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@remirror/core-utils - npm Package Compare versions

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@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { MessageDescriptor } from '@remirror/messages';
import type { RemirrorMessage } from '@remirror/core-types';
interface BaseKeyboardSymbol {

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@ /**

i18n: MessageDescriptor;
i18n: RemirrorMessage;

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@ interface ModifierKeyboardSymbol extends I18nKeyboardSymbol {

@@ -1,1609 +0,166 @@

import { RangeProps, AttributesProps, MarkType, CommandFunction, CommandFunctionProps, NodeType, ProsemirrorAttributes, PrimitiveSelection, NodeTypeProps, FromToProps, Selection, Transaction, MakeNullable, MarkTypeProps, RemirrorIdentifierShape, EditorSchema, ProsemirrorNode, EditorState as EditorState$1, ResolvedPos as ResolvedPos$1, AnyConstructor, RemirrorJSON, SchemaProps, RemirrorContentType, DOMCompatibleAttributes, ApplySchemaAttributes, TrStateProps, PosProps, TextProps, KebabCase, StringKey, ProsemirrorNodeProps, OptionalProsemirrorNodeProps, Primitive, PredicateProps, EditorStateProps, GetAttributesProps, RegExpProps, TransactionProps, EditorView, KeyBindingCommandFunction, KeyBindings, ProsemirrorKeyBindings, Mark as Mark$1, NodeTypesProps, MarkTypesProps, OptionalMarkProps, Fragment as Fragment$1, SelectionProps } from '@remirror/core-types';
import { RemirrorIdentifier } from '@remirror/core-constants';
import { NodeType as NodeType$1, MarkType as MarkType$1, Fragment, Mark, ResolvedPos, NodeRange, Slice, ParseOptions, NodeSpec, MarkSpec } from '@remirror/pm/model';
import { EditorState, Transaction as Transaction$1, TextSelection, AllSelection, NodeSelection } from '@remirror/pm/state';
import { Step } from '@remirror/pm/transform';
import { MessageDescriptor } from '@remirror/messages';
import { InputRule } from '@remirror/pm/inputrules';
export { chainCommands, chainableEditorState, convertCommand, nonChainable } from '@remirror/pm';
interface UpdateMarkProps extends Partial<RangeProps>, Partial<AttributesProps> {
* The text to append.
* @defaultValue '''
appendText?: string;
* The type of the
type: MarkType;
* Update the selection with the provided MarkType.
* @param props - see [[`UpdateMarkProps`]] for options
declare function updateMark(props: UpdateMarkProps): CommandFunction;
* Lift the selected block, or the closest ancestor block of the selection that
* can be lifted, out of its parent node.
* Adapted from
declare function lift({ tr, dispatch }: Pick<CommandFunctionProps, 'tr' | 'dispatch'>): boolean;
* Wrap the selection or the provided text in a node of the given type with the
* given attributes.
declare function wrapIn(type: string | NodeType, attrs?: ProsemirrorAttributes, selection?: PrimitiveSelection): CommandFunction;
* Toggle between wrapping an inactive node with the provided node type, and
* lifting it up into it's parent.
* @param nodeType - the node type to toggle
* @param attrs - the attrs to use for the node
declare function toggleWrap(nodeType: string | NodeType, attrs?: ProsemirrorAttributes, selection?: PrimitiveSelection): CommandFunction;
* Returns a command that tries to set the selected textblocks to the
* given node type with the given attributes.
* @param nodeType - the name of the node or the [[`NodeType`]].
declare function setBlockType(nodeType: string | NodeType, attrs?: ProsemirrorAttributes, selection?: PrimitiveSelection, preserveAttrs?: boolean): CommandFunction;
interface ToggleBlockItemProps extends NodeTypeProps, Partial<AttributesProps> {
* The type to toggle back to. Usually this is the `paragraph` node type.
* @defaultValue 'paragraph'
toggleType?: NodeType | string;
* Whether to preserve the attrs when toggling a block item. This means that
* extra attributes that are shared between nodes will be maintained.
* @defaultValue true
preserveAttrs?: boolean;
* Toggle a block between the provided type and toggleType.
* @param toggleProps - see [[`ToggleBlockItemProps`]] for available options
declare function toggleBlockItem(toggleProps: ToggleBlockItemProps): CommandFunction;
interface ReplaceTextProps extends Partial<AttributesProps> {
* The text to append.
* @defaultValue '''
appendText?: string;
* Optional text content to include.
content?: string;
* The content type to be inserted in place of the range / selection.
type?: NodeType | MarkType | string;
* Whether to keep the original selection after the replacement.
keepSelection?: boolean;
* @deprecated - use `selection` instead.
range?: FromToProps;
* The selected part of the document to replace.
selection?: PrimitiveSelection;
* Taken from
* Check that the browser is chrome. Supports passing a minimum version to check
* that it is a greater than or equal to this version.
declare function isChrome(minVersion?: number): boolean;
* Taken from
* Check that the browser is safari. Supports passing a minimum version to check
* that it is a greater than or equal to this version.
declare function isSafari(minVersion?: number): boolean;
* Checks the selection for the current state and updates the active transaction
* to a selection that is consistent with the initial selection.
* @param state - the editor state before any updates
* @param tr - the transaction which has been updated and may have impacted the
* selection.
declare function preserveSelection(selection: Selection, tr: Transaction): void;
* Replaces text with an optional appended string at the end.
* @param props - see [[`ReplaceTextProps`]]
declare function replaceText(props: ReplaceTextProps): CommandFunction;
interface RemoveMarkProps extends MakeNullable<MarkTypeProps, 'type'> {
* Whether to expand empty selections to the current mark range.
* @defaultValue true
expand?: boolean;
* @deprecated use `selection` property instead.
range?: FromToProps;
* The selection to apply to the command.
selection?: PrimitiveSelection;
* Removes a mark from the current selection or provided range.
* @param props - see [[`RemoveMarkProps`]] for options
declare function removeMark(props: RemoveMarkProps): CommandFunction;
* Identifies the value as having a remirror identifier. This is the core
* predicate check for the remirror library.
* @param value - the value to be checked
* @internal
declare function isRemirrorType(value: unknown): value is RemirrorIdentifierShape;
* Checks that the provided remirror shape is of a given type.
* @param value - any remirror shape
* @param type - the remirror identifier type to check for
* @internal
declare function isIdentifierOfType(value: RemirrorIdentifierShape, type: RemirrorIdentifier | RemirrorIdentifier[]): boolean;
* Check to see if the passed value is a NodeType.
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isNodeType(value: unknown): value is NodeType$1;
* Get the node type from a potential string value.
declare function getNodeType(type: string | NodeType$1, schema: EditorSchema): NodeType$1;
* Check to see if the passed value is a MarkType.
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isMarkType(value: unknown): value is MarkType$1;
* Get the mark type from a potential string value.
declare function getMarkType(type: string | MarkType$1, schema: EditorSchema): MarkType$1;
* Checks to see if the passed value is a ProsemirrorNode
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isProsemirrorNode(value: unknown): value is ProsemirrorNode;
* Checks to see if the passed value is a ProsemirrorNode
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isProsemirrorFragment(value: unknown): value is Fragment;
* Checks to see if the passed value is a ProsemirrorMark
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isProsemirrorMark(value: unknown): value is Mark;
* Checks to see if the passed value is a Prosemirror Editor State
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isEditorState(value: unknown): value is EditorState | Readonly<EditorState>;
* Checks to see if the passed value is a Prosemirror Transaction
