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@raiadrogasil/pulso-icons - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.3.0 to 2.4.0-alpha.0




@@ -5,2 +5,302 @@ "use strict";

exports.ICON_LIST = [
{ name: "rdicon-flashlight-on-filled", content: "eb2e" },
{ name: "rdicon-flashlight-variant-on-filled", content: "eb2f" },
{ name: "rdicon-flashlight-on", content: "eb30" },
{ name: "rdicon-flashlight-variant-on", content: "eb31" },
{ name: "rdicon-flashlight-off", content: "eb32" },
{ name: "rdicon-linkedin", content: "eb33" },
{ name: "rdicon-thermostat-minimum-filled", content: "eb34" },
{ name: "rdicon-thermostat-medium-filled", content: "eb35" },
{ name: "rdicon-thermostat-maximum-filled", content: "eb36" },
{ name: "rdicon-snowflake", content: "eb37" },
{ name: "rdicon-thermostat-minimum", content: "eb38" },
{ name: "rdicon-thermostat-medium", content: "eb39" },
{ name: "rdicon-thermostat-maximum", content: "eb3a" },
{ name: "rdicon-touchid", content: "eb3b" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-unread-bullet-notification", content: "eb1d" },
{ name: "rdicon-mail-unread-bullet-notification", content: "eb1e" },
{ name: "rdicon-mail-unread-multicolor", content: "eb1f" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-unread-multicolor", content: "eb20" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-unread", content: "eb21" },
{ name: "rdicon-apps-filled", content: "eb22" },
{ name: "rdicon-apps", content: "eb23" },
{ name: "rdicon-mail-unread", content: "eb24" },
{ name: "rdicon-company-badge-filled", content: "eb25" },
{ name: "rdicon-company-badge", content: "eb26" },
{ name: "rdicon-pill-filled", content: "eb27" },
{ name: "rdicon-list-bullet-filled", content: "eb28" },
{ name: "rdicon-video-person-filled", content: "eb29" },
{ name: "rdicon-video-filled", content: "eb2a" },
{ name: "rdicon-video-person", content: "eb2b" },
{ name: "rdicon-video", content: "eb2c" },
{ name: "rdicon-video-off", content: "eb2d" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-multiple-filled", content: "eaf7" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-multiple", content: "eaf8" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-multiple-plus", content: "eaf9" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-multiple-error", content: "eafa" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-multiple-clock", content: "eafb" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-multiple-warning", content: "eafc" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-multiple-help", content: "eafd" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-multiple-location", content: "eafe" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-multiple-return", content: "eaff" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-multiple-checkmark", content: "eb00" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-multiple-refresh", content: "eb01" },
{ name: "rdicon-star-plus", content: "eb02" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-1-filled", content: "eb03" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-2-filled", content: "eb04" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-3-filled", content: "eb05" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-4-filled", content: "eb06" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-5-filled", content: "eb07" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-6-filled", content: "eb08" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-7-filled", content: "eb09" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-8-filled", content: "eb0a" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-9-filled", content: "eb0b" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-9-plus-filled", content: "eb0c" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-1", content: "eb0d" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-2", content: "eb0e" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-3", content: "eb0f" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-4", content: "eb10" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-5", content: "eb11" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-6", content: "eb12" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-7", content: "eb13" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-8", content: "eb14" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-9", content: "eb15" },
{ name: "rdicon-counter-9-plus", content: "eb16" },
{ name: "rdicon-cake-filled", content: "eb17" },
{ name: "rdicon-cake", content: "eb18" },
{ name: "rdicon-warehouse-filled", content: "eb19" },
{ name: "rdicon-warehouse", content: "eb1a" },
{ name: "rdicon-warehouse-warning", content: "eb1b" },
{ name: "rdicon-warehouse-return", content: "eb1c" },
{ name: "rdicon-pix-filled", content: "eadb" },
{ name: "rdicon-hour-24-filled", content: "eadc" },
{ name: "rdicon-bank-filled", content: "eadd" },
{ name: "rdicon-vitamins-bottle-filled", content: "eade" },
{ name: "rdicon-chart-area-filled", content: "eadf" },
{ name: "rdicon-image-filled", content: "eae0" },
