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@proca/api - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.4.0-alpha.0 to 3.0.0-alpha.0




@@ -25,4 +25,10 @@ export declare type Maybe<T> = T | null;

Date: any;
Json: any;
* The `DateTime` scalar type represents a date and time in the UTC
* timezone. The DateTime appears in a JSON response as an ISO8601 formatted
* string, including UTC timezone ("Z"). The parsed date and time string will
* be converted to UTC if there is an offset.
DateTime: any;
* The `Decimal` scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional

@@ -33,2 +39,3 @@ * values parsed by the `Decimal` library. The Decimal appears in a JSON

Decimal: any;
Json: any;

@@ -40,39 +47,188 @@ * The `Naive DateTime` scalar type represents a naive date and time without

NaiveDateTime: any;
export declare type Action = {
actionId: Scalars['Int'];
createdAt: Scalars['NaiveDateTime'];
actionType: Scalars['String'];
contact: Contact;
fields: Array<CustomField>;
tracking: Maybe<Tracking>;
campaign: Campaign;
actionPage: ActionPage;
privacy: Consent;
donation: Maybe<Donation>;
export declare type ActionCustomFields = {
actionId: Scalars['Int'];
actionType: Scalars['String'];
insertedAt: Scalars['NaiveDateTime'];
fields: Array<CustomField>;
/** Custom field added to action. For signature it can be contact, for mail it can be subject and body */
export declare type ActionInput = {
/** Action Type */
actionType: Scalars['String'];
/** Other fields that accompany the signature */
fields?: Maybe<Array<CustomFieldInput>>;
/** Donation payload */
donation?: Maybe<DonationActionInput>;
export declare type ActionPage = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
/** Locale for the widget, in i18n format */
locale: Scalars['String'];
/** Name where the widget is hosted */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Reference to thank you email templated of this Action Page */
thankYouTemplateRef: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Is live? */
live: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** List of steps in journey */
journey: Array<Scalars['String']>;
/** Config JSON of this action page */
config: Scalars['Json'];
/** Campaign this action page belongs to. */
campaign: Campaign;
/** Org the action page belongs to */
org: Org;
/** ActionPage input */
export declare type ActionPageInput = {
* The `DateTime` scalar type represents a date and time in the UTC
* timezone. The DateTime appears in a JSON response as an ISO8601 formatted
* string, including UTC timezone ("Z"). The parsed date and time string will
* be converted to UTC if there is an offset.
* Unique NAME identifying ActionPage.
* Does not have to exist, must be unique. Can be a 'technical' identifier
* scoped to particular organization, so it does not have to change when the
* slugs/names change (eg. However, frontent Widget can
* ask for ActionPage by it's current location.href (but without https://), in which case it is useful
* to make this url match the real widget location.
DateTime: any;
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** 2-letter, lowercase, code of ActionPage language */
locale?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A reference to thank you email template of this ActionPage */
thankYouTemplateRef?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Extra supporter count. If you want to add a number of signatories you have offline or kept in another system, you can specify the number here. */
extraSupporters?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** List of steps in the journey */
journey?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
/** JSON string containing Action Page config */
config?: Maybe<Scalars['Json']>;
/** Tracking codes */
export declare type Tracking = {
source: Scalars['String'];
medium: Scalars['String'];
campaign: Scalars['String'];
content: Scalars['String'];
/** Count of actions for particular action type */
export declare type ActionTypeCount = {
/** action type */
actionType: Scalars['String'];
/** count of actions of action type */
count: Scalars['Int'];
export declare type UserRole = {
org: Org;
role: Scalars['String'];
export declare type ActivateKeyResult = {
status: Status;
export declare type SelectActionPage = {
campaignId?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
export declare type AddKeyInput = {
name: Scalars['String'];
public: Scalars['String'];
export declare type KeyWithPrivate = {
/** Address type which can hold different addres fields. */
export declare type AddressInput = {
/** Country code (two-letter). */
country?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Postcode, in format correct for country locale */
postcode?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Locality, which can be a city/town/village */
locality?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Region, being province, voyevodship, county */
region?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Street name */
street?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Street number */
streetNumber?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Count of actions for particular action type */
export declare type AreaCount = {
/** area */
area: Scalars['String'];
/** count of supporters in this area */
count: Scalars['Int'];
/** Filter campaigns by id. If found, returns list of 1 campaign, otherwise an empty list */
export declare type Campaign = {
/** Campaign id */
id: Scalars['Int'];
public: Scalars['String'];
private: Scalars['String'];
/** External ID (if set) */
externalId: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Internal name of the campaign */
name: Scalars['String'];
active: Scalars['Boolean'];
expired: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** When the key was expired, in UTC */
expiredAt: Maybe<Scalars['DateTime']>;
/** Full, official name of the campaign */
title: Scalars['String'];
/** Schema for contact personal information */
contactSchema: ContactSchema;
/** Custom config map */
config: Scalars['Json'];
/** Campaign statistics */
stats: CampaignStats;
org: Org;
/** Fetch public actions */
actions: PublicActionsResult;
export declare type SimpleActionPage = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
/** Filter campaigns by id. If found, returns list of 1 campaign, otherwise an empty list */
export declare type CampaignActionsArgs = {
actionType: Scalars['String'];
limit: Scalars['Int'];
/** Campaign input */
export declare type CampaignInput = {
/** Campaign unchanging identifier */
name: Scalars['String'];
locale: Scalars['String'];
/** Campaign external_id. If provided, it will be used to find campaign. Can be used to rename a campaign */
externalId?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Campaign human readable title */
title?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Schema for contact personal information */
contactSchema?: Maybe<ContactSchema>;
/** Custom config as stringified JSON map */
config?: Maybe<Scalars['Json']>;
/** Action pages of this campaign */
actionPages: Array<ActionPageInput>;
/** Campaign statistics */
export declare type CampaignStats = {
/** Unique action tagers count */
supporterCount: Scalars['Int'];
/** Unique action takers by area */
supporterCountByArea: Array<AreaCount>;
/** Unique action takers by org */
supporterCountByOrg: Array<OrgCount>;
supporterCountByOthers: Scalars['Int'];
/** Action counts for selected action types */
actionCount: Array<ActionTypeCount>;
/** Campaign statistics */
export declare type CampaignStatsSupporterCountByOthersArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
export declare type ChangeUserStatus = {
status: Status;
export declare type Confirm = {
code: Scalars['String'];
email: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
objectId: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
export declare type ConfirmInput = {
code: Scalars['String'];
email?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
objectId?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
export declare type ConfirmResult = {
status: Status;
actionPage: Maybe<ActionPage>;
campaign: Maybe<Campaign>;
org: Maybe<Org>;
/** GDPR consent data for this org */
export declare type Consent = {
optIn: Scalars['Boolean'];
givenAt: Scalars['NaiveDateTime'];
/** GDPR consent data structure */

@@ -85,48 +241,54 @@ export declare type ConsentInput = {

export declare type NationalityInput = {
/** Nationality / issuer of id document */
country: Scalars['String'];
/** Document type */
documentType?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Document serial id/number */
documentNumber?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type Contact = {
contactRef: Scalars['ID'];
payload: Scalars['String'];
nonce: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
publicKey: Maybe<KeyIds>;
signKey: Maybe<KeyIds>;
/** GDPR consent data for this org */
export declare type Consent = {
optIn: Scalars['Boolean'];
givenAt: Scalars['NaiveDateTime'];
/** Contact information */
export declare type ContactInput = {
/** Full name */
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** First name (when you provide full name split into first and last) */
firstName?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Last name (when you provide full name split into first and last) */
lastName?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Email */
email?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Contacts phone number */
phone?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Date of birth in format YYYY-MM-DD */
birthDate?: Maybe<Scalars['Date']>;
/** Contacts address */
address?: Maybe<AddressInput>;
/** Nationality information */
nationality?: Maybe<NationalityInput>;
/** Tracking codes */
export declare type TrackingInput = {
source: Scalars['String'];
medium: Scalars['String'];
campaign: Scalars['String'];
content?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type ContactReference = {
/** Contact's reference */
contactRef: Scalars['String'];
/** Contacts first name */
firstName: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Count of actions for particular action type */
export declare type ActionTypeCount = {
/** action type */
actionType: Scalars['String'];
/** count of actions of action type */
count: Scalars['Int'];
export declare enum ContactSchema {
ItCi = "IT_CI",
Basic = "BASIC",
PopularInitiative = "POPULAR_INITIATIVE",
Eci = "ECI",
PopularInitiative = "POPULAR_INITIATIVE",
Basic = "BASIC"
ItCi = "IT_CI"
export declare type Partnership = {
org: PublicOrg;
/** Custom field with a key and value. */
export declare type CustomField = {
key: Scalars['String'];
value: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootSubscriptionType = {
actionPageUpserted: PublicActionPage;
/** Custom field with a key and value. Both are strings. */
export declare type CustomFieldInput = {
key: Scalars['String'];
value: Scalars['String'];
transient?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
export declare type RootSubscriptionTypeActionPageUpsertedArgs = {
orgName?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type DeleteUserResult = {
status: Status;
export declare type ActionCampaign = {
name: Scalars['String'];
externalId: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
export declare type Donation = {

