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This package provides a simple interface for collecting transactions from a bank account using the Fio API. It can work with data in the "YYYY-MM-DD" format or Date instances. It also allows you to add custom columns and map their values using functions.
To install the package, use the following command:
yarn add @randajan/fio-api
import Fio from "@randajan/fio-api";
const fio = Fio.create("Your-account-ID", "Your-Fio-api-token");
fio.paysLast((fio, pay) => {
console.log("Transaction no.", index + 1);
console.log("Date:", pay("Datum"));
console.log("Amount:", pay("Objem"));
console.log("Account number:", pay("Protiúčet"));
const fromDate = "2023-01-01";
const toDate = "2023-07-25";
fio.paysByPeriod(fromDate, toDate, (fio, pay) => {
console.log("Transaction no.", index + 1);
console.log("Date:", pay("Datum"));
console.log("Amount:", pay("Objem"));
console.log("Account number:", pay("Protiúčet"));
Function Fio.create(accountId, token)
Creates an instance of Fio for the bank account with the specified accountId and Fio API token.
Method Fio.fetch(path)
Fetches data from the Fio API server for the given path. Returns a list of transactions on the account.
Method Fio.map(path, callback, ...a)
Fetches data from the Fio API server for the given path and performs data mapping using the callback function.
Method Fio.paysLast(callback, ...a)
Gets the latest transactions on the account and performs data mapping using the callback function.
Method Fio.paysByPeriod(fromDate, toDate, callback, ...a)
Gets transactions in a specific period and performs data mapping using the callback function.
Function toDateString(date)
Converts the given date to the "YYYY-MM-DD" format. It can also accept Date instances.
Function addColumnAlias(idOrAlias, ...aliases)
Adds aliases for the column with the given ID or alias.
Function addTrait(idOrAlias, trait)
Adds a custom getter (trait) for mapping the values of the column with the given ID or alias.
Function addUserAlias(user, alias)
Adds an alias for the user. By default it's used at trait
Function getUserAlias(user)
Get an alias for the user.
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