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@react-aria/dnd - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.6.2-nightly.4698 to 3.6.2-nightly.4700


var $4620ae0dc40f0031$exports = require("./utils.main.js");
var $hMqHl$reactarialiveannouncer = require("@react-aria/live-announcer");
var $hMqHl$reactariaoverlays = require("@react-aria/overlays");
var $hMqHl$reactdom = require("react-dom");
var $hMqHl$reactariautils = require("@react-aria/utils");

@@ -33,3 +32,2 @@ var $hMqHl$react = require("react");

let $28e10663603f5ea1$var$dropTargets = new Map();

@@ -355,18 +353,8 @@ let $28e10663603f5ea1$var$dropItems = new Map();

// Blur and re-focus the drop target so that the focus ring appears.
if (this.currentDropTarget) {
// Since we cancel all focus events in drag sessions, refire blur to make sure state gets updated so drag target doesn't think it's still focused
// i.e. When you from one list to another during a drag session, we need the blur to fire on the first list after the drag.
if (!this.dragTarget.element.contains(this.currentDropTarget.element)) {
this.dragTarget.element.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('blur'));
this.dragTarget.element.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focusout', {
bubbles: true
// Re-focus the focusedKey upon reorder. This requires a React rerender between blurring and focusing.
(0, $hMqHl$reactdom.flushSync)(()=>{
if (this.currentDropTarget && !this.currentDropTarget.preventFocusOnDrop) // Re-trigger focus event on active element, since it will not have received it during dragging (see cancelEvent).
// This corrects state such as whether focus ring should appear.
// useDroppableCollection handles this itself, so this is only for standalone drop zones.
document.activeElement.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focusin', {
bubbles: true

@@ -373,0 +361,0 @@ }

import {getDragModality as $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$1fb2158d224b542c, getTypes as $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$e1d41611756c6326} from "./utils.module.js";
import {announce as $irqIb$announce} from "@react-aria/live-announcer";
import {ariaHideOutside as $irqIb$ariaHideOutside} from "@react-aria/overlays";
import {flushSync as $irqIb$flushSync} from "react-dom";
import {isVirtualClick as $irqIb$isVirtualClick, isVirtualPointerEvent as $irqIb$isVirtualPointerEvent} from "@react-aria/utils";

@@ -23,3 +22,2 @@ import {useState as $irqIb$useState, useEffect as $irqIb$useEffect} from "react";

let $67560de7c78cb232$var$dropTargets = new Map();

@@ -345,18 +343,8 @@ let $67560de7c78cb232$var$dropItems = new Map();

// Blur and re-focus the drop target so that the focus ring appears.
if (this.currentDropTarget) {
// Since we cancel all focus events in drag sessions, refire blur to make sure state gets updated so drag target doesn't think it's still focused
// i.e. When you from one list to another during a drag session, we need the blur to fire on the first list after the drag.
if (!this.dragTarget.element.contains(this.currentDropTarget.element)) {
this.dragTarget.element.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('blur'));
this.dragTarget.element.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focusout', {
bubbles: true
// Re-focus the focusedKey upon reorder. This requires a React rerender between blurring and focusing.
(0, $irqIb$flushSync)(()=>{
if (this.currentDropTarget && !this.currentDropTarget.preventFocusOnDrop) // Re-trigger focus event on active element, since it will not have received it during dragging (see cancelEvent).
// This corrects state such as whether focus ring should appear.
// useDroppableCollection handles this itself, so this is only for standalone drop zones.
document.activeElement.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focusin', {
bubbles: true

@@ -363,0 +351,0 @@ }

@@ -185,19 +185,52 @@ var $4620ae0dc40f0031$exports = require("./utils.main.js");