@@ -140,50 +302,225 @@ schema: Maybe<DonationSchema>;

payload: Scalars['Json'];
/** Donation frequency unit */
frequencyUnit: DonationFrequencyUnit;
/** ActionPage declaration (using the legacy url attribute) */
export declare type ActionPageInputLegacyUrl = {
id?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
url?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
locale?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
thankYouTemplateRef?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
extraSupporters?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
journey?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
config?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type DonationActionInput = {
/** Provide payload schema to validate, eg. stripe_payment_intent */
schema?: Maybe<DonationSchema>;
/** Provide amount of this donation */
amount?: Maybe<Scalars['Decimal']>;
/** Provide currency of this donation */
currency?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
frequencyUnit?: Maybe<DonationFrequencyUnit>;
payload: Scalars['Json'];
export declare type SelectKey = {
id?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
active?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
public?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare enum DonationFrequencyUnit {
OneOff = "ONE_OFF",
Weekly = "WEEKLY",
Monthly = "MONTHLY"
export declare enum DonationSchema {
StripePaymentIntent = "STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENT"
export declare type GenKeyInput = {
name: Scalars['String'];
export declare type Service = {
export declare type JoinOrgResult = {
status: Status;
org: Org;
/** Encryption or sign key with integer id (database) */
export declare type Key = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
name: ServiceName;
host: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
user: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
path: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
public: Scalars['String'];
name: Scalars['String'];
active: Scalars['Boolean'];
expired: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** When the key was expired, in UTC */
expiredAt: Maybe<Scalars['NaiveDateTime']>;
export declare type SelectService = {
name?: Maybe<ServiceName>;
export declare type KeyIds = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
public: Scalars['String'];
/** Count of actions for particular action type */
export declare type AreaCount = {
/** area */
area: Scalars['String'];
/** count of supporters in this area */
export declare type KeyWithPrivate = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
public: Scalars['String'];
private: Scalars['String'];
name: Scalars['String'];
active: Scalars['Boolean'];
expired: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** When the key was expired, in UTC */
expiredAt: Maybe<Scalars['NaiveDateTime']>;
export declare type LaunchActionPageResult = {
status: Status;
export declare type NationalityInput = {
/** Nationality / issuer of id document */
country: Scalars['String'];
/** Document type */
documentType?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Document serial id/number */
documentNumber?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type Org = {
/** Organisation short name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Organisation title (human readable name) */
title: Scalars['String'];
/** Count of supporters for particular org */
export declare type OrgCount = {
/** org */
org: Org;
/** count of supporters registered by org */
count: Scalars['Int'];
/** Custom field added to action. For signature it can be contact, for mail it can be subject and body */
export declare type ActionInput = {
/** Action Type */
export declare type OrgInput = {
/** Name used to rename */
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Organisation title (human readable name) */
title?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Schema for contact personal information */
contactSchema?: Maybe<ContactSchema>;
/** Email opt in enabled */
emailOptIn?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
/** Email opt in template name */
emailOptInTemplate?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Config */
config?: Maybe<Scalars['Json']>;
export declare type OrgUser = {
email: Scalars['String'];
role: Scalars['String'];
createdAt: Scalars['NaiveDateTime'];
joinedAt: Scalars['NaiveDateTime'];
lastSigninAt: Maybe<Scalars['NaiveDateTime']>;
export declare type Partnership = {
org: Org;
actionPages: Array<ActionPage>;
launchRequests: Array<Confirm>;
export declare type PersonalData = {
/** Schema for contact personal information */
contactSchema: ContactSchema;
/** Email opt in enabled */
emailOptIn: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** Email opt in template name */
emailOptInTemplate: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type PrivateActionPage = ActionPage & {
id: Scalars['Int'];
/** Locale for the widget, in i18n format */
locale: Scalars['String'];
/** Name where the widget is hosted */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Reference to thank you email templated of this Action Page */
thankYouTemplateRef: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Is live? */
live: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** List of steps in journey */
journey: Array<Scalars['String']>;
/** Config JSON of this action page */
config: Scalars['Json'];
/** Campaign this action page belongs to. */
campaign: Campaign;
/** Org the action page belongs to */
org: Org;
extraSupporters: Scalars['Int'];
/** Action page collects also opt-out actions */
delivery: Scalars['Boolean'];
export declare type PrivateCampaign = Campaign & {
/** Campaign id */
id: Scalars['Int'];
/** External ID (if set) */
externalId: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Internal name of the campaign */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Full, official name of the campaign */
title: Scalars['String'];
/** Schema for contact personal information */
contactSchema: ContactSchema;
/** Custom config map */
config: Scalars['Json'];
/** Campaign statistics */
stats: CampaignStats;
org: Org;
/** Fetch public actions */
actions: PublicActionsResult;
/** Campaign onwer collects opt-out actions for delivery even if campaign partner is */
forceDelivery: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** List of partnerships and requests */
partnerships: Maybe<Array<Partnership>>;
export declare type PrivateCampaignActionsArgs = {
actionType: Scalars['String'];
/** Other fields that accompany the signature */
fields?: Maybe<Array<CustomFieldInput>>;
/** Donation payload */
donation?: Maybe<DonationActionInput>;
limit: Scalars['Int'];
export declare type AddKeyInput = {
export declare type PrivateOrg = Org & {
/** Organisation short name */
name: Scalars['String'];
public: Scalars['String'];
/** Organisation title (human readable name) */
title: Scalars['String'];
/** Organization id */
id: Scalars['Int'];
/** config */
config: Scalars['Json'];
/** Personal data settings for this org */
personalData: PersonalData;
keys: Array<Key>;
key: Key;
services: Array<Maybe<Service>>;
users: Array<Maybe<OrgUser>>;
/** List campaigns this org is leader or partner of */
campaigns: Array<Campaign>;
/** List action pages this org has */
actionPages: Array<ActionPage>;
/** Action Page */
actionPage: ActionPage;
/** Get campaign this org is leader or partner of by id */
campaign: Campaign;
export declare type GenKeyInput = {
export declare type PrivateOrgKeysArgs = {
select?: Maybe<SelectKey>;
export declare type PrivateOrgKeyArgs = {
select: SelectKey;
export declare type PrivateOrgServicesArgs = {
select?: Maybe<SelectService>;
export declare type PrivateOrgCampaignsArgs = {
select?: Maybe<SelectCampaign>;
export declare type PrivateOrgActionPagesArgs = {
select?: Maybe<SelectActionPage>;
export declare type PrivateOrgActionPageArgs = {
id?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type PrivateOrgCampaignArgs = {
id?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
export declare type PublicActionPage = ActionPage & {
id: Scalars['Int'];
/** Locale for the widget, in i18n format */
locale: Scalars['String'];
/** Name where the widget is hosted */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Reference to thank you email templated of this Action Page */
thankYouTemplateRef: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Is live? */
live: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** List of steps in journey */
journey: Array<Scalars['String']>;
/** Config JSON of this action page */
config: Scalars['Json'];
/** Campaign this action page belongs to. */
campaign: Campaign;
/** Org the action page belongs to */
org: Org;

@@ -195,38 +532,30 @@ /** Result of actions query */

export declare type ActivateKeyResult = {
status: Status;
export declare type PublicCampaign = Campaign & {
/** Campaign id */
id: Scalars['Int'];
/** External ID (if set) */
externalId: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Internal name of the campaign */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Full, official name of the campaign */
title: Scalars['String'];
/** Schema for contact personal information */
contactSchema: ContactSchema;
/** Custom config map */
config: Scalars['Json'];
/** Campaign statistics */
stats: CampaignStats;
org: Org;
/** Fetch public actions */
actions: PublicActionsResult;
/** Campaign statistics */
export declare type CampaignStats = {
/** Unique action tagers count */
supporterCount: Scalars['Int'];
/** Unique action takers by area */
supporterCountByArea: Array<AreaCount>;
/** Unique action takers by org */
supporterCountByOrg: Array<OrgCount>;
supporterCountByOthers: Scalars['Int'];
/** Action counts for selected action types */
actionCount: Array<ActionTypeCount>;
/** Campaign statistics */
export declare type CampaignStatsSupporterCountByOthersArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
export declare type ActionCustomFields = {
actionId: Scalars['Int'];
export declare type PublicCampaignActionsArgs = {
actionType: Scalars['String'];
insertedAt: Scalars['NaiveDateTime'];
fields: Array<CustomField>;
limit: Scalars['Int'];
export declare type Action = {
actionId: Scalars['Int'];
createdAt: Scalars['NaiveDateTime'];
actionType: Scalars['String'];
contact: Contact;
fields: Array<CustomField>;
tracking: Maybe<Tracking>;
campaign: ActionCampaign;
actionPage: SimpleActionPage;
privacy: Consent;
donation: Maybe<Donation>;
export declare type PublicOrg = Org & {
/** Organisation short name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Organisation title (human readable name) */
title: Scalars['String'];

@@ -243,4 +572,2 @@ export declare type RootMutationType = {

upsertCampaign: Campaign;
/** Deprecated, use upsert_campaign. */
declareCampaign: Campaign;
/** Update an Action Page */

@@ -253,2 +580,8 @@ updateActionPage: ActionPage;

copyActionPage: ActionPage;
* Adds a new Action Page based on latest Action Page from campaign. Intended to be used to
* create a partner action page based off lead's one. Copies: campaign, locale, journey, config, delivery flag
copyCampaignActionPage: ActionPage;
launchActionPage: LaunchActionPageResult;
/** Adds an action referencing contact data via contactRef */

@@ -260,5 +593,5 @@ addAction: ContactReference;

linkActions: ContactReference;
addOrgUser: Maybe<User>;
addOrgUser: ChangeUserStatus;
updateOrgUser: ChangeUserStatus;
deleteOrgUser: Maybe<DeleteUserResult>;
updateOrgUser: Maybe<User>;
addOrg: Org;

@@ -272,55 +605,67 @@ deleteOrg: Scalars['Boolean'];

activateKey: ActivateKeyResult;
stripeCreatePaymentIntent: Scalars['Json'];
addStripePaymentIntent: Scalars['Json'];
addStripeSubscription: Scalars['Json'];
* Create stripe object using Stripe key associated with action page owning org.
* Pass any of paymentIntent, subscription, customer, price json params to be sent as-is to Stripe API. The result is a JSON returned by Stripe API or a GraphQL Error object.
* If you provide customer along payment intent or subscription, it will be first created, then their id will be added to params for the payment intent or subscription, so you can pack 2 Stripe API calls into one. You can do the same with price object in case of a subscription.
addStripeObject: Scalars['Json'];
/** Accept a confirm on behalf of organisation. */
acceptOrgConfirm: ConfirmResult;
/** Reject a confirm on behalf of organisation. */
rejectOrgConfirm: ConfirmResult;
export declare type RootMutationTypeUpsertCampaignArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
input: CampaignInput;
orgName: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeDeclareCampaignArgs = {
actionPages: Array<Maybe<ActionPageInputLegacyUrl>>;
title: Scalars['String'];
externalId?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
name: Scalars['String'];
orgName: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeUpdateActionPageArgs = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
input: ActionPageInput;
id: Scalars['Int'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeCopyActionPageArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
name: Scalars['String'];
fromName: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeCopyCampaignActionPageArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
name: Scalars['String'];
orgName: Scalars['String'];
fromCampaignName: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeLaunchActionPageArgs = {
name: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeAddActionArgs = {
actionPageId: Scalars['Int'];
action: ActionInput;
contactRef: Scalars['ID'];
tracking?: Maybe<TrackingInput>;
contactRef: Scalars['ID'];
action: ActionInput;
actionPageId: Scalars['Int'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeAddActionContactArgs = {
actionPageId: Scalars['Int'];
action: ActionInput;
contact: ContactInput;
privacy: ConsentInput;
tracking?: Maybe<TrackingInput>;
contactRef?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>;
tracking?: Maybe<TrackingInput>;
privacy: ConsentInput;
contact: ContactInput;
action: ActionInput;
actionPageId: Scalars['Int'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeLinkActionsArgs = {
actionPageId: Scalars['Int'];
contactRef: Scalars['ID'];
linkRefs?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
contactRef: Scalars['ID'];
actionPageId: Scalars['Int'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeAddOrgUserArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
input: UserInput;
export declare type RootMutationTypeUpdateOrgUserArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
input: UserInput;
export declare type RootMutationTypeDeleteOrgUserArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
email: Scalars['String'];
orgName: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeUpdateOrgUserArgs = {
input: UserInput;
orgName: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeAddOrgArgs = {

