This script takes the output of aws lambda get-function-configuration
and returns an updated environment configuration string with added version, deployTime and node environment from environment variables.
Given this is the configuration for your lambda:
"FunctionName": "myLambdaFunction",
"Environment": {
"Variables": {
"FOO": "BAR"
If called like this:
$ VERSION=1.2.3
$ DEPLOY_TIME=1234567890
$ NODE_ENV=production
$ VARS=`aws lambda get-function-configuration \
--function-name myLambdaFunction \
| ./node_modules/.bin/update-lambda-environment-config`
it sets $VARS
to this
which can be used for updating it via aws lambda update-function-configuration
aws lambda update-function-configuration \
--function-name "myLambdaFunction" \
--environment "Variables={$(VARS)}"
See it in action here.