{ name: "rdicon-scale-weight-filled", content: "eae1" },
{ name: "rdicon-mask-filled", content: "eae2" },
{ name: "rdicon-fruit-apple-filled", content: "eae3" },
{ name: "rdicon-medal-variant-filled", content: "eae4" },
{ name: "rdicon-emoji-surprise-filled", content: "eae5" },
{ name: "rdicon-person-pill", content: "eae6" },
{ name: "rdicon-person-error", content: "eae7" },
{ name: "rdicon-person-clock", content: "eae8" },
{ name: "rdicon-person-plus", content: "eae9" },
{ name: "rdicon-person-warning", content: "eaea" },
{ name: "rdicon-medal-variant", content: "eaeb" },
{ name: "rdicon-emoji-surprise", content: "eaec" },
{ name: "rdicon-person-help", content: "eaed" },
{ name: "rdicon-credit-card-help", content: "eaee" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-help", content: "eaef" },
{ name: "rdicon-calendar-help", content: "eaf0" },
{ name: "rdicon-truck-delivery-help", content: "eaf1" },
{ name: "rdicon-tag-help", content: "eaf2" },
{ name: "rdicon-mail-help", content: "eaf3" },
{ name: "rdicon-password-help", content: "eaf4" },
{ name: "rdicon-document-help", content: "eaf5" },
{ name: "rdicon-folder-plus", content: "eaf6" },
{ name: "rdicon-folder-zip", content: "eaab" },
{ name: "rdicon-folder-zip-filled", content: "eaac" },
{ name: "rdicon-apple", content: "eaad" },
{ name: "rdicon-android", content: "eaae" },
{ name: "rdicon-bullet-notification-1", content: "eaaf" },
{ name: "rdicon-bullet-notification-2", content: "eab0" },
{ name: "rdicon-bullet-notification-3", content: "eab1" },
{ name: "rdicon-bullet-notification-4", content: "eab2" },
{ name: "rdicon-bullet-notification-5", content: "eab3" },
{ name: "rdicon-bullet-notification-6", content: "eab4" },
{ name: "rdicon-bullet-notification-7", content: "eab5" },
{ name: "rdicon-bullet-notification-8", content: "eab6" },
{ name: "rdicon-bullet-notification-9", content: "eab7" },
{ name: "rdicon-bullet-notification-9-plus", content: "eab8" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-multicolor", content: "eab9" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-multicolor-plus", content: "eaba" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-multicolor", content: "eabb" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-multicolor-plus", content: "eabc" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-multicolor", content: "eabd" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-multicolor-plus", content: "eabe" },
{ name: "rdicon-view-dashboard-filled", content: "eabf" },
{ name: "rdicon-speedometer-filled", content: "eac0" },
{ name: "rdicon-graduation-cap-filled", content: "eac1" },
{ name: "rdicon-ticket-confirmation-filled", content: "eac2" },
{ name: "rdicon-ticket-person-filled", content: "eac3" },
{ name: "rdicon-ticket-star-filled", content: "eac4" },
{ name: "rdicon-ticket-filled", content: "eac5" },
{ name: "rdicon-map-variant", content: "eac6" },
{ name: "rdicon-prescribing-information", content: "eac7" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-error", content: "eac8" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-1", content: "eac9" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-2", content: "eaca" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-3", content: "eacb" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-4", content: "eacc" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-5", content: "eacd" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-6", content: "eace" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-7", content: "eacf" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-8", content: "ead0" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-9", content: "ead1" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-9-plus", content: "ead2" },
{ name: "rdicon-view-dashboard", content: "ead3" },
{ name: "rdicon-speedometer", content: "ead4" },
{ name: "rdicon-graduation-cap", content: "ead5" },
{ name: "rdicon-ticket-confirmation", content: "ead6" },
{ name: "rdicon-ticket-person", content: "ead7" },
{ name: "rdicon-ticket-star", content: "ead8" },
{ name: "rdicon-ticket", content: "ead9" },
{ name: "rdicon-fruit-apple", content: "eada" },
{ name: "rdicon-pulso-filled", content: "ea7b" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-help", content: "ea7c" },
{ name: "rdicon-accessibility-variant-circle-filled", content: "ea7d" },
{ name: "rdicon-accessibility-circle-filled", content: "ea7e" },
{ name: "rdicon-ear-filled", content: "ea7f" },
{ name: "rdicon-hearing-device-filled", content: "ea80" },
{ name: "rdicon-magazine-braille-filled", content: "ea81" },
