When doing a final release, set tagExclude to ignore pre-releases when finding the last release. This should include all changelog entrief from the pre-releases. (4abf750)
Include changelog from pre-releases in final. (b053a10)When doing a final release after a series of pre-releases, include all
the pre-releases changelog items in the final release.
See: https://github.com/release-it/release-it/blob/master/docs/pre-releases.md
Makefile: Change the 'check' target to not be a double-colon rule, which cannot be overwritten. See: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Double_002dColon.html (5f0f08c)
Webpack: Add the version banner only to the entry point files. (6f82df1)This fixes a problem where each chunk file was changed with a new release, even if nothing else than the version has changed.
Adding the version banner only to the entry points still allows to check the version while keeping the changeset for releases small.