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@remirror/icons - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-pr920.1 to 0.0.0-pr922.1




@@ -159,2 +159,12 @@ /** THIS FILE IS AUTO GENERATED */

* The icon for `delete-bin-fill.svg` created by [RemixIcons](
* ![Delete Bin Fill](
export declare const deleteBinFill: IconTree[];
* The icon for `delete-bin-line.svg` created by [RemixIcons](
* ![Delete Bin Line](
export declare const deleteBinLine: IconTree[];
* The icon for `delete-column.svg` created by [RemixIcons](

@@ -525,2 +535,12 @@ * ![Delete Column](

* The icon for `pencil-fill.svg` created by [RemixIcons](
* ![Pencil Fill](
export declare const pencilFill: IconTree[];
* The icon for `pencil-line.svg` created by [RemixIcons](
* ![Pencil Line](
export declare const pencilLine: IconTree[];
* The icon for `pinyin-input.svg` created by [RemixIcons](

@@ -527,0 +547,0 @@ * ![Pinyin Input](



@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

var coreIcons = require('./core-icons-5299f481.browser.cjs.js');
var coreIcons = require('./core-icons-7b08e3cf.browser.cjs.js');

@@ -41,2 +41,4 @@

exports.codeView = coreIcons.codeView;
exports.deleteBinFill = coreIcons.deleteBinFill;
exports.deleteBinLine = coreIcons.deleteBinLine;
exports.deleteColumn = coreIcons.deleteColumn;

@@ -115,2 +117,4 @@ exports.deleteRow = coreIcons.deleteRow;

exports.paragraph = coreIcons.paragraph;
exports.pencilFill = coreIcons.pencilFill;
exports.pencilLine = coreIcons.pencilLine;
exports.pinyinInput = coreIcons.pinyinInput;

@@ -117,0 +121,0 @@ exports.questionMark = coreIcons.questionMark;