{ name: "rdicon-subtitles-filled", content: "ea82" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-help-filled", content: "ea83" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-notification-9-plus", content: "ea84" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-notification-1", content: "ea85" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-notification-2", content: "ea86" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-notification-3", content: "ea87" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-notification-4", content: "ea88" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-notification-5", content: "ea89" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-notification-6", content: "ea8a" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-notification-7", content: "ea8b" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-notification-8", content: "ea8c" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-notification-9", content: "ea8d" },
{ name: "rdicon-faceid", content: "ea8e" },
{ name: "rdicon-pulso", content: "ea8f" },
{ name: "rdicon-male-figure", content: "ea90" },
{ name: "rdicon-accessibility", content: "ea91" },
{ name: "rdicon-accessibility-variant", content: "ea92" },
{ name: "rdicon-accessibility-variant-circle", content: "ea93" },
{ name: "rdicon-accessibility-circle", content: "ea94" },
{ name: "rdicon-accessible", content: "ea95" },
{ name: "rdicon-accessible-forward", content: "ea96" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-notification-9-plus", content: "ea97" },
{ name: "rdicon-ear", content: "ea98" },
{ name: "rdicon-hearing-device", content: "ea99" },
{ name: "rdicon-ear-warning", content: "ea9a" },
{ name: "rdicon-ear-checkmark", content: "ea9b" },
{ name: "rdicon-magazine-braille", content: "ea9c" },
{ name: "rdicon-watch", content: "ea9d" },
{ name: "rdicon-accessible-off", content: "ea9e" },
{ name: "rdicon-hearing-device-off", content: "ea9f" },
{ name: "rdicon-subtitles", content: "eaa0" },
{ name: "rdicon-subtitles-off", content: "eaa1" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-notification-1", content: "eaa2" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-notification-2", content: "eaa3" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-notification-3", content: "eaa4" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-notification-4", content: "eaa5" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-notification-5", content: "eaa6" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-notification-6", content: "eaa7" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-notification-7", content: "eaa8" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-notification-8", content: "eaa9" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-notification-9", content: "eaaa" },
{ name: "rdicon-personal-care-filled", content: "ea72" },
{ name: "rdicon-document-filled", content: "ea73" },
{ name: "rdicon-document-variant-filled", content: "ea74" },
{ name: "rdicon-document", content: "ea75" },
{ name: "rdicon-document-checkmark", content: "ea76" },
{ name: "rdicon-document-error", content: "ea77" },
{ name: "rdicon-document-clock", content: "ea78" },
{ name: "rdicon-document-warning", content: "ea79" },
{ name: "rdicon-document-variant", content: "ea7a" },
{ name: "rdicon-car-variant-filled", content: "e9de" },
{ name: "rdicon-map-filled", content: "e9e1" },
{ name: "rdicon-camera-filled", content: "e9e2" },
{ name: "rdicon-archived", content: "e9e4" },
{ name: "rdicon-dermocosmetic", content: "e9e8" },
{ name: "rdicon-password-refresh", content: "e9ea" },
{ name: "rdicon-car-variant", content: "e9ec" },
{ name: "rdicon-location-parking", content: "e9ef" },
{ name: "rdicon-map", content: "e9f0" },
{ name: "rdicon-camera", content: "e9f4" },
{ name: "rdicon-info-circle-filled", content: "e9f5" },
{ name: "rdicon-options-filter-filled", content: "e9f8" },
{ name: "rdicon-warning-cicle-filled", content: "e9f9" },
{ name: "rdicon-help-circle-filled", content: "e9fa" },
{ name: "rdicon-view-grid-filled", content: "e9fd" },
{ name: "rdicon-copy-filled", content: "e9fe" },
{ name: "rdicon-view-list-filled", content: "e9ff" },
{ name: "rdicon-eye-filled", content: "ea01" },
{ name: "rdicon-lock-closed-filled", content: "ea03" },
{ name: "rdicon-lock-open-filled", content: "ea05" },
{ name: "rdicon-mail-filled", content: "ea07" },
{ name: "rdicon-mail-read-filled", content: "ea08" },
{ name: "rdicon-calendar-month-filled", content: "ea09" },
{ name: "rdicon-calendar-period-filled", content: "ea0a" },
{ name: "rdicon-calendar-empty-filled", content: "ea0b" },
{ name: "rdicon-person-id-filled", content: "ea0c" },
{ name: "rdicon-password-filled", content: "ea0d" },
{ name: "rdicon-notepad-filled", content: "ea0e" },
{ name: "rdicon-person-filled", content: "ea0f" },
{ name: "rdicon-people-filled", content: "ea12" },
{ name: "rdicon-person-circle-filled", content: "ea13" },
{ name: "rdicon-checkmark-circle-filled", content: "ea14" },
{ name: "rdicon-warning-filled", content: "ea15" },
{ name: "rdicon-virus-filled", content: "ea17" },
{ name: "rdicon-bandage-filled", content: "ea19" },
{ name: "rdicon-briefcase-medical-filled", content: "ea1b" },
{ name: "rdicon-bandage-variant-filled", content: "ea1d" },
{ name: "rdicon-edit-filled", content: "ea1f" },
{ name: "rdicon-clock-filled", content: "ea21" },
{ name: "rdicon-delete-filled", content: "ea26" },
{ name: "rdicon-gift-filled", content: "ea27" },
{ name: "rdicon-archived-filled", content: "ea29" },
