Write normal CSS, then generate an Elm module with all your class names.
npm install -g @ryannhg/css-in-elm
Build command
Generates an .elm
file once, then exits
css-in-elm build main.css dist/Css.elm
Watch command
Generates an .elm
file once, then listens for changes in the
input file, rerunning as edits come in!
css-in-elm watch main.css dist/Css.elm
How it works
Your CSS file is parsed into a list of class names
.row {
display: flex;
.gap-sm { gap: 0.5rem; }
.gap-md { gap: 1rem; }
.gap-lg { gap: 2rem; }
[ "row", "gap-sm", "gap-md", "gap-lg" ]
Those classnames become functions in a generated Elm module
-- 🤖 Generated by @ryannhg/css-in-elm ✨ --
module Css exposing (row, gap_sm, gap_md, gap_lg)
import Html
import Html.Attributes
row : Html.Attribute msg
row =
Html.Attributes.class "row"
gap_sm : Html.Attribute msg
gap_sm =
Html.Attributes.class "gap-sm"
-- ...
You can import those generated functions instead of using String
values directly.
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class)
main =
div [ class "row gap-lg" ] [ text "Hello!" ]
import Css exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
main =
div [ row, gap_lg ] [ text "Hello!" ]
If you delete a CSS class later, the Elm compiler will remind you to remove the usage.
-- NAMING ERROR --------------------------------------- src/Main.elm
I cannot find a `gap_lg` variable:
5| div [ row, gap_lg ] [ text "Hello!" ]
These names seem close though:
Hint: Read <https://elm-lang.org/0.19.1/imports> to see how `import`
declarations work in Elm.