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@primer/primitives - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-2f13178 to 0.0.0-2fb44d3



declare const _default: {
dark: {
scale: {
black: string;
white: string;
gray: string[];
blue: string[];
green: string[];
yellow: string[];
orange: string[];
red: string[];
purple: string[];
pink: string[];
auto: {
black: string;
white: string;
gray: string[];
blue: string[];
green: string[];
yellow: string[];
orange: string[];
red: string[];
purple: string[];
pink: string[];
text: {
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
placeholder: string;
disabled: string;
inverse: string;
linkPrimary: string;
linkSecondary: string;
linkTertiary: string;
danger: string;
success: string;
warning: string;
icon: {
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
info: string;
danger: string;
success: string;
warning: string;
state: {
hoverPrimaryBg: string;
hoverPrimaryBorder: string;
hoverPrimaryText: string;
hoverPrimaryIcon: string;
hoverSecondaryBg: string;
hoverSecondaryBorder: string;
selectedPrimaryBg: string;
selectedPrimaryBorder: string;
selectedPrimaryText: string;
selectedPrimaryIcon: string;
border: {
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
inverse: string;
info: string;
danger: string;
success: string;
warning: string;
bg: {
canvas: string;
canvasMobile: string;
canvasInverse: string;
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
overlay: string;
info: string;
infoInverse: string;
danger: string;
dangerInverse: string;
success: string;
successInverse: string;
warning: string;
warningInverse: string;
shadow: {
small: string[];
medium: string[];
large: string[];
extraLarge: string[];
highlight: string[];
inset: string[];
focus: string[];
fade: {
black: {
10: string;
15: string;
30: string;
50: string;
70: string;
85: string;
white: {
10: string;
15: string;
30: string;
50: string;
70: string;
85: string;
alert: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
warn: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
error: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
success: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
blankslate: {
icon: string;
btn: {
bg: string;
border: string;
text: string;
ic: string;
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
shadowActive: string[];
shadowInputFocus: string[];
primary: {
bg: string;
border: string;
borderDisabled: string;
text: string;
ic: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowHighlight: string[];
shadowSelected: string[];
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
bgDisabled: string;
disabledText: string;
disabledShadow: string[];
counterBg: string;
inverseOnHover: {
border: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowInset: string[];
counterBg: string;
danger: {
text: string;
textDisabled: string;
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowFocus: string[];
counterBg: string;
counterBgDisabled: string;
outline: {
text: string;
textDisabled: string;
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowFocus: string[];
counterBg: string;
counterBgDisabled: string;
counterBg: string;
counter: {
text: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
topic: {
tagBg: string;
tagBorder: string;
tagText: string;
input: {
bg: string;
contrastBg: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowFocus: string[];
avatar: {
border: string;
stackFade: string;
stackFadeMore: string;
childShadow: string[];
toast: {
icBgLoading: string;
timeline: {
text: string;
badgeBg: string;
targetBadgeBorder: string;
targetBadgeShadow: string;
selectMenu: {
backdropBg: string;
shadow: string[];
tapHighlight: string;
tapFocusBg: string;
box: {
blueBorder: string;
rowYellowBg: string;
rowBlueBg: string;
dropdown: {
border: string;
popover: {
border: string;
branchName: {
text: string;
bg: string;
icon: string;
markdown: {
codeBg: string;
frameBorder: string;
blockquoteBorder: string;
tableBorder: string;
