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@php-wasm/util - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.9.15 to 0.9.16




@@ -1,1 +0,223 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const f=Symbol("SleepFinished");function m(t){return new Promise(e=>{setTimeout(()=>e(f),t)})}class a extends Error{constructor(){super("Acquiring lock timed out")}}class E{constructor({concurrency:e,timeout:s}){this._running=0,this.concurrency=e,this.timeout=s,this.queue=[]}get remaining(){return this.concurrency-this.running}get running(){return this._running}async acquire(){for(;;)if(this._running>=this.concurrency){const e=new Promise(s=>{this.queue.push(s)});this.timeout!==void 0?await Promise.race([e,m(this.timeout)]).then(s=>{if(s===f)throw new a}):await e}else{this._running++;let e=!1;return()=>{e||(e=!0,this._running--,this.queue.length>0&&this.queue.shift()())}}}async run(e){const s=await this.acquire();try{return await e()}finally{s()}}}class p extends Error{constructor(e,s){super(e),this.userFriendlyMessage=s,this.userFriendlyMessage||(this.userFriendlyMessage=e)}}function y(...t){let e=t.join("/");const s=e[0]==="/",i=e.substring(e.length-1)==="/";return e=c(e),!e&&!s&&(e="."),e&&i&&(e+="/"),e}function P(t){if(t==="/")return"/";t=c(t);const e=t.lastIndexOf("/");return e===-1?"":e===0?"/":t.substr(0,e)}function w(t){if(t==="/")return"/";t=c(t);const e=t.lastIndexOf("/");return e===-1?t:t.substr(e+1)}function c(t){const e=t[0]==="/";return t=O(t.split("/").filter(s=>!!s),!e).join("/"),(e?"/":"")+t.replace(/\/$/,"")}function O(t,e){let s=0;for(let i=t.length-1;i>=0;i--){const n=t[i];n==="."?t.splice(i,1):n===".."?(t.splice(i,1),s++):s&&(t.splice(i,1),s--)}if(e)for(;s;s--)t.unshift("..");return t}function S(t,e){return t==="/"?!0:(t=c(t),e=c(e),e.startsWith(t+"/")||e===t)}function D(t){let i=0,n="";const l=[];let r="";for(let o=0;o<t.length;o++){const u=t[o];u==="\\"?((t[o+1]==='"'||t[o+1]==="'")&&o++,r+=t[o]):i===0?u==='"'||u==="'"?(i=1,n=u):u.match(/\s/)?(r.trim().length&&l.push(r.trim()),r=u):l.length&&!r?r=l.pop()+u:r+=u:i===1&&(u===n?(i=0,n=""):r+=u)}return r&&l.push(r.trim()),l}function _(t){return function(e,s=[],i={}){const n=new x,l=new T(n);return setTimeout(async()=>{let r=[];if(s.length)r=[e,...s];else if(typeof e=="string")r=D(e);else if(Array.isArray(e))r=e;else throw new Error("Invalid command ",e);try{await t(r,l,i)}catch(o){n.emit("error",o),typeof o=="object"&&o!==null&&"message"in o&&typeof o.message=="string"&&l.stderr(o.message),l.exit(1)}n.emit("spawn",!0)}),n}}class h{constructor(){this.listeners={}}emit(e,s){this.listeners[e]&&this.listeners[e].forEach(function(i){i(s)})}on(e,s){this.listeners[e]||(this.listeners[e]=[]),this.listeners[e].push(s)}}class T extends h{constructor(e){super(),this.childProcess=e,this.exited=!1,this.stdinData=[],e.on("stdin",s=>{this.stdinData?this.stdinData.push(s.slice()):this.emit("stdin",s)})}stdout(e){typeof e=="string"&&(e=new TextEncoder().encode(e)),this.childProcess.stdout.emit("data",e)}stdoutEnd(){this.childProcess.stdout.emit("end",{})}stderr(e){typeof e=="string"&&(e=new TextEncoder().encode(e)),this.childProcess.stderr.emit("data",e)}stderrEnd(){this.childProcess.stderr.emit("end",{})}exit(e){this.exited||(this.exited=!0,this.childProcess.emit("exit",e))}flushStdin(){if(this.stdinData)for(let e=0;e<this.stdinData.length;e++)this.emit("stdin",this.stdinData[e]);this.stdinData=null}}let b=9743;class x extends h{constructor(e=b++){super(),,this.stdout=new h,this.stderr=new h;const s=this;this.stdin={write:i=>{s.emit("stdin",i)}}}}function d(t=36,e="!