let droppingState = (0, $foOxf$react.useRef)(null);
let updateFocusAfterDrop = (0, $foOxf$react.useCallback)(()=>{
let { state: state } = localState;
if (droppingState.current) {
var _state_collection_getItem;
let { target: target, collection: prevCollection, selectedKeys: prevSelectedKeys, focusedKey: prevFocusedKey, isInternal: isInternal, draggingKeys: draggingKeys } = droppingState.current;
// If an insert occurs during a drop, we want to immediately select these items to give
// feedback to the user that a drop occurred. Only do this if the selection didn't change
// since the drop started so we don't override if the user or application did something.
if (state.collection.size > prevCollection.size && state.selectionManager.isSelectionEqual(prevSelectedKeys)) {
let newKeys = new Set();
for (let key of state.collection.getKeys())if (!prevCollection.getItem(key)) newKeys.add(key);
// If the focused item didn't change since the drop occurred, also focus the first
// inserted item. If selection is disabled, then also show the focus ring so there
// is some indication that items were added.
if (state.selectionManager.focusedKey === prevFocusedKey) {
let first = newKeys.keys().next().value;
let item = state.collection.getItem(first);
// If this is a cell, focus the parent row.
if ((item === null || item === void 0 ? void 0 : item.type) === 'cell') first = item.parentKey;
if (state.selectionManager.selectionMode === 'none') (0, $foOxf$reactariainteractions.setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
} else if (state.selectionManager.focusedKey === prevFocusedKey && isInternal && target.type === 'item' && target.dropPosition !== 'on' && draggingKeys.has((_state_collection_getItem = state.collection.getItem(prevFocusedKey)) === null || _state_collection_getItem === void 0 ? void 0 : _state_collection_getItem.parentKey)) {
// Focus row instead of cell when reordering.
(0, $foOxf$reactariainteractions.setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
} else if (state.selectionManager.focusedKey === prevFocusedKey && target.type === 'item' && target.dropPosition === 'on' && state.collection.getItem(target.key) != null) {
// If focus didn't move already (e.g. due to an insert), and the user dropped on an item,
// focus that item and show the focus ring to give the user feedback that the drop occurred.
// Also show the focus ring if the focused key is not selected, e.g. in case of a reorder.
(0, $foOxf$reactariainteractions.setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
} else if (!state.selectionManager.isSelected(state.selectionManager.focusedKey)) (0, $foOxf$reactariainteractions.setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
}, [
let onDrop = (0, $foOxf$react.useCallback)((e, target)=>{
var _state_collection_getItem;
let { state: state } = localState;
// Focus the collection.
// Save some state of the collection/selection before the drop occurs so we can compare later.
let focusedKey = state.selectionManager.focusedKey;
// If parent key was dragged, we want to use it instead (i.e. focus row instead of cell after dropping)
if ((0, $4620ae0dc40f0031$exports.globalDndState).draggingKeys.has((_state_collection_getItem = state.collection.getItem(focusedKey)) === null || _state_collection_getItem === void 0 ? void 0 : _state_collection_getItem.parentKey)) {
focusedKey = state.collection.getItem(focusedKey).parentKey;
droppingState.current = {
timeout: null,
focusedKey: focusedKey,
focusedKey: state.selectionManager.focusedKey,
collection: state.collection,
selectedKeys: state.selectionManager.selectedKeys
selectedKeys: state.selectionManager.selectedKeys,
draggingKeys: (0, $4620ae0dc40f0031$exports.globalDndState).draggingKeys,
isInternal: (0, $4620ae0dc40f0031$exports.isInternalDropOperation)(ref),
target: target

@@ -214,15 +247,6 @@ let onDropFn = localState.props.onDrop || defaultOnDrop;

// Wait for a short time period after the onDrop is called to allow the data to be read asynchronously
// and for React to re-render. If an insert occurs during this time, it will be selected/focused below.
// If items are not "immediately" inserted by the onDrop handler, the application will need to handle
// selecting and focusing those items themselves.
// and for React to re-render. If the collection didn't already change during this time (handled below),
// update the focused key here.
droppingState.current.timeout = setTimeout(()=>{
// If focus didn't move already (e.g. due to an insert), and the user dropped on an item,
// focus that item and show the focus ring to give the user feedback that the drop occurred.
// Also show the focus ring if the focused key is not selected, e.g. in case of a reorder.
let { state: state } = localState;
if (target.type === 'item' && target.dropPosition === 'on' && state.collection.getItem(target.key) != null) {
(0, $foOxf$reactariainteractions.setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
} else if (!state.selectionManager.isSelected(focusedKey)) (0, $foOxf$reactariainteractions.setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
droppingState.current = null;

@@ -232,3 +256,5 @@ }, 50);


