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@progress/kendo-theme-utils - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.4.0-dev.0 to 6.4.0-dev.1




@@ -64,4 +64,4 @@ {

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2rem, 9: 2.25rem, 10: 2.5rem, 11: 2.75rem, 12: 3rem, 13: 3.25rem, 14: 3.5rem, 15: 3.75rem, 16: 4rem, 17: 4.25rem, 18: 4.5rem, 19: 4.75rem, 20: 5rem, 21: 5.25rem, 22: 5.5rem, 23: 5.75rem, 24: 6rem), \"scroll-padding\": (0: 0, 1px: 1px, 0.5: 0.125rem, 1: 0.25rem, 1.5: 0.375rem, 2: 0.5rem, 2.5: 0.625rem, 3: 0.75rem, 3.5: 0.875rem, 4: 1rem, 4.5: 1.125rem, 5: 1.25rem, 5.5: 1.375rem, 6: 1.5rem, 6.5: 1.625rem, 7: 1.75rem, 7.5: 1.875rem, 8: 2rem, 9: 2.25rem, 10: 2.5rem, 11: 2.75rem, 12: 3rem, 13: 3.25rem, 14: 3.5rem, 15: 3.75rem, 16: 4rem, 17: 4.25rem, 18: 4.5rem, 19: 4.75rem, 20: 5rem, 21: 5.25rem, 22: 5.5rem, 23: 5.75rem, 24: 6rem), \"touch-action\": (none, auto, pan-x, pan-left, pan-right, pan-y, pan-up, pan-down, pinch-zoom, manipulation), \"user-select\": (none, auto, text, all, contain), \"will-change\": (auto: auto, scroll: scroll-position, contents: contents, transform: transform), \"fill-stroke\": (none: none, inherit: inherit, current: currentColor, \"transparent\": transparent, \"black\": black, \"white\": white))"
"name": "@progress/kendo-theme-utils",
"description": "Utility first library alongside Kendo UI",
"version": "6.4.0-dev.0",
"version": "6.4.0-dev.1",
"author": "Progress",

@@ -44,5 +44,5 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0",

"dependencies": {
"@progress/kendo-theme-core": "6.4.0-dev.0"
"@progress/kendo-theme-core": "6.4.0-dev.1"
"gitHead": "862cb1931ece807ea4ae7496ce5033bf3f3eea30"
"gitHead": "a4d65b253b00a333fea62e6217175ff79a8ac3b0"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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