Ember CP Validations
![Ember Observer Score](http://emberobserver.com/badges/ember-cp-validations.svg)
An EmberJS validation framework that is completely and utterly computed property based.
No observers were used nor harmed while developing and testing this addon.
- Lazily computed validations
- Ruby on rails inspired validators
- Support for Ember Data Models, Objects, Components, Services, etc.
- Support for nested models and objects
- Synchronous and asynchronous support
- Easily integrated with Ember Data's DS.Errors
- No observers. Seriously... there are none. Like absolutely zero....
- Custom validators
- I18n support
- Debounceable validations
- Warning validations
![Introduction to Ember CP Validations](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2922250/21854491/ebda55b8-d7e8-11e6-8d13-00dff93be8d8.png)
You can also learn more by watching this Global Ember Meetup talk:
![Introduction to ember-cp-validations](https://i.vimeocdn.com/video/545445254.png?mw=1920&mh=1080&q=70)
- Ember.js v3.16 or above
- Ember CLI v2.13 or above
- Node.js v10 or above
ember install ember-cp-validations
Upgrading to 4.x
If you are upgrading from 3.x to 4.x, please checkout the upgrading documentation.
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