Rupt SDK (core)
The Rupt Core SDK is designed to be used on the server. It operates as a convenient wrapper for all Rupt API methods and benefits from type safety and intellisense.
yarn add @ruptjs/core
or if using npm
npm install @ruptjs/core
Import and instantiation
with your Rupt API secret key. This can be found in your Rupt dashboard. Select the secret key for the api key you want to use.
import RuptCore from '@ruptjs/core';
const Rupt = new RuptCore(API_SECRET);
List all challenges
Returns a list of your challenges. The challenges are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recently created challenges appearing first.
const { data, total } = await Rupt.getChallenges({
page: 1,
limit: 10,
Retrieve a challenge
Retrieve the details of an existing challenge. Supply the unique challenge ID from the Rupt SDK onChallenge
const { challenge } = await Rupt.getChallenge(CHALLENGE_ID);
Retrieve challenge devices
Retrieve the list of devices for an existing challenge.
const { data } = await Rupt.getChallengeDevices(CHALLENGE_ID);
Kick a challenge device
Kick an attached device for an existing challenge. Supply the unique challenge ID from the Rupt SDK onChallenge
callback. Supply the unique device ID from the list of devices for the challenge.
await Rupt.kickChallengeDevice({
challenge: "CHALLENGE_ID",
device: "DEVICE_ID",
Send challenge code
Send a two-factor authentication code for an existing challenge.
await Rupt.sendChallengeCode({
challenge: "CHALLENGE_ID",
device: "DEVICE_ID",
language: "en",
channel: "email"
Verify challenge code
Verify a device for an existing challenge.
await Rupt.verifyChallengeCode({
challenge: "CHALLENGE_ID",
code: "123456"
Complete challenge
Complete an existing challenge.
const { challenge } = await Rupt.completeChallenge(CHALLENGE_ID);
Evaluate an action
Evaluate an action for a user.
const { verdict, reasons, challenge_id } = await Rupt.evaluate({
action: "login",
user: "USER_ID",
To learn more, visit the api documentation