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@sanity/migrate - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.25.1-canary.22 to 3.26.2-canary.47



import FIFO from 'fast-fifo';
import { open } from 'node:fs/promises';
import { SanityEncoder, patch, at, CompactFormatter } from '@bjoerge/mutiny';
import { createSafeJsonParser } from '@sanity/util/createSafeJsonParser';
import arrify from 'arrify';
import { SanityEncoder } from '@bjoerge/mutiny';
import { fromString } from '@sanity/util/paths';
import { tmpdir } from 'node:os';
import path from 'node:path';
import groq from 'groq-js';
const objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;

@@ -388,3 +393,3 @@ const uint8ArrayStringified = "[object Uint8Array]";

async function* streamAsyncIterator(stream) {
async function* streamToAsyncIterator(stream) {
const reader = stream.getReader();

@@ -431,5 +436,5 @@ try {

async function* fromExportArchive(path) {
for await (const [header, entry] of streamAsyncIterator(untar(await maybeDecompress(readFileAsWebStream(path))))) {
for await (const [header, entry] of streamToAsyncIterator(untar(await maybeDecompress(readFileAsWebStream(path))))) {
if (header.type === "file" &&".ndjson")) {
for await (const chunk of streamAsyncIterator(entry)) {
for await (const chunk of streamToAsyncIterator(entry)) {
yield chunk;

@@ -440,5 +445,9 @@ }

function assert2xx(res) {
async function assert2xx(res) {
if (res.status < 200 || res.status > 299) {
const err = new Error("HTTP Error ".concat(res.status, ": ").concat(res.statusText));
const response = await res.json().catch(() => {
throw new Error("Error parsing JSON ".concat(res.status, ": ").concat(res.statusText));
const message = response.error ? response.error.description : "HTTP Error ".concat(res.status, ": ").concat(res.statusText);
const err = new Error(message);
err.statusCode = res.status;

@@ -448,3 +457,3 @@ throw err;

async function fetchAsyncIterator(_ref) {
async function fetchStream(_ref) {
let {

@@ -455,6 +464,9 @@ url,

const response = await fetch(url, init);
await assert2xx(response);
if (response.body === null) throw new Error("No response received");
return streamAsyncIterator(response.body);
return response.body;
async function fetchAsyncIterator(options) {
return streamToAsyncIterator(await fetchStream(options));
function normalizeApiHost(apiHost) {

@@ -510,7 +522,7 @@ return apiHost.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "");

export: dataset => ({
export: (dataset, documentTypes) => ({
global: false,
method: "GET",
path: "/data/export/".concat(dataset),
searchParams: []
searchParams: documentTypes && (documentTypes == null ? void 0 : documentTypes.length) > 0 ? [["types", documentTypes.join(",")]] : []

@@ -530,3 +542,3 @@ mutate: (dataset, options) => {

var _a;
return fetchAsyncIterator(toFetchOptions({
return fetchStream(toFetchOptions({
projectId: options.projectId,

@@ -536,5 +548,8 @@ apiVersion: options.apiVersion,

apiHost: (_a = options.apiHost) != null ? _a : "",
endpoint:, options.documentTypes)
const safeJsonParser = createSafeJsonParser({
errorLabel: "Error streaming dataset"
function* fromDocuments(documents) {

@@ -563,5 +578,14 @@ for (const document of documents) {

async function* parseJSON(it) {
for await (const chunk of it) {
yield JSON.parse(chunk);
function parseJSON(it) {
try {
let {
parse = JSON.parse
} = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
return async function* () {
for await (const chunk of it) {
yield parse(chunk);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);

@@ -576,3 +600,3 @@ }

for await (const chunk of it) {
if (predicate(chunk)) {
if (await predicate(chunk)) {
yield chunk;

@@ -602,5 +626,10 @@ }

function ndjson(it) {
return parseJSON(filter(split(decodeText(it), "\n"), line => Boolean(line && line.trim())));
function parse(it, options) {
return parseJSON(filter(split(it, "\n"), line => Boolean(line && line.trim())), options);
async function* stringify(iterable) {
for await (const doc of iterable) {
yield "".concat(JSON.stringify(doc), "\n");
async function* take(it, count) {