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isTransaction(value: unknown): value is Transaction$1;
* Checks to see if the passed value is an instance of the editor schema
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isEditorSchema(value: unknown): value is EditorSchema;
* Predicate checking whether the selection is a `TextSelection`.
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isTextSelection(value: unknown): value is TextSelection;
* Predicate checking whether the selection is an `AllSelection`.
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isAllSelection(value: unknown): value is AllSelection;
* Predicate checking whether the value is a Selection
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isSelection(value: unknown): value is Selection;
* Predicate checking whether the value is a ResolvedPosition.
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isResolvedPos(value: unknown): value is ResolvedPos;
interface RangeHasMarkProps extends TrStateProps, FromToProps, MarkTypeProps, Partial<AttributesProps> {
* A wrapper for ProsemirrorNode.rangeHasMark that can also compare mark attributes (if supplied)
* @param props - see [[`RangeHasMarkProps`]] for options
declare function rangeHasMark(props: RangeHasMarkProps): boolean;
* Predicate checking whether the selection is a NodeSelection
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isNodeSelection(value: unknown): value is NodeSelection;
interface IsMarkActiveProps extends MarkTypeProps, Partial<AttributesProps>, Partial<FromToProps>, TrStateProps {
* Checks that a mark is active within the selected region, or the current
* selection point is within a region with the mark active. Used by extensions
* to implement their active methods.
* @param props - see [[`IsMarkActiveProps`]] for options
declare function isMarkActive(props: IsMarkActiveProps): boolean;
* Check if the specified type (NodeType) can be inserted at the current
* selection point.
* @param state - the editor state
* @param type - the node type
declare function canInsertNode(state: EditorState$1, type: NodeType$1): boolean;
* Checks if a node looks like an empty document.
* @param node - the prosemirror node
declare function isDocNodeEmpty(node: ProsemirrorNode): boolean;
interface DefaultDocNodeOptions {
* When true will not check any of the attributes for any of the nodes.
ignoreAttributes?: boolean;
* Set this to true to only test whether the content is identical to the
* default and not the parent node.
ignoreDocAttributes?: boolean;
* Check whether the provided doc node has the same value as the default empty
* node for the document. Basically checks that the document is untouched.
* This is useful for extensions like the placeholder which only should be shown
* when the document matches the default empty state.
declare function isDefaultDocNode(doc: ProsemirrorNode, options?: DefaultDocNodeOptions): boolean;
* Get the default `doc` node for a given schema.
declare function getDefaultDocNode(schema: EditorSchema): ProsemirrorNode | undefined;
* Get the default block node from the schema.
declare function getDefaultBlockNode(schema: EditorSchema): NodeType$1;
* Check if the provided node is a default block node.
declare function isDefaultBlockNode(node: ProsemirrorNode): boolean;
* Checks if the current node is a block node and empty.
* @param node - the prosemirror node
declare function isEmptyBlockNode(node: ProsemirrorNode | null | undefined): boolean;
* Retrieve the attributes for a mark.
* @param trState - the editor state or a transaction
* @param type - the mark type
declare function getMarkAttributes(trState: EditorState$1 | Transaction, type: MarkType$1): ProsemirrorAttributes | false;
interface GetMarkRange extends FromToProps {
* The mark that was found within the active range.
mark: Mark;
* The text contained by this mark.
text: string;
* Retrieve the `start` and `end` position of a mark. The `$pos` value should be
* calculated via `tr.doc.resolve(number)`.
* @remarks
* @param $pos - the resolved ProseMirror position
* @param type - the mark type
* @param $end - the end position to search until. When this is provided the
* mark will be checked for all point up until the `$end`. The first mark within
* the range will be returned.
* To find all marks within a selection use [[`getMarkRanges`]].
declare function getMarkRange($pos: ResolvedPos$1, type: string | MarkType$1, $end?: ResolvedPos$1): GetMarkRange | undefined;
* Get all the ranges which contain marks for the provided selection.
declare function getMarkRanges(selection: Selection, type: string | MarkType$1): GetMarkRange[];
interface ChangedRange extends FromToProps {
* The previous starting position in the document.
prevFrom: number;
* The previous ending position in the document.
prevTo: number;
* Get all the ranges of changes for the provided transaction.
* This can be used to gather specific parts of the document which require
* decorations to be recalculated or where nodes should be updated.
* This is adapted from the answer
* [here](
* @param tr - the transaction received with updates applied.
* @param StepTypes - the valid Step Constructors. Set to an empty array to
* accept all Steps.
declare function getChangedRanges(tr: Transaction, StepTypes?: Array<AnyConstructor<Step>>): ChangedRange[];
* Get all the changed node ranges for a provided transaction.
* @param tr - the transaction received with updates applied.
* @param StepTypes - the valid Step Constructors. Set to an empty array to
* accept all Steps.
declare function getChangedNodeRanges(tr: Transaction, StepTypes?: Array<AnyConstructor<Step>>): NodeRange[];
* Retrieves the text content from a slice
* @remarks
* A utility that's useful for pulling text content from a slice which is
* usually created via `selection.content()`
* @param slice - the prosemirror slice
declare function getTextContentFromSlice(slice: Slice): string;
interface GetSelectedGroup extends FromToProps {
* The capture text within the group.
text: string;
* Takes an empty selection and expands it out to the nearest group not matching
* the excluded characters.
* @remarks
* Can be used to find the nearest selected word. See {@link getSelectedWord}
* @param state - the editor state or a transaction
* @param exclude - the regex pattern to exclude
* @returns false if not a text selection or if no expansion available
declare function getSelectedGroup(state: EditorState$1 | Transaction, exclude: RegExp): GetSelectedGroup | undefined;
* Retrieves the nearest space separated word from the current selection.
* @remarks
* This always expands outward so that given: `The tw<start>o words<end>` The
* selection would become `The <start>two words<end>`
* In other words it expands until it meets an invalid character.
* @param state - the editor state or transaction.
declare function getSelectedWord(state: EditorState$1 | Transaction): GetSelectedGroup | undefined;
* Get matching string from a list or single value
* @remarks
* Get attrs can be called with a direct match string or array of string
* matches. This method should be used to retrieve the required string.
* The index of the matched array used defaults to 0 but can be updated via the
* second parameter.
* @param match - the match(es)
* @param index - the zero-index point from which to start
declare function getMatchString(match: string | string[], index?: number): string;
* Checks whether the cursor is at the end of the state.doc
* @param state - the editor state
declare function atDocEnd(state: EditorState$1): boolean;
* Checks whether the cursor is at the beginning of the state.doc
* @param state - the editor state
declare function atDocStart(state: EditorState$1): boolean;
* Get the start position of the parent of the current resolve position
* @param $pos - the resolved `ProseMirror` position
declare function startPositionOfParent($pos: ResolvedPos$1): number;
* Get the end position of the parent of the current resolve position
* @param $pos - the resolved `ProseMirror` position
declare function endPositionOfParent($pos: ResolvedPos$1): number;
