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@plaidev/karte-action-sdk - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.14 to 1.0.15




@@ -1,69 +0,122 @@

/** @jsx h */
import { h } from 'preact';
export declare function detectElementOnViewport(target: Element, options: {
onAppear: Function;
intersection: {
root: null | HTMLElement;
threshold: number | number[];
rootMargin: string;
}): void;
declare type ModalAnimation = 'fade-in' | 'slide-in' | 'nothing';
declare type ModalPosition = 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'left-top' | 'left-bottom' | 'right-top' | 'right-bottom';
export declare function createShadowRootStyled(el: HTMLElement | ShadowRoot): import("goober").StyledFunction;
export declare function ensureModalRoot(useShadow?: boolean): ShadowRoot | HTMLElement;
export declare const Position: (props: {
position: ModalPosition;
zIndex?: number;
fixed?: boolean;
children: any;
}) => h.JSX.Element;
export declare const Animation: (props: {
animation: ModalAnimation;
children: any;
}) => h.JSX.Element;
export declare const Fog: (props: {
onClick: () => void;
}) => h.JSX.Element;
export declare const Icon: (props: {
serialized: any;
width?: number;
height?: number;
}) => h.JSX.Element;
export declare const Card: (props: {
styled: any;
position: ModalPosition;
zIndex?: number | undefined;
fixed?: boolean | undefined;
fog?: boolean | undefined;
send: (name: string, values?: any) => void;
children: any;
}) => h.JSX.Element;
export declare const Board: (props: {
styled: any;
position: ModalPosition;
zIndex?: number | undefined;
fixed?: boolean | undefined;
fog?: boolean | undefined;
send: (name: string, values?: any) => void;
children: any;
}) => h.JSX.Element;
export declare const CloseButton: (props: {
styled: any;
onClick: () => void;
}) => h.JSX.Element;
export declare const ButtonBlock: (props: {
styled: any;
link: string;
text: string;
color: string;
onClick: () => void;
}) => h.JSX.Element;
export declare const OnOffButton: (props: {
styled: any;
valid: boolean;
textOk: string;
textOff: string;
onClick: () => void;
}) => h.JSX.Element;
export {};
import { default as Flex } from './components/Flex.svelte';
import { default as FlexItem } from './components/FlexItem.svelte';
import { default as GridItem } from './GridItem.svelte';
import { default as GridModalState } from './GridModalState.svelte';
import { default as Modal } from './components/Modal.svelte';
import { default as State } from './State.svelte';
import type { Writable } from 'svelte/store';
export declare type AnimationStyle = typeof AnimationStyles[number];
export declare const AnimationStyles: readonly ["none", "fade", "bounce", "slide-down", "slide-up", "slide-left", "slide-right"];
export declare const closeApp: () => () => void;
declare const closed_2: Writable<boolean>;
export { closed_2 as closed }
export declare type Code = string;
export declare type Color = `#${string}`;
export declare type Direction = typeof Directions[number];
export declare const Directions: readonly ["row", "column"];
export declare const finalize: () => void;
export { Flex }
export { FlexItem }
export declare const getPositionStyle: (position: ModalPosition) => string;
export { GridItem }
export { GridModalState }
* 内部的に使われている、UIから選択できない関数
export declare const handleFocus: (node: HTMLElement | null) => (e: any) => void;
export declare const handleKeydown: (handlers: {
[eventName: string]: (e: any) => void;
}) => (e: any) => void;
export declare function hasSuffix<Suffix extends 'px' | 'em' | 'rem' | '%' | 'fr' | 'vw' | 'vh' | ''>(value: string, suffix: Suffix): value is `${number}${Suffix}`;
declare type Image_2 = string;
export { Image_2 as Image }
export declare const initialize: (options?: OPTIONS) => void;
export declare const isPreview: () => boolean;
export declare const Justifies: readonly ["center", "flex-start", "flex-end"];
export declare type Justify = typeof Justifies[number];
export declare type Length = `${number}${LengthUnit}` | 'auto';
