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@rest-hooks/normalizr - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.0.0-beta.2 to 4.0.0-beta.3


declare namespace schema {
export type StrategyFunction<T> = (value: any, parent: any, key: string) => T;
export type SchemaFunction = (value: any, parent: any, key: string) => string;
export type SchemaFunction<K = string> = (value: any, parent: any, key: string) => K;
export type MergeFunction = (entityA: any, entityB: any) => any;
export type SchemaAttributeFunction<S extends Schema> = (value: any, parent: any, key: string) => S;
export type EntityMap<T = any> = { [key: string]: Entity<T> };
export type UnvisitFunction = (input: any, schema: any) => [any, boolean];
export type UnionResult<Choices extends EntityMap> = {
id: ReturnType<Choices[keyof Choices]['getId']>;
schema: keyof Choices;
export class Array<T = any> {
constructor(definition: Schema<T>, schemaAttribute?: string | SchemaFunction);
export interface SchemaClass {
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<any, any>;
// this is not an actual member, but is needed for the recursive NormalizeNullable<> type algo
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<any, any>;
denormalize(input: any, unvisit: UnvisitFunction): [any, boolean];
// this is not an actual member, but is needed for the recursive DenormalizeNullable<> type algo
_denormalizeNullable(input: any, unvisit: UnvisitFunction): [any, boolean];
export class Array<S extends Schema = Schema> implements SchemaClass {
constructor(definition: S, schemaAttribute?: string | SchemaFunction);
define(definition: Schema): void;
readonly schema: S;
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<any, Normalize<S>[]>;
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<any, Normalize<S>[] | undefined>;
denormalize(input: any, unvisit: UnvisitFunction): [Denormalize<S>[], boolean];
_denormalizeNullable(input: any, unvisit: UnvisitFunction): [Denormalize<S>[] | undefined, false];
export interface EntityOptions<T = any> {
idAttribute?: string | SchemaFunction;
export interface EntityOptions<T = any, ID = string> {
idAttribute?: string | SchemaFunction<ID>;
mergeStrategy?: MergeFunction;

@@ -17,51 +66,214 @@ processStrategy?: StrategyFunction<T>;