* Retrieve the current position of the cursor
* @param selection - the editor selection
* @returns a resolved position only when the selection is a text selection
declare function getCursor(selection: Selection): ResolvedPos$1 | null | undefined;
* Checks whether a Prosemirror node is the top level `doc` node
* @param node - the prosemirror node
* @param schema - the prosemirror schema to check against
declare function isDocNode(node: ProsemirrorNode | null | undefined, schema?: EditorSchema): node is ProsemirrorNode;
* Checks whether the passed in JSON is a valid object node
* @param value - the value to check
declare function isRemirrorJSON(value: unknown): value is RemirrorJSON;
* This type is the combination of all the registered string handlers for the
* extension. This is used rather than the `StringHandlers` in order to enforce
* the type signature of the handler method, which isn't possible with the
* interface.
type NamedStringHandlers = {
[K in keyof Remirror.StringHandlers]: StringHandler;
interface CreateDocumentNodeProps extends SchemaProps, Partial<CustomDocumentProps>, StringHandlerProps {
* The content to render
content: RemirrorContentType;
* The error handler which is called when the JSON passed is invalid.
onError?: InvalidContentHandler;
* The selection that the user should have in the created node.
* TODO add `'start' | 'end' | number` for a better developer experience.
selection?: PrimitiveSelection;
* When an error is thrown the onError handler is called which can return new
* content. The new content is recursively checked to see if it is valid. This
* number is tracks the call depth of the recursive function to prevent it
* exceeding the maximum.
* @defaultValue 0
* @internal
attempts?: number;
* Get the nearest valid selection to the provided selection parameter.
declare function getTextSelection(selection: PrimitiveSelection, doc: ProsemirrorNode): Selection;
* A function that converts a string into a `ProsemirrorNode`.
interface StringHandler {
(params: NodeStringHandlerOptions): ProsemirrorNode;
(params: FragmentStringHandlerOptions): Fragment;
interface StringHandlerProps {
* A function which transforms a string into a prosemirror node.
* @remarks
* Can be used to transform markdown / html or any other string format into a
* prosemirror node.
* See [[`fromHTML`]] for an example of how this could work.
stringHandler?: StringHandler;
* Creates a document node from the passed in content and schema.
* @remirror
* This supports a primitive form of error handling. When an error occurs, the
* `onError` handler will be called along with the error produced by the Schema
* and it is up to you as a developer to decide how to transform the invalid
* content into valid content.
* Please note that the `onError` is only called when the content is a JSON
* object. It is not called for a `string`, the `ProsemirrorNode` or the
* `EditorState`. The reason for this is that the `string` requires a `stringHandler`
* which is defined by the developer and transforms the content. That is the
* point that error's should be handled. The editor state and the
* `ProsemirrorNode` are similar. They need to be created by the developer and
* as a result, the errors should be handled at the point of creation rather
* than when the document is being applied to the editor.
declare function createDocumentNode(props: CreateDocumentNodeProps): ProsemirrorNode;
* Checks which environment should be used. Returns true when we are in the dom
* environment.
declare function shouldUseDomEnvironment(): boolean;
* Retrieves the document from global scope and throws an error in a non-browser
* environment.
* @internal
declare function getDocument(): Document;
interface CustomDocumentProps {
* The root or custom document to use when referencing the dom.
* This can be used to support SSR.
document: Document;
* Convert a node into its DOM representative
* @param node - the node to extract html from.
* @param document - the document to use for the DOM
declare function prosemirrorNodeToDom(node: ProsemirrorNode, document?: Document): DocumentFragment | HTMLElement;
* Convert the provided `node` to a html string.
* @param node - the node to extract html from.
* @param document - the document to use for the DOM
* ```ts
* import { EditorState, prosemirrorNodeToHtml } from 'remirror';
* function convertStateToHtml(state: EditorState): string {
* return prosemirrorNodeToHtml(state.doc);
* }
* ```
declare function prosemirrorNodeToHtml(node: ProsemirrorNode, document?: Document): string;
interface BaseStringHandlerOptions extends Partial<CustomDocumentProps>, SchemaProps, ParseOptions {
* The string content provided to the editor.
content: string;
interface FragmentStringHandlerOptions extends BaseStringHandlerOptions {
* When true will create a fragment from the provided string.
fragment: true;
interface NodeStringHandlerOptions extends BaseStringHandlerOptions {
fragment?: false;
type StringHandlerOptions = NodeStringHandlerOptions | FragmentStringHandlerOptions;
* Convert a HTML string into a ProseMirror node. This can be used for the
* `stringHandler` property in your editor when you want to support html.
* ```tsx
* import { htmlToProsemirrorNode } from 'remirror';
* import { Remirror, useManager } from '@remirror/react';
* const Editor = () => {
* const manager = useManager([]);
* return (
* <Remirror
* stringHandler={htmlToProsemirrorNode}
* initialContent='<p>A wise person once told me to relax</p>'
* >
* <div />
* </Remirror>
* );
* }
* ```
declare function htmlToProsemirrorNode(props: FragmentStringHandlerOptions): Fragment;
declare function htmlToProsemirrorNode(props: NodeStringHandlerOptions): ProsemirrorNode;
* A wrapper around `state.doc.toJSON` which returns the state as a
* `RemirrorJSON` object.
declare function getRemirrorJSON(content: EditorState$1 | ProsemirrorNode): RemirrorJSON;
interface IsStateEqualOptions {
* Whether to compare the selection of the two states.
* @defaultValue false
checkSelection?: boolean;
* Check if two states are equal.
declare function areStatesEqual(stateA: EditorState$1, stateB: EditorState$1, options?: IsStateEqualOptions): boolean;
* Check that the nodes and marks present on `schemaA` are also present on
* `schemaB`.
declare function areSchemasCompatible(schemaA: EditorSchema, schemaB: EditorSchema): boolean;
* Return attributes for a node excluding those that were provided as extra
* attributes.
* @param attrs - The source attributes
* @param extra - The extra attribute schema for this node
declare function omitExtraAttributes<Output extends object = DOMCompatibleAttributes>(attrs: ProsemirrorAttributes, extra: ApplySchemaAttributes): Omit<Output, keyof Remirror.Attributes>;
* Take the `style` string attribute and combine it with the provided style
* object.
declare function joinStyles(styleObject: object, initialStyles?: string): string;
interface TextBetweenProps extends FromToProps {
* The prosemirror `doc` node.
doc: ProsemirrorNode;
interface TextBetween extends PosProps, TextProps {
* Find the different ranges of text between a provided range with support for
* traversing multiple nodes.
declare function textBetween(props: TextBetweenProps): TextBetween[];
* Get the full range of the selectable content in the ProseMirror `doc`.
declare function getDocRange(doc: ProsemirrorNode): FromToProps;
* A description of an invalid content block (representing a node or a mark).
interface InvalidContentBlock {
* The type of content that is invalid.
type: 'mark' | 'node';
* The name of the node or mark that is invalid.
name: string;
* The json path to the invalid part of the `RemirrorJSON` object.
path: Array<string | number>;
* Whether this block already has an invalid parent node. Invalid blocks are
* displayed from the deepest content outward. By checking whether a parent
* has already been identified as invalid you can choose to only transform the
* root invalid node.
invalidParentNode: boolean;
* Whether this block has any invalid wrapping marks.
invalidParentMark: boolean;