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

export { a as ab, b as addLine, c as alertLine, d as alignBottom, e as alignCenter, f as alignJustify, g as alignLeft, h as alignRight, i as alignTop, j as alignVertically, k as appsLine, l as arrowDownSFill, m as arrowGoBackFill, n as arrowGoForwardFill, o as arrowLeftSFill, p as arrowRightSFill, q as arrowUpSFill, r as asterisk, s as attachment2, t as bold, u as bracesLine, v as bringForward, w as bringToFront, x as chatNewLine, y as checkboxCircleLine, z as clipboardFill, A as clipboardLine, B as closeCircleLine, C as closeLine, D as codeLine, E as codeView, F as deleteColumn, G as deleteRow, H as doubleQuotesL, I as doubleQuotesR, J as download2Fill, K as dragDropLine, M as emphasis, L as emphasisCn, N as englishInput, O as errorWarningLine, P as externalLinkFill, Q as fileCopyLine, R as flowChart, S as fontColor, U as fontSize, T as fontSize2, V as formatClear, W as fullscreenExitLine, X as fullscreenLine, Y as functions, Z as galleryUploadLine, _ as h1, $ as h2, a0 as h3, a1 as h4, a2 as h5, a3 as h6, a4 as hashtag, a5 as heading, a6 as imageAddLine, a7 as imageEditLine, a8 as imageLine, a9 as indentDecrease, aa as indentIncrease, ab as informationLine, ac as inputCursorMove, ad as insertColumnLeft, ae as insertColumnRight, af as insertRowBottom, ag as insertRowTop, ah as italic, ai as layoutColumnLine, aj as lineHeight, an as link, ak as linkM, am as linkUnlink, al as linkUnlinkM, ap as listCheck, ao as listCheck2, aq as listOrdered, ar as listUnordered, as as markPenLine, at as markdownFill, au as markdownLine, av as mergeCellsHorizontal, aw as mergeCellsVertical, ax as mindMap, ay as moreFill, az as nodeTree, aA as number0, aB as number1, aC as number2, aD as number3, aE as number4, aF as number5, aG as number6, aH as number7, aI as number8, aJ as number9, aK as omega, aL as organizationChart, aM as pageSeparator, aN as paragraph, aO as pinyinInput, aP as questionMark, aQ as roundedCorner, aR as scissorsFill, aS as sendBackward, aT as sendToBack, aU as separator, aV as singleQuotesL, aW as singleQuotesR, aX as sortAsc, aY as sortDesc, aZ as space, a_ as spamLine, a$ as splitCellsHorizontal, b0 as splitCellsVertical, b2 as strikethrough, b1 as strikethrough2, b4 as subscript, b3 as subscript2, b5 as subtractLine, b7 as superscript, b6 as superscript2, b8 as table2, b9 as tableLine, be as text, ba as textDirectionL, bb as textDirectionR, bc as textSpacing, bd as textWrap, bg as translate, bf as translate2, bh as underline, bi as upload2Fill, bj as videoLine, bk as wubiInput } from './core-icons-f4cae85d.browser.esm.js';
export { a as ab, b as addLine, c as alertLine, d as alignBottom, e as alignCenter, f as alignJustify, g as alignLeft, h as alignRight, i as alignTop, j as alignVertically, k as appsLine, l as arrowDownSFill, m as arrowGoBackFill, n as arrowGoForwardFill, o as arrowLeftSFill, p as arrowRightSFill, q as arrowUpSFill, r as asterisk, s as attachment2, t as bold, u as bracesLine, v as bringForward, w as bringToFront, x as chatNewLine, y as checkboxCircleLine, z as clipboardFill, A as clipboardLine, B as closeCircleLine, C as closeLine, D as codeLine, E as codeView, F as deleteBinFill, G as deleteBinLine, H as deleteColumn, I as deleteRow, J as doubleQuotesL, K as doubleQuotesR, L as download2Fill, M as dragDropLine, O as emphasis, N as emphasisCn, P as englishInput, Q as errorWarningLine, R as externalLinkFill, S as fileCopyLine, T as flowChart, U as fontColor, W as fontSize, V as fontSize2, X as formatClear, Y as fullscreenExitLine, Z as fullscreenLine, _ as functions, $ as galleryUploadLine, a0 as h1, a1 as h2, a2 as h3, a3 as h4, a4 as h5, a5 as h6, a6 as hashtag, a7 as heading, a8 as imageAddLine, a9 as imageEditLine, aa as imageLine, ab as indentDecrease, ac as indentIncrease, ad as informationLine, ae as inputCursorMove, af as insertColumnLeft, ag as insertColumnRight, ah as insertRowBottom, ai as insertRowTop, aj as italic, ak as layoutColumnLine, al as lineHeight, ap as link, am as linkM, ao as linkUnlink, an as linkUnlinkM, ar as listCheck, aq as listCheck2, as as listOrdered, at as listUnordered, au as markPenLine, av as markdownFill, aw as markdownLine, ax as mergeCellsHorizontal, ay as mergeCellsVertical, az as mindMap, aA as moreFill, aB as nodeTree, aC as number0, aD as number1, aE as number2, aF as number3, aG as number4, aH as number5, aI as number6, aJ as number7, aK as number8, aL as number9, aM as omega, aN as organizationChart, aO as pageSeparator, aP as paragraph, aQ as pencilFill, aR as pencilLine, aS as pinyinInput, aT as questionMark, aU as roundedCorner, aV as scissorsFill, aW as sendBackward, aX as sendToBack, aY as separator, aZ as singleQuotesL, a_ as singleQuotesR, a$ as sortAsc, b0 as sortDesc, b1 as space, b2 as spamLine, b3 as splitCellsHorizontal, b4 as splitCellsVertical, b6 as strikethrough, b5 as strikethrough2, b8 as subscript, b7 as subscript2, b9 as subtractLine, bb as superscript, ba as superscript2, bc as table2, bd as tableLine, bi as text, be as textDirectionL, bf as textDirectionR, bg as textSpacing, bh as textWrap, bk as translate, bj as translate2, bl as underline, bm as upload2Fill, bn as videoLine, bo as wubiInput } from './core-icons-066cf40b.browser.esm.js';

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

var coreIcons = require('./');
var coreIcons = require('./');

