What is @react-aria/selection?
@react-aria/selection is a library that provides React hooks for managing selection state in components. It is part of the React Aria collection of hooks and components that help build accessible user interfaces. This package is particularly useful for creating custom selection logic in lists, tables, and other components where users need to select one or more items.
What are @react-aria/selection's main functionalities?
The `useSelectableCollection` hook is used to manage the selection state of a collection of items. It supports multiple selection modes and provides properties and methods to handle item selection.
import { useSelectableCollection } from '@react-aria/selection';
function MyComponent() {
let state = useSelectableCollection({
selectionMode: 'multiple',
disallowEmptySelection: false
return (
{state.collection.map(item => (
<div key={item.key} {...state.getItemProps(item)}>
The `useSelectableItem` hook is used to manage the selection state of an individual item within a collection. It provides properties and methods to handle item selection and focus.
import { useSelectableItem } from '@react-aria/selection';
function SelectableItem({ item, state }) {
let ref = React.useRef();
let { itemProps } = useSelectableItem({
key: item.key,
return (
<div {...itemProps} ref={ref}>
Other packages similar to @react-aria/selection
react-select is a flexible and customizable library for building dropdowns and multi-select components in React. It provides a wide range of features including async options, custom styling, and accessibility. Compared to @react-aria/selection, react-select is more focused on dropdown and select components rather than general selection state management.
downshift is a library that provides primitives to build flexible and accessible autocomplete, combobox, dropdown, and menu components. It offers a high degree of customization and control over the behavior of these components. While downshift is more focused on input-based components, @react-aria/selection provides hooks for managing selection state in a broader range of components.
react-multi-select-component is a simple and lightweight library for creating multi-select dropdowns in React. It offers basic features for multi-selection and customization. Compared to @react-aria/selection, this package is more limited in scope and primarily focused on dropdowns.
This package is part of react-spectrum. See the repo for more details.