* This interface is used when there is an attempt to add content to a schema
interface InvalidContentHandlerProps {
* The JSON representation of the content that caused the error.
json: RemirrorJSON;
* The list of invalid nodes and marks.
invalidContent: InvalidContentBlock[];
* The error that was thrown.
error: Error;
* Transformers can be used to apply certain strategies for dealing with
* invalid content.
transformers: typeof transformers;
* The error handler function which should return a valid content type to
* prevent further errors.
type InvalidContentHandler = (props: InvalidContentHandlerProps) => RemirrorContentType;
declare const transformers: {
* Remove every invalid block from the editor. This is a destructive action
* and should only be applied if you're sure it's the best strategy.
* @param json - the content as a json object.
* @param invalidContent - the list of invalid items as passed to the error
* handler.
remove(json: RemirrorJSON, invalidContent: InvalidContentBlock[]): RemirrorJSON;
type GetInvalidContentProps<Extra extends object> = SchemaProps & {
* The RemirrorJSON representation of the invalid content.
json: RemirrorJSON;
} & Extra;
type GetInvalidContentReturn<Extra extends object> = Omit<InvalidContentHandlerProps, 'error'> & Extra;
* Get the invalid parameter which is passed to the `onError` handler.
declare function getInvalidContent<Extra extends object>({ json, schema, ...extra }: GetInvalidContentProps<Extra>): GetInvalidContentReturn<Extra>;
* Checks that the selection is an empty text selection at the end of its parent
* node.
declare function isEndOfTextBlock(selection: Selection): selection is TextSelection;
* Checks that the selection is an empty text selection at the start of its
* parent node.
declare function isStartOfTextBlock(selection: Selection): selection is TextSelection;
* Returns true when the selection is a text selection at the start of the
* document.
declare function isStartOfDoc(selection: Selection): boolean;
declare global {
namespace Remirror {
* This interface provides all the named string handlers. The key is the
* only part that's used meaning the value isn't important. However, it's
* conventional to use the Extension for the value.
interface StringHandlers {
* Get the styles for a given property of an element.
declare function getStyle(element: HTMLElement, property: KebabCase<StringKey<CSSStyleDeclaration>>): string;
* Set more styles to the given element.
declare function setStyle(target: HTMLElement, styles: Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>): Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>;
declare const DOM_SIZE_UNITS: readonly ["px", "rem", "em", "in", "q", "mm", "cm", "pt", "pc", "vh", "vw", "vmin", "vmax"];
type DomSizeUnit = (typeof DOM_SIZE_UNITS)[number];
* A tuple for the font size and unit.
type ParsedDomSize = [size: number, unit: DomSizeUnit];
* Parse the font size and font unit from the provided value. When the value
* type is unsupported it default to `px`.
declare function parseSizeUnit(fontSize?: string | undefined | null): ParsedDomSize;
declare function getFontSize(element?: Element | null): string;
* Extract the pixel value from a dimension string or CSS function.
* Supports the CSS functions `min`, `max` and `clamp` even when nested.
* Does not support percentage units or the `calc` function.
* Adapted from
declare function extractPixelSize(size: string, element?: Element | null): number;
* Convert the received font size to a valid unit
declare function convertPixelsToDomUnit(size: string, to: DomSizeUnit, element?: Element | null): number;
* Checks whether the passed value is a valid dom node
* @param domNode - the dom node
declare function isDomNode(domNode: unknown): domNode is Node;
* Checks for an element node like `<p>` or `<div>`.
* @param domNode - the dom node
declare function isElementDomNode(domNode: unknown): domNode is HTMLElement;
* Checks for a text node.
* @param domNode - the dom node
declare function isTextDomNode(domNode: unknown): domNode is Text;
* Merge two DOMRect objects into a one big DOMRect object that contains both two DOMRect objects.
* @param rect1 - the first DOMRect
* @param rect2 - the second DOMRect
declare function mergeDOMRects(rect1: DOMRect, rect2: DOMRect): DOMRect;
* A object with flags identifying the current environment.
declare const environment: {
* Verifies that the environment has both a window and window.document
readonly isBrowser: boolean;
* Verifies that the environment is JSDOM
readonly isJSDOM: boolean;
* Verifies that the environment has a nodejs process and is therefore a node environment
readonly isNode: boolean;
* True when on an iOS device.
readonly isIos: boolean;
* True when running on macOS
readonly isMac: boolean;
* Verify that this is an apple device either on the client or server.
readonly isApple: boolean;
* True when running in DEVELOPMENT environment
readonly isDevelopment: boolean;
* True when running unit tests
readonly isTest: boolean;
* True when running in PRODUCTION environment
readonly isProduction: boolean;
interface BaseKeyboardSymbol {
* The normalized value for the symbol.
key: string;
interface I18nKeyboardSymbol extends BaseKeyboardSymbol {
* The internationalized representation of the key.
i18n: MessageDescriptor;
interface ModifierKeyboardSymbol extends I18nKeyboardSymbol {
* Modifier keys like 'shift' | 'alt' | 'meta'.
type: 'modifier';
* The symbol for the modifier key.
symbol: string;
interface NamedKeyboardSymbol extends I18nKeyboardSymbol {
* Named keys like `Enter` | `Escape`
type: 'named';
* The potentially undefined symbol for the named key.
symbol?: string;
interface CharKeyboardSymbol extends BaseKeyboardSymbol {
* Character keys like `a` | `b`
type: 'char';
type KeyboardSymbol = ModifierKeyboardSymbol | NamedKeyboardSymbol | CharKeyboardSymbol;
* Convert a keyboard shortcut into symbols which and keys.
declare function getShortcutSymbols(shortcut: string): KeyboardSymbol[];
interface DescendProps {
* Whether to descend into a node.
* @defaultValue true
descend: boolean;
type NodePredicateProps = PredicateProps<NodeWithPosition>;
* A node with it's start position.
interface NodeWithPosition extends ProsemirrorNodeProps, PosProps {
interface NodeActionProps {
* A method which is run whenever the provided predicate returns true.
* This avoids the need for multiple passes over the same data, first to
* gather and then to process. When viable ,why not just get it done.
action?: (node: NodeWithPosition) => void;
interface BaseFindProps extends OptionalProsemirrorNodeProps, Partial<DescendProps>, NodeActionProps {
interface FindChildrenProps extends BaseFindProps, NodePredicateProps {
* Iterates over descendants of a given `node`, returning child nodes predicate
* returns truthy for.
* @remarks
* It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
* `true`).
* ```ts
* const textNodes = findChildren({
* node: state.doc,
* predicate: child => child.isText,
* descend: false
* });
* ```
declare function findChildren(props: FindChildrenProps): NodeWithPosition[];
* Returns text nodes of a given `node`.
* @remarks
* It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
* `true`).
* ```ts
* const textNodes = findTextNodes({ node });
* ```
declare const findTextNodes: (props: BaseFindProps) => NodeWithPosition[];
* Returns inline nodes of a given `node`.
* @remarks
* It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
* `true`).
* ```ts
* const inlineNodes = findInlineNodes(node);
* ```
declare const findInlineNodes: (props: BaseFindProps) => NodeWithPosition[];
* Returns block descendants of a given `node`.
* @remarks
* It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
* `true`).
* ```ts
* const blockNodes = findBlockNodes(node);
* ```
declare const findBlockNodes: (props: BaseFindProps) => NodeWithPosition[];
type AttributePredicate = (props: {
value: unknown;
exists: boolean;
}) => boolean;
interface FindChildrenByAttrProps extends BaseFindProps {
* This can either be any primitive value or a function that takes the `value`