@@ -242,22 +268,4 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style

(0, $foOxf$reactariautils.useLayoutEffect)(()=>{
// If an insert occurs during a drop, we want to immediately select these items to give
// feedback to the user that a drop occurred. Only do this if the selection didn't change
// since the drop started so we don't override if the user or application did something.
if (droppingState.current && state.selectionManager.isFocused && state.collection.size > droppingState.current.collection.size && state.selectionManager.isSelectionEqual(droppingState.current.selectedKeys)) {
let newKeys = new Set();
for (let key of state.collection.getKeys())if (!droppingState.current.collection.getItem(key)) newKeys.add(key);
// If the focused item didn't change since the drop occurred, also focus the first
// inserted item. If selection is disabled, then also show the focus ring so there
// is some indication that items were added.
if (state.selectionManager.focusedKey === droppingState.current.focusedKey) {
let first = newKeys.keys().next().value;
let item = state.collection.getItem(first);
// If this is a cell, focus the parent row.
if ((item === null || item === void 0 ? void 0 : item.type) === 'cell') first = item.parentKey;
if (state.selectionManager.selectionMode === 'none') (0, $foOxf$reactariainteractions.setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
droppingState.current = null;
// If the collection changed after a drop, update the focused key.
if (droppingState.current && state.collection !== droppingState.current.collection) updateFocusAfterDrop();

@@ -366,2 +374,3 @@ let { direction: direction } = (0, $foOxf$reactariai18n.useLocale)();

element: ref.current,
preventFocusOnDrop: true,
getDropOperation (types, allowedOperations) {

@@ -368,0 +377,0 @@ if ( {

@@ -179,19 +179,52 @@ import {clearGlobalDnDState as $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$70936501603e6c57, DIRECTORY_DRAG_TYPE as $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$990fced5dfac2637, droppableCollectionMap as $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$dfdf5deeaf27473f, getTypes as $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$e1d41611756c6326, globalDndState as $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$6ca6700462636d0b, isInternalDropOperation as $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$78bf638634500fa5, setDropCollectionRef as $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$dac8db29d42db9a1} from "./utils.module.js";

let droppingState = (0, $4ZR0C$useRef)(null);
let updateFocusAfterDrop = (0, $4ZR0C$useCallback)(()=>{
let { state: state } = localState;
if (droppingState.current) {
var _state_collection_getItem;
let { target: target, collection: prevCollection, selectedKeys: prevSelectedKeys, focusedKey: prevFocusedKey, isInternal: isInternal, draggingKeys: draggingKeys } = droppingState.current;
// If an insert occurs during a drop, we want to immediately select these items to give
// feedback to the user that a drop occurred. Only do this if the selection didn't change
// since the drop started so we don't override if the user or application did something.
if (state.collection.size > prevCollection.size && state.selectionManager.isSelectionEqual(prevSelectedKeys)) {
let newKeys = new Set();
for (let key of state.collection.getKeys())if (!prevCollection.getItem(key)) newKeys.add(key);
// If the focused item didn't change since the drop occurred, also focus the first
// inserted item. If selection is disabled, then also show the focus ring so there
// is some indication that items were added.
if (state.selectionManager.focusedKey === prevFocusedKey) {
let first = newKeys.keys().next().value;
let item = state.collection.getItem(first);
// If this is a cell, focus the parent row.
if ((item === null || item === void 0 ? void 0 : item.type) === 'cell') first = item.parentKey;
if (state.selectionManager.selectionMode === 'none') (0, $4ZR0C$setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
} else if (state.selectionManager.focusedKey === prevFocusedKey && isInternal && target.type === 'item' && target.dropPosition !== 'on' && draggingKeys.has((_state_collection_getItem = state.collection.getItem(prevFocusedKey)) === null || _state_collection_getItem === void 0 ? void 0 : _state_collection_getItem.parentKey)) {
// Focus row instead of cell when reordering.
(0, $4ZR0C$setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
} else if (state.selectionManager.focusedKey === prevFocusedKey && target.type === 'item' && target.dropPosition === 'on' && state.collection.getItem(target.key) != null) {
// If focus didn't move already (e.g. due to an insert), and the user dropped on an item,
// focus that item and show the focus ring to give the user feedback that the drop occurred.
// Also show the focus ring if the focused key is not selected, e.g. in case of a reorder.
(0, $4ZR0C$setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
} else if (!state.selectionManager.isSelected(state.selectionManager.focusedKey)) (0, $4ZR0C$setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
}, [
let onDrop = (0, $4ZR0C$useCallback)((e, target)=>{
var _state_collection_getItem;
let { state: state } = localState;
// Focus the collection.
// Save some state of the collection/selection before the drop occurs so we can compare later.
let focusedKey = state.selectionManager.focusedKey;
// If parent key was dragged, we want to use it instead (i.e. focus row instead of cell after dropping)
if ((0, $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$6ca6700462636d0b).draggingKeys.has((_state_collection_getItem = state.collection.getItem(focusedKey)) === null || _state_collection_getItem === void 0 ? void 0 : _state_collection_getItem.parentKey)) {
focusedKey = state.collection.getItem(focusedKey).parentKey;
droppingState.current = {
timeout: null,
focusedKey: focusedKey,
focusedKey: state.selectionManager.focusedKey,
collection: state.collection,
selectedKeys: state.selectionManager.selectedKeys
selectedKeys: state.selectionManager.selectedKeys,
draggingKeys: (0, $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$6ca6700462636d0b).draggingKeys,
isInternal: (0, $7252cd45fc48c07c$export$78bf638634500fa5)(ref),
target: target