tableTrBorder: string;
header: {
text: string;
filterItem: {
barBg: string;
hiddenTextExpander: {
bg: string;
bgHover: string;
dragAndDrop: {
border: string;
uploadEnabled: {
border: string;
borderFocused: string;
previewableCommentForm: {
border: string;
iconFolder: string;
hlAuthorBg: string;
hlAuthorBorder: string;
logoSubdued: string;
discussionBorder: string;
diff: {
neutralBg: string;
deletionBg: string;
deletionBgStrong: string;
deletionBorder: string;
deletionBorderStrong: string;
additionBg: string;
additionBgStrong: string;
additionBorder: string;
additionBorderStrong: string;
globalNav: {
logo: string;
bg: string;
text: string;
icon: string;
inputBg: string;
inputBorder: string;
inputIcon: string;
inputPlaceholder: string;
calendarGraph: {
dayBg: string;
dayBorder: string;
dayL1Bg: string;
dayL2Bg: string;
dayL3Bg: string;
dayL4Bg: string;
dayL4Border: string;
dayL3Border: string;
dayL2Border: string;
dayL1Border: string;
light: {
"scale": {
"black": string;
"white": string;
"grey": string[];
"blue": string[];
"green": string[];
"yellow": string[];
"orange": string[];
"red": string[];
"purple": string[];
"pink": string[];
scale: {
black: string;
white: string;
gray: string[];
blue: string[];
green: string[];
yellow: string[];
orange: string[];
red: string[];
purple: string[];
pink: string[];
"text": {
"primary": string;
"secondary": string;
"tertiary": string;
"placeholder": string;
"disabled": string;
"linkPrimary": string;
"linkSecondary": string;
"linkTertiary": string;
"danger": string;
"success": string;
"warning": string;
auto: {
black: string;
white: string;
gray: string[];
blue: string[];
green: string[];
yellow: string[];
orange: string[];
red: string[];
purple: string[];
pink: string[];
"ic": {
"primary": string;
"secondary": string;
"tertiary": string;
"info": string;
"danger": string;
"success": string;
"warning": string;
text: {
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
placeholder: string;
disabled: string;
inverse: string;
linkPrimary: string;
linkSecondary: string;
linkTertiary: string;
danger: string;
success: string;
warning: string;
"hl": {
"hoverPrimaryBg": string;
"hoverPrimaryBorder": string;
"hoverSecondaryBg": string;
"hoverSecondaryBorder": string;
"selectedPrimaryBg": string;
"selectedPrimaryBorder": string;
icon: {
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
info: string;
danger: string;
success: string;
warning: string;
"border": {
"primary": string;
"secondary": string;
"danger": string;
"success": string;
"warning": string;
state: {
hoverPrimaryBg: string;
hoverPrimaryBorder: string;
hoverPrimaryText: string;
hoverPrimaryIcon: string;
hoverSecondaryBg: string;
hoverSecondaryBorder: string;
selectedPrimaryBg: string;
selectedPrimaryBorder: string;
selectedPrimaryText: string;
selectedPrimaryIcon: string;
"bg": {
"canvas": string;
"canvasInverse": string;
"primary": string;
"secondary": string;
"tertiary": string;
"overlay": string;
"info": string;
"danger": string;
"success": string;
"warning": string;
"infoInverse": string;
"dangerInverse": string;
"successInverse": string;
"warningInverse": string;
border: {
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
inverse: string;
info: string;
danger: string;
success: string;
warning: string;
"btn": {
"bg": string;
"border": string;
"text": string;
"ic": string;
"primaryBg": string;
"primaryBorder": string;
"primaryText": string;
"primaryIc": string;
bg: {
canvas: string;
canvasMobile: string;
canvasInverse: string;
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
overlay: string;
info: string;
infoInverse: string;
danger: string;
dangerInverse: string;
success: string;
successInverse: string;
warning: string;
warningInverse: string;
"counter": {
"bg": string;
"border": string;
"text": string;
shadow: {
small: string[];
medium: string[];
large: string[];
extraLarge: string[];
highlight: string[];
inset: string[];
focus: string[];
"topic": {
"tagBg": string;
"tagBorder": string;