* as the first argument and whether the key exists within the attributes as
* the second argument.
attrs: {
[key: string]: Primitive | AttributePredicate;
* Iterates over descendants of a given `node`, returning child nodes predicate
* returns truthy for.
* @remarks
* It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
* `true`).
* The following will match any node with an `id` of any value (as long as the
* attribute exists) and a `colspan` of `2`.
* ```ts
* const mergedCells = findChildrenByAttribute({
* node: table,
* attrs: { colspan: 2, id: (_, exists) => exists }
* });
* ```
declare function findChildrenByAttribute(props: FindChildrenByAttrProps): NodeWithPosition[];
interface FindChildrenByNodeProps extends BaseFindProps, NodeTypeProps {
* Iterates over descendants of a given `node`, returning child nodes of a given
* nodeType.
* @remarks
* It doesn't descend into a node when descend argument is `false` (defaults to
* `true`).
* ```ts
* const cells = findChildrenByNode({ node: state.doc, type: state.schema.nodes.tableCell });
* ```
declare function findChildrenByNode(props: FindChildrenByNodeProps): NodeWithPosition[];
interface FindChildrenByMarkProps extends BaseFindProps, MarkTypeProps {
* Iterates over descendants of a given `node`, returning child nodes that have
* a mark of a given markType.
* @remarks
* It doesn't descend into a `node` when descend argument is `false` (defaults
* to `true`).
* ```ts
* const nodes = findChildrenByMark({ node: state.doc, type: schema.marks.strong });
* ```
declare function findChildrenByMark(paramter: FindChildrenByMarkProps): NodeWithPosition[];
interface ContainsProps extends ProsemirrorNodeProps, NodeTypeProps {
* Returns `true` if a given node contains nodes of a given `nodeType`.
* @remarks
* ```ts
* if (containsNodesOfType({ node: state.doc, type: schema.nodes.listItem })) {
* log('contained')
* }
* ```
declare function containsNodesOfType(props: ContainsProps): boolean;
interface GetChangedNodesOptions {
* Whether to descend into child nodes.
* @defaultValue false
descend?: boolean;
* A predicate test for node which was found. Return `false` to skip the node.
* @param node - the node that was found
* @param pos - the pos of that node
* @param range - the `NodeRange` which contained this node.
predicate?: (node: ProsemirrorNode, pos: number, range: NodeRange) => boolean;
* The valid step types to check for. Set to an empty array to accept all
* types.
* @defaultValue [ReplaceStep]
StepTypes?: Array<AnyConstructor<Step>>;
* Get all the changed nodes from the provided transaction.
* The following example will give us all the text nodes in the provided
* transaction.
* ```ts
* import { getChangedNodes } from 'remirror/core';
* const changedTextNodes = getChangeNodes(tr, { descend: true, predicate: (node) => node.isText });
* ```
declare function getChangedNodes(tr: Transaction, options?: GetChangedNodesOptions): NodeWithPosition[];
interface BeforeDispatchProps extends TransactionProps {
* The matches returned by the regex.
match: string[];
* The start position of the most recently typed character.
start: number;
* The end position of the most recently typed character.
end: number;
interface BaseInputRuleProps extends ShouldSkip {
* A method which can be used to add more steps to the transaction after the
* input rule update but before the editor has dispatched to update to a new
* state.
* ```ts
* import { nodeInputRule } from 'remirror';
* nodeInputRule({
* type,
* regexp: /abc/,
* beforeDispatch?: (props: BeforeDispatchProps) => void; : (tr)
* => tr.insertText('hello')
* });
* ```
beforeDispatch?: (props: BeforeDispatchProps) => void;
* Ignore the match when all characters in the capture group are whitespace.
* This helps stop situations from occurring where the a capture group matches
* but you don't want an update if it's all whitespace.
* @defaultValue false
ignoreWhitespace?: boolean;
* Update the capture group. This is needed sometimes because lookbehind regex
* don't work in some browsers and can't be transpiled or polyfilled. This
* method allows the developer to update the details of the matching input
* rule details before it is acted on.
* The capture group refers to the first match within the matching bracket.
* ```ts
* abc.match(/ab(c)/) => ['abc', 'a']
* ```
* In the above example the capture group is the first index so in this case
* the captured text would be `a`.
* @param captured - All the details about the capture to allow for full
* customisation.
* @returns updated details or undefined to leave unchanged.
* See
* for more context.
updateCaptured?: UpdateCaptured;
type UpdateCaptured = (captured: UpdateCaptureTextProps) => Partial<UpdateCaptureTextProps>;
interface NodeInputRuleProps extends Partial<GetAttributesProps>, RegExpProps, NodeTypeProps, BaseInputRuleProps {
interface PlainInputRuleProps extends RegExpProps, BaseInputRuleProps {
* A function that transforms the match into the desired value.
* Return `null` or `undefined` to invalidate the match.
transformMatch: (match: string[]) => string | null | undefined;
interface UpdateCaptureTextProps {
* The first capture group from the matching input rule.
captureGroup: string | undefined;
* The text of the full match which was received.
fullMatch: string;
* The starting position of the match relative to the `doc`.
start: number;
* The end position of the match relative to the `doc`.
end: number;
interface MarkInputRuleProps extends Partial<GetAttributesProps>, RegExpProps, MarkTypeProps, BaseInputRuleProps {
* Creates an input rule based on the provided regex for the provided mark type.
declare function markInputRule(props: MarkInputRuleProps): SkippableInputRule;
* Creates a node input rule based on the provided regex for the provided node
* type.
* Input rules transform content as the user types based on whether a match is
* found with a sequence of characters.
declare function nodeInputRule(props: NodeInputRuleProps): SkippableInputRule;
* Creates a plain rule based on the provided regex. You can see this being used
* in the `@remirror/extension-emoji` when it is setup to use plain text.
declare function plainInputRule(props: PlainInputRuleProps): SkippableInputRule;
interface ShouldSkipProps extends EditorStateProps, UpdateCaptureTextProps {
/** The type of input rule that has been activated */
ruleType: 'mark' | 'node' | 'plain';
interface ShouldSkip {
* Every input rule calls this function before deciding whether or not to run.
* This is run for every successful input rule match to check if there are any
* reasons to prevent it from running.
* In particular it is so that the input rule only runs when there are no
* active checks that prevent it from doing so.
* - Other extension can register a `shouldSkip` handler
* - Every time the input rule is running it makes sure it isn't blocked.
shouldSkip?: ShouldSkipFunction;
* A list of marks which if existing in the provided range should invalidate
* the range.
invalidMarks?: string[];
* A function which is called to check whether an input rule should be skipped.
* - When it returns false then it won't be skipped.
* - When it returns true then it will be skipped.
type ShouldSkipFunction = (props: ShouldSkipProps) => boolean;
* An input rule which can have a `shouldSkip` property that returns true when
* the input rule should be skipped.
type SkippableInputRule = ShouldSkip & InputRule;
interface NodeEqualsTypeProps extends NodeTypesProps, OptionalProsemirrorNodeProps {
* Checks if the type a given `node` has a given `nodeType`.
declare function isNodeOfType(props: NodeEqualsTypeProps): boolean;
interface MarkEqualsTypeProps extends MarkTypesProps, OptionalMarkProps {
* Creates a new transaction object from a given transaction. This is useful
* when applying changes to a transaction, that you may want to rollback.
* ```ts
* function() applyUpdateIfValid(state: EditorState) {
* const tr = cloneTransaction(;
* tr.insertText('hello');
* if (!checkValid(tr)) {
* return;
* }
* applyClonedTransaction({ clone: tr, tr: });
* }
* ```
