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@qiwi/substrate-types - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.0.2 to 2.0.3



"git": {
"commitId": "21223d30911c7e5bcd15a2623b8ba7e3f98a3483",
"commitId": "30e8f0dbd4c9396f574e7b59f4eb7d890dc50ef0",
"repoUrl": "",
"repoName": "qiwi/substrate"
"date": "2023-02-17T08:54:02.123Z"
"date": "2023-03-17T17:42:33.024Z"

@@ -0,1 +1,8 @@

## @qiwi/substrate-types [2.0.3]( (2023-03-17)
### Bug Fixes
* declare modules as esm by default ([21d61b4](
## @qiwi/substrate-types [2.0.2]( (2023-02-17)

@@ -2,0 +9,0 @@

"name": "@qiwi/substrate-types",
"version": "2.0.2",
"version": "2.0.3",
"exports": {
".": {
"import": "./target/esm/index.js",
"require": "./target/cjs/index.js",
"require": "./target/cjs/index.cjs",
"types": "./target/esm/index.d.ts"
"main": "./target/cjs/index.js",
"type": "module",
"main": "./target/cjs/index.cjs",
"module": "./target/esm/index.js",

@@ -17,3 +18,3 @@ "types": "./target/esm/index.d.ts",

"build": "yarn aliasgen && concurrently 'npm:build:*'",
"build:cjs": "mkdirp target/cjs && tsc -p tsconfig.json --target ES5 --module commonjs --outDir target/cjs --tsBuildInfoFile buildcache/cjs.json",
"build:cjs": "mkdirp target/cjs && tsc -p tsconfig.json --target ES5 --module commonjs --outDir target/cjs --tsBuildInfoFile buildcache/cjs.json && tsc-esm-fix --target=target/cjs --ext=.cjs",
"build:esm": "mkdirp target/esm && tsc -p tsconfig.json --target ES2020 --module es2020 --outDir target/esm --tsBuildInfoFile buildcache/esm.json && tsc-esm-fix --target=target/esm",

@@ -38,8 +39,8 @@ "build:ts": "mkdirp target/ts && cp -R ./src/main/ts/. ./target/ts/.",

"@types/config": "3.3.0",
"@types/jest": "29.4.0",
"@types/jest": "29.5.0",
"@types/lodash": "4.14.191",
"@types/node": "18.13.0",
"@types/node": "18.15.3",
"@types/parsimmon": "1.10.6",
"@types/underscore": "1.11.4",
"axios": "1.3.3",
"axios": "1.3.4",
"bluebird": "3.7.2",