{ name: "rdicon-microphone-filled", content: "ea2d" },
{ name: "rdicon-location-filled", content: "ea33" },
{ name: "rdicon-motorcycle-super-express-delivery-filled", content: "ea34" },
{ name: "rdicon-x-ray-body-filled", content: "ea36" },
{ name: "rdicon-x-ray-bones-filled", content: "ea37" },
{ name: "rdicon-heartbeat-machine-filled", content: "ea3e" },
{ name: "rdicon-save-filled", content: "ea42" },
{ name: "rdicon-credit-card-filled", content: "ea43" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-filled", content: "ea44" },
{ name: "rdicon-emoji-smile-filled", content: "ea45" },
{ name: "rdicon-emoji-angry-filled", content: "ea46" },
{ name: "rdicon-emoji-meh-filled", content: "ea47" },
{ name: "rdicon-emoji-laugh-filled", content: "ea48" },
{ name: "rdicon-emoji-sad-filled", content: "ea49" },
{ name: "rdicon-chat-typing-filled", content: "ea4a" },
{ name: "rdicon-basket-filled", content: "ea4b" },
{ name: "rdicon-lock-open-variant-filled", content: "ea4c" },
{ name: "rdicon-receipt-filled", content: "ea4d" },
{ name: "rdicon-medal-filled", content: "ea4e" },
{ name: "rdicon-magazine-sorria-filled", content: "ea4f" },
{ name: "rdicon-hospital-filled", content: "ea50" },
{ name: "rdicon-store-filled", content: "ea51" },
{ name: "rdicon-test-tube-filled", content: "ea52" },
{ name: "rdicon-gift-card-filled", content: "ea53" },
{ name: "rdicon-tag-filled", content: "ea54" },
{ name: "rdicon-near-me-filled", content: "ea55" },
{ name: "rdicon-box-filled", content: "ea56" },
{ name: "rdicon-lightbulb-on-filled", content: "ea57" },
{ name: "rdicon-lightbulb-off-filled", content: "ea58" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-filled", content: "ea59" },
{ name: "rdicon-notification-on-filled", content: "ea5a" },
{ name: "rdicon-news-filled", content: "ea5b" },
{ name: "rdicon-bag-filled", content: "ea5c" },
{ name: "rdicon-print-filled", content: "ea5d" },
{ name: "rdicon-production-filled", content: "ea5e" },
{ name: "rdicon-flag-filled", content: "ea5f" },
{ name: "rdicon-blood-donation-filled", content: "ea60" },
{ name: "rdicon-megaphone-loud-filled", content: "ea61" },
{ name: "rdicon-megaphone-filled", content: "ea62" },
{ name: "rdicon-globe-filled", content: "ea63" },
{ name: "rdicon-magazine-filled", content: "ea64" },
{ name: "rdicon-folder-filled", content: "ea65" },
{ name: "rdicon-headphone-filled", content: "ea66" },
{ name: "rdicon-call-filled", content: "ea67" },
{ name: "rdicon-baby-filled", content: "ea68" },
{ name: "rdicon-health-filled", content: "ea69" },
{ name: "rdicon-thumb-like-filled", content: "ea6a" },
{ name: "rdicon-thumb-dislike-filled", content: "ea6b" },
{ name: "rdicon-wallet-variant-filled", content: "ea6c" },
{ name: "rdicon-wallet-filled", content: "ea6d" },
{ name: "rdicon-rocket-delivery-turbo-filled", content: "ea6e" },
{ name: "rdicon-shield-filled", content: "ea6f" },
{ name: "rdicon-telesales-filled", content: "ea70" },
{ name: "rdicon-truck-delivery-filled", content: "ea71" },
{ name: "rdicon-shield", content: "e9dc" },
{ name: "rdicon-tag-percentage", content: "e9dd" },
{ name: "rdicon-neighborhood-delivery", content: "e9bd" },

@@ -121,3 +421,3 @@ { name: "rdicon-buy-take-away", content: "e9be" },

{ name: "rdicon-news", content: "e903" },
{ name: "rdicon-clock-checkmark", content: "e904" },
{ name: "rdicon-clock-plus", content: "e904" },
{ name: "rdicon-clock-fast", content: "e905" },

@@ -124,0 +424,0 @@ { name: "rdicon-clock", content: "e906" },


"name": "@raiadrogasil/pulso-icons",
"version": "2.3.0",
"version": "2.4.0-alpha.0",
"main": "./",
"license": "MIT"

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export declare type IconSetItem = {
export type IconSetItem = {
properties: {

@@ -11,4 +11,4 @@ name: string;

export declare type IconSet = {
export type IconSet = {
icons: IconSetItem[];

@@ -5,2 +5,2 @@ export interface IconInfo {

export declare type IconName = "rdicon-neighborhood-delivery" | "rdicon-buy-take-away" | "rdicon-telesales" | "rdicon-motorcycle-super-express-delivery" | "rdicon-rocket-delivery-turbo" | "rdicon-calendar-clock" | "rdicon-digital-tip" | "rdicon-mobile-credit" | "rdicon-document-prescription" | "rdicon-digital-prescription" | "rdicon-tag-90" | "rdicon-tag-10" | "rdicon-tag-20" | "rdicon-tag-30" | "rdicon-tag-50" | "rdicon-tag-60" | "rdicon-tag-70" | "rdicon-tag-80" | "rdicon-tag-40" | "rdicon-password" | "rdicon-password-off" | "rdicon-password-plus" | "rdicon-password-return" | "rdicon-wallet" | "rdicon-receipt-clock" | "rdicon-calendar-edit" | "rdicon-document-excel" | "rdicon-dashboard" | "rdicon-clock-pending" | "rdicon-coin-transfer" | "rdicon-wallet-variant" | "rdicon-stix" | "rdicon-mail-checkmark" | "rdicon-mail-error" | "rdicon-mail-warning" | "rdicon-hour-24" | "rdicon-calendar-box" | "rdicon-send-filled" | "rdicon-health-plan" | "rdicon-thumb-dislike" | "rdicon-thumb-like" | "rdicon-health" | "rdicon-health-platform" | "rdicon-box-error" | "rdicon-truck-delivery" | "rdicon-baby" | "rdicon-personal-care" | "rdicon-vitamins-bottle" | "rdicon-cosmetics" | "rdicon-mask" | "rdicon-headphone" | "rdicon-call" | "rdicon-thermometer-digital" | "rdicon-sale-filled" | "rdicon-coin-filled" | "rdicon-copy" | "rdicon-dismiss-circle-filled" | "rdicon-default" | "rdicon-person-id" | "rdicon-menu" | "rdicon-order-descending" | "rdicon-order-ascending" | "rdicon-folder" | "rdicon-order-alphabetical-descending" | "rdicon-magazine" | "rdicon-megaphone-loud" | "rdicon-production" | "rdicon-notification-off" | "rdicon-lightbulb-on" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-warning" | "rdicon-basket-warning" | "rdicon-credit-card-warning" | "rdicon-tag-error" | "rdicon-test-tube" | "rdicon-test-tube-variant" | "rdicon-chart-trending" | "rdicon-chart-bar-vertical" | "rdicon-gift-card" | "rdicon-laptop" | "rdicon-mobile" | "rdicon-desktop" | "rdicon-verified-filled" | "rdicon-microscope" | "rdicon-drogasil" | "rdicon-droga-raia" | "rdicon-magazine-sorria" | "rdicon-view-list" | "rdicon-raiadrogasil" | "rdicon-lock-open-variant" | "rdicon-pix" | "rdicon-basket-plus" | "rdicon-location-error" | "rdicon-location-off" | "rdicon-x-ray-body" | "rdicon-emoji-smile" | "rdicon-emoji-angry" | "rdicon-emoji-meh" | "rdicon-emoji-laugh" | "rdicon-emoji-sad" | "rdicon-star-half" | "rdicon-radio-button-unselected" | "rdicon-radio-button-selected" | "rdicon-checkbox-unchecked" | "rdicon-checkbox-checked" | "rdicon-checkbox-indeterminate" | "rdicon-messenger" | "rdicon-whatsapp" | "rdicon-facebook" | "rdicon-instagram" | "rdicon-twitter" | "rdicon-tag-warning" | "rdicon-edit" | "rdicon-minus" | "rdicon-plus" | "rdicon-news" | "rdicon-clock-checkmark" | "rdicon-clock-fast" | "rdicon-clock" | "rdicon-clock-error" | "rdicon-arrow-down" | "rdicon-arrow-left" | "rdicon-near-me" | "rdicon-arrow-right" | "rdicon-arrow-up" | "rdicon-change-vertical" | "rdicon-medal" | "rdicon-bank" | "rdicon-barcode-scan" | "rdicon-barcode" | "rdicon-basket-error" | "rdicon-basket" | "rdicon-basket-checkmark" | "rdicon-notification" | "rdicon-notification-snooze" | "rdicon-notification-on" | "rdicon-chart-area" | "rdicon-bone-broken" | "rdicon-bone" | "rdicon-bookmark" | "rdicon-list-bullet" | "rdicon-calendar-period" | "rdicon-calendar-empty" | "rdicon-calendar-month" | "rdicon-blocked" | "rdicon-change-horizontal" | "rdicon-chart-bar-horizontal" | "rdicon-chart-pie" | "rdicon-chat-typing" | "rdicon-chat" | "rdicon-chevron-down" | "rdicon-chevron-left" | "rdicon-chevron-right" | "rdicon-chevron-up" | "rdicon-attach" | "rdicon-checkmark-circle" | "rdicon-credit-card-checkmark" | "rdicon-credit-card-machine" | "rdicon-credit-card-return" | "rdicon-credit-card-plus" | "rdicon-credit-card" | "rdicon-dismiss" | "rdicon-dismiss-circle-outline" | "rdicon-box-checkmark" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-error" | "rdicon-box-clock" | "rdicon-blood-donation" | "rdicon-document-edit" | "rdicon-checkmark" | "rdicon-arrow-download" | "rdicon-blood-bag" | "rdicon-bandage" | "rdicon-pill-variant" | "rdicon-medicine-bottle" | "rdicon-pill" | "rdicon-globe" | "rdicon-mail" | "rdicon-mail-read" | "rdicon-warning-circle" | "rdicon-open" | "rdicon-eye-off" | "rdicon-eye" | "rdicon-heart-filled" | "rdicon-order-alphabetical-ascending" | "rdicon-flag" | "rdicon-gift" | "rdicon-view-grid" | "rdicon-heart-outline" | "rdicon-heart-pulse" | "rdicon-heartbeat-machine" | "rdicon-home-filled" | "rdicon-home-outline" | "rdicon-more-horizontal" | "rdicon-megaphone" | "rdicon-info-circle" | "rdicon-invoice-checkmark" | "rdicon-invoice-error" | "rdicon-invoice" | "rdicon-tag" | "rdicon-lightbulb-off" | "rdicon-link" | "rdicon-shield-warning" | "rdicon-lock-closed" | "rdicon-signal" | "rdicon-location-plus" | "rdicon-location" | "rdicon-briefcase-medical" | "rdicon-hospital" | "rdicon-bacterium" | "rdicon-microphone" | "rdicon-coin-outline" | "rdicon-smoking-off" | "rdicon-notepad" | "rdicon-box" | "rdicon-box-warning" | "rdicon-box-return" | "rdicon-bandage-variant" | "rdicon-credit-card-error" | "rdicon-image" | "rdicon-print" | "rdicon-qr-code" | "rdicon-help-circle" | "rdicon-star-filled" | "rdicon-receipt-checkmark" | "rdicon-receipt-error" | "rdicon-receipt-sale" | "rdicon-receipt" | "rdicon-refresh" | "rdicon-sale-outline" | "rdicon-sale-variant" | "rdicon-save" | "rdicon-scale-weight" | "rdicon-barcode-scan-variant" | "rdicon-scan" | "rdicon-search" | "rdicon-send-outline" | "rdicon-settings" | "rdicon-options-filter" | "rdicon-share" | "rdicon-shield-checkmark" | "rdicon-shield-error" | "rdicon-store" | "rdicon-bag" | "rdicon-sign-in" | "rdicon-sign-out" | "rdicon-soap" | "rdicon-verified-outline" | "rdicon-star-outline" | "rdicon-stethoscope" | "rdicon-store-heart" | "rdicon-store-error" | "rdicon-syringe" | "rdicon-clipboard" | "rdicon-thermometer-mercury" | "rdicon-store-checkmark" | "rdicon-history" | "rdicon-delete" | "rdicon-trolley-cart" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-checkmark" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-fast" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-clock" | "rdicon-lock-open" | "rdicon-person-circle" | "rdicon-person" | "rdicon-people" | "rdicon-more-vertical" | "rdicon-virus" | "rdicon-warehouse-checkmark" | "rdicon-warehouse-error" | "rdicon-warning" | "rdicon-wifi" | "rdicon-x-ray-bones" | "rdicon-yin-yang";
