Feature: Also publishes matter-node.js packages as ESM in parallel to CJS
Feature: Added clear method to the storage classes to allow factory reset of the storage
Feature: Added ICAC (Intermediate CA Certificate) decoding
Feature: Implemented Array chunking for DataReport messages to allow also bigger array structures to be sent
Feature: Implemented Tag compression for DataReport messages (but disabled it because standard do not support it officially yet)
Feature: Refactor complete commissioning logic (AdministratorCommissioning, GeneralCommissioning, OperationalCredentials clusters) to match to specs and implement main logics as defined
Enhance: Memory footprint optimizations
Enhance: Introduced building and building, running and test executions scripts to not use ts-node anymore and many more optimizations to test and build processes
Enhance: ClusterFactory internally uses a simplified method of CLuster types that are compatible to the current ones but soon might replace them
Enhance: Using longer response timeouts when Failsafe timer is active during commissioning (Controller)
Enhance: Optimized Commissioning logic of Controller implementation regarding failsafe timers and network commissioning
Enhance: Added timeout handing to the Message queue to prevent reading DataReports get stuck if device do not send anymore
Enhance: Added support in StatusResponseError to also handle a cluster specific status code (for write and invoke)
Enhance: Added init and destroy methods to the Cluster-handlers to allow to build proper cluster logics and also to free resources (e.g. stop timers on cluster destroy)
Enhance: Re-Announce the device when a subscription was cancelled by a peer in order to have a fast reconnect of the peer
Enhance: Adjusted MDNS implementation to be more near to MDNS specifications and also added performance optimizations
Fix: (vilic) Enhancements for windows networking and tooling
matter.js API:
Breaking: Move "disableIpv4" from CommissioningController/Server options to MatterServer to also consider it for MDNS scanning and broadcasting
Breaking: Change MatterServer constructor second parameter to be an options object
Breaking: Streamline Device API and rename onOff/isOnOff -> get/setOnOff
Breaking: EndpointStructureLogger (method logEndpointStructure) was moved from util to device export!
Breaking: Added support to allow to clearly model some more attribute types with internally different behaviour:
Added types for WritableFabricScopedAttribute and OptionalWritableFabricScopedAttribute
Added types for FixedAttribute and OptionalFixedAttribute
Added FixedAttributeServer which only allows to "get" the value but not to set it
Added FabricScopedAttributeServer which gets and sets the value based on the provided fabric
Updated ClusterServerObj and ClusterClientObj typings to respect these Attribute types
Updated all Cluster definitions that use such attribute types
Breaking: Add Interface for Events which requires to define the supported events when creating a ClusterServer
Breaking: Include Event support in InteractionClient which changes several Read/Subscribe method signatures or adds new methods
Breaking: GeneralCommissioningServerHandler is now a function that takes configuration for setRegulatoryConfig handling
Breaking: Types of specific clusters are no longer exported flat on main level. Cluster exports are now namespaces that include their types.
Breaking: All collection files meant to be used for exports only are renamed to export.ts and should not be used for internal imports
Breaking: Attribute listener methods renamed: addListener -> addValueSetListener, addMatterListener -> addValueChangeListener (also remove methods) to make it more clear what they do
Breaking: Change from object style to Branded types for special Datatype objects (e.g. "new VendorId(0xFFF1)" -> "VendorId(0xFFF1)")
Breaking: ClusterClient and ClusterServer classes were moved from "interaction" export to "cluster" export
Breaking: Refactor the (low level) ClusterClient API to be more convenient to use with many optional fields for read/write/subscribe
Breaking: Cluster*Obj and the internal representation for more correct typings
Breaking: The InteractionClient is no longer exchangeable in ClusterClient cases (because makes no sense and was never working)
Feature: Enhance CommissioningServer options to also specify GeneralCommissioningServer details and settings
Feature: Adjust RegulatoryConfig Handling in Device and Controller to match with specifications
Feature: Endpoint Structures use custom-unique-id (from EndpointOptions)/uniqueStorageKey (from BasicInformationCluster)/serialNumber (from BasicInformationCluster)/ Index (in this order) to store and restore the endpoint ID in structures
Feature: (@mahimamandhanaa) Add BTP (Bluetooth Transport Protocol) codec class for encoding and decoding of BTP messages
