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@react-hookz/web - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 24.0.4 to 25.0.0



"name": "@react-hookz/web",
"version": "24.0.4",
"version": "25.0.0",
"description": "React hooks done right, for browser and SSR.",

@@ -24,10 +24,13 @@ "keywords": [

"type": "module",
"main": "./src/index.js",
"types": "./src/index.d.ts",
"main": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"sideEffects": false,
"exports": {
".": "./src/index.js",
"./*/": "./src/*/index.js",
"./*": "./src/*"
".": "./dist/index.js",
"./*/": "./dist/*/index.js",
"./*": "./dist/*"
"files": [
"engines": {

@@ -37,32 +40,12 @@ "node": ">=18.0.0"

"scripts": {
"prepare": "husky install",
"commit": "git-cz",
"build": "yarn build:clean && tsc --version && tsc",
"build:clean": "yarn rimraf -g ./src/**/*.js ./src/**/*.d.ts",
"new-hook": "node ./utility/add-new-hook.js",
"test": "jest --selectProjects dom ssr",
"test:coverage": "yarn test --coverage",
"lint": "eslint .",
"lint:fix": "yarn lint --fix --fix-type problem,suggestion,layout"
"_postinstall": "husky",
"build": "yarn build:clean && tsc --version && tsc --project ./",
"build:clean": "yarn rimraf ./dist",
"lint": "eslint --version && eslint",
"lint:fix": "eslint --fix",
"test": "vitest --run",
"test:coverage": "vitest --run --coverage"
"config": {
"commitizen": {
"path": "@commitlint/cz-commitlint"
"lint-staged": {
"*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,md,mdx}": "eslint --fix"
"release": {
"plugins": [
"dependencies": {
"@react-hookz/deep-equal": "^1.0.4"
"@react-hookz/deep-equal": "^3.0.1"

@@ -80,40 +63,26 @@ "peerDependencies": {

"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.23.9",
"@commitlint/cli": "^18.6.0",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "^18.6.0",
"@commitlint/cz-commitlint": "^18.6.0",
"@jamesacarr/jest-reporter-github-actions": "^0.0.4",
"@react-hookz/eslint-config": "^2.1.5",
"@react-hookz/eslint-formatter-gha": "^1.0.1",
"@semantic-release/changelog": "^6.0.3",
"@semantic-release/git": "^10.0.1",
"@semantic-release/github": "^9.2.6",
"@swc/core": "^1.3.107",
"@swc/jest": "^0.2.34",
"@commitlint/cli": "^19.5.0",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "^19.5.0",
"@react-hookz/eslint-config": "^4.1.6",
"@react-hookz/eslint-formatter-gha": "^3.0.2",
"@testing-library/react-hooks": "^8.0.1",
"@types/jest": "^29.5.12",
"@types/js-cookie": "^3.0.6",
"@types/react": "^18.2.52",
"@types/react-dom": "^18.2.6",
"babel-loader": "^9.1.3",
"commitizen": "^4.3.0",
"commitlint": "^18.6.0",
"concurrently": "^8.2.2",
"eslint": "^8.56.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^5.1.3",
"husky": "^9.0.10",
"jest": "^29.7.0",
"jest-environment-jsdom": "^29.7.0",
"@types/react": "^17.0.83",
"@types/react-dom": "^17.0.26",
"@vitest/coverage-v8": "^2.1.8",
"commitlint": "^19.5.0",
"eslint": "^9.17.0",
"husky": "^9.1.7",
"js-cookie": "^3.0.5",
"lint-staged": "^15.2.1",
"prettier": "^3.2.4",
"jsdom": "^25.0.1",
"lint-staged": "^15.2.2",
"pinst": "^3.0.0",
"react": "^17.0.2",
"react-dom": "^17.0.2",
"rimraf": "^5.0.5",
"semantic-release": "^23.0.0",
"ts-jest": "^29.1.2",
"ts-node": "^10.9.2",
"rimraf": "^6.0.1",
"semantic-release": "^24.2.0",
"typescript": "^5.3.3",
"yarn": "^1.22.21"
"vitest": "^2.1.8"
"packageManager": "yarn@4.5.3"

@@ -13,4 +13,4 @@ <div align="center">

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**[CHANGELOG](** ×
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@@ -49,5 +49,5 @@ </div>

// from the root of package
import { useMountEffect } from '@react-hookz/web';
import {useMountEffect} from '@react-hookz/web';
// or single hook directly
import { useMountEffect } from '@react-hookz/web/useMountEffect/index.js';
import {useMountEffect} from '@react-hookz/web/useMountEffect/index.js';