@@ -620,2 +649,32 @@ let i = 0;

async function* tap(it, interceptor) {
for await (const chunk of it) {
yield chunk;
async function mapAsync(it, project, concurrency) {
const {
} = await import('p-map');
return pMapIterable(it, v => project(v), {
async function lastValueFrom(it, options) {
const defaultGiven = ("defaultValue" in (options != null ? options : {}));
let latestValue;
let didYield = false;
for await (const value of it) {
didYield = true;
latestValue = value;
if (!didYield) {
if (defaultGiven) {
return options.defaultValue;
throw new Error("No value yielded from async iterable. If this iterable is empty, provide a default value.");
return latestValue;
async function* concatStr(it) {

@@ -628,22 +687,268 @@ let buf = "";

async function* toMutationEndpoint(options, mutations) {
var _a;
for await (const mutation of mutations) {
const fetchOptions = toFetchOptions({
projectId: options.projectId,
apiVersion: options.apiVersion,
token: options.token,
apiHost: (_a = options.apiHost) != null ? _a : "",
endpoint:, {
returnIds: true
body: JSON.stringify({
mutations: SanityEncoder.encode(Array.isArray(mutation) ? mutation : [mutation])
const CHUNK_SIZE = 1024;
function bufferThroughFile(source, filename, options) {
const signal = options == null ? void 0 : options.signal;
let writeHandle;
let readHandle;
let bufferDone = false;
signal == null ? void 0 : signal.addEventListener("abort", async () => {
await Promise.all([writeHandle && writeHandle.close(), readHandle && (await readHandle).close()]);
let readerCount = 0;
let ready;
async function pump(reader) {
try {
while (true) {
const {
} = await;
if (done || (signal == null ? void 0 : signal.aborted)) {
await writeHandle.write(value);
} finally {
await writeHandle.close();
bufferDone = true;
function createBufferedReader() {
let totalBytesRead = 0;
return async function tryReadFromBuffer(handle) {
const {
} = await Uint8Array(CHUNK_SIZE), 0, CHUNK_SIZE, totalBytesRead);
if (bytesRead === 0 && !bufferDone && !(signal == null ? void 0 : signal.aborted)) {
return tryReadFromBuffer(handle);
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
return {
function init() {
if (!ready) {
ready = (async () => {
writeHandle = await open(filename, "w");
return ready;
function getReadHandle() {
if (!readHandle) {
readHandle = open(filename, "r");
return readHandle;
function onReaderStart() {
async function onReaderEnd() {
if (readerCount === 0 && readHandle) {
const handle = readHandle;
readHandle = null;
await (await handle).close();
return () => {
const readChunk = createBufferedReader();
return new ReadableStream({
async start() {
if (signal == null ? void 0 : signal.aborted) {
throw new Error("Cannot create new buffered readers on aborted stream");
await init();
await getReadHandle();
async pull(controller) {
if (!readHandle) {
throw new Error("Cannot read from closed handle");
const {
} = await readChunk(await readHandle);
if (bytesRead === 0 && bufferDone) {
await onReaderEnd();
} else {
controller.enqueue(buffer.subarray(0, bytesRead));
for await (const result of parseJSON(concatStr(decodeText(await fetchAsyncIterator(fetchOptions))))) {
yield result;
function asyncIterableToStream(it) {
return new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
const {
} = await;
if (done) {
} else {
async function* toSanityMutations(it) {
for await (const mutation of it) {
if (Array.isArray(mutation)) {
yield SanityEncoder.encode(mutation);
yield SanityEncoder.encode([mutation])[0];
const PADDING_SIZE = '{"mutations":[]}'.length;
async function* batchMutations(mutations, maxBatchSize, options) {
let currentBatch = [];
let currentBatchSize = 0;
for await (const mutation of mutations) {
if ((options == null ? void 0 : options.preserveTransactions) && Array.isArray(mutation)) {
yield currentBatch;
yield mutation;
currentBatch = [];
currentBatchSize = 0;
const mutationSize = JSON.stringify(mutation).length;
if (mutationSize >= maxBatchSize + PADDING_SIZE) {
if (currentBatch.length) {
yield currentBatch;
yield [...arrify(mutation)];
currentBatch = [];
currentBatchSize = 0;
currentBatchSize += mutationSize;
if (currentBatchSize >= maxBatchSize + PADDING_SIZE) {
yield currentBatch;
currentBatch = [];
currentBatchSize = 0;
if (currentBatch.length > 0) {
yield currentBatch;
function create(document) {
return {
type: "create",
function patch(id, patches, options) {
return {
type: "patch",
patches: arrify(patches),
...(options ? {
} : {})
function at(path, operation) {
return {
path: typeof path === "string" ? fromString(path) : path,
op: operation
function createIfNotExists(document) {
return {
type: "createIfNotExists",
function createOrReplace(document) {
return {
type: "createOrReplace",
function delete_(id) {
return {
type: "delete",
const del = delete_;
const set = value => ({
type: "set",
const setIfMissing = value => ({
type: "setIfMissing",
const unset = () => ({
type: "unset"
const inc = function () {
let amount = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;
return {
type: "inc",
const dec = function () {
let amount = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;
return {
type: "dec",
const diffMatchPatch = value => ({
type: "diffMatchPatch",
function insert(items, position, indexOrReferenceItem) {
return {
type: "insert",
referenceItem: indexOrReferenceItem,
items: arrify(items)
function append(items) {
return insert(items, "after", -1);
function prepend(items) {
return insert(items, "before", 0);
function insertBefore(items, indexOrReferenceItem) {
return insert(items, "before", indexOrReferenceItem);
const insertAfter = (items, indexOrReferenceItem) => {
return insert(items, "after", indexOrReferenceItem);
function truncate(startIndex, endIndex) {
return {
type: "truncate",
function replace(items, referenceItem) {
return {
type: "replace",
items: arrify(items)
function getValueType(value) {