@@ -333,4 +678,4 @@ input: OrgInput;

export declare type RootMutationTypeUpdateOrgArgs = {
name: Scalars['String'];
input: OrgInput;
name: Scalars['String'];

@@ -341,17 +686,38 @@ export declare type RootMutationTypeJoinOrgArgs = {

export declare type RootMutationTypeGenerateKeyArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
input: GenKeyInput;
orgName: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeAddKeyArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
input: AddKeyInput;
orgName: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeActivateKeyArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
id: Scalars['Int'];
orgName: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootMutationTypeStripeCreatePaymentIntentArgs = {
input: PaymentIntentInput;
export declare type RootMutationTypeAddStripePaymentIntentArgs = {
actionPageId: Scalars['Int'];
input: StripePaymentIntentInput;
contactRef?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>;
export declare type RootMutationTypeAddStripeSubscriptionArgs = {
actionPageId: Scalars['Int'];
input: StripeSubscriptionInput;
contactRef?: Maybe<Scalars['ID']>;
export declare type RootMutationTypeAddStripeObjectArgs = {
actionPageId: Scalars['Int'];
paymentIntent?: Maybe<Scalars['Json']>;
subscription?: Maybe<Scalars['Json']>;
customer?: Maybe<Scalars['Json']>;
price?: Maybe<Scalars['Json']>;
export declare type RootMutationTypeAcceptOrgConfirmArgs = {
name: Scalars['String'];
confirm: ConfirmInput;
export declare type RootMutationTypeRejectOrgConfirmArgs = {
name: Scalars['String'];
confirm: ConfirmInput;
export declare type RootQueryType = {

@@ -361,25 +727,24 @@ /** Get a list of campains */

/** Get action page */
actionPage: PublicActionPage;
actionPage: ActionPage;
exportActions: Array<Maybe<Action>>;
currentUser: User;
/** Organization api (authenticated) */
org: Org;
org: PrivateOrg;
export declare type RootQueryTypeCampaignsArgs = {
title?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
title?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type RootQueryTypeActionPageArgs = {
url?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
id?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
id?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
export declare type RootQueryTypeExportActionsArgs = {
orgName: Scalars['String'];
campaignName?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
campaignId?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
start?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
after?: Maybe<Scalars['DateTime']>;
limit?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
onlyOptIn?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
limit?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
after?: Maybe<Scalars['DateTime']>;
start?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
campaignId?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
campaignName?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
orgName: Scalars['String'];

@@ -389,296 +754,80 @@ export declare type RootQueryTypeOrgArgs = {

export declare type PublicOrg = {
/** Organisation short name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Organisation title (human readable name) */
title: Scalars['String'];
export declare type RootSubscriptionType = {
actionPageUpserted: ActionPage;
export declare type ActionPage = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
/** Locale for the widget, in i18n format */
locale: Scalars['String'];
/** Name where the widget is hosted */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Reference to thank you email templated of this Action Page */
thankYouTemplateRef: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** List of steps in journey */
journey: Maybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
/** Config JSON of this action page */
config: Scalars['Json'];
/** Extra supporters (added to supporters count) */
extraSupporters: Scalars['Int'];
/** Campaign this widget belongs to. Can be null for trashed action pages */
campaign: Maybe<Campaign>;
org: Maybe<PublicOrg>;
export declare type RootSubscriptionTypeActionPageUpsertedArgs = {
orgName?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type PublicActionPage = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
/** Locale for the widget, in i18n format */
locale: Scalars['String'];
/** Name where the widget is hosted */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Reference to thank you email templated of this Action Page */
thankYouTemplateRef: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** List of steps in journey */
journey: Array<Scalars['String']>;
/** Config JSON of this action page */
config: Scalars['Json'];
/** Campaign this widget belongs to. Can't be null because trashed action pages are not public */
campaign: Campaign;
org: PublicOrg;
export declare type SelectActionPage = {
campaignId?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
export declare type DeleteUserResult = {
status: Status;
/** Count of supporters for particular org */
export declare type OrgCount = {
/** org */
org: PublicOrg;
/** count of supporters registered by org */
count: Scalars['Int'];
export declare type PaymentIntentInput = {
amount: Scalars['Float'];
currency: Scalars['String'];
paymentMethodTypes?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
/** Campaign input */
export declare type CampaignInput = {
/** Campaign unchanging identifier */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Campaign external_id. If provided, it will be used to find campaign. Can be used to rename a campaign */
externalId?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Campaign human readable title */
title?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Schema for contact personal information */
contactSchema?: Maybe<ContactSchema>;
/** Custom config as stringified JSON map */
config?: Maybe<Scalars['Json']>;
/** Action pages of this campaign */
actionPages: Array<ActionPageInput>;
/** Address type which can hold different addres fields. */
export declare type AddressInput = {
/** Country code (two-letter). */
country?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Postcode, in format correct for country locale */
postcode?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Locality, which can be a city/town/village */
locality?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Region, being province, voyevodship, county */
region?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Street name */
street?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Street number */
streetNumber?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** ActionPage input */
export declare type ActionPageInput = {
* Unique NAME identifying ActionPage.
* Does not have to exist, must be unique. Can be a 'technical' identifier
* scoped to particular organization, so it does not have to change when the
* slugs/names change (eg. However, frontent Widget can
* ask for ActionPage by it's current location.href (but without https://), in which case it is useful
* to make this url match the real widget location.
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** 2-letter, lowercase, code of ActionPage language */
locale?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** A reference to thank you email template of this ActionPage */
thankYouTemplateRef?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Extra supporter count. If you want to add a number of signatories you have offline or kept in another system, you can specify the number here. */
extraSupporters?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** List of steps in the journey */
journey?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
/** JSON string containing Action Page config */
config?: Maybe<Scalars['Json']>;
export declare type PersonalData = {
/** Schema for contact personal information */
contactSchema: ContactSchema;
/** Email opt in enabled */
emailOptIn: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** Email opt in template name */
emailOptInTemplate: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare enum DonationSchema {
StripePaymentIntent = "STRIPE_PAYMENT_INTENT"
export declare type SelectCampaign = {
id?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
export declare type Campaign = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
/** Internal name of the campaign */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** External ID (if set) */
externalId: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
/** Full, official name of the campaign */
title: Scalars['String'];
/** Schema for contact personal information */
contactSchema: ContactSchema;
/** Custom config map */
config: Scalars['Json'];
/** Campaign statistics */
stats: CampaignStats;
/** Fetch public actions */
actions: PublicActionsResult;
partnerships: Maybe<Array<Partnership>>;
org: PublicOrg;
export declare type SelectKey = {
id?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
active?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
public?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type CampaignActionsArgs = {
limit: Scalars['Int'];
actionType: Scalars['String'];
export declare type SelectService = {
name?: Maybe<ServiceName>;
/** Encryption or sign key with integer id (database) */
export declare type Key = {
export declare type Service = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
public: Scalars['String'];
name: Scalars['String'];
active: Scalars['Boolean'];
expired: Scalars['Boolean'];
/** When the key was expired, in UTC */
expiredAt: Maybe<Scalars['NaiveDateTime']>;
name: ServiceName;
host: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
user: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
path: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type Org = {
/** Organization id */
id: Scalars['Int'];
/** Organisation short name */
name: Scalars['String'];
/** Organisation title (human readable name) */
title: Scalars['String'];
/** config */
config: Scalars['Json'];
/** Personal data settings for this org */
personalData: PersonalData;
keys: Array<Key>;
key: Key;
services: Array<Maybe<Service>>;
/** List campaigns this org is leader or partner of */
campaigns: Array<Campaign>;
/** List action pages this org has */
actionPages: Array<ActionPage>;
/** Action Page */
actionPage: ActionPage;
/** Get campaign this org is leader or partner of by id */
campaign: Campaign;
export declare type OrgKeysArgs = {
select?: Maybe<SelectKey>;
export declare type OrgKeyArgs = {
select: SelectKey;
export declare type OrgServicesArgs = {
select?: Maybe<SelectService>;
export declare type OrgCampaignsArgs = {
select?: Maybe<SelectCampaign>;
export declare type OrgActionPagesArgs = {
select?: Maybe<SelectActionPage>;
export declare type OrgActionPageArgs = {
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
id?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
export declare type OrgCampaignArgs = {
id?: Maybe<Scalars['Int']>;
export declare enum ServiceName {
Ses = "SES",
Sqs = "SQS",
Mailjet = "MAILJET",
Wordpress = "WORDPRESS",
Mailjet = "MAILJET",
Sqs = "SQS",
Ses = "SES"
Stripe = "STRIPE"
export declare type ContactReference = {
/** Contact's reference */
contactRef: Scalars['String'];
/** Contacts first name */
firstName: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare enum Status {
/** Operation completed succesfully */
Success = "SUCCESS",
/** Operation awaiting confirmation */
Confirming = "CONFIRMING",
/** Operation had no effect (already done) */
Noop = "NOOP"
export declare type StripePaymentIntentInput = {
amount: Scalars['Float'];
currency: Scalars['String'];
paymentMethodTypes?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
export declare type Contact = {
contactRef: Scalars['String'];
payload: Scalars['String'];
nonce: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
publicKey: Maybe<KeyIds>;
signKey: Maybe<KeyIds>;
export declare type StripeSubscriptionInput = {
amount: Scalars['Float'];
currency: Scalars['String'];
frequencyUnit: DonationFrequencyUnit;
export declare type JoinOrgResult = {
status: Status;
org: Org;
/** Tracking codes */
export declare type Tracking = {
source: Scalars['String'];
medium: Scalars['String'];
campaign: Scalars['String'];
content: Scalars['String'];
/** Custom field with a key and value. Both are strings. */
export declare type CustomFieldInput = {
key: Scalars['String'];
value: Scalars['String'];
transient?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
/** Tracking codes */
export declare type TrackingInput = {
source: Scalars['String'];
medium: Scalars['String'];
campaign: Scalars['String'];
content?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
export declare type DonationActionInput = {
/** Provide payload schema to validate, eg. stripe_payment_intent */
schema?: Maybe<DonationSchema>;
/** Provide amount of this donation */
amount?: Maybe<Scalars['Decimal']>;
/** Provide currency of this donation */
currency?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
payload: Scalars['Json'];
export declare type User = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
email: Scalars['String'];
roles: Array<UserRole>;
export declare type OrgInput = {
/** Name used to rename */
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Organisation title (human readable name) */
title?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Schema for contact personal information */
contactSchema?: Maybe<ContactSchema>;
/** Email opt in enabled */
emailOptIn?: Maybe<Scalars['Boolean']>;
/** Email opt in template name */
emailOptInTemplate?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Config */
config?: Maybe<Scalars['Json']>;
/** Custom field with a key and value. */
export declare type CustomField = {
key: Scalars['String'];
value: Scalars['String'];
export declare type UserInput = {
email: Scalars['String'];
roles?: Maybe<Array<Scalars['String']>>;
role: Scalars['String'];
/** Contact information */
export declare type ContactInput = {
/** Full name */
name?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** First name (when you provide full name split into first and last) */
firstName?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Last name (when you provide full name split into first and last) */
lastName?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Email */
email?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Contacts phone number */
phone?: Maybe<Scalars['String']>;
/** Date of birth in format YYYY-MM-DD */
birthDate?: Maybe<Scalars['Date']>;
/** Contacts address */
address?: Maybe<AddressInput>;
/** Nationality information */
nationality?: Maybe<NationalityInput>;
export declare type UserRole = {
org: Org;
role: Scalars['String'];
export declare type KeyIds = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
public: Scalars['String'];
export declare enum Status {
/** Operation awaiting confirmation */
Confirming = "CONFIRMING",
/** Operation completed succesfully */
Success = "SUCCESS"
export declare type User = {
id: Scalars['Int'];
email: Scalars['String'];
roles: Array<UserRole>;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.Status = exports.ServiceName = exports.DonationSchema = exports.ContactSchema = void 0;
exports.Status = exports.ServiceName = exports.DonationSchema = exports.DonationFrequencyUnit = exports.ContactSchema = void 0;
var ContactSchema;
(function (ContactSchema) {
ContactSchema["Basic"] = "BASIC";
ContactSchema["PopularInitiative"] = "POPULAR_INITIATIVE";
ContactSchema["Eci"] = "ECI";
ContactSchema["ItCi"] = "IT_CI";
ContactSchema["Eci"] = "ECI";
ContactSchema["PopularInitiative"] = "POPULAR_INITIATIVE";
ContactSchema["Basic"] = "BASIC";
})(ContactSchema = exports.ContactSchema || (exports.ContactSchema = {}));
var DonationFrequencyUnit;
(function (DonationFrequencyUnit) {
DonationFrequencyUnit["OneOff"] = "ONE_OFF";
DonationFrequencyUnit["Weekly"] = "WEEKLY";
DonationFrequencyUnit["Monthly"] = "MONTHLY";
})(DonationFrequencyUnit = exports.DonationFrequencyUnit || (exports.DonationFrequencyUnit = {}));
var DonationSchema;