* The above example applies a transaction to the cloned transaction then checks
* to see if the changes are still valid and if they are applies the mutative
* changes to the original state transaction.
* @param tr - the prosemirror transaction
declare function cloneTransaction(tr: Transaction): Transaction;
interface ApplyClonedTransactionProps extends TransactionProps {
* The clone.
clone: Transaction;
* Apply the steps of a cloned transaction to the original transaction `tr`.
declare function applyClonedTransaction(props: ApplyClonedTransactionProps): void;
* Returns a new transaction by combining all steps of the passed transactions onto the previous state
declare function composeTransactionSteps(transactions: readonly Transaction[], oldState: EditorState$1): Transaction;
* Checks if the type a given `node` has a given `nodeType`.
declare function markEqualsType(props: MarkEqualsTypeProps): boolean;
interface RemoveNodeAtPositionProps extends TransactionProps, PosProps {
* Performs a `delete` transaction that removes a node at a given position with
* the given `node`. `position` should point at the position immediately before
* the node.
* @param position - the prosemirror position
declare function removeNodeAtPosition({ pos, tr }: RemoveNodeAtPositionProps): Transaction;
interface ReplaceNodeAtPositionProps extends RemoveNodeAtPositionProps {
content: Fragment$1 | ProsemirrorNode | ProsemirrorNode[];
* Replaces the node at the provided position with the provided content.
declare function replaceNodeAtPosition({ pos, tr, content, }: ReplaceNodeAtPositionProps): Transaction;
* Returns DOM reference of a node at a given `position`.
* @remarks
* If the node type is of type `TEXT_NODE` it will return the reference of the
* parent node.
* A simple use case
* ```ts
* const element = findElementAtPosition($from.pos, view);
* ```
* @param position - the prosemirror position
* @param view - the editor view
declare function findElementAtPosition(position: number, view: EditorView): HTMLElement;
* Iterates over parent nodes, returning the closest node and its start position
* that the `predicate` returns truthy for. `start` points to the start position
* of the node, `pos` points directly before the node.
* ```ts
* const predicate = node => node.type === schema.nodes.blockquote;
* const parent = findParentNode({ predicate, selection });
* ```
declare function findParentNode(props: FindParentNodeProps): FindProsemirrorNodeResult | undefined;
* Finds the node at the resolved position.
* @param $pos - the resolve position in the document
declare function findNodeAtPosition($pos: ResolvedPos$1): FindProsemirrorNodeResult;
* Finds the node at the passed selection.
declare function findNodeAtSelection(selection: Selection): FindProsemirrorNodeResult;
interface FindParentNodeOfTypeProps extends NodeTypesProps, StateSelectionPosProps {
* Iterates over parent nodes, returning closest node of a given `nodeType`.
* `start` points to the start position of the node, `pos` points directly
* before the node.
* ```ts
* const parent = findParentNodeOfType({types: schema.nodes.paragraph, selection});
* ```
declare function findParentNodeOfType(props: FindParentNodeOfTypeProps): FindProsemirrorNodeResult | undefined;
* Returns position of the previous node.
* ```ts
* const pos = findPositionOfNodeBefore(tr.selection);
* ```
* @param selection - the prosemirror selection
* @deprecated This util is hard to use and not that useful
declare function findPositionOfNodeBefore(value: Selection | ResolvedPos$1 | EditorState$1 | Transaction): FindProsemirrorNodeResult | undefined;
* Updates the provided transaction to remove the node before.
* ```ts
* dispatch(
* removeNodeBefore(
* );
* ```
* @param tr
* @deprecated This util is hard to use and not that useful
declare function removeNodeBefore(tr: Transaction): Transaction;
interface FindSelectedNodeOfTypeProps extends NodeTypesProps, SelectionProps {
* Returns a node of a given `nodeType` if it is selected. `start` points to the
* start position of the node, `pos` points directly before the node.
* ```ts
* const { extension, inlineExtension, bodiedExtension } = schema.nodes;
* const selectedNode = findSelectedNodeOfType({
* types: [extension, inlineExtension, bodiedExtension],
* selection,
* });
* ```
declare function findSelectedNodeOfType(props: FindSelectedNodeOfTypeProps): FindProsemirrorNodeResult | undefined;
interface FindProsemirrorNodeResult extends ProsemirrorNodeProps {
* The start position of the node.
start: number;
* The end position of the node.
end: number;
* Points to position directly before the node.
pos: number;
* The depth the node. Equal to 0 if node is the root.
depth: number;
interface StateSelectionPosProps {
* Provide an editor state, or the editor selection or a resolved position.
selection: EditorState$1 | Selection | ResolvedPos$1;
interface FindParentNodeProps extends StateSelectionPosProps {
predicate: (node: ProsemirrorNode, pos: number) => boolean;
* Returns the position of the node after the current position, selection or
* state.
* ```ts
* const pos = findPositionOfNodeBefore(tr.selection);
* ```
* @param selection - the prosemirror selection
* @deprecated This util is hard to use and not that useful
declare function findPositionOfNodeAfter(value: Selection | ResolvedPos$1 | EditorState$1): FindProsemirrorNodeResult | undefined;
* Update the transaction to delete the node after the current selection.
* ```ts
* dispatch(removeNodeBefore(;
* ```
* @param tr
* @deprecated This util is hard to use and not that useful
declare function removeNodeAfter(tr: Transaction): Transaction;
* Checks whether the selection or state is currently empty.
* @param value - the transaction selection or state
declare function isSelectionEmpty(value: Transaction | EditorState$1 | Selection): boolean;
* Check to see if a transaction has changed either the document or the current
* selection.
* @param tr - the transaction to check
declare function hasTransactionChanged(tr: Transaction): boolean;
* Checks whether the node type passed in is active within the region. Used by
* extensions to implement the `active` method.
* To ignore `attrs` just leave the attrs object empty or undefined.
* @param props - see [[`GetActiveAttrsProps`]]
declare function isNodeActive(props: GetActiveAttrsProps): boolean;
interface GetActiveAttrsProps extends NodeTypeProps, Partial<AttributesProps> {
* State or transaction parameter.
state: EditorState$1 | Transaction;
* Get node of a provided type with the provided attributes if it exists as a
* parent. Returns positional data for the node that was found.
declare function getActiveNode(props: GetActiveAttrsProps): FindProsemirrorNodeResult | undefined;
* The ProseMirror `Schema` as a JSON object.
interface SchemaJSON<Nodes extends string = string, Marks extends string = string> {
* The nodes of the schema.
nodes: Record<Nodes, NodeSpec>;
* The marks within the schema.
marks: Record<Marks, MarkSpec>;
* Converts a `schema` to a JSON compatible object.
declare function schemaToJSON<Nodes extends string = string, Marks extends string = string>(schema: EditorSchema): SchemaJSON<Nodes, Marks>;
* Chains together keybindings, allowing for the same key binding to be used
* across multiple extensions without overriding behavior.
* @remarks
* When `next` is called it hands over full control of the keybindings to the
* function that invokes it.
declare function chainKeyBindingCommands(...commands: KeyBindingCommandFunction[]): KeyBindingCommandFunction;
* This merges an array of keybindings into one keybinding with the priority
* given to the items earlier in the array. `index: 0` has priority over `index:
* 1` which has priority over `index: 2` and so on.
* This is for use on remirror keybindings. See `mergeProsemirrorKeyBindings`
* for transforming the methods into `ProsemirrorCommandFunction`'s.
declare function mergeKeyBindings(extensionKeymaps: KeyBindings[]): KeyBindings;
* This merges an array of keybindings into one keybinding with the priority