@@ -208,15 +241,6 @@ let onDropFn = localState.props.onDrop || defaultOnDrop;

// Wait for a short time period after the onDrop is called to allow the data to be read asynchronously
// and for React to re-render. If an insert occurs during this time, it will be selected/focused below.
// If items are not "immediately" inserted by the onDrop handler, the application will need to handle
// selecting and focusing those items themselves.
// and for React to re-render. If the collection didn't already change during this time (handled below),
// update the focused key here.
droppingState.current.timeout = setTimeout(()=>{
// If focus didn't move already (e.g. due to an insert), and the user dropped on an item,
// focus that item and show the focus ring to give the user feedback that the drop occurred.
// Also show the focus ring if the focused key is not selected, e.g. in case of a reorder.
let { state: state } = localState;
if (target.type === 'item' && target.dropPosition === 'on' && state.collection.getItem(target.key) != null) {
(0, $4ZR0C$setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
} else if (!state.selectionManager.isSelected(focusedKey)) (0, $4ZR0C$setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
droppingState.current = null;

@@ -226,3 +250,5 @@ }, 50);


@@ -236,22 +262,4 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style

(0, $4ZR0C$useLayoutEffect)(()=>{
// If an insert occurs during a drop, we want to immediately select these items to give
// feedback to the user that a drop occurred. Only do this if the selection didn't change
// since the drop started so we don't override if the user or application did something.
if (droppingState.current && state.selectionManager.isFocused && state.collection.size > droppingState.current.collection.size && state.selectionManager.isSelectionEqual(droppingState.current.selectedKeys)) {
let newKeys = new Set();
for (let key of state.collection.getKeys())if (!droppingState.current.collection.getItem(key)) newKeys.add(key);
// If the focused item didn't change since the drop occurred, also focus the first
// inserted item. If selection is disabled, then also show the focus ring so there
// is some indication that items were added.
if (state.selectionManager.focusedKey === droppingState.current.focusedKey) {
let first = newKeys.keys().next().value;
let item = state.collection.getItem(first);
// If this is a cell, focus the parent row.
if ((item === null || item === void 0 ? void 0 : item.type) === 'cell') first = item.parentKey;
if (state.selectionManager.selectionMode === 'none') (0, $4ZR0C$setInteractionModality)('keyboard');
droppingState.current = null;
// If the collection changed after a drop, update the focused key.
if (droppingState.current && state.collection !== droppingState.current.collection) updateFocusAfterDrop();

@@ -360,2 +368,3 @@ let { direction: direction } = (0, $4ZR0C$useLocale)();

element: ref.current,
preventFocusOnDrop: true,
getDropOperation (types, allowedOperations) {

@@ -362,0 +371,0 @@ if ( {

"name": "@react-aria/dnd",
"version": "3.6.2-nightly.4698+b940126e4",
"version": "3.6.2-nightly.4700+81abb2185",
"description": "Spectrum UI components in React",