@@ -41,2 +41,4 @@

exports.codeView = coreIcons.codeView;
exports.deleteBinFill = coreIcons.deleteBinFill;
exports.deleteBinLine = coreIcons.deleteBinLine;
exports.deleteColumn = coreIcons.deleteColumn;

@@ -115,2 +117,4 @@ exports.deleteRow = coreIcons.deleteRow;

exports.paragraph = coreIcons.paragraph;
exports.pencilFill = coreIcons.pencilFill;
exports.pencilLine = coreIcons.pencilLine;
exports.pinyinInput = coreIcons.pinyinInput;

@@ -117,0 +121,0 @@ exports.questionMark = coreIcons.questionMark;

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

var coreIcons = require('./');
var coreIcons = require('./');

@@ -41,2 +41,4 @@

exports.codeView = coreIcons.codeView;
exports.deleteBinFill = coreIcons.deleteBinFill;
exports.deleteBinLine = coreIcons.deleteBinLine;
exports.deleteColumn = coreIcons.deleteColumn;

@@ -115,2 +117,4 @@ exports.deleteRow = coreIcons.deleteRow;

exports.paragraph = coreIcons.paragraph;
exports.pencilFill = coreIcons.pencilFill;
exports.pencilLine = coreIcons.pencilLine;
exports.pinyinInput = coreIcons.pinyinInput;

@@ -117,0 +121,0 @@ exports.questionMark = coreIcons.questionMark;