"tagText": string;
fade: {
black: {
10: string;
15: string;
30: string;
50: string;
70: string;
85: string;
white: {
10: string;
15: string;
30: string;
50: string;
70: string;
85: string;
"input": {
"bg": string;
"contrastBg": string;
alert: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
warn: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
error: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
success: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
"avatar": {
"border": string;
blankslate: {
icon: string;
"icFolder": string;
"hlAuthorBg": string;
"hlAuthorBorder": string;
"logoSubdued": string;
"diff": {
"bgDeletion": string;
"borderDeletion": string;
"bgAddition": string;
"borderAddition": string;
"bgDeletionStrong": string;
"borderDeletionStrong": string;
"bgAdditionStrong": string;
"borderAdditionStrong": string;
btn: {
bg: string;
border: string;
text: string;
ic: string;
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
shadowActive: string[];
shadowInputFocus: string[];
primary: {
bg: string;
border: string;
borderDisabled: string;
text: string;
ic: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowHighlight: string[];
shadowSelected: string[];
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
bgDisabled: string;
disabledText: string;
disabledShadow: string[];
counterBg: string;
inverseOnHover: {
border: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowInset: string[];
counterBg: string;
danger: {
text: string;
textDisabled: string;
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowFocus: string[];
counterBg: string;
counterBgDisabled: string;
outline: {
text: string;
textDisabled: string;
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowFocus: string[];
counterBg: string;
counterBgDisabled: string;
counterBg: string;
"globalNav": {
"logo": string;
"bg": string;
"text": string;
"inputBg": string;
"inputBorder": string;
"inputIc": string;
"inputPlaceholder": string;
counter: {
text: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
"calendarGraph": {
"dayBg": string;
"dayBorder": string;
"dayL1Bg": string;
"dayL2Bg": string;
"dayL3Bg": string;
"dayL4Bg": string;
"dayL4Border": string;
"dayL3Border": string;
"dayL2Border": string;
"dayL1Border": string;
topic: {
tagBg: string;
tagBorder: string;
tagText: string;
input: {
bg: string;
contrastBg: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowFocus: string[];
avatar: {
border: string;
stackFade: string;
stackFadeMore: string;
childShadow: string[];
toast: {
icBgLoading: string;
timeline: {
text: string;
badgeBg: string;
targetBadgeBorder: string;
targetBadgeShadow: string;
selectMenu: {
backdropBg: string;
shadow: string[];
tapHighlight: string;
tapFocusBg: string;
box: {
blueBorder: string;
rowYellowBg: string;
rowBlueBg: string;
dropdown: {
border: string;
popover: {
border: string;
branchName: {
text: string;
bg: string;
icon: string;
markdown: {
codeBg: string;
frameBorder: string;
blockquoteBorder: string;
tableBorder: string;
tableTrBorder: string;
header: {
text: string;
filterItem: {
barBg: string;
hiddenTextExpander: {
bg: string;
bgHover: string;
dragAndDrop: {
border: string;
uploadEnabled: {
border: string;
borderFocused: string;
previewableCommentForm: {
border: string;
iconFolder: string;
hlAuthorBg: string;
hlAuthorBorder: string;
logoSubdued: string;
discussionBorder: string;
diff: {
neutralBg: string;
deletionBg: string;
deletionBgStrong: string;
deletionBorder: string;
deletionBorderStrong: string;
additionBg: string;
additionBgStrong: string;
additionBorder: string;
additionBorderStrong: string;
globalNav: {
logo: string;
bg: string;
text: string;
icon: string;
inputBg: string;
inputBorder: string;
inputIcon: string;
inputPlaceholder: string;
calendarGraph: {
dayBg: string;
dayBorder: string;
dayL1Bg: string;
dayL2Bg: string;
dayL3Bg: string;
dayL4Bg: string;
dayL4Border: string;
dayL3Border: string;
dayL2Border: string;
dayL1Border: string;
export default _default;