@@ -17,14 +23,17 @@ (function (DonationSchema) {

(function (ServiceName) {
ServiceName["Ses"] = "SES";
ServiceName["Sqs"] = "SQS";
ServiceName["Mailjet"] = "MAILJET";
ServiceName["Wordpress"] = "WORDPRESS";
ServiceName["Mailjet"] = "MAILJET";
ServiceName["Sqs"] = "SQS";
ServiceName["Ses"] = "SES";
ServiceName["Stripe"] = "STRIPE";
})(ServiceName = exports.ServiceName || (exports.ServiceName = {}));
var Status;
(function (Status) {
/** Operation completed succesfully */
Status["Success"] = "SUCCESS";
/** Operation awaiting confirmation */
Status["Confirming"] = "CONFIRMING";
/** Operation completed succesfully */
Status["Success"] = "SUCCESS";
/** Operation had no effect (already done) */
Status["Noop"] = "NOOP";
})(Status = exports.Status || (exports.Status = {}));

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

import { ApolloLink, ExecutionResult, FetchResult, Observable } from "apollo-link";
import { Client, OperationResult, Exchange } from '@urql/core';
import { Source } from 'wonka';
import { TypedDocumentNode as DocumentNode } from '@graphql-typed-document-node/core';

@@ -20,2 +21,3 @@ import { AuthHeader } from './auth';

wsUrl?: string;
exchanges: Exchange[];

@@ -26,4 +28,4 @@ export declare function apiUrls(apiUrl: string, wsUrl?: string): {

export declare function link(url: string, auth?: AuthHeader, options?: LinkOptions): ApolloLink;
export declare function httpLink(url: string, auth?: AuthHeader, options?: LinkOptions): ApolloLink;
export declare function link(url: string, auth?: AuthHeader, options?: LinkOptions): Client;
export declare function httpLink(url: string, auth?: AuthHeader, options?: LinkOptions): Client;

@@ -38,4 +40,5 @@ * Because the query document has a generic type narrowed for <Q - thing we get, R - arguments we send>,

export declare function request<Q, R>(link: ApolloLink, query: DocumentNode<Q, R>, variables: R, extensions?: Extensions): Promise<ExecutionResult<Q> & ExecutionErrors & FetchResult>;
export declare function subscribe<Q, R>(link: ApolloLink, query: DocumentNode<Q, R>, variables: R): Observable<ExecutionResult<Q> & FetchResult>;
export declare function request<Q, R>(link: Client, query: DocumentNode<Q, R>, variables: R, extensions?: Extensions): Promise<OperationResult<Q, R>>;
export declare function subscription<Q, R>(link: Client, query: DocumentNode<Q, R>, variables: R): Source<OperationResult<Q, R>>;
export declare function subscribe<Q, R>(source: Source<OperationResult<Q, R>>, callback: (event: OperationResult<Q, R>) => void): import("wonka").Subscription;
export {};

@@ -5,62 +5,4 @@ "use strict";

GraphQL, JavaScript and TypeScript is just a big ball of mud and this is why
this file is terrible.
Apollo Link is the abstract type of link inplemented by "transports", that
know how to deliver a query to the server. The transport can ble "split" so
there is a different method to run query or mutation (normal HTTP call), then
import 'corss-fetch/pollyfill'
to run subscription (Websocket).
On top of that, the WebSocket is a layered interface, custom for each server
(Apollo GraphQL implementation differs from how Phoenix/Absinthe handles
things). For instance, the Phoenix websocket is multiplexing data and absinthe
is just one of the "channels". So we need to use a special PhoenixSocket that
handles this, and then wrap it in an apollo compatible socket, to play with
On top of that, browser and nodejs have different implementations of
WebSocket. Node is missing it and you need to use 'ws' package which is good
except it is not compatible in the "typed" sense - it does not implement the
whole standard. 'ws' package devs know that but say that you can go implement
it your self or GTFO (
A picture is worth a thousand words so:
(query hasSubscription?)
/ \
no yes
/ \
httpLink wsLink (Apollo Style)
AbsintheSocketLink (an adapter)
AbsintheSocket (Absinthe way of using the channel)
PhoenixSocket (Phoenix way of using the channel)
WebSocket (from 'ws' or browser native)
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) {
Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v });
}) : function(o, v) {
o["default"] = v;
var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) {
if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod;
var result = {};
if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" &&, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k);
__setModuleDefault(result, mod);
return result;
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {

@@ -79,12 +21,10 @@ function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.subscribe = exports.request = exports.httpLink = = exports.apiUrls = void 0;
exports.subscribe = exports.subscription = exports.request = exports.httpLink = = exports.apiUrls = void 0;
// apollo stack
const apollo_link_1 = require("apollo-link");
// http stack
const apollo_link_http_1 = require("apollo-link-http");
const core_1 = require("@urql/core");
const wonka_1 = require("wonka");
// scalar serializing exchange
const serializeScalarsExchange_1 = __importDefault(require("./serializeScalarsExchange"));
// websocket stack
const socket_apollo_link_1 = require("@absinthe/socket-apollo-link");
const AbsintheSocket = __importStar(require("@absinthe/socket"));
const phoenix_1 = require("phoenix");
const ws_1 = __importDefault(require("ws"));
const absintheExchange_1 = __importDefault(require("./absintheExchange"));
// hasSubscription - helper func to see if we have an operation with subscription

@@ -128,3 +68,3 @@ // taken from @jumpn/utils-graphql which is not really useful as has not types

exports.apiUrls = apiUrls;
function link(url, auth, options) {
function apiUrlsConfig(url, options) {
if (url === null || url === undefined) {

@@ -134,20 +74,20 @@ throw new Error("api url must not be null or undefined");

const config = apiUrls(url, options ? options.wsUrl : undefined);
const phoenixSocket = new phoenix_1.Socket(config.wsUrl, { transport: "WebSocket" });
// horrible hack, but @types/phoenix does not allow to pass WebSocket as
// transport because it allows only strings. We set a dummy value and set the "private" transport
// field here. yey
const x = phoenixSocket;
x['transport'] = ws_1.default;
const wsLink = socket_apollo_link_1.createAbsintheSocketLink(AbsintheSocket.create(phoenixSocket));
const httpLink = apollo_link_http_1.createHttpLink({ uri: config.url, headers: auth, includeExtensions: true });
return apollo_link_1.split((op) => hasSubscription(op.query), wsLink, // AbsintheSocketLink supposed to be compatible but a cast still needed.
return config;
function link(url, auth, options) {
const config = apiUrlsConfig(url, options);
const absintheExchange = absintheExchange_1.default(config.wsUrl);
const exchanges = [serializeScalarsExchange_1.default, core_1.dedupExchange, core_1.fetchExchange, absintheExchange];
if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.exchanges)
exchanges.splice(1, 0, ...options.exchanges);
const link = core_1.createClient({ url: config.url, fetchOptions: { headers: auth || {} }, exchanges });
return link;
} = link;
function httpLink(url, auth, options) {
if (url === null || url === undefined) {
throw new Error("api url must not be null or undefined");
const config = apiUrls(url, options ? options.wsUrl : undefined);
const httpLink = apollo_link_http_1.createHttpLink({ uri: config.url, headers: auth, includeExtensions: true });
const config = apiUrlsConfig(url, options);
const exchanges = [serializeScalarsExchange_1.default, core_1.dedupExchange, core_1.fetchExchange];
if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.exchanges)
exchanges.splice(1, 0, ...options.exchanges);
const httpLink = core_1.createClient({ url: config.url, fetchOptions: { headers: auth || {} } });
return httpLink;

