = {
configuration: {
hideConsent: true,
country: 'mx',
appearance: {
primaryColor: '#ea4c89',
borderRadius: '999px',
return (
export default Home;