@@ -6,3 +6,4 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const dark_1 = __importDefault(require("./dark"));
const light_1 = __importDefault(require("./light"));
exports.default = { light: light_1.default };
exports.default = { dark: dark_1.default, light: light_1.default };
declare const _default: {
"scale": {
"black": string;
"white": string;
"grey": string[];
"blue": string[];
"green": string[];
"yellow": string[];
"orange": string[];
"red": string[];
"purple": string[];
"pink": string[];
scale: {
black: string;
white: string;
gray: string[];
blue: string[];
green: string[];
yellow: string[];
orange: string[];
red: string[];
purple: string[];
pink: string[];
"text": {
"primary": string;
"secondary": string;
"tertiary": string;
"placeholder": string;
"disabled": string;
"linkPrimary": string;
"linkSecondary": string;
"linkTertiary": string;
"danger": string;
"success": string;
"warning": string;
auto: {
black: string;
white: string;
gray: string[];
blue: string[];
green: string[];
yellow: string[];
orange: string[];
red: string[];
purple: string[];
pink: string[];
"ic": {
"primary": string;
"secondary": string;
"tertiary": string;
"info": string;
"danger": string;
"success": string;
"warning": string;
text: {
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
placeholder: string;
disabled: string;
inverse: string;
linkPrimary: string;
linkSecondary: string;
linkTertiary: string;
danger: string;
success: string;
warning: string;
"hl": {
"hoverPrimaryBg": string;
"hoverPrimaryBorder": string;
"hoverSecondaryBg": string;
"hoverSecondaryBorder": string;
"selectedPrimaryBg": string;
"selectedPrimaryBorder": string;
icon: {
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
info: string;
danger: string;
success: string;
warning: string;
"border": {
"primary": string;
"secondary": string;
"danger": string;
"success": string;
"warning": string;
state: {
hoverPrimaryBg: string;
hoverPrimaryBorder: string;
hoverPrimaryText: string;
hoverPrimaryIcon: string;
hoverSecondaryBg: string;
hoverSecondaryBorder: string;
selectedPrimaryBg: string;
selectedPrimaryBorder: string;
selectedPrimaryText: string;
selectedPrimaryIcon: string;
"bg": {
"canvas": string;
"canvasInverse": string;
"primary": string;
"secondary": string;
"tertiary": string;
"overlay": string;
"info": string;
"danger": string;
"success": string;
"warning": string;
"infoInverse": string;
"dangerInverse": string;
"successInverse": string;
"warningInverse": string;
border: {
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
inverse: string;
info: string;
danger: string;
success: string;
warning: string;
"btn": {
"bg": string;
"border": string;
"text": string;
"ic": string;
"primaryBg": string;
"primaryBorder": string;
"primaryText": string;
"primaryIc": string;
bg: {
canvas: string;
canvasMobile: string;
canvasInverse: string;
primary: string;
secondary: string;
tertiary: string;
overlay: string;
info: string;
infoInverse: string;
danger: string;
dangerInverse: string;
success: string;
successInverse: string;
warning: string;
warningInverse: string;
"counter": {
"bg": string;
"border": string;
"text": string;
shadow: {
small: string[];
medium: string[];
large: string[];
extraLarge: string[];
highlight: string[];
inset: string[];
focus: string[];
"topic": {
"tagBg": string;
"tagBorder": string;
"tagText": string;
fade: {
black: {
10: string;
15: string;
30: string;
50: string;
70: string;
85: string;
white: {
10: string;
15: string;
30: string;
50: string;
70: string;
85: string;
"input": {
"bg": string;
"contrastBg": string;
alert: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
warn: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
error: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
success: {
text: string;
icon: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
"avatar": {
"border": string;
blankslate: {
icon: string;
"icFolder": string;
"hlAuthorBg": string;
"hlAuthorBorder": string;
"logoSubdued": string;
"diff": {
"bgDeletion": string;
"borderDeletion": string;
"bgAddition": string;
"borderAddition": string;
"bgDeletionStrong": string;
"borderDeletionStrong": string;
"bgAdditionStrong": string;
"borderAdditionStrong": string;
btn: {
bg: string;
border: string;
text: string;
ic: string;
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
shadowActive: string[];
shadowInputFocus: string[];
primary: {
bg: string;
border: string;
borderDisabled: string;
text: string;
ic: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowHighlight: string[];
shadowSelected: string[];
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
bgDisabled: string;
disabledText: string;
disabledShadow: string[];
counterBg: string;
inverseOnHover: {
border: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowInset: string[];
counterBg: string;
danger: {
text: string;
textDisabled: string;
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowFocus: string[];
counterBg: string;
counterBgDisabled: string;
outline: {
text: string;
textDisabled: string;
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowFocus: string[];
counterBg: string;
counterBgDisabled: string;
counterBg: string;
"globalNav": {
"logo": string;
"bg": string;
"text": string;
"inputBg": string;
"inputBorder": string;
"inputIc": string;
"inputPlaceholder": string;
counter: {
text: string;
bg: string;
border: string;
"calendarGraph": {
"dayBg": string;
"dayBorder": string;
"dayL1Bg": string;
"dayL2Bg": string;
"dayL3Bg": string;
"dayL4Bg": string;
"dayL4Border": string;
"dayL3Border": string;
"dayL2Border": string;
"dayL1Border": string;
topic: {
tagBg: string;
tagBorder: string;
tagText: string;
input: {
bg: string;
contrastBg: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowFocus: string[];
avatar: {
border: string;
stackFade: string;
stackFadeMore: string;
childShadow: string[];
toast: {
icBgLoading: string;
timeline: {
text: string;
badgeBg: string;
targetBadgeBorder: string;
targetBadgeShadow: string;
selectMenu: {
backdropBg: string;
shadow: string[];
tapHighlight: string;
tapFocusBg: string;
box: {
blueBorder: string;
rowYellowBg: string;
rowBlueBg: string;
dropdown: {
border: string;
popover: {
border: string;
branchName: {
text: string;
bg: string;
icon: string;
markdown: {
codeBg: string;
frameBorder: string;
blockquoteBorder: string;
tableBorder: string;
tableTrBorder: string;
header: {
text: string;
filterItem: {
barBg: string;
hiddenTextExpander: {
bg: string;
bgHover: string;
dragAndDrop: {
border: string;
uploadEnabled: {
border: string;
borderFocused: string;
previewableCommentForm: {
border: string;
iconFolder: string;
hlAuthorBg: string;
hlAuthorBorder: string;
logoSubdued: string;
discussionBorder: string;
diff: {
neutralBg: string;
deletionBg: string;
deletionBgStrong: string;
deletionBorder: string;
deletionBorderStrong: string;
additionBg: string;
additionBgStrong: string;
additionBorder: string;
additionBorderStrong: string;
globalNav: {
logo: string;
bg: string;
text: string;
icon: string;
inputBg: string;
inputBorder: string;
inputIcon: string;
inputPlaceholder: string;
calendarGraph: {
dayBg: string;
dayBorder: string;
dayL1Bg: string;
dayL2Bg: string;
dayL3Bg: string;
dayL4Bg: string;
dayL4Border: string;
dayL3Border: string;
dayL2Border: string;
dayL1Border: string;
export default _default;

