10.1.0-dev.4 (2024-12-09)
Bug Fixes
- add missing time-marker dependency (40b704c)
- fluent: replace k-alt with k-table-alt-row (9c721bc)
- gantt: tasks resizing indicators should point both left and right (a969ece)
- html: add checkbox checked template (dfcaf0c)
- html: add chip label to Grid chips (c9de930)
- html: add icons to ImageEditor action pane buttons (d6e7c9d)
- html: add k-filterable class to header cell with column menu in Grid (c9ef117)
- html: add k-grid-aria-root to Treelist in Gantt (e09d493)
- html: add k-grid-draggable-header to Grid groupable header (342b7f0)
- html: add k-sr-only span inside empty Pivotgrid cell (c57509f)
- html: add k-tabstrip-item class to tabstrip item element (40d95f3)
- html: add toolbar-button class to toolbar buttons in AI prompt (58f3cea)
- html: fix alt row in Grid grouping template (a7da1fd)
- html: move Grid selection aggregates outside of aria-root (848b733)
- html: move on/off Switch label to templates (86f6d15)
- html: remove angular specific styles and specs from toolbar (99bd6a9)
- html: remove Grid grouping drop clue from templates (d1edb3b)
- html: remove k-alt from Grid row (5981f19)
- html: remove k-drag-cell from header empty cell in Grid, Treelist and Gantt (a974de9)
- html: remove k-editable class from Grid and Filemanager (34f133f)
- html: remove k-header class from tabstrip (9642807)
- html: remove k-height-container from Grid (c85350d)
- html: remove k-selectable class from Gantt (4b88313)
- html: remove k-tab-on-top class from tabstrip (97b8fbe)
- html: remove k-treelist-group class from Treelist (a1eccf1)
- html: remove k-virtual-content from Grid (84cf6ce)
- html: removed k-touch-action-auto from Grid cells (c0990f4)
- html: update DateTimePicker container class and adaptive buttons classes (186ef38)
- html: update hidden class in expansion panel (631ca6a)
- html: update ImageEditor action pane checkbox label (fc71db8)
- imageeditor: widen the action pane to fit action buttons with icons (1d8800d)
- slider: incorrect draghandle states (1081b23)
- splitter: add touch-action: none style to splitbar (ec493ac)