@@ -60,8 +60,6 @@

`@react-hookz/web` was built as a [spiritual successor](
of `react-use` by one of its former maintainers.
`@react-hookz/web` was built as
a [spiritual successor]( of `react-use` by one of
its former maintainers.
Coming from `react-use`? Check out our
[migration guide](
## Hooks list

@@ -71,142 +69,144 @@

- [**`useDebouncedCallback`**](
— Makes passed function debounced, otherwise acts like `useCallback`.
- [**`useRafCallback`**](
— Makes passed function to be called within next animation frame.
- [**`useThrottledCallback`**](
— Makes passed function throttled, otherwise acts like `useCallback`.
- [**`useDebouncedCallback`**](./src/useDebouncedCallback/index.ts)
— Makes passed function debounced, otherwise acts like `useCallback`.
- [**`useRafCallback`**](./src/useRafCallback/index.ts)
— Makes passed function to be called within next animation frame.
- [**`useThrottledCallback`**](./src/useThrottledCallback/index.ts)
— Makes passed function throttled, otherwise acts like `useCallback`.
- #### Lifecycle
- [**`useConditionalEffect`**](
— Like `useEffect` but callback invoked only if given conditions match a given predicate.
- [**`useCustomCompareEffect`**](
— Like `useEffect` but uses a provided comparator function to validate dependency changes.
- [**`useDebouncedEffect`**](
— Like `useEffect`, but passed function is debounced.
- [**`useDeepCompareEffect`**](
— Like `useEffect` but uses `@react-hookz/deep-equal` comparator function to validate deep
dependency changes.
- [**`useFirstMountState`**](
— Returns a boolean that is `true` only on first render.
- [**`useIntervalEffect`**](
— Like `setInterval` but in the form of a React hook.
- [**`useIsMounted`**](
— Returns a function that yields current mount state.
- [**`useIsomorphicLayoutEffect`**](
— Like `useLayoutEffect` but falls back to `useEffect` during SSR.
- [**`useMountEffect`**](
— Run an effect only when a component mounts.
- [**`useRafEffect`**](
— Like `useEffect`, but the effect is only run within an animation frame.
- [**`useRerender`**](
— Returns a callback that re-renders the component.
- [**`useThrottledEffect`**](
— Like `useEffect`, but the passed function is throttled.
- [**`useTimeoutEffect`**](
— Like `setTimeout`, but in the form of a React hook.
- [**`useUnmountEffect`**](
— Run an effect only when a component unmounts.
- [**`useUpdateEffect`**](
— An effect hook that ignores the first render (not invoked on mount).
- [**`useLifecycleLogger`**](
— This hook provides logging when the component mounts, updates and unmounts.
- [**`useConditionalEffect`**](./src/useConditionalEffect/index.ts)
— Like `useEffect` but callback invoked only if given conditions match a given predicate.
- [**`useCustomCompareEffect`**](./src/useCustomCompareEffect/index.ts)
— Like `useEffect` but uses a provided comparator function to validate dependency changes.
- [**`useDebouncedEffect`**](./src/useDebouncedEffect/index.ts)
— Like `useEffect`, but passed function is debounced.
- [**`useDeepCompareEffect`**](./src/useDeepCompareEffect/index.ts)
— Like `useEffect` but uses `@react-hookz/deep-equal` comparator function to validate deep
dependency changes.
- [**`useFirstMountState`**](./src/useFirstMountState/index.ts)
— Returns a boolean that is `true` only on first render.
- [**`useIntervalEffect`**](./src/useIntervalEffect/index.ts)
— Like `setInterval` but in the form of a React hook.
- [**`useIsMounted`**](./src/useIsMounted/index.ts)
— Returns a function that yields current mount state.
- [**`useIsomorphicLayoutEffect`**](./src/useIsomorphicLayoutEffect/index.ts)
— Like `useLayoutEffect` but falls back to `useEffect` during SSR.
- [**`useMountEffect`**](./src/useMountEffect/index.ts)
— Run an effect only when a component mounts.
- [**`useRafEffect`**](./src/useRafEffect/index.ts)
— Like `useEffect`, but the effect is only run within an animation frame.
- [**`useRerender`**](./src/useRerender/index.ts)
— Returns a callback that re-renders the component.
- [**`useThrottledEffect`**](./src/useThrottledEffect/index.ts)
— Like `useEffect`, but the passed function is throttled.
- [**`useTimeoutEffect`**](./src/useTimeoutEffect/index.ts)
— Like `setTimeout`, but in the form of a React hook.
- [**`useUnmountEffect`**](./src/useUnmountEffect/index.ts)
— Run an effect only when a component unmounts.