@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ "use strict";

"white": "#ffffff",
"grey": [
"gray": [

@@ -105,2 +105,102 @@ "#f6f8fa",

"auto": {
"black": "#1b1f23",
"white": "#ffffff",
"gray": [
"blue": [
"green": [
"yellow": [
"orange": [
"red": [
"purple": [
"pink": [
"text": {

@@ -110,12 +210,13 @@ "primary": "#24292e",

"tertiary": "#6a737d",
"placeholder": "#d1d5da",
"disabled": "#d1d5da",
"placeholder": "#6a737d",
"disabled": "#6a737d",
"inverse": "#ffffff",
"linkPrimary": "#0366d6",
"linkSecondary": "#24292e",
"linkTertiary": "#586069",
"danger": "#d73a49",
"danger": "#cb2431",
"success": "#22863a",
"warning": "#b08800"
"ic": {
"icon": {
"primary": "#24292e",

@@ -129,19 +230,27 @@ "secondary": "#586069",

"hl": {
"state": {
"hoverPrimaryBg": "#0366d6",
"hoverPrimaryBorder": "#0366d6",
"hoverPrimaryText": "#ffffff",
"hoverPrimaryIcon": "#ffffff",
"hoverSecondaryBg": "#f6f8fa",
"hoverSecondaryBorder": "#f6f8fa",
"selectedPrimaryBg": "#0366d6",
"selectedPrimaryBorder": "#0366d6"
"selectedPrimaryBorder": "#0366d6",
"selectedPrimaryText": "#ffffff",
"selectedPrimaryIcon": "#ffffff"
"border": {
"primary": "#e1e4e8",
"secondary": "#d1d5da",
"secondary": "#eaecef",
"tertiary": "#d1d5da",
"inverse": "#ffffff",
"info": "#0366d6",
"danger": "#d73a49",
"success": "#28a745",
"warning": "#dbab09"
"success": "#34d058",
"warning": "#f9c513"
"bg": {
"canvas": "#ffffff",
"canvasMobile": "#ffffff",
"canvasInverse": "#24292e",