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

export { a as ab, b as addLine, c as alertLine, d as alignBottom, e as alignCenter, f as alignJustify, g as alignLeft, h as alignRight, i as alignTop, j as alignVertically, k as appsLine, l as arrowDownSFill, m as arrowGoBackFill, n as arrowGoForwardFill, o as arrowLeftSFill, p as arrowRightSFill, q as arrowUpSFill, r as asterisk, s as attachment2, t as bold, u as bracesLine, v as bringForward, w as bringToFront, x as chatNewLine, y as checkboxCircleLine, z as clipboardFill, A as clipboardLine, B as closeCircleLine, C as closeLine, D as codeLine, E as codeView, F as deleteColumn, G as deleteRow, H as doubleQuotesL, I as doubleQuotesR, J as download2Fill, K as dragDropLine, M as emphasis, L as emphasisCn, N as englishInput, O as errorWarningLine, P as externalLinkFill, Q as fileCopyLine, R as flowChart, S as fontColor, U as fontSize, T as fontSize2, V as formatClear, W as fullscreenExitLine, X as fullscreenLine, Y as functions, Z as galleryUploadLine, _ as h1, $ as h2, a0 as h3, a1 as h4, a2 as h5, a3 as h6, a4 as hashtag, a5 as heading, a6 as imageAddLine, a7 as imageEditLine, a8 as imageLine, a9 as indentDecrease, aa as indentIncrease, ab as informationLine, ac as inputCursorMove, ad as insertColumnLeft, ae as insertColumnRight, af as insertRowBottom, ag as insertRowTop, ah as italic, ai as layoutColumnLine, aj as lineHeight, an as link, ak as linkM, am as linkUnlink, al as linkUnlinkM, ap as listCheck, ao as listCheck2, aq as listOrdered, ar as listUnordered, as as markPenLine, at as markdownFill, au as markdownLine, av as mergeCellsHorizontal, aw as mergeCellsVertical, ax as mindMap, ay as moreFill, az as nodeTree, aA as number0, aB as number1, aC as number2, aD as number3, aE as number4, aF as number5, aG as number6, aH as number7, aI as number8, aJ as number9, aK as omega, aL as organizationChart, aM as pageSeparator, aN as paragraph, aO as pinyinInput, aP as questionMark, aQ as roundedCorner, aR as scissorsFill, aS as sendBackward, aT as sendToBack, aU as separator, aV as singleQuotesL, aW as singleQuotesR, aX as sortAsc, aY as sortDesc, aZ as space, a_ as spamLine, a$ as splitCellsHorizontal, b0 as splitCellsVertical, b2 as strikethrough, b1 as strikethrough2, b4 as subscript, b3 as subscript2, b5 as subtractLine, b7 as superscript, b6 as superscript2, b8 as table2, b9 as tableLine, be as text, ba as textDirectionL, bb as textDirectionR, bc as textSpacing, bd as textWrap, bg as translate, bf as translate2, bh as underline, bi as upload2Fill, bj as videoLine, bk as wubiInput } from './core-icons-2dab475b.esm.js';
export { a as ab, b as addLine, c as alertLine, d as alignBottom, e as alignCenter, f as alignJustify, g as alignLeft, h as alignRight, i as alignTop, j as alignVertically, k as appsLine, l as arrowDownSFill, m as arrowGoBackFill, n as arrowGoForwardFill, o as arrowLeftSFill, p as arrowRightSFill, q as arrowUpSFill, r as asterisk, s as attachment2, t as bold, u as bracesLine, v as bringForward, w as bringToFront, x as chatNewLine, y as checkboxCircleLine, z as clipboardFill, A as clipboardLine, B as closeCircleLine, C as closeLine, D as codeLine, E as codeView, F as deleteBinFill, G as deleteBinLine, H as deleteColumn, I as deleteRow, J as doubleQuotesL, K as doubleQuotesR, L as download2Fill, M as dragDropLine, O as emphasis, N as emphasisCn, P as englishInput, Q as errorWarningLine, R as externalLinkFill, S as fileCopyLine, T as flowChart, U as fontColor, W as fontSize, V as fontSize2, X as formatClear, Y as fullscreenExitLine, Z as fullscreenLine, _ as functions, $ as galleryUploadLine, a0 as h1, a1 as h2, a2 as h3, a3 as h4, a4 as h5, a5 as h6, a6 as hashtag, a7 as heading, a8 as imageAddLine, a9 as imageEditLine, aa as imageLine, ab as indentDecrease, ac as indentIncrease, ad as informationLine, ae as inputCursorMove, af as insertColumnLeft, ag as insertColumnRight, ah as insertRowBottom, ai as insertRowTop, aj as italic, ak as layoutColumnLine, al as lineHeight, ap as link, am as linkM, ao as linkUnlink, an as linkUnlinkM, ar as listCheck, aq as listCheck2, as as listOrdered, at as listUnordered, au as markPenLine, av as markdownFill, aw as markdownLine, ax as mergeCellsHorizontal, ay as mergeCellsVertical, az as mindMap, aA as moreFill, aB as nodeTree, aC as number0, aD as number1, aE as number2, aF as number3, aG as number4, aH as number5, aI as number6, aJ as number7, aK as number8, aL as number9, aM as omega, aN as organizationChart, aO as pageSeparator, aP as paragraph, aQ as pencilFill, aR as pencilLine, aS as pinyinInput, aT as questionMark, aU as roundedCorner, aV as scissorsFill, aW as sendBackward, aX as sendToBack, aY as separator, aZ as singleQuotesL, a_ as singleQuotesR, a$ as sortAsc, b0 as sortDesc, b1 as space, b2 as spamLine, b3 as splitCellsHorizontal, b4 as splitCellsVertical, b6 as strikethrough, b5 as strikethrough2, b8 as subscript, b7 as subscript2, b9 as subtractLine, bb as superscript, ba as superscript2, bc as table2, bd as tableLine, bi as text, be as textDirectionL, bf as textDirectionR, bg as textSpacing, bh as textWrap, bk as translate, bj as translate2, bl as underline, bm as upload2Fill, bn as videoLine, bo as wubiInput } from './core-icons-04924b5e.esm.js';
"name": "@remirror/icons",
"version": "0.0.0-pr920.1",
"version": "0.0.0-pr922.1",
"description": "RemixIcons for use in your remirror editor.",

@@ -45,3 +45,3 @@ "keywords": [

"@babel/runtime": "^7.13.10",
"@remirror/core-helpers": "0.0.0-pr920.1"
"@remirror/core-helpers": "0.0.0-pr922.1"

@@ -48,0 +48,0 @@ "publishConfig": {

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Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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