Feature: Enhanced BitMap typing and Schemas to allow "Partially" provided Bitmaps by suppressing the "unset" bits
Feature: Allow to define discoveryCapabilities structure when getting pairing code in CommissioningServer
Feature: Added Bluetooth package (matter-node-ble.js) to allow to use Bluetooth as transport layer for initial commissioning. Implemented device side for now
Feature: Global Attributes are also accessible in ClusterClient instances (e.g. to get the list of features of the cluster)
Feature: Refactor Controller Commissioning process and add network commissioning support
Feature: Correctly Handle FabricIndex fields for Read and Write requests
Feature: Handle subscription errors and destroy session if failing more than 3 times
Feature: Add full event support (Device and Controller) including triggering some default events automatically (startup, shutdown, reachabilityChanged, bootReason)
Feature: Added support for dataVersionFiltering and eventFilters for read and subscribe requests for Device and Controllers
Feature: Added more parameters to several InteractionClient methods to allow to configure more parameters of the requests
Feature: Allows subscripts to be updated dynamically when the endpoint structure for bridges changes by adding or removing a device
Feature: When used as Controller also "unknown" CLusters, Attributes, Events and DeviceTypes are generically parsed and supported and can be detected as unknown in code
Feature: When used as controller the read data about supported attributes, events are considered when create Attribute/EventClient objects and can be differentiated by PresentAttributeClient/UnknownPresentAttributeClient class types
Enhance: Device port in MDNSBroadcaster is now dynamically set and add UDC (User directed Commissioning) Announcements
Enhance: Enhanced MessageCodec and check some more fields
Enhance: Added possibility to define conditional cluster attribute/Command/event definitions and introduce runtime checking for these. Part of Cluster Structure rework still WIP
Enhance: Split up and corrected PowerSource and PressureMeasurement Cluster based on Matter 1.1 Specs
Enhance: Detailed cluster data model and related logic
Enhance: Generates all cluster definitions from Matter 1.1 specification and CHIP v1.1-branch automatically. This brings basic definition support for all clusters!
Enhance: Makes sure Fabric-Scoped requests are handled correctly for read and subscriptions
Enhance: All Errors thrown by the library are now derived from the MatterError class and split up into several subclasses
Fix: Added missing PulseWidthModulationLevelControlCluster to AllCLusters
Fix Typing of Commands in ClusterClient if no commands were present
Fix: Fixes equality checks in Attribute servers to check deeper than just === (and introduce new util method isDeepEqual)
Fix: Makes sure an error received from sending subscription seed data reports is not bubbling up and activate subscription after successful seeding
Fix: Allows Node.js Buffer objects to be persisted to storage as a Uint8Arrays that they subclass
Fix: Fixes a Subscription timer duplication issue and collect attribute changes within a 50ms window to reduce the number of subscription messages
Fix: Returns correct Error-Status for Read-/Write-/Subscribe- and Invoke-Requests
Fix: Fixes TLV Encoding for strings with UTF8 relevant characters
Fix: Adjusted DataVersion handling to track version on ClusterInstance level as required by Specs. Stored values that might got invalid by this change are deleted and recreated on next change.
Refactor: Refactor Endpoint structuring and determination to allow dynamic and updating structures
matter.js API:
Adjusted some constructors of the new API and remove the option to pass an array of clusters to be added initially because this was no longer compatible to the strong typing in some places. Use addClusterServer and addClusterClient methods
Endpoint ID parameter got replaced by an EndpointOptions structure that also allows to define a custom unique ID for endpoint structuring
Composed devices objects should only be used on an Aggregator
Deprecation: The classes MatterDevice and MatterController are deprecated to be used externally to the library and will be removed in later versions.
Feature: Enhance Storage system to allow to create subcontext stores to allow better separation of data
Feature: Allow to also remove devices from Aggregators
Feature: Optionally allow to define discovery capabilities when generating Pairing code
Feature: Add methods to CommissioningServer/Controller class to get information on active sessions and commissioned fabrics
Feature: Enhance CommissioningController to allow subscribing to all attributes and events directly on startup
Reference implementation/Examples:
Breaking: The storage key structure got changed to allow multi node operations within one process. This requires to change the storage key structure and to migrate or reset the storage.