@@ -151,12 +260,104 @@ "primary": "#ffffff",

"tertiary": "#fafbfc",
"overlay": "#1b1f23",
"info": "#dbedff",
"danger": "#ffdce0",
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"warningInverse": "#f9c513"
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@@ -167,11 +368,124 @@ "bg": "#fafbfc",

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"text": "#24292e"
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@@ -185,20 +499,107 @@ "topic": {

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@@ -209,6 +610,7 @@ "globalNav": {

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"inputPlaceholder": "#959da5"

@@ -215,0 +617,0 @@ "calendarGraph": {

declare const _default: {
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icBgLoading: string;
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discussionBorder: string;
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neutralBg: string;
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deletionBgStrong: string;
deletionBorder: string;
deletionBorderStrong: string;
additionBg: string;
additionBgStrong: string;
additionBorder: string;
additionBorderStrong: string;
globalNav: {
logo: string;
bg: string;
text: string;
icon: string;
inputBg: string;
inputBorder: string;
inputIcon: string;
inputPlaceholder: string;
calendarGraph: {
dayBg: string;
dayBorder: string;
dayL1Bg: string;
dayL2Bg: string;
dayL3Bg: string;
dayL4Bg: string;
dayL4Border: string;
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"hoverSecondaryBorder": string;
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"selectedPrimaryBorder": string;
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"dangerInverse": string;
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"warningInverse": string;
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"btn": {
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successInverse: string;
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warningInverse: string;
"counter": {
"bg": string;
"border": string;
"text": string;
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small: string[];
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"topic": {
"tagBg": string;
"tagBorder": string;
"tagText": string;
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10: string;
15: string;
30: string;
50: string;
70: string;
85: string;
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15: string;
30: string;
50: string;
70: string;
85: string;
"input": {
"bg": string;
"contrastBg": string;
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text: string;
icon: string;
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text: string;
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bg: string;
border: string;
error: {
text: string;
icon: string;
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"avatar": {
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"icFolder": string;
"hlAuthorBg": string;
"hlAuthorBorder": string;
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"diff": {
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"borderAddition": string;
"bgDeletionStrong": string;
"borderDeletionStrong": string;
"bgAdditionStrong": string;
"borderAdditionStrong": string;
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primary: {
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text: string;
ic: string;
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shadowHighlight: string[];
shadowSelected: string[];
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
bgDisabled: string;
disabledText: string;
disabledShadow: string[];
counterBg: string;
inverseOnHover: {
border: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowInset: string[];
counterBg: string;
danger: {
text: string;
textDisabled: string;
bgHover: string;
bgActive: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowFocus: string[];
counterBg: string;
counterBgDisabled: string;
outline: {
text: string;
textDisabled: string;
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counterBg: string;
"globalNav": {
"logo": string;
"bg": string;
"text": string;
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"inputBorder": string;
"inputIc": string;
"inputPlaceholder": string;
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"calendarGraph": {
"dayBg": string;
"dayBorder": string;
"dayL1Bg": string;
"dayL2Bg": string;
"dayL3Bg": string;
"dayL4Bg": string;
"dayL4Border": string;
"dayL3Border": string;
"dayL2Border": string;
"dayL1Border": string;
topic: {
tagBg: string;
tagBorder: string;
tagText: string;
input: {
bg: string;
contrastBg: string;
shadow: string[];
shadowFocus: string[];
avatar: {
border: string;
stackFade: string;
stackFadeMore: string;
childShadow: string[];
toast: {
icBgLoading: string;
timeline: {
text: string;
badgeBg: string;
targetBadgeBorder: string;
targetBadgeShadow: string;
selectMenu: {
backdropBg: string;
shadow: string[];
tapHighlight: string;
tapFocusBg: string;
box: {
blueBorder: string;
rowYellowBg: string;
rowBlueBg: string;
dropdown: {
border: string;
popover: {
border: string;
branchName: {
text: string;
bg: string;
icon: string;
markdown: {
codeBg: string;
frameBorder: string;
blockquoteBorder: string;
tableBorder: string;
tableTrBorder: string;
header: {
text: string;
filterItem: {
barBg: string;
hiddenTextExpander: {
bg: string;
bgHover: string;
dragAndDrop: {
border: string;
uploadEnabled: {
border: string;
borderFocused: string;
previewableCommentForm: {
border: string;
iconFolder: string;
hlAuthorBg: string;
hlAuthorBorder: string;
logoSubdued: string;
discussionBorder: string;
diff: {
neutralBg: string;
deletionBg: string;
deletionBgStrong: string;
deletionBorder: string;
deletionBorderStrong: string;
additionBg: string;
additionBgStrong: string;
additionBorder: string;
additionBorderStrong: string;
globalNav: {
logo: string;
bg: string;
text: string;
icon: string;
inputBg: string;
inputBorder: string;
inputIcon: string;
inputPlaceholder: string;
calendarGraph: {
dayBg: string;
dayBorder: string;
dayL1Bg: string;
dayL2Bg: string;
dayL3Bg: string;
dayL4Bg: string;
dayL4Border: string;
dayL3Border: string;
dayL2Border: string;
dayL1Border: string;