@@ -46,0 +47,0 @@ "conf": "11.0.1",

@@ -1,33 +0,33 @@

export { IStringMap as StringMap } from './IStringMap';
export { IAnyMap as AnyMap } from './IAnyMap';
export { IEventEmitter as EventEmitter } from './IEventEmitter';
export { ILogger as Logger, LogLevel, ILoggerMethod as LoggerMethod } from './ILogger';
export { TUtilGet as UtilGet } from './IUtilGet';
export { TUtilSet as UtilSet } from './IUtilSet';
export { TUtilEach as UtilEach } from './IUtilEach';
export { TUtilMap as UtilMap } from './IUtilMap';
export { ICloneable as Cloneable } from './ICloneable';
export { ICurrency as Currency } from './ICurrency';
export {} from './IPromise';
export { IStorage as Storage } from './IStorage';
export { IMoney as Money } from './IMoney';
export {} from './IStack';
export { ICollection as Collection } from './ICollection';
export { TPredicate as Predicate } from './TPredicate';
export { IConfigurable as Configurable } from './IConfigurable';
export { IConfig as Config } from './IConfig';
export { IConstructor as Constructor, IConstructable as Constructable, Abstract, IClass as Class } from './IConstructor';
export { IIterable as Iterable, IIterator as Iterator, IIteratorResult as IteratorResult } from './IIterable';
export { IMiddleware as Middleware, IAsyncMiddleware as AsyncMiddleware, IErrorMiddleware as ErrorMiddleware, IRequestMiddleware as RequestMiddleware, IRequest as Request, IResponse as Response, INext as Next, } from './IMiddleware';
export { IPool as Pool, IPooledObject as PooledObject, IPooledObjectFactory as PooledObjectFactory, IPooledObjectStatus as PooledObjectStatus, } from './IPool';
export { IHttpClient as HttpClient, IFetch as Fetch, IHttpRequestProvider as HttpRequestProvider, HttpMethod, IHttpMethodV2 as HttpMethodV2, IHttpResponse as HttpResponse, IHttpRequest as HttpRequest, } from './IHttpClient';
export { IClientEventDto as ClientEventDto, IClientEventMeta as ClientEventMeta, EnvironmentProfile, } from './IClientEventDto';
export { INormalValue as NormalValue, IIdentified as Identified, IMetaTyped as MetaTyped, IMetaTypedValue as MetaTypedValue, IWrappedValue as WrappedValue, ITyped as Typed, ITypedValue as TypedValue, IMeted as Meted, IMetedValue as MetedValue, } from './INormalValue';
export { IFn as Fn, IUnaryFunction as UnaryFunction, IUnaryFn as UnaryFn, ICallable as Callable, } from './IFunction';
export { IMetadataProvider as MetadataProvider } from './IMetadata';
export { IEnableable as Enableable } from './IEnableable';
export { IPipe as Pipe, IPipeline as Pipeline, INormalPipe as NormalPipe, INormalPipeline as NormalPipeline } from './IPipeline';
export { IExtra as Extra } from './IExtra';
export { INil as Nil, INullOrUndefined as NullOrUndefined, INullable as Nullable, INilable as Nilable } from './INil';
export { IExecutionMode as ExecutionMode } from './IExecutionMode';
export { IDeviceInfo as DeviceInfo, IDeviceInfoStrict as DeviceInfoStrict } from './IDeviceInfo';
export { IStringMap as StringMap } from './IStringMap.js';
export { IAnyMap as AnyMap } from './IAnyMap.js';
export { IEventEmitter as EventEmitter } from './IEventEmitter.js';
export { ILogger as Logger, LogLevel, ILoggerMethod as LoggerMethod } from './ILogger.js';
export { TUtilGet as UtilGet } from './IUtilGet.js';
export { TUtilSet as UtilSet } from './IUtilSet.js';
export { TUtilEach as UtilEach } from './IUtilEach.js';
export { TUtilMap as UtilMap } from './IUtilMap.js';
export { ICloneable as Cloneable } from './ICloneable.js';
export { ICurrency as Currency } from './ICurrency.js';
export {} from './IPromise.js';
export { IStorage as Storage } from './IStorage.js';
export { IMoney as Money } from './IMoney.js';
export {} from './IStack.js';
export { ICollection as Collection } from './ICollection.js';
export { TPredicate as Predicate } from './TPredicate.js';
export { IConfigurable as Configurable } from './IConfigurable.js';
export { IConfig as Config } from './IConfig.js';
export { IConstructor as Constructor, IConstructable as Constructable, Abstract, IClass as Class } from './IConstructor.js';
export { IIterable as Iterable, IIterator as Iterator, IIteratorResult as IteratorResult } from './IIterable.js';
export { IMiddleware as Middleware, IAsyncMiddleware as AsyncMiddleware, IErrorMiddleware as ErrorMiddleware, IRequestMiddleware as RequestMiddleware, IRequest as Request, IResponse as Response, INext as Next, } from './IMiddleware.js';
export { IPool as Pool, IPooledObject as PooledObject, IPooledObjectFactory as PooledObjectFactory, IPooledObjectStatus as PooledObjectStatus, } from './IPool.js';
export { IHttpClient as HttpClient, IFetch as Fetch, IHttpRequestProvider as HttpRequestProvider, HttpMethod, IHttpMethodV2 as HttpMethodV2, IHttpResponse as HttpResponse, IHttpRequest as HttpRequest, } from './IHttpClient.js';
export { IClientEventDto as ClientEventDto, IClientEventMeta as ClientEventMeta, EnvironmentProfile, } from './IClientEventDto.js';
export { INormalValue as NormalValue, IIdentified as Identified, IMetaTyped as MetaTyped, IMetaTypedValue as MetaTypedValue, IWrappedValue as WrappedValue, ITyped as Typed, ITypedValue as TypedValue, IMeted as Meted, IMetedValue as MetedValue, } from './INormalValue.js';
export { IFn as Fn, IUnaryFunction as UnaryFunction, IUnaryFn as UnaryFn, ICallable as Callable, } from './IFunction.js';
export { IMetadataProvider as MetadataProvider } from './IMetadata.js';
export { IEnableable as Enableable } from './IEnableable.js';
export { IPipe as Pipe, IPipeline as Pipeline, INormalPipe as NormalPipe, INormalPipeline as NormalPipeline } from './IPipeline.js';
export { IExtra as Extra } from './IExtra.js';
export { INil as Nil, INullOrUndefined as NullOrUndefined, INullable as Nullable, INilable as Nilable } from './INil.js';
export { IExecutionMode as ExecutionMode } from './IExecutionMode.js';
export { IDeviceInfo as DeviceInfo, IDeviceInfoStrict as DeviceInfoStrict } from './IDeviceInfo.js';