export type IconName = "rdicon-flashlight-on-filled" | "rdicon-flashlight-variant-on-filled" | "rdicon-flashlight-on" | "rdicon-flashlight-variant-on" | "rdicon-flashlight-off" | "rdicon-linkedin" | "rdicon-thermostat-minimum-filled" | "rdicon-thermostat-medium-filled" | "rdicon-thermostat-maximum-filled" | "rdicon-snowflake" | "rdicon-thermostat-minimum" | "rdicon-thermostat-medium" | "rdicon-thermostat-maximum" | "rdicon-touchid" | "rdicon-chat-unread-bullet-notification" | "rdicon-mail-unread-bullet-notification" | "rdicon-mail-unread-multicolor" | "rdicon-chat-unread-multicolor" | "rdicon-chat-unread" | "rdicon-apps-filled" | "rdicon-apps" | "rdicon-mail-unread" | "rdicon-company-badge-filled" | "rdicon-company-badge" | "rdicon-pill-filled" | "rdicon-list-bullet-filled" | "rdicon-video-person-filled" | "rdicon-video-filled" | "rdicon-video-person" | "rdicon-video" | "rdicon-video-off" | "rdicon-box-multiple-filled" | "rdicon-box-multiple" | "rdicon-box-multiple-plus" | "rdicon-box-multiple-error" | "rdicon-box-multiple-clock" | "rdicon-box-multiple-warning" | "rdicon-box-multiple-help" | "rdicon-box-multiple-location" | "rdicon-box-multiple-return" | "rdicon-box-multiple-checkmark" | "rdicon-box-multiple-refresh" | "rdicon-star-plus" | "rdicon-counter-1-filled" | "rdicon-counter-2-filled" | "rdicon-counter-3-filled" | "rdicon-counter-4-filled" | "rdicon-counter-5-filled" | "rdicon-counter-6-filled" | "rdicon-counter-7-filled" | "rdicon-counter-8-filled" | "rdicon-counter-9-filled" | "rdicon-counter-9-plus-filled" | "rdicon-counter-1" | "rdicon-counter-2" | "rdicon-counter-3" | "rdicon-counter-4" | "rdicon-counter-5" | "rdicon-counter-6" | "rdicon-counter-7" | "rdicon-counter-8" | "rdicon-counter-9" | "rdicon-counter-9-plus" | "rdicon-cake-filled" | "rdicon-cake" | "rdicon-warehouse-filled" | "rdicon-warehouse" | "rdicon-warehouse-warning" | "rdicon-warehouse-return" | "rdicon-pix-filled" | "rdicon-hour-24-filled" | "rdicon-bank-filled" | "rdicon-vitamins-bottle-filled" | "rdicon-chart-area-filled" | "rdicon-image-filled" | "rdicon-scale-weight-filled" | "rdicon-mask-filled" | "rdicon-fruit-apple-filled" | "rdicon-medal-variant-filled" | "rdicon-emoji-surprise-filled" | "rdicon-person-pill" | "rdicon-person-error" | "rdicon-person-clock" | "rdicon-person-plus" | "rdicon-person-warning" | "rdicon-medal-variant" | "rdicon-emoji-surprise" | "rdicon-person-help" | "rdicon-credit-card-help" | "rdicon-box-help" | "rdicon-calendar-help" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-help" | "rdicon-tag-help" | "rdicon-mail-help" | "rdicon-password-help" | "rdicon-document-help" | "rdicon-folder-plus" | "rdicon-folder-zip" | "rdicon-folder-zip-filled" | "rdicon-apple" | "rdicon-android" | "rdicon-bullet-notification-1" | "rdicon-bullet-notification-2" | "rdicon-bullet-notification-3" | "rdicon-bullet-notification-4" | "rdicon-bullet-notification-5" | "rdicon-bullet-notification-6" | "rdicon-bullet-notification-7" | "rdicon-bullet-notification-8" | "rdicon-bullet-notification-9" | "rdicon-bullet-notification-9-plus" | "rdicon-chat-multicolor" | "rdicon-chat-multicolor-plus" | "rdicon-notification-multicolor" | "rdicon-notification-multicolor-plus" | "rdicon-basket-multicolor" | "rdicon-basket-multicolor-plus" | "rdicon-view-dashboard-filled" | "rdicon-speedometer-filled" | "rdicon-graduation-cap-filled" | "rdicon-ticket-confirmation-filled" | "rdicon-ticket-person-filled" | "rdicon-ticket-star-filled" | "rdicon-ticket-filled" | "rdicon-map-variant" | "rdicon-prescribing-information" | "rdicon-notification-error" | "rdicon-notification-1" | "rdicon-notification-2" | "rdicon-notification-3" | "rdicon-notification-4" | "rdicon-notification-5" | "rdicon-notification-6" | "rdicon-notification-7" | "rdicon-notification-8" | "rdicon-notification-9" | "rdicon-notification-9-plus" | "rdicon-view-dashboard" | "rdicon-speedometer" | "rdicon-graduation-cap" | "rdicon-ticket-confirmation" | "rdicon-ticket-person" | "rdicon-ticket-star" | "rdicon-ticket" | "rdicon-fruit-apple" | "rdicon-pulso-filled" | "rdicon-chat-help" | "rdicon-accessibility-variant-circle-filled" | "rdicon-accessibility-circle-filled" | "rdicon-ear-filled" | "rdicon-hearing-device-filled" | "rdicon-magazine-braille-filled" | "rdicon-subtitles-filled" | "rdicon-chat-help-filled" | "rdicon-basket-notification-9-plus" | "rdicon-chat-notification-1" | "rdicon-chat-notification-2" | "rdicon-chat-notification-3" | "rdicon-chat-notification-4" | "rdicon-chat-notification-5" | "rdicon-chat-notification-6" | "rdicon-chat-notification-7" | "rdicon-chat-notification-8" | "rdicon-chat-notification-9" | "rdicon-faceid" | "rdicon-pulso" | "rdicon-male-figure" | "rdicon-accessibility" | "rdicon-accessibility-variant" | "rdicon-accessibility-variant-circle" | "rdicon-accessibility-circle" | "rdicon-accessible" | "rdicon-accessible-forward" | "rdicon-chat-notification-9-plus" | "rdicon-ear" | "rdicon-hearing-device" | "rdicon-ear-warning" | "rdicon-ear-checkmark" | "rdicon-magazine-braille" | "rdicon-watch" | "rdicon-accessible-off" | "rdicon-hearing-device-off" | "rdicon-subtitles" | "rdicon-subtitles-off" | "rdicon-basket-notification-1" | "rdicon-basket-notification-2" | "rdicon-basket-notification-3" | "rdicon-basket-notification-4" | "rdicon-basket-notification-5" | "rdicon-basket-notification-6" | "rdicon-basket-notification-7" | "rdicon-basket-notification-8" | "rdicon-basket-notification-9" | "rdicon-personal-care-filled" | "rdicon-document-filled" | "rdicon-document-variant-filled" | "rdicon-document" | "rdicon-document-checkmark" | "rdicon-document-error" | "rdicon-document-clock" | "rdicon-document-warning" | "rdicon-document-variant" | "rdicon-car-variant-filled" | "rdicon-map-filled" | "rdicon-camera-filled" | "rdicon-archived" | "rdicon-dermocosmetic" | "rdicon-password-refresh" | "rdicon-car-variant" | "rdicon-location-parking" | "rdicon-map" | "rdicon-camera" | "rdicon-info-circle-filled" | "rdicon-options-filter-filled" | "rdicon-warning-cicle-filled" | "rdicon-help-circle-filled" | "rdicon-view-grid-filled" | "rdicon-copy-filled" | "rdicon-view-list-filled" | "rdicon-eye-filled" | "rdicon-lock-closed-filled" | "rdicon-lock-open-filled" | "rdicon-mail-filled" | "rdicon-mail-read-filled" | "rdicon-calendar-month-filled" | "rdicon-calendar-period-filled" | "rdicon-calendar-empty-filled" | "rdicon-person-id-filled" | "rdicon-password-filled" | "rdicon-notepad-filled" | "rdicon-person-filled" | "rdicon-people-filled" | "rdicon-person-circle-filled" | "rdicon-checkmark-circle-filled" | "rdicon-warning-filled" | "rdicon-virus-filled" | "rdicon-bandage-filled" | "rdicon-briefcase-medical-filled" | "rdicon-bandage-variant-filled" | "rdicon-edit-filled" | "rdicon-clock-filled" | "rdicon-delete-filled" | "rdicon-gift-filled" | "rdicon-archived-filled" | "rdicon-microphone-filled" | "rdicon-location-filled" | "rdicon-motorcycle-super-express-delivery-filled" | "rdicon-x-ray-body-filled" | "rdicon-x-ray-bones-filled" | "rdicon-heartbeat-machine-filled" | "rdicon-save-filled" | "rdicon-credit-card-filled" | "rdicon-chat-filled" | "rdicon-emoji-smile-filled" | "rdicon-emoji-angry-filled" | "rdicon-emoji-meh-filled" | "rdicon-emoji-laugh-filled" | "rdicon-emoji-sad-filled" | "rdicon-chat-typing-filled" | "rdicon-basket-filled" | "rdicon-lock-open-variant-filled" | "rdicon-receipt-filled" | "rdicon-medal-filled" | "rdicon-magazine-sorria-filled" | "rdicon-hospital-filled" | "rdicon-store-filled" | "rdicon-test-tube-filled" | "rdicon-gift-card-filled" | "rdicon-tag-filled" | "rdicon-near-me-filled" | "rdicon-box-filled" | "rdicon-lightbulb-on-filled" | "rdicon-lightbulb-off-filled" | "rdicon-notification-filled" | "rdicon-notification-on-filled" | "rdicon-news-filled" | "rdicon-bag-filled" | "rdicon-print-filled" | "rdicon-production-filled" | "rdicon-flag-filled" | "rdicon-blood-donation-filled" | "rdicon-megaphone-loud-filled" | "rdicon-megaphone-filled" | "rdicon-globe-filled" | "rdicon-magazine-filled" | "rdicon-folder-filled" | "rdicon-headphone-filled" | "rdicon-call-filled" | "rdicon-baby-filled" | "rdicon-health-filled" | "rdicon-thumb-like-filled" | "rdicon-thumb-dislike-filled" | "rdicon-wallet-variant-filled" | "rdicon-wallet-filled" | "rdicon-rocket-delivery-turbo-filled" | "rdicon-shield-filled" | "rdicon-telesales-filled" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-filled" | "rdicon-shield" | "rdicon-tag-percentage" | "rdicon-neighborhood-delivery" | "rdicon-buy-take-away" | "rdicon-telesales" | "rdicon-motorcycle-super-express-delivery" | "rdicon-rocket-delivery-turbo" | "rdicon-calendar-clock" | "rdicon-digital-tip" | "rdicon-mobile-credit" | "rdicon-document-prescription" | "rdicon-digital-prescription" | "rdicon-tag-90" | "rdicon-tag-10" | "rdicon-tag-20" | "rdicon-tag-30" | "rdicon-tag-50" | "rdicon-tag-60" | "rdicon-tag-70" | "rdicon-tag-80" | "rdicon-tag-40" | "rdicon-password" | "rdicon-password-off" | "rdicon-password-plus" | "rdicon-password-return" | "rdicon-wallet" | "rdicon-receipt-clock" | "rdicon-calendar-edit" | "rdicon-document-excel" | "rdicon-dashboard" | "rdicon-clock-pending" | "rdicon-coin-transfer" | "rdicon-wallet-variant" | "rdicon-stix" | "rdicon-mail-checkmark" | "rdicon-mail-error" | "rdicon-mail-warning" | "rdicon-hour-24" | "rdicon-calendar-box" | "rdicon-send-filled" | "rdicon-health-plan" | "rdicon-thumb-dislike" | "rdicon-thumb-like" | "rdicon-health" | "rdicon-health-platform" | "rdicon-box-error" | "rdicon-truck-delivery" | "rdicon-baby" | "rdicon-personal-care" | "rdicon-vitamins-bottle" | "rdicon-cosmetics" | "rdicon-mask" | "rdicon-headphone" | "rdicon-call" | "rdicon-thermometer-digital" | "rdicon-sale-filled" | "rdicon-coin-filled" | "rdicon-copy" | "rdicon-dismiss-circle-filled" | "rdicon-default" | "rdicon-person-id" | "rdicon-menu" | "rdicon-order-descending" | "rdicon-order-ascending" | "rdicon-folder" | "rdicon-order-alphabetical-descending" | "rdicon-magazine" | "rdicon-megaphone-loud" | "rdicon-production" | "rdicon-notification-off" | "rdicon-lightbulb-on" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-warning" | "rdicon-basket-warning" | "rdicon-credit-card-warning" | "rdicon-tag-error" | "rdicon-test-tube" | "rdicon-test-tube-variant" | "rdicon-chart-trending" | "rdicon-chart-bar-vertical" | "rdicon-gift-card" | "rdicon-laptop" | "rdicon-mobile" | "rdicon-desktop" | "rdicon-verified-filled" | "rdicon-microscope" | "rdicon-drogasil" | "rdicon-droga-raia" | "rdicon-magazine-sorria" | "rdicon-view-list" | "rdicon-raiadrogasil" | "rdicon-lock-open-variant" | "rdicon-pix" | "rdicon-basket-plus" | "rdicon-location-error" | "rdicon-location-off" | "rdicon-x-ray-body" | "rdicon-emoji-smile" | "rdicon-emoji-angry" | "rdicon-emoji-meh" | "rdicon-emoji-laugh" | "rdicon-emoji-sad" | "rdicon-star-half" | "rdicon-radio-button-unselected" | "rdicon-radio-button-selected" | "rdicon-checkbox-unchecked" | "rdicon-checkbox-checked" | "rdicon-checkbox-indeterminate" | "rdicon-messenger" | "rdicon-whatsapp" | "rdicon-facebook" | "rdicon-instagram" | "rdicon-twitter" | "rdicon-tag-warning" | "rdicon-edit" | "rdicon-minus" | "rdicon-plus" | "rdicon-news" | "rdicon-clock-plus" | "rdicon-clock-fast" | "rdicon-clock" | "rdicon-clock-error" | "rdicon-arrow-down" | "rdicon-arrow-left" | "rdicon-near-me" | "rdicon-arrow-right" | "rdicon-arrow-up" | "rdicon-change-vertical" | "rdicon-medal" | "rdicon-bank" | "rdicon-barcode-scan" | "rdicon-barcode" | "rdicon-basket-error" | "rdicon-basket" | "rdicon-basket-checkmark" | "rdicon-notification" | "rdicon-notification-snooze" | "rdicon-notification-on" | "rdicon-chart-area" | "rdicon-bone-broken" | "rdicon-bone" | "rdicon-bookmark" | "rdicon-list-bullet" | "rdicon-calendar-period" | "rdicon-calendar-empty" | "rdicon-calendar-month" | "rdicon-blocked" | "rdicon-change-horizontal" | "rdicon-chart-bar-horizontal" | "rdicon-chart-pie" | "rdicon-chat-typing" | "rdicon-chat" | "rdicon-chevron-down" | "rdicon-chevron-left" | "rdicon-chevron-right" | "rdicon-chevron-up" | "rdicon-attach" | "rdicon-checkmark-circle" | "rdicon-credit-card-checkmark" | "rdicon-credit-card-machine" | "rdicon-credit-card-return" | "rdicon-credit-card-plus" | "rdicon-credit-card" | "rdicon-dismiss" | "rdicon-dismiss-circle-outline" | "rdicon-box-checkmark" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-error" | "rdicon-box-clock" | "rdicon-blood-donation" | "rdicon-document-edit" | "rdicon-checkmark" | "rdicon-arrow-download" | "rdicon-blood-bag" | "rdicon-bandage" | "rdicon-pill-variant" | "rdicon-medicine-bottle" | "rdicon-pill" | "rdicon-globe" | "rdicon-mail" | "rdicon-mail-read" | "rdicon-warning-circle" | "rdicon-open" | "rdicon-eye-off" | "rdicon-eye" | "rdicon-heart-filled" | "rdicon-order-alphabetical-ascending" | "rdicon-flag" | "rdicon-gift" | "rdicon-view-grid" | "rdicon-heart-outline" | "rdicon-heart-pulse" | "rdicon-heartbeat-machine" | "rdicon-home-filled" | "rdicon-home-outline" | "rdicon-more-horizontal" | "rdicon-megaphone" | "rdicon-info-circle" | "rdicon-invoice-checkmark" | "rdicon-invoice-error" | "rdicon-invoice" | "rdicon-tag" | "rdicon-lightbulb-off" | "rdicon-link" | "rdicon-shield-warning" | "rdicon-lock-closed" | "rdicon-signal" | "rdicon-location-plus" | "rdicon-location" | "rdicon-briefcase-medical" | "rdicon-hospital" | "rdicon-bacterium" | "rdicon-microphone" | "rdicon-coin-outline" | "rdicon-smoking-off" | "rdicon-notepad" | "rdicon-box" | "rdicon-box-warning" | "rdicon-box-return" | "rdicon-bandage-variant" | "rdicon-credit-card-error" | "rdicon-image" | "rdicon-print" | "rdicon-qr-code" | "rdicon-help-circle" | "rdicon-star-filled" | "rdicon-receipt-checkmark" | "rdicon-receipt-error" | "rdicon-receipt-sale" | "rdicon-receipt" | "rdicon-refresh" | "rdicon-sale-outline" | "rdicon-sale-variant" | "rdicon-save" | "rdicon-scale-weight" | "rdicon-barcode-scan-variant" | "rdicon-scan" | "rdicon-search" | "rdicon-send-outline" | "rdicon-settings" | "rdicon-options-filter" | "rdicon-share" | "rdicon-shield-checkmark" | "rdicon-shield-error" | "rdicon-store" | "rdicon-bag" | "rdicon-sign-in" | "rdicon-sign-out" | "rdicon-soap" | "rdicon-verified-outline" | "rdicon-star-outline" | "rdicon-stethoscope" | "rdicon-store-heart" | "rdicon-store-error" | "rdicon-syringe" | "rdicon-clipboard" | "rdicon-thermometer-mercury" | "rdicon-store-checkmark" | "rdicon-history" | "rdicon-delete" | "rdicon-trolley-cart" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-checkmark" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-fast" | "rdicon-truck-delivery-clock" | "rdicon-lock-open" | "rdicon-person-circle" | "rdicon-person" | "rdicon-people" | "rdicon-more-vertical" | "rdicon-virus" | "rdicon-warehouse-checkmark" | "rdicon-warehouse-error" | "rdicon-warning" | "rdicon-wifi" | "rdicon-x-ray-bones" | "rdicon-yin-yang";
export * from "./icoMoon";
export * from "./icons";
export * from "./svgson";

@@ -19,1 +19,2 @@ "use strict";

__exportStar(require("./icons"), exports);
__exportStar(require("./svgson"), exports);

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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