- [**`useUpdateEffect`**](./src/useUpdateEffect/index.ts)
— An effect hook that ignores the first render (not invoked on mount).
- [**`useLifecycleLogger`**](./src/useLifecycleLogger/index.ts)
— This hook provides logging when the component mounts, updates and unmounts.
- #### State
- [**`useControlledRerenderState`**](
— Like `useState`, but its state setter accepts an extra argument, that allows cancelling
- [**`useCounter`**](
— Tracks a numeric value and offers functions for manipulating it.
- [**`useDebouncedState`**](
— Like `useState` but its state setter is debounced.
- [**`useFunctionalState`**](
— Like `useState` but instead of raw state, a state getter function is returned.
- [**`useList`**](
— Tracks a list and offers functions for manipulating it.
- [**`useMap`**]( — Tracks the
state of a `Map`.
- [**`useMediatedState`**](
— Like `useState`, but every value set is passed through a mediator function.
- [**`usePrevious`**]( —
Returns the value passed to the hook on previous render.
- [**`usePreviousDistinct`**]( —
Returns the most recent distinct value passed to the hook on previous renders.
- [**`useQueue`**]( —
A state hook implementing FIFO queue.
- [**`useRafState`**]( —
Like `React.useState`, but state is only updated within animation frame.
- [**`useRenderCount`**]( —
Tracks component's render count including first render.
- [**`useSet`**]( — Tracks the
state of a `Set`.
- [**`useToggle`**]( — Like
`useState`, but can only be `true` or `false`.
- [**`useThrottledState`**](
— Like `useState` but its state setter is throttled.
- [**`useValidator`**](
— Performs validation when any of the provided dependencies change.
- [**`useControlledRerenderState`**](./src/useControlledRerenderState/index.ts)
— Like `useState`, but its state setter accepts an extra argument, that allows cancelling
- [**`useCounter`**](./src/useCounter/index.ts)
— Tracks a numeric value and offers functions for manipulating it.
- [**`useDebouncedState`**](./src/useDebouncedState/index.ts)
— Like `useState` but its state setter is debounced.
- [**`useFunctionalState`**](./src/useFunctionalState/index.ts)
— Like `useState` but instead of raw state, a state getter function is returned.
- [**`useList`**](./src/useList/index.ts)
— Tracks a list and offers functions for manipulating it.
- [**`useMap`**](./src/useMap/index.ts) — Tracks the
state of a `Map`.
- [**`useMediatedState`**](./src/useMediatedState/index.ts)
— Like `useState`, but every value set is passed through a mediator function.
- [**`usePrevious`**](./src/usePrevious/index.ts) —
Returns the value passed to the hook on previous render.
- [**`usePreviousDistinct`**](./src/usePreviousDistinct/index.ts) —
Returns the most recent distinct value passed to the hook on previous renders.
- [**`useQueue`**](./src/useQueue/index.ts) —
A state hook implementing FIFO queue.
- [**`useRafState`**](./src/useRafState/index.ts) —
Like `React.useState`, but state is only updated within animation frame.
- [**`useRenderCount`**](./src/useRenderCount/index.ts) —
Tracks component's render count including first render.
- [**`useSet`**](./src/useSet/index.ts) — Tracks the
state of a `Set`.
- [**`useToggle`**](./src/useToggle/index.ts) — Like
`useState`, but can only be `true` or `false`.
- [**`useThrottledState`**](./src/useThrottledState/index.ts)
— Like `useState` but its state setter is throttled.
- [**`useValidator`**](./src/useValidator/index.ts)
— Performs validation when any of the provided dependencies change.
- #### Navigator
- [**`useNetworkState`**](
— Tracks the state of the browser's network connection.
- [**`useVibrate`**](
— Provides vibration feedback using the Vibration API.
- [**`usePermission`**](
— Tracks the state of a permission.
- [**`useNetworkState`**](./src/useNetworkState/index.ts)
— Tracks the state of the browser's network connection.
- [**`useVibrate`**](./src/useVibrate/index.ts)
— Provides vibration feedback using the Vibration API.
- [**`usePermission`**](./src/usePermission/index.ts)
— Tracks the state of a permission.
- #### Miscellaneous
- [**`useSyncedRef`**](
— Like `useRef`, but it returns an immutable ref that contains the actual value.
- [**`useCustomCompareMemo`**](
— Like `useMemo` but uses provided comparator function to validate dependency changes.
- [**`useDeepCompareMemo`**](
— Like `useMemo` but uses `@react-hookz/deep-equal` comparator function to validate deep