* given to the items earlier in the array. `index: 0` has priority over `index:
* 1` which has priority over `index: 2` and so on.
* This supports the [[ProsemirrorCommandFunction]] type signature where the
* `state`, `dispatch` and `view` are passed as separate arguments.
declare function mergeProsemirrorKeyBindings(extensionKeymaps: KeyBindings[]): ProsemirrorKeyBindings;
* Determines if a Node or Mark contains the given attributes in its attributes set
* @param nodeOrMark - The Node or Mark to check
* @param attrs - The set of attributes it must contain
declare function containsAttributes(nodeOrMark: ProsemirrorNode | Mark$1, attrs: ProsemirrorAttributes): boolean;
export { CreateDocumentNodeProps, CustomDocumentProps, DOM_SIZE_UNITS, DefaultDocNodeOptions, DomSizeUnit, FindProsemirrorNodeResult, FragmentStringHandlerOptions, GetMarkRange, InvalidContentBlock, InvalidContentHandler, InvalidContentHandlerProps, NamedStringHandlers, NodeStringHandlerOptions, NodeWithPosition, ParsedDomSize, RemoveMarkProps, ReplaceTextProps, SchemaJSON, ShouldSkipFunction, ShouldSkipProps, SkippableInputRule, StringHandler, StringHandlerOptions, StringHandlerProps, ToggleBlockItemProps, UpdateMarkProps, applyClonedTransaction, areSchemasCompatible, areStatesEqual, atDocEnd, atDocStart, canInsertNode, chainKeyBindingCommands, cloneTransaction, composeTransactionSteps, containsAttributes, containsNodesOfType, convertPixelsToDomUnit, createDocumentNode, endPositionOfParent, environment, extractPixelSize, findBlockNodes, findChildren, findChildrenByAttribute, findChildrenByMark, findChildrenByNode, findElementAtPosition, findInlineNodes, findNodeAtPosition, findNodeAtSelection, findParentNode, findParentNodeOfType, findPositionOfNodeAfter, findPositionOfNodeBefore, findSelectedNodeOfType, findTextNodes, getActiveNode, getChangedNodeRanges, getChangedNodes, getChangedRanges, getCursor, getDefaultBlockNode, getDefaultDocNode, getDocRange, getDocument, getFontSize, getInvalidContent, getMarkAttributes, getMarkRange, getMarkRanges, getMarkType, getMatchString, getNodeType, getRemirrorJSON, getSelectedGroup, getSelectedWord, getShortcutSymbols, getStyle, getTextContentFromSlice, getTextSelection, hasTransactionChanged, htmlToProsemirrorNode, isAllSelection, isChrome, isDefaultBlockNode, isDefaultDocNode, isDocNode, isDocNodeEmpty, isDomNode, isEditorSchema, isEditorState, isElementDomNode, isEmptyBlockNode, isEndOfTextBlock, isIdentifierOfType, isMarkActive, isMarkType, isNodeActive, isNodeOfType, isNodeSelection, isNodeType, isProsemirrorFragment, isProsemirrorMark, isProsemirrorNode, isRemirrorJSON, isRemirrorType, isResolvedPos, isSafari, isSelection, isSelectionEmpty, isStartOfDoc, isStartOfTextBlock, isTextDomNode, isTextSelection, isTransaction, joinStyles, lift, markEqualsType, markInputRule, mergeDOMRects, mergeKeyBindings, mergeProsemirrorKeyBindings, nodeInputRule, omitExtraAttributes, parseSizeUnit, plainInputRule, preserveSelection, prosemirrorNodeToDom, prosemirrorNodeToHtml, rangeHasMark, removeMark, removeNodeAfter, removeNodeAtPosition, removeNodeBefore, replaceNodeAtPosition, replaceText, schemaToJSON, setBlockType, setStyle, shouldUseDomEnvironment, startPositionOfParent, textBetween, toggleBlockItem, toggleWrap, updateMark, wrapIn };
export { updateMark } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { lift } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { wrapIn } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { toggleWrap } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { setBlockType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { toggleBlockItem } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isChrome } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isSafari } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { preserveSelection } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { replaceText } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { removeMark } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { UpdateMarkProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { ToggleBlockItemProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { ReplaceTextProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { RemoveMarkProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isRemirrorType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isIdentifierOfType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isNodeType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getNodeType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isMarkType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getMarkType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isProsemirrorNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isProsemirrorFragment } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isProsemirrorMark } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isEditorState } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isTransaction } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isEditorSchema } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isTextSelection } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isAllSelection } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isSelection } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isResolvedPos } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { rangeHasMark } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isNodeSelection } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isMarkActive } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { canInsertNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isDocNodeEmpty } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isDefaultDocNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { prosemirrorNodeEquals } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getDefaultDocNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getDefaultBlockNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isDefaultBlockNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isEmptyBlockNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getMarkAttributes } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getMarkRange } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getMarkRanges } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getChangedRanges } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getChangedNodeRanges } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getTextContentFromSlice } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getSelectedGroup } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getSelectedWord } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getMatchString } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { atDocEnd } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { atDocStart } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { startPositionOfParent } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { endPositionOfParent } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getCursor } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isDocNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isRemirrorJSON } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isAnchorHeadObject } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getTextSelection } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { createDocumentNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { shouldUseDomEnvironment } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getDocument } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { maybeGetWindowFromDocument } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { maybeGetWindowFromElement } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getWindowFromDocument } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getWindowFromElement } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { prosemirrorNodeToDom } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { prosemirrorNodeToHtml } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { htmlToProsemirrorNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getRemirrorJSON } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { areStatesEqual } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { areSchemasCompatible } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { omitExtraAttributes } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { joinStyles } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { textBetween } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getDocRange } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getInvalidContent } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isEndOfTextBlock } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isStartOfTextBlock } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isStartOfDoc } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { DefaultDocNodeOptions } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { GetMarkRange } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { ChangedRange } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { GetSelectedGroup } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { NamedStringHandlers } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { HandlersProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { CreateDocumentNodeProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { StringHandler } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { StringHandlerProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { CustomDocumentProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { BaseStringHandlerOptions } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { FragmentStringHandlerOptions } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { NodeStringHandlerOptions } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { StringHandlerOptions } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { InvalidContentBlock } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { InvalidContentHandlerProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { InvalidContentHandler } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getStyle } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { setStyle } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { parseSizeUnit } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getFontSize } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { extractPixelSize } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { convertPixelsToDomUnit } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isDomNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isElementDomNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isTextDomNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { mergeDOMRects } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { DOM_SIZE_UNITS } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { DomSizeUnit } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { ParsedDomSize } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { environment } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { NodeWithPosition } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { containsNodesOfType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findBlockNodes } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findChildren } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findChildrenByAttribute } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findChildrenByMark } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findChildrenByNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findInlineNodes } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findTextNodes } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getChangedNodes } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { ShouldSkipFunction } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { ShouldSkipProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { SkippableInputRule } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { markInputRule } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { nodeInputRule } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { plainInputRule } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { FindProsemirrorNodeResult } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { SchemaJSON } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { applyClonedTransaction } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { chainKeyBindingCommands } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { cloneTransaction } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { composeTransactionSteps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { containsAttributes } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findElementAtPosition } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findNodeAtPosition } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findNodeAtSelection } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findParentNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findParentNodeOfType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findPositionOfNodeAfter } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findPositionOfNodeBefore } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { findSelectedNodeOfType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getActiveNode } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { hasTransactionChanged } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isNodeActive } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isNodeOfType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { isSelectionEmpty } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { markEqualsType } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { mergeKeyBindings } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { mergeProsemirrorKeyBindings } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { removeNodeAfter } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { removeNodeAtPosition } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { removeNodeBefore } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { replaceNodeAtPosition } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { schemaToJSON } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { chainableEditorState } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { chainCommands } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { convertCommand } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { nonChainable } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { getShortcutSymbols } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { BeforeDispatchProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { BaseInputRuleProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { NodeInputRuleProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { PlainInputRuleProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
export { UpdateCaptureTextProps } from './_tsup-dts-rollup';
"name": "@remirror/core-utils",
"version": "2.0.13",
"version": "3.0.0-beta.0",
"description": "Core utilities for dealing with the dom and prosemirror within remirror",

@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ "homepage": "",

"@babel/runtime": "^7.22.3",
"@remirror/core-constants": "^2.0.2",
"@remirror/core-helpers": "^3.0.0",
"@remirror/core-types": "^2.0.5",
"@remirror/messages": "^2.0.6",
"@remirror/core-constants": "3.0.0-beta.0",
"@remirror/core-helpers": "4.0.0-beta.0",
"@remirror/core-types": "3.0.0-beta.0",
"@remirror/messages": "3.0.0-beta.0",
"@types/min-document": "^2.19.0",

@@ -46,3 +46,4 @@ "css-in-js-utils": "^3.1.0",

"devDependencies": {
"@remirror/pm": "^2.0.7",
"@remirror/cli": "1.0.1",
"@remirror/pm": "3.0.0-beta.0",
"@types/jsdom": "^16.2.15",

@@ -53,3 +54,3 @@ "@types/node": "^16.18.34",

"peerDependencies": {
"@remirror/pm": "^2.0.7",
"@remirror/pm": "^3.0.0-beta.0",
"@types/node": "*"

@@ -67,3 +68,6 @@ },

"sizeLimit": "25 KB"
"scripts": {
"build": "remirror-cli build"

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