fs | createDirectory(p) | Create a directory, and all missing parent directories. |
fs | findFirstFileExists(rootDir, ...relativeFiles) | Combine the root directory with each relative file, testing whether or not the file exists. Stop and return as soon as a file is found. |
fs | isDirectory(p) | Determine if the target path refers to a directory. |
fs | isFile(p) | Determine if the target path refers to a file. |
fs | statSync(p) | Get stats (detailed information) for the target path. |
module | getPackageModuleRefFromModulePath(modulePath) | Convert a module path to a package module reference. |
module | isFileModuleRef(r) | Is the module reference relative to a file location? |
module | isPackageModuleRef(r) | Is the module reference a package module reference? |
module | parseModuleRef(r) | Parse a module reference into either a package module reference or a file module reference. |
package | findPackage(startDir) | Find the nearest package.json manifest file. Search upward through all parent directories. |
package | findPackageDependencyDir(ref, options) | Find the package dependency's directory, starting from the given directory and moving outward, through all parent directories. |
package | findPackageDir(startDir) | Find the parent directory of the nearest package.json manifest file. Search upward through all parent directories. |
package | getMangledPackageName(ref) | Get the mangled name for a package reference. |
package | isPackageManifest(manifest) | Determine if the given object is a package.json manifest. |
package | parsePackageRef(r) | Parse a package reference string. An example reference is the name property found in package.json . |
package | readPackage(pkgPath) | Read a package.json manifest from a file. |
package | writePackage(pkgPath, manifest, space) | Write a package.json manifest to a file. |
path | escapePath(p) | Escape a path by replacing each backslash ('\') with a double-backslash ("\\"). |
path | normalizePath(p) | Normalize the separators in a path, converting each backslash ('\') to a foreward slash ('/'). |