@@ -135,3 +632,3 @@ };

normal: {
"spacer": string[];
spacer: string[];

@@ -141,7 +638,7 @@ };

normal: {
"fontSize": string[];
"lineHeight": {
"condensedUltra": string;
"condensed": string;
"default": string;
fontSize: string[];
lineHeight: {
condensedUltra: string;
condensed: string;
default: string;

@@ -148,0 +645,0 @@ };

declare const _default: {
normal: {
"spacer": string[];
spacer: string[];
export default _default;
declare const _default: {
"spacer": string[];
spacer: string[];
export default _default;
declare const _default: {
normal: {
"fontSize": string[];
"lineHeight": {
"condensedUltra": string;
"condensed": string;
"default": string;
fontSize: string[];
lineHeight: {
condensedUltra: string;
condensed: string;
default: string;

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ };

declare const _default: {
"fontSize": string[];
"lineHeight": {
"condensedUltra": string;
"condensed": string;
"default": string;
fontSize: string[];
lineHeight: {
condensedUltra: string;
condensed: string;
default: string;
export default _default;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"white": "#ffffff",
"grey": [
"gray": [

@@ -103,2 +103,102 @@ "#f6f8fa",

"auto": {
"black": "#1b1f23",
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"yellow": [
"orange": [
"red": [
"purple": [
"pink": [
"text": {

@@ -108,12 +208,13 @@ "primary": "#24292e",

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"danger": "#cb2431",
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"warning": "#b08800"
"ic": {
"icon": {
"primary": "#24292e",

@@ -127,19 +228,27 @@ "secondary": "#586069",

"hl": {
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"selectedPrimaryBorder": "#0366d6"
"selectedPrimaryBorder": "#0366d6",
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@@ -149,12 +258,104 @@ "primary": "#ffffff",

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@@ -213,0 +615,0 @@ "calendarGraph": {

@@ -0,2 +1,3 @@

import dark from './dark'
import light from './light'
export default { light }
export default { dark, light }

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ export default {

"white": "#ffffff",
"grey": [
"gray": [

@@ -103,2 +103,102 @@ "#f6f8fa",

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@@ -207,6 +608,7 @@ "globalNav": {

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@@ -213,0 +615,0 @@ "calendarGraph": {

"name": "@primer/primitives",
"version": "0.0.0-2f13178",
"version": "0.0.0-2fb44d3",
"description": "Typography, spacing, and color primitives for Primer design system",

@@ -28,9 +28,12 @@ "files": [

"build": "ts-node ./script/build.ts && tsc",
"prepack": "yarn build"
"prepack": "yarn build",
"watch": "ls data/**/*.scss script/**/*.ts | entr -s 'yarn build'"
"dependencies": {},
"devDependencies": {
"@types/chalk": "^2.2.0",
"@types/mkdirp": "^1.0.1",
"@types/node": "^14.0.26",
"camelcase-keys": "^6.2.2",
"chalk": "^4.1.0",
"deep-shape-equals": "^0.1.2",

@@ -37,0 +40,0 @@ "mkdirp": "^1.0.4",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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