@@ -167,14 +107,17 @@ }

return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return apollo_link_1.makePromise(apollo_link_1.execute(link, {
const res = link.query(query, variables).toPromise();
return res;
exports.request = request;
function subscribe(link, query, variables) {
return apollo_link_1.execute(link, { query, variables });
function subscription(link, query, variables) {
const source = link.subscription(query, variables);
return source;
exports.subscription = subscription;
function subscribe(source, callback) {
const sink = wonka_1.subscribe(callback);
return wonka_1.pipe(source, sink); // returns [unsubscribe] fun
exports.subscribe = subscribe;

@@ -1,3 +0,1 @@

export * as widget from './queries/widget';
export * as admin from './queries/admin';
export * as types from './types';

@@ -8,3 +6,4 @@ export { basicAuth, tokenAuth, BasicAuth, TokenAuth, AuthHeader } from './auth';

request, // run get request
subscribe, // run subscribe request
subscription, // run subscribe request
subscribe, // attach to subscription to receive data
ExecutionErrors } from './client';

@@ -22,5 +22,3 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.subscribe = exports.request = exports.httpLink = = exports.tokenAuth = exports.basicAuth = exports.types = exports.admin = exports.widget = void 0;
exports.widget = __importStar(require("./queries/widget"));
exports.admin = __importStar(require("./queries/admin"));
exports.subscribe = exports.subscription = exports.request = exports.httpLink = = exports.tokenAuth = exports.basicAuth = exports.types = void 0;
exports.types = __importStar(require("./types"));

@@ -36,3 +34,4 @@ // Authentication primitives

Object.defineProperty(exports, "request", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return client_1.request; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "subscription", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return client_1.subscription; } });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "subscribe", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return client_1.subscribe; } });
import * as Types from '../apiTypes';
import { TypedDocumentNode as DocumentNode } from '@graphql-typed-document-node/core';
export declare const CampaignIds: DocumentNode<CampaignIds, unknown>;
export declare const CampaignExportIds: DocumentNode<CampaignExportIds, unknown>;
export declare const CampaignFields: DocumentNode<CampaignFields, unknown>;
export declare const CampaignPrivateFields: DocumentNode<CampaignPrivateFields, unknown>;
export declare const CampaignStats: DocumentNode<CampaignStats, unknown>;
export declare const OrgIds: DocumentNode<OrgIds, unknown>;
export declare const ActionPageFields: DocumentNode<ActionPageFields, unknown>;
export declare const CampaignPartnerships: DocumentNode<CampaignPartnerships, unknown>;
export declare const ActionPageIds: DocumentNode<ActionPageIds, unknown>;
export declare const ActionPagePrivateFields: DocumentNode<ActionPagePrivateFields, unknown>;
export declare const OrgFields: DocumentNode<OrgFields, unknown>;
export declare const OrgPrivateFields: DocumentNode<OrgPrivateFields, unknown>;
export declare const KeyFields: DocumentNode<KeyFields, unknown>;
export declare const ServiceFields: DocumentNode<ServiceFields, unknown>;
export declare const ContactExport: DocumentNode<ContactExport, unknown>;
export declare const ActionExport: DocumentNode<ActionExport, unknown>;
export declare const ListCampaignsDocument: DocumentNode<ListCampaigns, ListCampaignsVariables>;

@@ -13,2 +29,3 @@ export declare const ListActionPagesDocument: DocumentNode<ListActionPages, ListActionPagesVariables>;

export declare const CopyActionPageDocument: DocumentNode<CopyActionPage, CopyActionPageVariables>;
export declare const CopyCampaignActionPageDocument: DocumentNode<CopyCampaignActionPage, CopyCampaignActionPageVariables>;
export declare const JoinOrgDocument: DocumentNode<JoinOrg, JoinOrgVariables>;

@@ -27,22 +44,61 @@ export declare const UpsertCampaignDocument: DocumentNode<UpsertCampaign, UpsertCampaignVariables>;

export declare const GetOrgAttrsDocument: DocumentNode<GetOrgAttrs, GetOrgAttrsVariables>;
export declare const LaunchActionPageDocument: DocumentNode<LaunchActionPage, LaunchActionPageVariables>;
export declare const AcceptLaunchRequestDocument: DocumentNode<AcceptLaunchRequest, AcceptLaunchRequestVariables>;
export declare const RejectLaunchRequestDocument: DocumentNode<RejectLaunchRequest, RejectLaunchRequestVariables>;
export declare type ListCampaignsVariables = Types.Exact<{
org: Types.Scalars['String'];
export declare type ListCampaigns = {
org: {
campaigns: Array<(Pick<Types.Campaign, 'id' | 'externalId' | 'name' | 'title' | 'contactSchema' | 'config'> & {
org: Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>;
export declare type ListCampaigns = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & {
campaigns: Array<({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_ & CampaignPrivateFields)>;
export declare type ListActionPagesVariables = Types.Exact<{
org: Types.Scalars['String'];
export declare type ListActionPages = {
org: {
actionPages: Array<(Pick<Types.ActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale' | 'config' | 'journey' | 'extraSupporters' | 'thankYouTemplateRef'> & {
campaign: Types.Maybe<Pick<Types.Campaign, 'id' | 'name' | 'externalId'>>;
export declare type ListActionPages = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & {
actionPages: Array<({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & CampaignIds_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & CampaignIds_PrivateCampaign_);
} & ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_ & ActionPagePrivateFields) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & CampaignIds_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & CampaignIds_PrivateCampaign_);
} & ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_)>;
export declare type GetCampaignVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -52,18 +108,27 @@ org: Types.Scalars['String'];

export declare type GetCampaign = {
org: {
campaign: (Pick<Types.Campaign, 'id' | 'externalId' | 'name' | 'title' | 'contactSchema' | 'config'> & {
stats: (Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
supporterCountByOrg: Array<(Pick<Types.OrgCount, 'count'> & {
org: Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>;
actionCount: Array<Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>>;
org: Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>;
partnerships: Types.Maybe<Array<{
org: Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>;
export declare type GetCampaign = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_ & CampaignStats_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_ & CampaignPrivateFields & CampaignStats_PrivateCampaign_ & CampaignPartnerships);
export declare type FindPublicCampaignVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -73,7 +138,23 @@ name?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['String']>;

export declare type FindPublicCampaign = {
campaigns: Array<(Pick<Types.Campaign, 'id' | 'name' | 'externalId' | 'title' | 'config' | 'contactSchema'> & {
org: Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>;
export declare type FindPublicCampaign = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
campaigns: Array<({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_)>;
export declare type GetActionPageVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -84,9 +165,27 @@ org: Types.Scalars['String'];

export declare type GetActionPage = {
org: (Pick<Types.Org, 'name' | 'title'> & {
actionPage: (Pick<Types.ActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale' | 'extraSupporters' | 'thankYouTemplateRef' | 'journey' | 'config'> & {
campaign: Types.Maybe<Pick<Types.Campaign, 'id' | 'name' | 'title' | 'externalId' | 'contactSchema'>>;
export declare type GetActionPage = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'> & {
actionPage: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_ & CampaignPrivateFields);
} & ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_ & ActionPagePrivateFields) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_ & CampaignPrivateFields);
} & ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_);
export declare type ListActionPagesByCampaignVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -96,9 +195,27 @@ org: Types.Scalars['String'];

export declare type ListActionPagesByCampaign = {
org: (Pick<Types.Org, 'name' | 'title'> & {
actionPages: Array<(Pick<Types.ActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale' | 'extraSupporters' | 'thankYouTemplateRef' | 'journey' | 'config'> & {
campaign: Types.Maybe<Pick<Types.Campaign, 'name' | 'id' | 'externalId'>>;
export declare type ListActionPagesByCampaign = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'> & {
actionPages: Array<({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_);
} & ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_ & ActionPagePrivateFields) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_);
} & ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_)>;
export declare type ExportCampaignActionsVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -113,14 +230,15 @@ org: Types.Scalars['String'];

export declare type ExportCampaignActions = {
exportActions: Array<Types.Maybe<(Pick<Types.Action, 'actionId' | 'actionType' | 'createdAt'> & {
contact: (Pick<Types.Contact, 'contactRef' | 'payload' | 'nonce'> & {
publicKey: Types.Maybe<Pick<Types.KeyIds, 'id' | 'public'>>;
signKey: Types.Maybe<Pick<Types.KeyIds, 'id' | 'public'>>;
fields: Array<Pick<Types.CustomField, 'key' | 'value'>>;
tracking: Types.Maybe<Pick<Types.Tracking, 'source' | 'medium' | 'campaign' | 'content'>>;
actionPage: Pick<Types.SimpleActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale'>;
privacy: Pick<Types.Consent, 'optIn' | 'givenAt'>;
export declare type ExportCampaignActions = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
exportActions: Array<Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'Action';
} & {
actionPage: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & ActionPageIds_PrivateActionPage_) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & ActionPageIds_PublicActionPage_);
} & ActionExport)>>;
export declare type ExportOrgActionsVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -133,15 +251,20 @@ org: Types.Scalars['String'];

export declare type ExportOrgActions = {
exportActions: Array<Types.Maybe<(Pick<Types.Action, 'actionId' | 'actionType' | 'createdAt'> & {
contact: (Pick<Types.Contact, 'contactRef' | 'payload' | 'nonce'> & {
publicKey: Types.Maybe<Pick<Types.KeyIds, 'id' | 'public'>>;
signKey: Types.Maybe<Pick<Types.KeyIds, 'id' | 'public'>>;
fields: Array<Pick<Types.CustomField, 'key' | 'value'>>;
tracking: Types.Maybe<Pick<Types.Tracking, 'source' | 'medium' | 'campaign' | 'content'>>;
actionPage: Pick<Types.SimpleActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale'>;
campaign: Pick<Types.ActionCampaign, 'name' | 'externalId'>;
privacy: Pick<Types.Consent, 'optIn' | 'givenAt'>;
export declare type ExportOrgActions = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
exportActions: Array<Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'Action';
} & {
actionPage: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & ActionPageIds_PrivateActionPage_) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & ActionPageIds_PublicActionPage_);
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & CampaignExportIds_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & CampaignExportIds_PrivateCampaign_);
} & ActionExport)>>;
export declare type UpdateActionPageVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -151,5 +274,11 @@ id: Types.Scalars['Int'];

export declare type UpdateActionPage = {
updateActionPage: Pick<Types.ActionPage, 'id'>;
export declare type UpdateActionPage = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
updateActionPage: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateActionPage, 'id'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PublicActionPage, 'id'>);
export declare type CopyActionPageVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -160,13 +289,59 @@ fromName: Types.Scalars['String'];

