Feature: Also publishes matter-node.js packages as ESM in parallel to CJS
Feature: Added clear method to the storage classes to allow factory reset of the storage
Feature: Added ICAC (Intermediate CA Certificate) decoding
Feature: Implemented Array chunking for DataReport messages to allow also bigger array structures to be sent
Feature: Implemented Tag compression for DataReport messages (but disabled it because standard do not support it officially yet)
Feature: Refactor complete commissioning logic (AdministratorCommissioning, GeneralCommissioning, OperationalCredentials clusters) to match to specs and implement main logics as defined
Enhance: Memory footprint optimizations
Enhance: Introduced building and building, running and test executions scripts to not use ts-node anymore and many more optimizations to test and build processes
Enhance: ClusterFactory internally uses a simplified method of CLuster types that are compatible to the current ones but soon might replace them
Enhance: Using longer response timeouts when Failsafe timer is active during commissioning (Controller)
Enhance: Optimized Commissioning logic of Controller implementation regarding failsafe timers and network commissioning
Enhance: Added timeout handing to the Message queue to prevent reading DataReports get stuck if device do not send anymore
Enhance: Added support in StatusResponseError to also handle a cluster specific status code (for write and invoke)
Enhance: Added init and destroy methods to the Cluster-handlers to allow to build proper cluster logics and also to free resources (e.g. stop timers on cluster destroy)
Enhance: Re-Announce the device when a subscription was cancelled by a peer in order to have a fast reconnect of the peer
Enhance: Adjusted MDNS implementation to be more near to MDNS specifications and also added performance optimizations
Fix: (vilic) Enhancements for windows networking and tooling
matter.js API:
Breaking: Move "disableIpv4" from CommissioningController/Server options to MatterServer to also consider it for MDNS scanning and broadcasting
Breaking: Change MatterServer constructor second parameter to be an options object
Breaking: Streamline Device API and rename onOff/isOnOff -> get/setOnOff
Breaking: EndpointStructureLogger (method logEndpointStructure) was moved from util to device export!