The Official Sanity integration for Astro
In your Astro project, run the following command to install the Sanity Astro integration:
npx astro add @sanity/astro @astrojs/react
Manual installation of dependencies
npm install @astrojs/react @sanity/astro @types/react-dom @types/react react-dom react
Setting up the Sanity client
Configure the integration in your astro.config.mjs
file. The configuration options and methods are the same as for @sanity/client:
import sanity from "@sanity/astro";
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
projectId: "3do82whm",
dataset: "next",
useCdn: true,
This enables the use of useSanityClient()
in your template files. For example:
// /blog/index.astro
import { useSanityClient } from "@sanity/astro";
const client = useSanityClient();
const posts = await client.fetch(`*[_type == "post" && defined(slug)] | order(publishedAt desc)`);
{posts.map((post) => (
<a href={"/posts/" + post.slug.current} class="post-link">
Check out this guide for a more elaborate introduction to how to integrate content from Sanity into Astro.
Embedding Sanity Studio on a route
Sanity Studio is a customizable content workspace where you can edit your content. It‘s a Single Page Application that you can keep in its own repository, together with your Astro project as a monorepo, or embedded in your website.
To initialize a Studio in a dedicated folder, you can run npm create sanity@latest
and follow the instructions.
This integration lets you embed a Sanity Studio on a route in your Astro project. To enable it:
- Create a new file in your project root called
(or .js
) - Add the following code, and add your
and dataset
to it:
import { defineConfig } from "sanity";
import { deskTool } from "sanity/desk";
export default defineConfig({
name: "project-name",
title: "Project Name",
projectId: "<YOUR-PROJECT-ID>",
dataset: "<YOUR-DATASET-NAME>",
plugins: [deskTool()],
schema: {
types: [],
You can use this configuration file to install plugins, add a schema with document types, add customizations etc.
- Add the following to your
output: 'hybrid'
: Required since the Studio is a client-side applicationstudioBasePath: '/admin'
: The route/path for where you want to access your studio- Import the React integration for Astro, and add it to the
import sanityIntegration from "@sanity/astro";
import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
import react from "@astrojs/react";
export default defineConfig({
output: "hybrid",
integrations: [
projectId: "3do82whm",
dataset: "next",
useCdn: true,
studioBasePath: "/admin",
Remember that you have to enable CORS origins for authenticated requests for the domains you're running your website project on. The Studio should automatically detect and let you add this when you access it on a new URL.
Portable Text
We recommend using astro-portabletext to render your PortableText fields in Astro. See an example of this in apps/example/src/components/PortableText.astro, including using custom components to render custom blocks and annotations.
Presenting images
We recommend using @sanity/image-url to help you generate URLs for presenting Sanity images in your Astro app. See an example of this in apps/example/src/components/SanityImage.astro