Migration: prepend any storage key except Device._ and Controller._ with "0." in the filename
Deprecation: The CLI Examples LegacyDeviceNode and LegacyControllerNode is removed in this version! Use the new variants please.
Change: The default storage names now start with a "." at the beginning to allow to hide them in some file explorers and git.
Change: Example script are moved to package matter-node.js-examples
Feature: The Device example script got a new parameter -ble to also initialize the Bluetooth transport layer
Feature: The Controller example script got a new parameter -ble to also initialize the Bluetooth transport layer
Feature: The Controller example script got a new parameters -ble-* to provide Wi-Fi/Thread network credentials to use for device commissioning
Feature: Add stopping of the example scripts to allow clean shutdown and sending shutdown Event
Feature: Add CLI parameter to define the loglevel and log format; default log format changed to ANSI when executed in a shell/tty
Feature: Log the endpoint structure of the device/commissioned device on start
Added Specification links for Matter Specifications 1.1
Optimize typing exports for node10 TS settings
Add optional parameter to define a uniqueID used in serial number of examples
Add WIP package matter-node-shell.js with the goal to offer a node.js based shell-based controller implementation
Add new util class EndpointStructureLogger which logs all endpoint details
Deprecation: The classes MatterDevice and MatterController are deprecated to be used externally to the library and will be removed in later versions.
Deprecation: The CLI Examples LegacyDeviceNode and LegacyControllerNode will be removed in next version! Use the new variants please.
Feature: Generate global Attributes attributeList, acceptedCommandList and generatedCommandList when generating cluster servers (when used with New API!)
Feature: (@digitaldan) Added decoding of Pairingcodes to determine discriminator and pin for Controller usage
Feature: Provide the Endpoint as data field for command Handlers to allow to access the endpoint data and other clusters on that endpoint if needed
Feature: Add Implementations of Scenes and Groups-Clusters (still to be tested with Controllers in depth!)
Feature: Add ClusterExtend to allow building Feature-based conditional cluster definitions (and do that for OnOff/Network-Commissioning)
Feature: Refactored Endpoint/Fabric aware Attributes with Getter functions to use Endpoint instance
Feature: Added automatic API documentation generation (not included in npm package but can be build locally using npm run build-doc)
Feature: Improved Command Invoke Logging
Adjustment: Do not send empty arrays for empty subscription messages to further shorten the payload
Fix: Respond with Unsupported Command when a unknown command is received and log the error
Fix: Increase the array maximum size according to specs
Fix: Fixed internal TlvTag representation to allow also decoding of the internal object format of a Tlv stream
Fix: Adjust internal tag encoding to not use {} when empty
matter.js API:
Feature: Introduce new High level API, see API.md for details!
Breaking: Move DeviceTypes.ts from common to device directory and rename DEVICE to "DeviceTypes"
Breaking: ClusterClient interface names changed to get/set/subscribeNAMEAttribute to prevent overlapping with commands
Breaking: Revamp internal APIs and convert ClusterServer into an object approach to allow dynamic methods to be defined for get/set/subscribe and streamline the API between ClusterClient and ClusterServer
Feature: Introduce NamedHandler util class for an event style typed and named handler/callback approach
Feature: Use NamedHandler as commandHandler to forward command calls like identify to the Device classes and testEvenTriggered for commissionable node class
Feature: Add constructor value to hand over initial values of the onoff Cluster when initialing the default cluster
Feature: make sure BridgedBasicInformation cluster is always set when adding a bridged device and no data parameters were provided
Feature: (@lauckhart) Enhance Logging framework to also allow ANSI and HTML colored output and added some features, details see #129
Breaking: Remove the exposed legacy API classes (MatterDevice/MatterController) and legacy examples from the exported lists
Feature: Autoregister Crypto, Time and Network in their Node.js variants when including packages from @project-chip/matter-node.js root package but only if not yet registered (so can be overridden by the developer)
Examples/Reference implementations:
The reference implementations are moved to example directory and details moved into own README.md file
the "npm run matter" command got renamed to "npm run matter-device" (same for binary usage
Add hints for all imports in the examples to show what the corresponding "matter-node.js" import would be (because they cannot be used directly for build reasons)
Added the "npm run matter-*" commands also to the base package.json
Added parameter -clearstorage to start with an empty storage