RAILGUN Cookbook
Write a recipe in minutes to convert your dApp to a zkApp.
Get the Recipe Builder
yarn add @railgun-community/cookbook
Bake a Recipe and call it with RAILGUN Quickstart
// Set up initial parameters.
const sellToken = {tokenAddress: 'DAI'};
const buyToken = {tokenAddress: 'WETH'};
const slippagePercentage = 0.01;
// Use RAILGUN Cookbook to generate auto-validated multi-call transactions from a recipe.
const swap = new ZeroXSwapRecipe(sellToken, buyToken, slippagePercentage);
// Pass inputs that will be unshielded from private balance.
const amount = BigNumber.from(10).pow(18).mul(3000); // 3000 DAI
const unshieldERC20Amounts = [{ tokenAddress: 'DAI', amount }];
const recipeInput = {networkName, unshieldERC20Amounts};
const {populatedTransactions, shieldERC20Addresses} = await swap.getRecipeOutput(recipeInput);
// Use RAILGUN Quickstart to generate a private [unshield -> call -> re-shield] enclosing the recipe.
const crossContractCallsSerialized = populatedTransactions.map(
const {gasEstimateString} = await gasEstimateForUnprovenCrossContractCalls(
const {error} = await generateCrossContractCallsProof(
const {serializedTransaction} = await populateProvedCrossContractCalls(
// Submit transaction to RPC.
// Note: use @railgun-community/waku-relayer-client to submit through Relayer.
const transaction = deserializeTransaction(serializedTransaction);
await wallet.sendTransaction(transaction);
Write your own Custom Recipe and Steps
Run unit tests
yarn test
to run tests without Ganache Fork.
Run integration tests (beta)
yarn test-fork
to run all tests, including Ganache Fork tests.
These tests are currently in beta - there are a number of minor issues with test setup scripts.
Note that the Ganache fork and setup scripts take about 40 sec to complete.
If you see one of the following error messages during the setup scripts, please run the test suite again:
- "socket hang up"
- "Error: cannot estimate gas; ..."
- "Error: RPC connection error."