@#$%^&*()_+=-[]/.,<>?"){const s="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"+e;let i="";for(let n=t;n>0;--n)i+=s[Math.floor(Math.random()*s.length)];return i}function M(){return d(36,"-_")}function g(t){return`json_decode(base64_decode('${U(JSON.stringify(t))}'), true)`}function q(t){const e={};for(const s in t)e[s]=g(t[s]);return e}function U(t){return A(new TextEncoder().encode(t))}function A(t){const e=String.fromCodePoint(...t);return btoa(e)}exports.AcquireTimeoutError=a;exports.PhpWasmError=p;exports.Semaphore=E;exports.basename=w;exports.createSpawnHandler=_;exports.dirname=P;exports.isParentOf=S;exports.joinPaths=y;exports.normalizePath=c;exports.phpVar=g;exports.phpVars=q;exports.randomFilename=M;exports.randomString=d;
const f = Symbol("SleepFinished");
function d(e) {
return new Promise((t) => {
setTimeout(() => t(f), e);
class a extends Error {
constructor() {
super("Acquiring lock timed out");
class _ {
constructor({ concurrency: t, timeout: s }) {
this._running = 0, this.concurrency = t, this.timeout = s, this.queue = [];
get remaining() {
return this.concurrency - this.running;
get running() {
return this._running;
async acquire() {
for (; ; )
if (this._running >= this.concurrency) {
const t = new Promise((s) => {
this.timeout !== void 0 ? await Promise.race([t, d(this.timeout)]).then(
(s) => {
if (s === f)
throw new a();
) : await t;
} else {
let t = !1;
return () => {
t || (t = !0, this._running--, this.queue.length > 0 && this.queue.shift()());
async run(t) {
const s = await this.acquire();
try {
return await t();
} finally {
class x extends Error {
constructor(t, s) {
super(t), this.userFriendlyMessage = s, this.userFriendlyMessage || (this.userFriendlyMessage = t);
function T(...e) {
let t = e.join("/");
const s = t[0] === "/", i = t.substring(t.length - 1) === "/";
return t = c(t), !t && !s && (t = "."), t && i && (t += "/"), t;
function S(e) {
if (e === "/")
return "/";
e = c(e);
const t = e.lastIndexOf("/");
return t === -1 ? "" : t === 0 ? "/" : e.substr(0, t);
function b(e) {
if (e === "/")
return "/";
e = c(e);
const t = e.lastIndexOf("/");
return t === -1 ? e : e.substr(t + 1);
function c(e) {
const t = e[0] === "/";
return e = g(
e.split("/").filter((s) => !!s),
).join("/"), (t ? "/" : "") + e.replace(/\/$/, "");
function g(e, t) {
let s = 0;
for (let i = e.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const r = e[i];
r === "." ? e.splice(i, 1) : r === ".." ? (e.splice(i, 1), s++) : s && (e.splice(i, 1), s--);
if (t)
for (; s; s--)
return e;
function M(e, t) {
return e === "/" ? !0 : (e = c(e), t = c(t), t.startsWith(e + "/") || t === e);
function m(e) {
let i = 0, r = "";
const l = [];
let n = "";
for (let o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
const u = e[o];
u === "\\" ? ((e[o + 1] === '"' || e[o + 1] === "'") && o++, n += e[o]) : i === 0 ? u === '"' || u === "'" ? (i = 1, r = u) : u.match(/\s/) ? (n.trim().length && l.push(n.trim()), n = u) : l.length && !n ? n = l.pop() + u : n += u : i === 1 && (u === r ? (i = 0, r = "") : n += u);
return n && l.push(n.trim()), l;
function U(e) {