export declare type CopyActionPage = {
copyActionPage: (Pick<Types.ActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale' | 'extraSupporters' | 'thankYouTemplateRef' | 'journey' | 'config'> & {
campaign: Types.Maybe<Pick<Types.Campaign, 'id' | 'name' | 'title' | 'externalId'>>;
export declare type CopyActionPage = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
copyActionPage: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_);
} & ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_ & ActionPagePrivateFields) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_);
} & ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_);
export declare type CopyCampaignActionPageVariables = Types.Exact<{
fromCampaign: Types.Scalars['String'];
toOrg: Types.Scalars['String'];
toName: Types.Scalars['String'];
export declare type CopyCampaignActionPage = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
copyCampaignActionPage: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'id' | 'name' | 'title' | 'externalId'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'id' | 'name' | 'title' | 'externalId'>);
} & ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_ & ActionPagePrivateFields) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'id' | 'name' | 'title' | 'externalId'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'id' | 'name' | 'title' | 'externalId'>);
} & ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_);
export declare type JoinOrgVariables = Types.Exact<{
orgName: Types.Scalars['String'];
export declare type JoinOrg = {
joinOrg: Pick<Types.JoinOrgResult, 'status'>;
export declare type JoinOrg = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
joinOrg: ({
__typename?: 'JoinOrgResult';
} & Pick<Types.JoinOrgResult, 'status'>);
export declare type UpsertCampaignVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -176,13 +351,25 @@ org: Types.Scalars['String'];

export declare type UpsertCampaign = {
upsertCampaign: Pick<Types.Campaign, 'id'>;
export declare type UpsertCampaign = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
upsertCampaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'id'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'id'>);
export declare type ListKeysVariables = Types.Exact<{
org: Types.Scalars['String'];
export declare type ListKeys = {
org: {
keys: Array<Pick<Types.Key, 'id' | 'name' | 'public' | 'active' | 'expired' | 'expiredAt'>>;
export declare type ListKeys = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & {
keys: Array<({
__typename?: 'Key';
} & KeyFields)>;
export declare type GenerateKeyVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -192,5 +379,9 @@ org: Types.Scalars['String'];

export declare type GenerateKey = {
generateKey: Pick<Types.KeyWithPrivate, 'id' | 'name' | 'public' | 'private' | 'active' | 'expired' | 'expiredAt'>;
export declare type GenerateKey = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
generateKey: ({
__typename?: 'KeyWithPrivate';
} & Pick<Types.KeyWithPrivate, 'id' | 'name' | 'public' | 'private' | 'active' | 'expired' | 'expiredAt'>);
export declare type AddKeyVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -200,5 +391,9 @@ org: Types.Scalars['String'];

export declare type AddKey = {
addKey: Pick<Types.Key, 'id' | 'name' | 'public' | 'active' | 'expired' | 'expiredAt'>;
export declare type AddKey = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
addKey: ({
__typename?: 'Key';
} & Pick<Types.Key, 'id' | 'name' | 'public' | 'active' | 'expired' | 'expiredAt'>);
export declare type ActivateKeyVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -208,11 +403,21 @@ org: Types.Scalars['String'];

export declare type ActivateKey = {
activateKey: Pick<Types.ActivateKeyResult, 'status'>;
export declare type ActivateKey = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
activateKey: ({
__typename?: 'ActivateKeyResult';
} & Pick<Types.ActivateKeyResult, 'status'>);
export declare type AddOrgVariables = Types.Exact<{
org: Types.OrgInput;
export declare type AddOrg = {
addOrg: Pick<Types.Org, 'id' | 'name'>;
export declare type AddOrg = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
addOrg: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
export declare type UpdateOrgVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -222,55 +427,314 @@ orgName: Types.Scalars['String'];

export declare type UpdateOrg = {
updateOrg: (Pick<Types.Org, 'id' | 'name' | 'title' | 'config'> & {
personalData: Pick<Types.PersonalData, 'contactSchema' | 'emailOptIn' | 'emailOptInTemplate'>;
export declare type UpdateOrg = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
updateOrg: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgFields_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgFields_PrivateOrg_ & OrgPrivateFields);
export declare type ActionPageUpsertedVariables = Types.Exact<{
org?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['String']>;
export declare type ActionPageUpserted = {
actionPageUpserted: (Pick<Types.PublicActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale' | 'journey' | 'config'> & {
campaign: Pick<Types.Campaign, 'id' | 'name' | 'title' | 'externalId'>;
org: Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'title'>;
export declare type ActionPageUpserted = ({
__typename?: 'RootSubscriptionType';
} & {
actionPageUpserted: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & CampaignIds_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & CampaignIds_PrivateCampaign_);
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
} & ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_ & ActionPagePrivateFields) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & CampaignIds_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & CampaignIds_PrivateCampaign_);
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
} & ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_);
export declare type CurrentUserOrgsVariables = Types.Exact<{
[key: string]: never;
export declare type CurrentUserOrgs = {
currentUser: (Pick<Types.User, 'id' | 'email'> & {
roles: Array<(Pick<Types.UserRole, 'role'> & {
org: Pick<Types.Org, 'id' | 'name' | 'title'>;
export declare type CurrentUserOrgs = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
currentUser: ({
__typename?: 'User';
} & Pick<Types.User, 'id' | 'email'> & {
roles: Array<({
__typename?: 'UserRole';
} & Pick<Types.UserRole, 'role'> & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
export declare type DashOrgOverviewVariables = Types.Exact<{
org: Types.Scalars['String'];
export declare type DashOrgOverview = {
org: (Pick<Types.Org, 'id' | 'name' | 'title' | 'config'> & {
personalData: Pick<Types.PersonalData, 'contactSchema' | 'emailOptIn' | 'emailOptInTemplate'>;
campaigns: Array<(Pick<Types.Campaign, 'id' | 'externalId' | 'name' | 'title' | 'config'> & {
org: Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>;
stats: Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'>;
export declare type DashOrgOverview = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'> & {
campaigns: Array<({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_ & CampaignStats_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_ & CampaignStats_PrivateCampaign_)>;
} & OrgPrivateFields);
export declare type GetOrgVariables = Types.Exact<{
org: Types.Scalars['String'];
export declare type GetOrg = {
org: (Pick<Types.Org, 'id' | 'name' | 'title' | 'config'> & {
personalData: Pick<Types.PersonalData, 'contactSchema' | 'emailOptIn' | 'emailOptInTemplate'>;
keys: Array<Pick<Types.Key, 'id' | 'active' | 'expired' | 'expiredAt' | 'name' | 'public'>>;
services: Array<Types.Maybe<Pick<Types.Service, 'id' | 'name' | 'host' | 'user' | 'path'>>>;
export declare type GetOrg = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & {
keys: Array<({
__typename?: 'Key';
} & KeyFields)>;
services: Array<Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'Service';
} & ServiceFields)>>;
} & OrgFields_PrivateOrg_ & OrgPrivateFields);
export declare type GetOrgAttrsVariables = Types.Exact<{
org: Types.Scalars['String'];
export declare type GetOrgAttrs = {
org: (Pick<Types.Org, 'id' | 'name' | 'title' | 'config'> & {
personalData: Pick<Types.PersonalData, 'contactSchema' | 'emailOptIn' | 'emailOptInTemplate'>;
export declare type GetOrgAttrs = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgFields_PrivateOrg_ & OrgPrivateFields);
export declare type LaunchActionPageVariables = Types.Exact<{
name: Types.Scalars['String'];
export declare type LaunchActionPage = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
launchActionPage: ({
__typename?: 'LaunchActionPageResult';
} & Pick<Types.LaunchActionPageResult, 'status'>);
export declare type AcceptLaunchRequestVariables = Types.Exact<{
org: Types.Scalars['String'];
confirm: Types.ConfirmInput;
export declare type AcceptLaunchRequest = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
acceptOrgConfirm: ({
__typename?: 'ConfirmResult';
} & Pick<Types.ConfirmResult, 'status'> & {
actionPage: Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_)>;
export declare type RejectLaunchRequestVariables = Types.Exact<{
org: Types.Scalars['String'];
confirm: Types.ConfirmInput;
export declare type RejectLaunchRequest = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
rejectOrgConfirm: ({
__typename?: 'ConfirmResult';
} & Pick<Types.ConfirmResult, 'status'>);
declare type OrgIds_PublicOrg_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
declare type OrgIds_PrivateOrg_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'id' | 'name' | 'title'>);
export declare type OrgIds = OrgIds_PublicOrg_ | OrgIds_PrivateOrg_;
declare type CampaignIds_PublicCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'id' | 'externalId' | 'name' | 'title'>);
declare type CampaignIds_PrivateCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'id' | 'externalId' | 'name' | 'title'>);
export declare type CampaignIds = CampaignIds_PublicCampaign_ | CampaignIds_PrivateCampaign_;
declare type CampaignExportIds_PublicCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'name' | 'externalId'>);
declare type CampaignExportIds_PrivateCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'name' | 'externalId'>);
export declare type CampaignExportIds = CampaignExportIds_PublicCampaign_ | CampaignExportIds_PrivateCampaign_;
declare type CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'id' | 'externalId' | 'name' | 'title' | 'contactSchema' | 'config'>);
declare type CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'id' | 'externalId' | 'name' | 'title' | 'contactSchema' | 'config'>);
export declare type CampaignFields = CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_ | CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_;
export declare type CampaignPrivateFields = ({
__typename: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'forceDelivery'>);
declare type CampaignStats_PublicCampaign_ = ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
supporterCountByOrg: Array<({
__typename?: 'OrgCount';
} & Pick<Types.OrgCount, 'count'> & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
declare type CampaignStats_PrivateCampaign_ = ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
supporterCountByOrg: Array<({
__typename?: 'OrgCount';
} & Pick<Types.OrgCount, 'count'> & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
export declare type CampaignStats = CampaignStats_PublicCampaign_ | CampaignStats_PrivateCampaign_;
export declare type CampaignPartnerships = ({
__typename: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & {
partnerships: Types.Maybe<Array<({
__typename?: 'Partnership';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
actionPages: Array<({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_)>;
launchRequests: Array<({
__typename?: 'Confirm';
} & Pick<Types.Confirm, 'code' | 'email' | 'objectId'>)>;
declare type ActionPageIds_PrivateActionPage_ = ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale'>);
declare type ActionPageIds_PublicActionPage_ = ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PublicActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale'>);
export declare type ActionPageIds = ActionPageIds_PrivateActionPage_ | ActionPageIds_PublicActionPage_;
declare type ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale' | 'config' | 'live' | 'journey' | 'thankYouTemplateRef'>);
declare type ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PublicActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale' | 'config' | 'live' | 'journey' | 'thankYouTemplateRef'>);
export declare type ActionPageFields = ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_ | ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_;
export declare type ActionPagePrivateFields = ({
__typename: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateActionPage, 'extraSupporters' | 'delivery'>);
declare type OrgFields_PublicOrg_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
declare type OrgFields_PrivateOrg_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
export declare type OrgFields = OrgFields_PublicOrg_ | OrgFields_PrivateOrg_;
export declare type OrgPrivateFields = ({
__typename: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'config'> & {
personalData: ({
__typename?: 'PersonalData';
} & Pick<Types.PersonalData, 'contactSchema' | 'emailOptIn' | 'emailOptInTemplate'>);
export declare type KeyFields = ({
__typename?: 'Key';
} & Pick<Types.Key, 'id' | 'name' | 'public' | 'active' | 'expired' | 'expiredAt'>);
export declare type ServiceFields = ({
__typename?: 'Service';
} & Pick<Types.Service, 'id' | 'name' | 'host' | 'user' | 'path'>);
export declare type ContactExport = ({
__typename?: 'Contact';
} & Pick<Types.Contact, 'contactRef' | 'payload' | 'nonce'> & {
publicKey: Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'KeyIds';
} & Pick<Types.KeyIds, 'id' | 'public'>)>;
signKey: Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'KeyIds';
} & Pick<Types.KeyIds, 'id' | 'public'>)>;
export declare type ActionExport = ({
__typename?: 'Action';
} & Pick<Types.Action, 'actionId' | 'actionType' | 'createdAt'> & {
contact: ({
__typename?: 'Contact';
} & ContactExport);
fields: Array<({
__typename?: 'CustomField';
} & Pick<Types.CustomField, 'key' | 'value'>)>;
tracking: Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'Tracking';
} & Pick<Types.Tracking, 'source' | 'medium' | 'campaign' | 'content'>)>;
privacy: ({
__typename?: 'Consent';
} & Pick<Types.Consent, 'optIn' | 'givenAt'>);
export {};
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import * as Types from '../apiTypes';
import { TypedDocumentNode as DocumentNode } from '@graphql-typed-document-node/core';
export declare const CampaignIds: DocumentNode<CampaignIds, unknown>;
export declare const CampaignExportIds: DocumentNode<CampaignExportIds, unknown>;
export declare const CampaignFields: DocumentNode<CampaignFields, unknown>;
export declare const CampaignPrivateFields: DocumentNode<CampaignPrivateFields, unknown>;
export declare const CampaignStats: DocumentNode<CampaignStats, unknown>;
export declare const OrgIds: DocumentNode<OrgIds, unknown>;
export declare const ActionPageFields: DocumentNode<ActionPageFields, unknown>;
export declare const CampaignPartnerships: DocumentNode<CampaignPartnerships, unknown>;
export declare const ActionPageIds: DocumentNode<ActionPageIds, unknown>;
export declare const ActionPagePrivateFields: DocumentNode<ActionPagePrivateFields, unknown>;
export declare const OrgFields: DocumentNode<OrgFields, unknown>;
export declare const OrgPrivateFields: DocumentNode<OrgPrivateFields, unknown>;
export declare const KeyFields: DocumentNode<KeyFields, unknown>;
export declare const ServiceFields: DocumentNode<ServiceFields, unknown>;
export declare const ContactExport: DocumentNode<ContactExport, unknown>;
export declare const ActionExport: DocumentNode<ActionExport, unknown>;
export declare const GetActionPageDocument: DocumentNode<GetActionPage, GetActionPageVariables>;