@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0",

"dependencies": {
"@internationalized/string": "3.2.4-nightly.4698+b940126e4",
"@react-aria/i18n": "3.0.0-nightly.2986+b940126e4",
"@react-aria/interactions": "3.0.0-nightly.2986+b940126e4",
"@react-aria/live-announcer": "3.0.0-nightly.2986+b940126e4",
"@react-aria/overlays": "3.0.0-nightly.2986+b940126e4",
"@react-aria/utils": "3.0.0-nightly.2986+b940126e4",
"@react-stately/dnd": "3.3.2-nightly.4698+b940126e4",
"@react-types/button": "3.9.5-nightly.4698+b940126e4",
"@react-types/shared": "3.0.0-nightly.2986+b940126e4",
"@internationalized/string": "3.2.4-nightly.4700+81abb2185",
"@react-aria/i18n": "3.0.0-nightly.2988+81abb2185",
"@react-aria/interactions": "3.0.0-nightly.2988+81abb2185",
"@react-aria/live-announcer": "3.0.0-nightly.2988+81abb2185",
"@react-aria/overlays": "3.0.0-nightly.2988+81abb2185",
"@react-aria/utils": "3.0.0-nightly.2988+81abb2185",
"@react-stately/dnd": "3.3.2-nightly.4700+81abb2185",
"@react-types/button": "3.9.5-nightly.4700+81abb2185",
"@react-types/shared": "3.0.0-nightly.2988+81abb2185",
"@swc/helpers": "^0.5.0"

@@ -44,3 +44,3 @@ },

"gitHead": "b940126e4d67a11d28b7c0b098eab23205598b6c"
"gitHead": "81abb2185cb3a9c52a8feaf76a136c64852aea13"

@@ -16,3 +16,2 @@ /*

import {DragEndEvent, DragItem, DropActivateEvent, DropEnterEvent, DropEvent, DropExitEvent, DropItem, DropOperation, DropTarget as DroppableCollectionTarget, FocusableElement} from '@react-types/shared';
import {flushSync} from 'react-dom';
import {getDragModality, getTypes} from './utils';

@@ -30,2 +29,3 @@ import {isVirtualClick, isVirtualPointerEvent} from '@react-aria/utils';

element: FocusableElement,
preventFocusOnDrop?: boolean,
getDropOperation?: (types: Set<string>, allowedOperations: DropOperation[]) => DropOperation,

@@ -518,15 +518,7 @@ onDropEnter?: (e: DropEnterEvent, dragTarget: DragTarget) => void,

// Blur and re-focus the drop target so that the focus ring appears.
if (this.currentDropTarget) {
// Since we cancel all focus events in drag sessions, refire blur to make sure state gets updated so drag target doesn't think it's still focused
// i.e. When you from one list to another during a drag session, we need the blur to fire on the first list after the drag.
if (!this.dragTarget.element.contains(this.currentDropTarget.element)) {
this.dragTarget.element.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('blur'));
this.dragTarget.element.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focusout', {bubbles: true}));
// Re-focus the focusedKey upon reorder. This requires a React rerender between blurring and focusing.
flushSync(() => {
if (this.currentDropTarget && !this.currentDropTarget.preventFocusOnDrop) {
// Re-trigger focus event on active element, since it will not have received it during dragging (see cancelEvent).
// This corrects state such as whether focus ring should appear.
// useDroppableCollection handles this itself, so this is only for standalone drop zones.
document.activeElement.dispatchEvent(new FocusEvent('focusin', {bubbles: true}));

@@ -533,0 +525,0 @@

@@ -60,2 +60,5 @@ /*

selectedKeys: Set<Key>,
target: DropTarget,
draggingKeys: Set<Key>,
isInternal: boolean,
timeout: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>

