jQuery UI Timepicker by François Gélinas
npm install @renekorss/jquery-timepicker
This is a jQuery UI time picker plugin build to match with other official jQuery UI widgets.
Based on the existing date picker, it will blend nicely with your form and use your selected jQuery UI theme.
The plugin is very easy to integrate in your form for you time (hours / minutes) inputs.
I built this plugin because I could not find a plugin that did what I needed.
Examples are available on the main page at http://fgelinas.com/code/timepicker
Most option parameters are documented at http://fgelinas.com/code/timepicker/#usage
Work with jQuery 1.5.1 and more, also require jQuery UI core.
There is a legacy version of the plugin made to work with older jQuery 1.2.6 and UI 1.6 at http://fgelinas.com/code/timepicker/#get_timepicker
The plugin is licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses.
Other Stuff
There is a jsFiddle page here with basic implementation for testing.