@@ -8,2 +24,158 @@ export declare const GetStatsDocument: DocumentNode<GetStats, GetStatsVariables>;

export declare const AddActionDocument: DocumentNode<AddAction, AddActionVariables>;
declare type OrgIds_PublicOrg_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
declare type OrgIds_PrivateOrg_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'id' | 'name' | 'title'>);
export declare type OrgIds = OrgIds_PublicOrg_ | OrgIds_PrivateOrg_;
declare type CampaignIds_PublicCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'id' | 'externalId' | 'name' | 'title'>);
declare type CampaignIds_PrivateCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'id' | 'externalId' | 'name' | 'title'>);
export declare type CampaignIds = CampaignIds_PublicCampaign_ | CampaignIds_PrivateCampaign_;
declare type CampaignExportIds_PublicCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'name' | 'externalId'>);
declare type CampaignExportIds_PrivateCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'name' | 'externalId'>);
export declare type CampaignExportIds = CampaignExportIds_PublicCampaign_ | CampaignExportIds_PrivateCampaign_;
declare type CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'id' | 'externalId' | 'name' | 'title' | 'contactSchema' | 'config'>);
declare type CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'id' | 'externalId' | 'name' | 'title' | 'contactSchema' | 'config'>);
export declare type CampaignFields = CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_ | CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_;
export declare type CampaignPrivateFields = ({
__typename: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'forceDelivery'>);
declare type CampaignStats_PublicCampaign_ = ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
supporterCountByOrg: Array<({
__typename?: 'OrgCount';
} & Pick<Types.OrgCount, 'count'> & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
declare type CampaignStats_PrivateCampaign_ = ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
supporterCountByOrg: Array<({
__typename?: 'OrgCount';
} & Pick<Types.OrgCount, 'count'> & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
export declare type CampaignStats = CampaignStats_PublicCampaign_ | CampaignStats_PrivateCampaign_;
export declare type CampaignPartnerships = ({
__typename: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & {
partnerships: Types.Maybe<Array<({
__typename?: 'Partnership';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
actionPages: Array<({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_)>;
launchRequests: Array<({
__typename?: 'Confirm';
} & Pick<Types.Confirm, 'code' | 'email' | 'objectId'>)>;
declare type ActionPageIds_PrivateActionPage_ = ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale'>);
declare type ActionPageIds_PublicActionPage_ = ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PublicActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale'>);
export declare type ActionPageIds = ActionPageIds_PrivateActionPage_ | ActionPageIds_PublicActionPage_;
declare type ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale' | 'config' | 'live' | 'journey' | 'thankYouTemplateRef'>);
declare type ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PublicActionPage, 'id' | 'name' | 'locale' | 'config' | 'live' | 'journey' | 'thankYouTemplateRef'>);
export declare type ActionPageFields = ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_ | ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_;
export declare type ActionPagePrivateFields = ({
__typename: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateActionPage, 'extraSupporters' | 'delivery'>);
declare type OrgFields_PublicOrg_ = ({
__typename: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
declare type OrgFields_PrivateOrg_ = ({
__typename: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
export declare type OrgFields = OrgFields_PublicOrg_ | OrgFields_PrivateOrg_;
export declare type OrgPrivateFields = ({
__typename: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'config'> & {
personalData: ({
__typename?: 'PersonalData';
} & Pick<Types.PersonalData, 'contactSchema' | 'emailOptIn' | 'emailOptInTemplate'>);
export declare type KeyFields = ({
__typename?: 'Key';
} & Pick<Types.Key, 'id' | 'name' | 'public' | 'active' | 'expired' | 'expiredAt'>);
export declare type ServiceFields = ({
__typename?: 'Service';
} & Pick<Types.Service, 'id' | 'name' | 'host' | 'user' | 'path'>);
export declare type ContactExport = ({
__typename?: 'Contact';
} & Pick<Types.Contact, 'contactRef' | 'payload' | 'nonce'> & {
publicKey: Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'KeyIds';
} & Pick<Types.KeyIds, 'id' | 'public'>)>;
signKey: Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'KeyIds';
} & Pick<Types.KeyIds, 'id' | 'public'>)>;
export declare type ActionExport = ({
__typename?: 'Action';
} & Pick<Types.Action, 'actionId' | 'actionType' | 'createdAt'> & {
contact: ({
__typename?: 'Contact';
} & ContactExport);
fields: Array<({
__typename?: 'CustomField';
} & Pick<Types.CustomField, 'key' | 'value'>)>;
tracking: Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'Tracking';
} & Pick<Types.Tracking, 'source' | 'medium' | 'campaign' | 'content'>)>;
privacy: ({
__typename?: 'Consent';
} & Pick<Types.Consent, 'optIn' | 'givenAt'>);
export declare type GetActionPageVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -13,13 +185,85 @@ name?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['String']>;

export declare type GetActionPage = {
actionPage: (Pick<Types.PublicActionPage, 'id' | 'config' | 'locale' | 'journey' | 'name'> & {
org: Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>;
campaign: (Pick<Types.Campaign, 'id' | 'title' | 'name' | 'externalId'> & {
stats: (Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>>;
export declare type GetActionPage = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
actionPage: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'id' | 'title' | 'name' | 'externalId'> & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
org: Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>;
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'id' | 'title' | 'name' | 'externalId'> & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_);
} & ActionPageFields_PrivateActionPage_) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & {
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & OrgIds_PublicOrg_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & OrgIds_PrivateOrg_);
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'id' | 'title' | 'name' | 'externalId'> & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
} & CampaignFields_PublicCampaign_) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'id' | 'title' | 'name' | 'externalId'> & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'name' | 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'name' | 'title'>);
} & CampaignFields_PrivateCampaign_);
} & ActionPageFields_PublicActionPage_);
export declare type GetStatsVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -29,11 +273,55 @@ name?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['String']>;

export declare type GetStats = {
actionPage: {
campaign: {
stats: (Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>>;
export declare type GetStats = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
actionPage: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
}) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
}) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
}) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
export declare type GetPublicResultVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -45,17 +333,119 @@ name?: Types.Maybe<Types.Scalars['String']>;