@@ -217,22 +220,89 @@ }

let droppingState = useRef<DroppingState>(null);
let onDrop = useCallback((e: DropEvent, target: DropTarget) => {
let updateFocusAfterDrop = useCallback(() => {
let {state} = localState;
if (droppingState.current) {
let {
collection: prevCollection,
selectedKeys: prevSelectedKeys,
focusedKey: prevFocusedKey,
} = droppingState.current;
// If an insert occurs during a drop, we want to immediately select these items to give
// feedback to the user that a drop occurred. Only do this if the selection didn't change
// since the drop started so we don't override if the user or application did something.
if (
state.collection.size > prevCollection.size &&
) {
let newKeys = new Set<Key>();
for (let key of state.collection.getKeys()) {
if (!prevCollection.getItem(key)) {
// Focus the collection.
// Save some state of the collection/selection before the drop occurs so we can compare later.
let focusedKey = state.selectionManager.focusedKey;
// If the focused item didn't change since the drop occurred, also focus the first
// inserted item. If selection is disabled, then also show the focus ring so there
// is some indication that items were added.
if (state.selectionManager.focusedKey === prevFocusedKey) {
let first = newKeys.keys().next().value;
let item = state.collection.getItem(first);
// If parent key was dragged, we want to use it instead (i.e. focus row instead of cell after dropping)
if (globalDndState.draggingKeys.has(state.collection.getItem(focusedKey)?.parentKey)) {
focusedKey = state.collection.getItem(focusedKey).parentKey;
// If this is a cell, focus the parent row.
if (item?.type === 'cell') {
first = item.parentKey;
if (state.selectionManager.selectionMode === 'none') {
} else if (
state.selectionManager.focusedKey === prevFocusedKey &&
isInternal &&
target.type === 'item' &&
target.dropPosition !== 'on' &&
) {
// Focus row instead of cell when reordering.
} else if (
state.selectionManager.focusedKey === prevFocusedKey &&
target.type === 'item' &&
target.dropPosition === 'on' &&
state.collection.getItem(target.key) != null
) {
// If focus didn't move already (e.g. due to an insert), and the user dropped on an item,
// focus that item and show the focus ring to give the user feedback that the drop occurred.
// Also show the focus ring if the focused key is not selected, e.g. in case of a reorder.
} else if (!state.selectionManager.isSelected(state.selectionManager.focusedKey)) {
}, [localState]);
let onDrop = useCallback((e: DropEvent, target: DropTarget) => {
let {state} = localState;
// Save some state of the collection/selection before the drop occurs so we can compare later.
droppingState.current = {
timeout: null,
focusedKey: state.selectionManager.focusedKey,
collection: state.collection,
selectedKeys: state.selectionManager.selectedKeys
selectedKeys: state.selectionManager.selectedKeys,
draggingKeys: globalDndState.draggingKeys,
isInternal: isInternalDropOperation(ref),

@@ -251,22 +321,9 @@

// Wait for a short time period after the onDrop is called to allow the data to be read asynchronously
// and for React to re-render. If an insert occurs during this time, it will be selected/focused below.
// If items are not "immediately" inserted by the onDrop handler, the application will need to handle
// selecting and focusing those items themselves.
// and for React to re-render. If the collection didn't already change during this time (handled below),
// update the focused key here.
droppingState.current.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
// If focus didn't move already (e.g. due to an insert), and the user dropped on an item,
// focus that item and show the focus ring to give the user feedback that the drop occurred.
// Also show the focus ring if the focused key is not selected, e.g. in case of a reorder.
let {state} = localState;
if (target.type === 'item' && target.dropPosition === 'on' && state.collection.getItem(target.key) != null) {
} else if (!state.selectionManager.isSelected(focusedKey)) {
droppingState.current = null;
}, 50);
}, [localState, defaultOnDrop]);
}, [localState, defaultOnDrop, ref, updateFocusAfterDrop]);

@@ -283,40 +340,5 @@ // eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style

useLayoutEffect(() => {
// If an insert occurs during a drop, we want to immediately select these items to give
// feedback to the user that a drop occurred. Only do this if the selection didn't change
// since the drop started so we don't override if the user or application did something.
if (
droppingState.current &&
state.selectionManager.isFocused &&
state.collection.size > droppingState.current.collection.size &&
) {
let newKeys = new Set<Key>();
for (let key of state.collection.getKeys()) {
if (!droppingState.current.collection.getItem(key)) {
// If the focused item didn't change since the drop occurred, also focus the first
// inserted item. If selection is disabled, then also show the focus ring so there
// is some indication that items were added.
if (state.selectionManager.focusedKey === droppingState.current.focusedKey) {
let first = newKeys.keys().next().value;
let item = state.collection.getItem(first);
// If this is a cell, focus the parent row.
if (item?.type === 'cell') {
first = item.parentKey;
if (state.selectionManager.selectionMode === 'none') {
droppingState.current = null;
// If the collection changed after a drop, update the focused key.
if (droppingState.current && state.collection !== droppingState.current.collection) {

@@ -477,2 +499,3 @@ });

element: ref.current,
preventFocusOnDrop: true,
getDropOperation(types, allowedOperations) {

@@ -479,0 +502,0 @@ if ( {

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