What is @react-native-community/cli-config?
@react-native-community/cli-config is a part of the React Native CLI tools that helps in configuring and managing React Native projects. It provides functionalities to customize the behavior of the React Native CLI, manage project settings, and streamline the development workflow.
What are @react-native-community/cli-config's main functionalities?
Customizing CLI Configuration
This feature allows you to customize the React Native CLI configuration by specifying paths, assets, and dependencies. The code sample demonstrates how to set the path to the React Native library, include custom assets, and configure platform-specific dependencies.
module.exports = {
reactNativePath: './node_modules/react-native',
assets: ['./assets/fonts/'],
dependencies: {
'react-native-some-library': {
platforms: {
ios: null,
Managing Project Settings
This feature allows you to manage project settings such as resolver configurations. The code sample shows how to extend the default configuration to include additional source file extensions.
const { getDefaultConfig } = require('@react-native-community/cli-config');
module.exports = {
resolver: {
sourceExts: ['jsx', 'js', 'ts', 'tsx'],
Other packages similar to @react-native-community/cli-config
react-native-config allows you to manage environment-specific configurations in React Native projects. It provides a way to define and access environment variables, which can be useful for managing different settings for development, staging, and production environments. Unlike @react-native-community/cli-config, which focuses on CLI customization, react-native-config is more about managing environment variables.
react-native-dotenv is a Babel plugin that lets you import environment variables from a .env file into your React Native project. It simplifies the process of managing environment-specific settings. While @react-native-community/cli-config deals with CLI and project configuration, react-native-dotenv is specifically designed for handling environment variables.
This package is part of the React Native CLI. It contains commands for managing the configuration of React Native app.
yarn add @react-native-community/cli-config
react-native config
Output project and dependencies configuration in JSON format to stdout. Used by autolinking.