dependency changes.
- [**`useHookableRef`**](
— Like `useRef` but it is possible to define handlers for getting and setting the value.
- [**`useSyncedRef`**](./src/useSyncedRef/index.ts)
— Like `useRef`, but it returns an immutable ref that contains the actual value.
- [**`useCustomCompareMemo`**](./src/useCustomCompareMemo/index.ts)
— Like `useMemo` but uses provided comparator function to validate dependency changes.
- [**`useDeepCompareMemo`**](./src/useDeepCompareMemo/index.ts)
— Like `useMemo` but uses `@react-hookz/deep-equal` comparator function to validate deep
dependency changes.
- [**`useHookableRef`**](./src/useHookableRef/index.ts)
— Like `useRef` but it is possible to define handlers for getting and setting the value.
- #### Side-effect
- [**`useAsync`**]( —
Executes provided async function and tracks its results and errors.
- [**`useAsyncAbortable`**](
— Like `useAsync`, but also provides `AbortSignal` as first function argument to the async function.
- [**`useCookieValue`**](
— Manages a single cookie.
- [**`useLocalStorageValue`**](
— Manages a single LocalStorage key.
- [**`useSessionStorageValue`**](
— Manages a single SessionStorage key.
- [**`useAsync`**](./src/useAsync/index.ts)
— Executes provided async function and tracks its results and errors.
- [**`useAsyncAbortable`**](./src/useAsyncAbortable/index.ts)
— Like `useAsync`, but also provides `AbortSignal` as first function argument to the async
- [**`useCookieValue`**](./src/useCookieValue/index.ts)
— Manages a single cookie.
- [**`useLocalStorageValue`**](./src/useLocalStorageValue/index.ts)
— Manages a single LocalStorage key.
- [**`useSessionStorageValue`**](./src/useSessionStorageValue/index.ts)
— Manages a single SessionStorage key.
- #### Sensor
- [**`useIntersectionObserver`**](
— Observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with the
- [**`useMeasure`**]( —
Uses `ResizeObserver` to track an element's dimensions and to re-render the component when they change.
- [**`useMediaQuery`**](
— Tracks the state of a CSS media query.
- [**`useResizeObserver`**](
— Invokes a callback whenever `ResizeObserver` detects a change to the target's size.
- [**`useScreenOrientation`**](
— Checks if the screen is in `portrait` or `landscape` orientation and automatically re-renders on
orientation change.
- [**`useDocumentVisibility`**](
— Tracks document visibility state.
- [**`useIntersectionObserver`**](./src/useIntersectionObserver/index.ts)
— Observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or with the
- [**`useMeasure`**](./src/useMeasure/index.ts) —
Uses `ResizeObserver` to track an element's dimensions and to re-render the component when they
- [**`useMediaQuery`**](./src/useMediaQuery/index.ts)
— Tracks the state of a CSS media query.
- [**`useResizeObserver`**](./src/useResizeObserver/index.ts)
— Invokes a callback whenever `ResizeObserver` detects a change to the target's size.
- [**`useScreenOrientation`**](./src/useScreenOrientation/index.ts)
— Checks if the screen is in `portrait` or `landscape` orientation and automatically re-renders
on orientation change.
- [**`useDocumentVisibility`**](./src/useDocumentVisibility/index.ts)
— Tracks document visibility state.
- #### Dom
- [**`useClickOutside`**](
— Triggers a callback when the user clicks outside a target element.
- [**`useEventListener`**](
— Subscribes an event listener to a target element.
- [**`useKeyboardEvent`**](
— Invokes a callback when a keyboard event occurs on the chosen target.
- [**`useWindowSize`**](
— Tracks the inner dimensions of the browser window.
- [**`useClickOutside`**](./src/useClickOutside/index.ts)
— Triggers a callback when the user clicks outside a target element.
- [**`useEventListener`**](./src/useEventListener/index.ts)
— Subscribes an event listener to a target element.
- [**`useKeyboardEvent`**](./src/useKeyboardEvent/index.ts)
— Invokes a callback when a keyboard event occurs on the chosen target.
- [**`useWindowSize`**](./src/useWindowSize/index.ts)
— Tracks the inner dimensions of the browser window.

@@ -290,6 +290,6 @@ ## Contributors

<td align="center">
<a href="">
<img src="" width="100;" alt="MichalTarasiuk"/>
<a href="">
<img src="" width="100;" alt="michaltarasiuk"/>
<br />
<sub><b>Michał Tarasiuk</b></sub>

@@ -296,0 +296,0 @@ </td>

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