@@ -1,33 +0,33 @@

export { IStringMap } from './IStringMap';
export { IAnyMap } from './IAnyMap';
export { IEventEmitter } from './IEventEmitter';
export { ILogger, LogLevel, ILoggerMethod } from './ILogger';
export { TUtilGet } from './IUtilGet';
export { TUtilSet } from './IUtilSet';
export { TUtilEach } from './IUtilEach';
export { TUtilMap } from './IUtilMap';
export { ICloneable } from './ICloneable';
export { ICurrency } from './ICurrency';
export { IPromiseConstructor, IPromise } from './IPromise';
export { IStorage } from './IStorage';
export { IMoney } from './IMoney';
export { IStack } from './IStack';
export { ICollection } from './ICollection';
export { TPredicate } from './TPredicate';
export { IConfigurable } from './IConfigurable';
export { IConfig } from './IConfig';
export { IConstructor, IConstructable, Abstract, IClass } from './IConstructor';
export { IIterable, IIterator, IIteratorResult } from './IIterable';
export { IMiddleware, IAsyncMiddleware, IErrorMiddleware, IRequestMiddleware, IRequest, IResponse, INext, } from './IMiddleware';
export { IPool, IPooledObject, IPooledObjectFactory, IPooledObjectStatus, } from './IPool';
export { IHttpClient, IFetch, IHttpRequestProvider, HttpMethod, IHttpMethodV2, IHttpResponse, IHttpRequest, } from './IHttpClient';
export { IClientEventDto, IClientEventMeta, EnvironmentProfile, } from './IClientEventDto';
export { INormalValue, IIdentified, IMetaTyped, IMetaTypedValue, IWrappedValue, ITyped, ITypedValue, IMeted, IMetedValue, } from './INormalValue';
export { IFunction, IFn, IUnaryFunction, IUnaryFn, ICallable, } from './IFunction';
export { IMetadataProvider } from './IMetadata';
export { IEnableable } from './IEnableable';
export { IPipe, IPipeline, INormalPipe, INormalPipeline } from './IPipeline';
export { IExtra } from './IExtra';
export { INil, INullOrUndefined, INullable, INilable } from './INil';
export { IExecutionMode } from './IExecutionMode';
export { IDeviceInfo, IDeviceInfoStrict } from './IDeviceInfo';
export { IStringMap } from './IStringMap.js';
export { IAnyMap } from './IAnyMap.js';
export { IEventEmitter } from './IEventEmitter.js';
export { ILogger, LogLevel, ILoggerMethod } from './ILogger.js';
export { TUtilGet } from './IUtilGet.js';
export { TUtilSet } from './IUtilSet.js';
export { TUtilEach } from './IUtilEach.js';
export { TUtilMap } from './IUtilMap.js';
export { ICloneable } from './ICloneable.js';
export { ICurrency } from './ICurrency.js';
export { IPromiseConstructor, IPromise } from './IPromise.js';
export { IStorage } from './IStorage.js';
export { IMoney } from './IMoney.js';
export { IStack } from './IStack.js';
export { ICollection } from './ICollection.js';
export { TPredicate } from './TPredicate.js';
export { IConfigurable } from './IConfigurable.js';
export { IConfig } from './IConfig.js';
export { IConstructor, IConstructable, Abstract, IClass } from './IConstructor.js';
export { IIterable, IIterator, IIteratorResult } from './IIterable.js';
export { IMiddleware, IAsyncMiddleware, IErrorMiddleware, IRequestMiddleware, IRequest, IResponse, INext, } from './IMiddleware.js';
export { IPool, IPooledObject, IPooledObjectFactory, IPooledObjectStatus, } from './IPool.js';
export { IHttpClient, IFetch, IHttpRequestProvider, HttpMethod, IHttpMethodV2, IHttpResponse, IHttpRequest, } from './IHttpClient.js';
export { IClientEventDto, IClientEventMeta, EnvironmentProfile, } from './IClientEventDto.js';
export { INormalValue, IIdentified, IMetaTyped, IMetaTypedValue, IWrappedValue, ITyped, ITypedValue, IMeted, IMetedValue, } from './INormalValue.js';
export { IFunction, IFn, IUnaryFunction, IUnaryFn, ICallable, } from './IFunction.js';
export { IMetadataProvider } from './IMetadata.js';
export { IEnableable } from './IEnableable.js';
export { IPipe, IPipeline, INormalPipe, INormalPipeline } from './IPipeline.js';
export { IExtra } from './IExtra.js';
export { INil, INullOrUndefined, INullable, INilable } from './INil.js';
export { IExecutionMode } from './IExecutionMode.js';
export { IDeviceInfo, IDeviceInfoStrict } from './IDeviceInfo.js';