return function(t, s = [], i = {}) {
const r = new w(), l = new E(r);
return setTimeout(async () => {
let n = [];
if (s.length)
n = [t, ...s];
else if (typeof t == "string")
n = m(t);
else if (Array.isArray(t))
n = t;
throw new Error("Invalid command ", t);
try {
await e(n, l, i);
} catch (o) {
r.emit("error", o), typeof o == "object" && o !== null && "message" in o && typeof o.message == "string" && l.stderr(o.message), l.exit(1);
r.emit("spawn", !0);
}), r;
class h {
constructor() {
this.listeners = {};
emit(t, s) {
this.listeners[t] && this.listeners[t].forEach(function(i) {
on(t, s) {
this.listeners[t] || (this.listeners[t] = []), this.listeners[t].push(s);
class E extends h {
constructor(t) {
super(), this.childProcess = t, this.exited = !1, this.stdinData = [], t.on("stdin", (s) => {
this.stdinData ? this.stdinData.push(s.slice()) : this.emit("stdin", s);
stdout(t) {
typeof t == "string" && (t = new TextEncoder().encode(t)), this.childProcess.stdout.emit("data", t);
stdoutEnd() {
this.childProcess.stdout.emit("end", {});
stderr(t) {
typeof t == "string" && (t = new TextEncoder().encode(t)), this.childProcess.stderr.emit("data", t);
stderrEnd() {
this.childProcess.stderr.emit("end", {});
exit(t) {
this.exited || (this.exited = !0, this.childProcess.emit("exit", t));
flushStdin() {
if (this.stdinData)
for (let t = 0; t < this.stdinData.length; t++)
this.emit("stdin", this.stdinData[t]);
this.stdinData = null;
let y = 9743;
class w extends h {
constructor(t = y++) {
super(), = t, this.stdout = new h(), this.stderr = new h();
const s = this;
this.stdin = {
write: (i) => {
s.emit("stdin", i);
function p(e = 36, t = "!@#$%^&*()_+=-[]/.,<>?") {
const s = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" + t;
let i = "";
for (let r = e; r > 0; --r)
i += s[Math.floor(Math.random() * s.length)];
return i;
function q() {
return p(36, "-_");
function P(e) {
return `json_decode(base64_decode('${D(
)}'), true)`;
function A(e) {
const t = {};
for (const s in e)
t[s] = P(e[s]);
return t;
function D(e) {
return O(new TextEncoder().encode(e));
function O(e) {
const t = String.fromCodePoint(...e);
return btoa(t);
export {
a as AcquireTimeoutError,
x as PhpWasmError,
_ as Semaphore,
b as basename,
U as createSpawnHandler,
S as dirname,
M as isParentOf,
T as joinPaths,
c as normalizePath,
P as phpVar,
A as phpVars,
q as randomFilename,
p as randomString


"name": "@php-wasm/util",
"version": "0.9.15",
"type": "commonjs",
"typedoc": {
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"readmeFile": "./",
"displayName": "@php-wasm/util",
"tsconfig": "./tsconfig.lib.json"
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public",
"directory": "../../../dist/packages/php-wasm/util"
"gitHead": "62c0b6769e8922ec6ec1fdb985a69c4e86d070a2",
"engines": {
"node": ">=18.18.0",
"npm": ">=8.11.0"
"name": "@php-wasm/util",
"version": "0.9.16",
"type": "module",
"types": "index.d.ts",
"typedoc": {
"entryPoint": "./src/index.ts",
"readmeFile": "./",
"displayName": "@php-wasm/util",
"tsconfig": "./tsconfig.lib.json"
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public",
"directory": "../../../dist/packages/php-wasm/util"
"gitHead": "47110de9a9efc876f7b432c88d904ef081d1365c",
"engines": {
"node": ">=18.18.0",
"npm": ">=8.11.0"
"dependencies": {},
"main": "index.js"
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