export class Entity<T = any> {
constructor(key: string | symbol, definition?: Schema, options?: EntityOptions<T>);
export class Entity<T = any, K extends string | symbol = string> implements SchemaClass {
constructor(key: K, definition?: Schema, options?: EntityOptions<T, string>);
define(definition: Schema): void;
key: string;
readonly key: K;
getId: SchemaFunction;
_processStrategy: StrategyFunction<T>;
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<any, string>; // string is the ReturnType of 'getId'
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<any, string | undefined>; // string is the ReturnType of 'getId'
denormalize(input: any, unvisit: UnvisitFunction): [T, boolean];
_denormalizeNullable(input: any, unvisit: UnvisitFunction): [T | undefined, boolean];
export class Object<T = any> {
constructor(definition: { [key: string]: Schema<T> });
export class Object<O extends { [key: string]: any } = { [key: string]: Schema }> implements SchemaClass {
constructor(definition: O);
define(definition: Schema): void;
readonly schema: O;
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<any, NormalizeObject<O>>;
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<any, NormalizedNullableObject<O>>;
denormalize(input: any, unvisit: UnvisitFunction): [DenormalizeObject<O>, boolean];
_denormalizeNullable(input: any, unvisit: UnvisitFunction): [DenormalizeNullableObject<O>, false];
export class Union<T = any> {
constructor(definition: Schema<T>, schemaAttribute?: string | SchemaFunction);
export class Union<Choices extends EntityMap = any> implements SchemaClass {
definition: Choices,
| (Choices[keyof Choices] extends Entity<infer T> ? keyof T : never)
| SchemaFunction<keyof Choices>
define(definition: Schema): void;
inferSchema: SchemaAttributeFunction<Choices[keyof Choices]>;
getSchemaAttribute: SchemaFunction<keyof Choices>;
readonly schema: Choices;
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<any, UnionResult<Choices>>;
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<any, UnionResult<Choices> | undefined>;
input: any,
unvisit: UnvisitFunction
): [Choices[keyof Choices] extends Entity<infer T> ? T : never, boolean];
input: any,
unvisit: UnvisitFunction
): [Choices[keyof Choices] extends Entity<infer T> ? T | undefined : never, false];
export class Values<T = any> {
constructor(definition: Schema<T>, schemaAttribute?: string | SchemaFunction);
export class Values<Choices extends Schema = any> implements SchemaClass {
definition: Choices,
schemaAttribute?: Choices extends EntityMap<infer T> ? keyof T | SchemaFunction<keyof Choices> : undefined
define(definition: Schema): void;
readonly isSingleSchema: Choices extends EntityMap ? false : true;
inferSchema: SchemaAttributeFunction<Choices extends EntityMap ? Choices[keyof Choices] : Choices>;
getSchemaAttribute: Choices extends EntityMap ? SchemaFunction<keyof Choices> : false;
readonly schema: Choices;
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<any, Record<string, Choices extends EntityMap ? UnionResult<Choices> : Normalize<Choices>>>;
input: any,
parent: any,
key: any,
visit: Function,
addEntity: Function,
visitedEntities: { [key: string]: any }
): NormalizedSchema<
Record<string, Choices extends EntityMap ? UnionResult<Choices> : NormalizeNullable<Choices>> | undefined
input: any,
unvisit: UnvisitFunction
): [Record<string, Choices extends EntityMap<infer T> ? T : Denormalize<Choices>>, boolean];
input: any,
unvisit: UnvisitFunction
): [Record<string, Choices extends EntityMap<infer T> ? T | undefined : DenormalizeNullable<Choices>>, false];
interface SimpleObject {
[key: string]: SimpleObject | string | number | boolean | void;
type DenormalizeObject<S extends { [key: string]: any }> = {
[K in keyof S]: S[K] extends Schema ? Denormalize<S[K]> : S[K];
export type Schema<T = any> =
| schema.Entity<T>
| schema.Object<T>
| schema.Union<T>
| schema.Values<T>
| SchemaObject<T>
| SchemaArray<T>;
type DenormalizeNullableObject<S extends { [key: string]: any }> = {
[K in keyof S]: S[K] extends Schema ? DenormalizeNullable<S[K]> : S[K];
export interface SchemaObject<T> {
[key: string]: Schema<T> | string | number | boolean | void | SimpleObject;
type NormalizeObject<S extends { [key: string]: any }> = {
[K in keyof S]: S[K] extends Schema ? Normalize<S[K]> : S[K];
export interface SchemaArray<T> extends Array<Schema<T>> {}
type NormalizedNullableObject<S extends { [key: string]: any }> = {
[K in keyof S]: S[K] extends Schema ? NormalizeNullable<S[K]> : S[K];
export type DenormalizeReturnType<T> = T extends (input: any, unvisit: any) => [infer R, any] ? R : never;
export type NormalizeReturnType<T> = T extends (...args: any) => NormalizedSchema<any, infer R> ? R : never;
// interfaces prevent infinite recursion since they eval lazily
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface DenormalizeA<F> extends Array<Denormalize<F>> {}
export type Denormalize<S> = S extends schema.SchemaClass
? DenormalizeReturnType<S['denormalize']>
: S extends Array<infer F>
? DenormalizeA<F>
: S extends { [K: string]: any }
? DenormalizeObject<S>
: S;
// interfaces prevent infinite recursion since they eval lazily
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface DenormalizeNullableA<F> extends Array<DenormalizeNullable<F>> {}
export type DenormalizeNullable<S> = S extends schema.SchemaClass
? DenormalizeReturnType<S['_denormalizeNullable']>
: S extends Array<infer F>
? DenormalizeA<F> | undefined
: S extends { [K: string]: any }
? DenormalizeNullableObject<S>
: S;
// interfaces prevent infinite recursion since they eval lazily
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface NormalizeA<F> extends Array<Normalize<F>> {}
export type Normalize<S> = S extends schema.SchemaClass
? NormalizeReturnType<S['normalize']>
: S extends Array<infer F>
? NormalizeA<F>
: S extends { [K: string]: any }
? NormalizeObject<S>
: S;
// interfaces prevent infinite recursion since they eval lazily
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface NormalizeNullableA<F> extends Array<NormalizeNullable<F>> {}
export type NormalizeNullable<S> = S extends schema.SchemaClass
? NormalizeReturnType<S['_normalizeNullable']>
: S extends Array<infer F>
? NormalizeA<F> | undefined
: S extends { [K: string]: any }
? NormalizedNullableObject<S>
: S;
// interfaces prevent infinite recursion since they eval lazily
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface SchemaArray extends Array<Schema> {}
export type Schema = { [K: string]: any } | SchemaArray | schema.SchemaClass;
export type NormalizedSchema<E, R> = { entities: E; result: R };
export function normalize<T = any, E = { [key: string]: { [key: string]: T } }, R = any>(
data: any,
schema: Schema<T>
): NormalizedSchema<E, R>;
export function normalize<
S extends Schema = Schema,
E extends { [key: string]: { [key: string]: any } } = { [key: string]: { [key: string]: any } },
R = NormalizeNullable<S>
>(data: any, schema: S): NormalizedSchema<E, R>;
export function denormalize(input: any, schema: Schema, entities: any): [any, boolean];
export function denormalize<S extends Schema>(
input: any,
schema: S,
entities: any
): [Denormalize<S>, true] | [DenormalizeNullable<S>, false];


"name": "@rest-hooks/normalizr",
"version": "4.0.0-beta.2",
"version": "4.0.0-beta.3",
"description": "Normalizes and denormalizes JSON according to schema for Redux and Flux applications",

@@ -48,3 +48,3 @@ "bugs": {

"tsc:ci": "tsc --noEmit typescript-tests/*",
"typecheck": "run-p flow:ci tsc:ci"
"typecheck": "run-p tsc:ci"

@@ -87,3 +87,3 @@ "author": "Nathaniel Tucker",

"rollup-plugin-terser": "^5.0.0",
"typescript": "^3.4.5"
"typescript": "^3.6.4"

@@ -90,0 +90,0 @@ "dependencies": {

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