export declare type LengthUnit = typeof LengthUnits[number];
export declare const LengthUnits: readonly ["px", "em", "rem", "vw", "fr", "%"];
export declare const linkTo: (to: string, targetBlank?: boolean) => () => void;
export declare type LongText = string;
export declare const MediaQueries: {
[key: string]: string;
export declare type MediaQuery = string;
export { Modal }
export declare type ModalPosition = 'center' | 'top' | 'bottom' | 'left' | 'right' | 'left-top' | 'left-bottom' | 'right-top' | 'right-bottom' | 'none';
declare const moveTo_2: (to: string) => () => void;
export { moveTo_2 as moveTo }
export declare const none: () => () => void;
export declare type ObjectFit = typeof ObjectFits[number];
export declare const ObjectFits: readonly ["fill", "contain", "cover"];
export declare function onScroll(onAppear: Function, rate: number): () => void;
export declare function onTime(onAppear: Function, time: number): () => void;
declare type OPTIONS = {
send?: (event_name: string, values?: any) => void;
isPreview?: boolean;
export declare type PropType = typeof PropTypes[number];
export declare const PropTypes: readonly ["BooleanKeyword", "NumberKeyword", "StringKeyword", "Function", "Enum", "Code", "Direction", "Url", "Image", "AnimationStyle", "LongText", "Length", "Color", "Alignment", "Style"];
export declare function randStr(digit?: number): string;
export declare type Repeat = typeof Repeats[number];
export declare const Repeats: readonly ["repeat", "space", "round", "no-repeat"];
export declare const send_event: (event_name: string, values?: any) => void;
export declare const setPreviousFocus: () => void;
export { State }
export declare const state: Writable<string>;
export declare type Style = string;
export declare function toBr(text: string, useNewLine?: boolean): string;
export declare type Url = string;
export { }
"name": "@plaidev/karte-action-sdk",
"version": "1.0.14",
"description": "",
"keywords": [],
"repository": "",
"version": "1.0.15",
"author": "Plaid Inc.",
"license": "Apache License 2.0",
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"main": "dist/index.cjs.js",
"module": "./dist/",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
".": {
"import": {
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"default": "./dist/"
"require": "./dist/index.cjs.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts"
"./package.json": "./package.json",
"./dist/*": "./dist/*"
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"files": [
"devDependencies": {
"@microsoft/api-extractor": "^7.21.3",
"@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte": "1.0.0-next.37",
"@testing-library/svelte": "^3.1.1",
"@tsconfig/svelte": "^2.0.1",
"@vitest/ui": "latest",
"api-docs-gen": "^0.4.0",
"jsdom": "latest",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"svelte": "3.44.1",
"svelte-check": "^2.2.7",
"svelte-preprocess": "4.9.8",
"tslib": "^2.3.1",
"typescript": "^4.6.2",
"vite": "^2.9.5",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^1.0.5",
"vitest": "latest"
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc --project .",
"watch": "tsc --project . --watch",
"test": "jest --watch",
"publish": "npm publish ."
"build": "vite build",
"build:watch": "vite build --watch",
"build:docs": "api-docs-gen ./temp/karte-action-sdk.api.json -c ./docsgen.config.js -o ./ -g noprefix",
"check": "svelte-check --tsconfig ./tsconfig.json",
"test": "vitest",
"test:ui": "vitest --ui",
"coverage": "vitest run --coverage"
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "7.11.6",
"@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs": "7.10.4",
"@jest/core": "^26.2.2",
"@types/jest": "^26.0.9",
"babel-jest": "26.3.0",
"goober": "2.0.5",
"jest": "26.4.2",
"preact": "10.4.8",
"serialized-svg-icons": "4.1.0",
"ts-jest": "^26.1.4",
"typescript": "3.9.7"
"publishConfig": {
"access": "public"
"sideEffects": false
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