@@ -692,3 +997,3 @@ if (Array.isArray(value)) {

filter: migration.filter,
documentType: migration.documentType
documentTypes: migration.documentTypes

@@ -703,6 +1008,7 @@ }

function createAsyncIterableMutation(migration, opts) {
const documentTypesSet = new Set(opts.documentTypes);
return async function* run(docs, context) {
for await (const doc of docs) {
if (doc._type !== opts.documentType) continue;
const documentMutations = collectDocumentMutations(migration, doc, context);
for await (const doc of docs()) {
if (!documentTypesSet.has(doc._type)) continue;
const documentMutations = await collectDocumentMutations(migration, doc, context);
if (documentMutations.length > 0) {

@@ -714,10 +1020,11 @@ yield documentMutations;

function collectDocumentMutations(migration, doc, context) {
async function collectDocumentMutations(migration, doc, context) {
var _a;
const documentMutations = (_a = migration.document) == null ? void 0 :, doc, context);
const nodeMigrations = flatMapDeep(doc, (value, path) => {
const documentMutations = Promise.resolve((_a = migration.document) == null ? void 0 :, doc, context));
const nodeMigrations = flatMapDeep(doc, async (value, path) => {
var _a2;
return [...arrify((_a2 = migration.node) == null ? void 0 :, value, path, context)), ...arrify(migrateNodeType(migration, value, path, context))].map(change => normalizeNodeMutation(path, change));
const [nodeReturnValues, nodeTypeReturnValues] = await Promise.all([Promise.resolve((_a2 = migration.node) == null ? void 0 :, value, path, context)), Promise.resolve(migrateNodeType(migration, value, path, context))]);
return [...arrify(nodeReturnValues), ...arrify(nodeTypeReturnValues)].map(change => normalizeNodeMutation(path, change));
return [...arrify(documentMutations), ...nodeMigrations].map(change => normalizeDocumentMutation(doc._id, change));
return (await Promise.all([...arrify(await documentMutations), ...nodeMigrations])).flat().map(change => normalizeDocumentMutation(doc._id, change));