export declare type GetPublicResult = {
actionPage: (Pick<Types.PublicActionPage, 'config' | 'locale' | 'journey' | 'name'> & {
campaign: (Pick<Types.Campaign, 'title' | 'name' | 'externalId'> & {
stats: (Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>>;
export declare type GetPublicResult = ({
__typename?: 'RootQueryType';
} & {
actionPage: ({
__typename?: 'PrivateActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateActionPage, 'config' | 'locale' | 'journey' | 'name'> & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'title' | 'name' | 'externalId'> & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
actions: (Pick<Types.PublicActionsResult, 'fieldKeys'> & {
list: Types.Maybe<Array<Types.Maybe<(Pick<Types.ActionCustomFields, 'actionType' | 'insertedAt'> & {
fields: Array<Pick<Types.CustomField, 'key' | 'value'>>;
actions: ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionsResult';
} & Pick<Types.PublicActionsResult, 'fieldKeys'> & {
list: Types.Maybe<Array<Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'ActionCustomFields';
} & Pick<Types.ActionCustomFields, 'actionType' | 'insertedAt'> & {
fields: Array<({
__typename?: 'CustomField';
} & Pick<Types.CustomField, 'key' | 'value'>)>;
org: Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'title'>;
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'title'>);
}) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'title' | 'name' | 'externalId'> & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
actions: ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionsResult';
} & Pick<Types.PublicActionsResult, 'fieldKeys'> & {
list: Types.Maybe<Array<Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'ActionCustomFields';
} & Pick<Types.ActionCustomFields, 'actionType' | 'insertedAt'> & {
fields: Array<({
__typename?: 'CustomField';
} & Pick<Types.CustomField, 'key' | 'value'>)>;
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'title'>);
}) | ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionPage';
} & Pick<Types.PublicActionPage, 'config' | 'locale' | 'journey' | 'name'> & {
campaign: ({
__typename?: 'PublicCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PublicCampaign, 'title' | 'name' | 'externalId'> & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
actions: ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionsResult';
} & Pick<Types.PublicActionsResult, 'fieldKeys'> & {
list: Types.Maybe<Array<Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'ActionCustomFields';
} & Pick<Types.ActionCustomFields, 'actionType' | 'insertedAt'> & {
fields: Array<({
__typename?: 'CustomField';
} & Pick<Types.CustomField, 'key' | 'value'>)>;
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'title'>);
}) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateCampaign';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateCampaign, 'title' | 'name' | 'externalId'> & {
stats: ({
__typename?: 'CampaignStats';
} & Pick<Types.CampaignStats, 'supporterCount'> & {
actionCount: Array<({
__typename?: 'ActionTypeCount';
} & Pick<Types.ActionTypeCount, 'actionType' | 'count'>)>;
actions: ({
__typename?: 'PublicActionsResult';
} & Pick<Types.PublicActionsResult, 'fieldKeys'> & {
list: Types.Maybe<Array<Types.Maybe<({
__typename?: 'ActionCustomFields';
} & Pick<Types.ActionCustomFields, 'actionType' | 'insertedAt'> & {
fields: Array<({
__typename?: 'CustomField';
} & Pick<Types.CustomField, 'key' | 'value'>)>;
org: ({
__typename?: 'PublicOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PublicOrg, 'title'>) | ({
__typename?: 'PrivateOrg';
} & Pick<Types.PrivateOrg, 'title'>);
export declare type AddActionContactVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -70,5 +460,9 @@ id: Types.Scalars['Int'];

export declare type AddActionContact = {
addActionContact: Pick<Types.ContactReference, 'contactRef' | 'firstName'>;
export declare type AddActionContact = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
addActionContact: ({
__typename?: 'ContactReference';
} & Pick<Types.ContactReference, 'contactRef' | 'firstName'>);
export declare type AddActionVariables = Types.Exact<{

@@ -81,4 +475,9 @@ id: Types.Scalars['Int'];

export declare type AddAction = {
addAction: Pick<Types.ContactReference, 'contactRef' | 'firstName'>;
export declare type AddAction = ({
__typename?: 'RootMutationType';
} & {
addAction: ({
__typename?: 'ContactReference';
} & Pick<Types.ContactReference, 'contactRef' | 'firstName'>);
export {};
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.AddActionDocument = exports.AddActionContactDocument = exports.GetPublicResultDocument = exports.GetStatsDocument = exports.GetActionPageDocument = void 0;
exports.GetActionPageDocument = { "kind": "Document", "definitions": [{ "kind": "OperationDefinition", "operation": "query", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "GetActionPage" }, "variableDefinitions": [{ "kind": "VariableDefinition", "variable": { "kind": "Variable", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" } }, "type": { "kind": "NamedType", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "String" } } }, { "kind": "VariableDefinition", "variable": { "kind": "Variable", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "id" } }, "type": { "kind": "NamedType", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "Int" } } }], "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "actionPage" }, "arguments": [{ "kind": "Argument", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" }, "value": { "kind": "Variable", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" } } }, { "kind": "Argument", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "id" }, "value": { "kind": "Variable", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "id" } } }], "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "id" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "config" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "locale" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "journey" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "org" }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "title" } }] } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "campaign" }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "id" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "title" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "externalId" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "stats" }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "actionCount" }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "actionType" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "count" } }] } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "supporterCount" } }] } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "org" }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "title" } }] } }] } }] } }] } }] };
exports.AddActionDocument = exports.AddActionContactDocument = exports.GetPublicResultDocument = exports.GetStatsDocument = exports.GetActionPageDocument = exports.ActionExport = exports.ContactExport = exports.ServiceFields = exports.KeyFields = exports.OrgPrivateFields = exports.OrgFields = exports.ActionPagePrivateFields = exports.ActionPageIds = exports.CampaignPartnerships = exports.ActionPageFields = exports.OrgIds = exports.CampaignStats = exports.CampaignPrivateFields = exports.CampaignFields = exports.CampaignExportIds = exports.CampaignIds = void 0;
exports.CampaignIds = { "kind": "Document", "definitions": [{ "kind": "FragmentDefinition", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "campaignIds" }, "typeCondition": { "kind": "NamedType", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "Campaign" } }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "__typename" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "id" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "externalId" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "title" } }] } }] };
exports.CampaignExportIds = { "kind": "Document", "definitions": [{ "kind": "FragmentDefinition", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "campaignExportIds" }, "typeCondition": { "kind": "NamedType", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "Campaign" } }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "__typename" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "externalId" } }] } }] };
exports.CampaignFields = { "kind": "Document", "definitions": [{ "kind": "FragmentDefinition", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "campaignFields" }, "typeCondition": { "kind": "NamedType", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "Campaign" } }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "__typename" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "id" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "externalId" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "title" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "contactSchema" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "config" } }] } }] };
exports.CampaignPrivateFields = { "kind": "Document", "definitions": [{ "kind": "FragmentDefinition", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "campaignPrivateFields" }, "typeCondition": { "kind": "NamedType", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "PrivateCampaign" } }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "__typename" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "forceDelivery" } }] } }] };
exports.CampaignStats = { "kind": "Document", "definitions": [{ "kind": "FragmentDefinition", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "campaignStats" }, "typeCondition": { "kind": "NamedType", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "Campaign" } }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "stats" }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "supporterCount" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "supporterCountByOrg" }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "org" }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "title" } }] } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "count" } }] } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "actionCount" }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "actionType" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "count" } }] } }] } }] } }] };
exports.OrgIds = { "kind": "Document", "definitions": [{ "kind": "FragmentDefinition", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "orgIds" }, "typeCondition": { "kind": "NamedType", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "Org" } }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "__typename" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "name" } }, { "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "title" } }, { "kind": "InlineFragment", "typeCondition": { "kind": "NamedType", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "PrivateOrg" } }, "selectionSet": { "kind": "SelectionSet", "selections": [{ "kind": "Field", "name": { "kind": "Name", "value": "id" } }] } }] } }] };
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@@ -1,7 +0,5 @@

export * from './apiTypes';
import * as types from './apiTypes';
export declare type ActionPageRecord = Omit<types.ActionPage, 'org' | 'campaign'>;
export declare type CampaignRecord = Omit<types.Campaign, 'org' | 'stats' | 'actions' | 'partnerships'>;
export declare type CampaignOrg = Omit<types.Campaign, 'stats' | 'actions' | 'partnerships'>;
export declare type OrgRecord = Omit<types.Org, 'services' | 'key' | 'keys' | 'campaign' | 'campaigns' | 'actionPages' | 'actionPage'>;
export declare type CampaignIds = types.ActionCampaign;
export declare function isPublicActionPage(ap: types.PrivateActionPage | types.PublicActionPage): ap is types.PublicActionPage;
export declare function isPrivateActionPage(ap: types.ActionPage): ap is types.PrivateActionPage;
export declare function isPrivateCampaign(c: types.Campaign): c is types.PrivateCampaign;
export declare function isPublicCampaign(c: types.Campaign): c is types.PublicCampaign;
"use strict";
var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
Object.defineProperty(o, k2, { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } });
}) : (function(o, m, k, k2) {
if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k;
o[k2] = m[k];
var __exportStar = (this && this.__exportStar) || function(m, exports) {
for (var p in m) if (p !== "default" && !, p)) __createBinding(exports, m, p);
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
__exportStar(require("./apiTypes"), exports);
exports.isPublicCampaign = exports.isPrivateCampaign = exports.isPrivateActionPage = exports.isPublicActionPage = void 0;
function isPublicActionPage(ap) {
return ap.extraSupporters === undefined;
exports.isPublicActionPage = isPublicActionPage;
function isPrivateActionPage(ap) {
return ap.extraSupporters !== undefined;
exports.isPrivateActionPage = isPrivateActionPage;
function isPrivateCampaign(c) {
return !== undefined;
exports.isPrivateCampaign = isPrivateCampaign;
function isPublicCampaign(c) {
return === undefined;
exports.isPublicCampaign = isPublicCampaign;
"name": "@proca/api",
"version": "2.4.0-alpha.0",
"version": "3.0.0-alpha.0",
"description": "Client library for Proca API",

@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"scripts": {
"generate": "graphql-codegen --config codegen.yml",
"build": "tsc",
"watch": "tsc -w",
"prepublish": "ln -sf ../../../proca/schema.graphql schema/schema.graphql",
"generate": "yarn graphql-codegen",
"prepare": "yarn generate && yarn build",

@@ -29,11 +29,14 @@ "test": "echo No tests for proca/api"

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"js-base64": "^3.5.2",
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"phoenix": "^1.5.9",
"urql-serialize-scalars-exchange": "^0.1.1",
"ws": "^7.3.1"

@@ -44,14 +47,8 @@ },

"@graphql-codegen/cli": "1.20.1",
"@graphql-codegen/import-types-preset": "^1.17.9",
"@graphql-codegen/introspection": "^1.17.8",
"@graphql-codegen/typed-document-node": "^1.17.9",
"@graphql-codegen/typescript": "1.20.2",
"@graphql-codegen/typescript-graphql-request": "^2.0.0",
"@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations": "^1.17.8",
"@types/absinthe__socket": "^0.2.1",
"@types/absinthe__socket-apollo-link": "^0.2.1",
"@types/graphql": "^14.5.0",
"@types/phoenix": "^1.5.1",
"@types/ws": "^7.2.7",
"get-graphql-schema": "^2.1.2",
"graphql": "^15.3.0",
"codegen-graphql-scalar-locations": "^0.1.1",
"graphql": "^15.5.0",
"graphql-tag": "^2.11.0"

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"typescript": "^4.1.2"
"gitHead": "ce2f10e2ffa76707775dd9c73b74a08180d36136"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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