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { IExtra } from './IExtra';
import { IStorage } from './IStorage';
import { IExtra } from './IExtra.js';
import { IStorage } from './IStorage.js';
export type IStoreExtra = IExtra<'store', IStorage>;
export type IStorageExtra = IExtra<'storage', IStorage>;

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

import { RecursivePartial } from './helpers';
import { IDeviceInfo } from './IDeviceInfo';
import { LogLevel } from './ILogger';
import { RecursivePartial } from './helpers.js';
import { IDeviceInfo } from './IDeviceInfo.js';
import { LogLevel } from './ILogger.js';
export declare enum EnvironmentProfile {

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ CI = "ci",

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { RecursivePartial } from './helpers';
import { RecursivePartial } from './helpers.js';
export type IBrowserInfo = RecursivePartial<{

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ name: string | null;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { IPromise } from './IPromise';
import { IPromise } from './IPromise.js';
export declare const enum HttpMethod {

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ GET = "GET",

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { ICurrency } from './ICurrency';
import { ICurrency } from './ICurrency.js';
export type IValue = number;

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ export interface IMoney {

@@ -1,4 +0,4 @@

export * from './export';
export * from './aliases';
export * from './helpers';
export * from './extras';
export * from './export.js';
export * from './aliases.js';
export * from './helpers.js';
export * from './extras.js';

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { UnionToIntersection } from './helpers';
import { IAnyMap } from './IAnyMap';
import { UnionToIntersection } from './helpers.js';
import { IAnyMap } from './IAnyMap.js';
export interface IIdentified {

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ id: string | number | symbol;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { IUnaryFn } from './IFunction';
import { INormalValue } from './INormalValue';
import { IUnaryFn } from './IFunction.js';
import { INormalValue } from './INormalValue.js';
export type IPipe<E = any> = IUnaryFn<E, E>;

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ export type IPipeline<P extends IPipe = IPipe> = Array<P>;

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { IPromise } from './IPromise';
import { IPromise } from './IPromise.js';
export declare const enum IPooledObjectStatus {

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ READY = "ready",

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { IConstructor } from './IConstructor';
import { IConstructor } from './IConstructor.js';
export type TPromiseExecutor<TValue = any, TReason = any> = (resolve: (value: TValue) => void, reject: (reason: TReason) => void) => void;

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ export interface IPromise<TValue = any, TReason = any> extends Promise<TValue> {

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { ICollection } from './ICollection';
import { ICollection } from './ICollection.js';
export type IStackItem = any;

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ export interface IStack<T> extends ICollection<T> {

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