@@ -749,30 +1056,262 @@ function normalizeDocumentMutation(documentId, change) {

function collectMigrationMutations(migration, documents) {
const ctx = {
withDocument: () => {
throw new Error("Not implemented yet");
function collectMigrationMutations(migration, documents, context) {
const migrate = normalizeMigrateDefinition(migration);
return migrate(documents, context);
function getBufferFilePath() {
return path.join(tmpdir(), "/export-buffer-".concat(, ".tmp"));
function parseGroq(query) {
try {
return groq.parse(query);
} catch (err) {
err.message = 'Failed to parse GROQ filter "'.concat(query, '": ').concat(err.message);
throw err;
async function groqQuery(it, query, params) {
const parsedFilter = parseGroq(query);
const all = await toArray(it);
return (await groq.evaluate(parsedFilter, {
dataset: all,
function createBufferFileContext(getReader) {
function getAllDocumentsFromBuffer() {
return parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(getReader())), {
parse: safeJsonParser
async function getDocumentsFromBuffer(ids) {
const found = {};
let remaining = ids.length;
for await (const doc of getAllDocumentsFromBuffer()) {
if (ids.includes(doc._id)) {
found[doc._id] = doc;
if (remaining === 0) break;
return => found[id]);
async function getDocumentFromBuffer(id) {
return (await getDocumentsFromBuffer([id]))[0];
function queryFromBuffer(query, params) {
return groqQuery(getAllDocumentsFromBuffer(), query, params);
return {
getDocument: getDocumentFromBuffer,
getDocuments: getDocumentsFromBuffer,
query: queryFromBuffer
const migrate = normalizeMigrateDefinition(migration);
return migrate(documents, ctx);
async function* run(config, migration) {
const mutations = collectMigrationMutations(migration, ndjson(await fromExportEndpoint(config.api)));
for await (const result of toMutationEndpoint(config.api, mutations)) {
yield formatMutationResponse(result);
function isSystemDocumentId(id) {
return id.startsWith("_.");
function parseGroqFilter(filter) {
try {
return groq.parse("*[".concat(filter, "]"));
} catch (err) {
err.message = 'Failed to parse GROQ filter "'.concat(filter, '": ').concat(err.message);
throw err;
function formatMutationResponse(mutationResponse) {
return "OK (transactionId = ".concat(mutationResponse.transactionId, ")\n").concat( => {
return " - ".concat(result.operation, ": ").concat(;
async function matchesFilter(parsedFilter, document) {
const result = await (await groq.evaluate(parsedFilter, {
dataset: [document]
return result.length === 1;
async function* applyFilters(migration, documents) {
const documentTypes = migration.documentTypes;
const parsedFilter = migration.filter ? parseGroqFilter(migration.filter) : void 0;
for await (const doc of documents) {
if (isSystemDocumentId(doc._id)) {
if (documentTypes && documentTypes.length > 0 && !documentTypes.includes(doc._type)) {
if (parsedFilter && !(await matchesFilter(parsedFilter, doc))) {
yield doc;
async function* toFetchOptionsIterable(apiConfig, mutations) {
var _a;
for await (const mut of mutations) {
yield toFetchOptions({
projectId: apiConfig.projectId,
apiVersion: apiConfig.apiVersion,
token: apiConfig.token,
apiHost: (_a = apiConfig.apiHost) != null ? _a : "",
endpoint:, {
returnIds: true
body: JSON.stringify({
mutations: mut
async function run(config, migration) {
var _a, _b, _c;
const stats = {
documents: 0,
mutations: 0,
pending: 0,
queuedBatches: 0,
completedTransactions: [],
currentMutations: []
const filteredDocuments = applyFilters(migration, parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(await fromExportEndpoint({
documentTypes: migration.documentTypes
}))), {
parse: safeJsonParser
const abortController = new AbortController();
const createReader = bufferThroughFile(asyncIterableToStream(stringify(filteredDocuments)), getBufferFilePath(), {
signal: abortController.signal
const context = createBufferFileContext(createReader);
const documents = () => tap(parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(createReader())), {
parse: safeJsonParser
}), () => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
documents: ++stats.documents
const mutations = tap(collectMigrationMutations(migration, documents, context), muts => {
var _a2;
stats.currentMutations = arrify(muts);
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
mutations: ++stats.mutations
const concurrency = (_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.concurrency) != null ? _a : DEFAULT_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY;
if (concurrency > MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY) {
throw new Error("Concurrency exceeds maximum allowed value (".concat(MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY, ")"));
const batches = tap(batchMutations(toSanityMutations(mutations), MUTATION_ENDPOINT_MAX_BODY_SIZE), () => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
queuedBatches: ++stats.queuedBatches
const submit = async opts => lastValueFrom(parseJSON(concatStr(decodeText(await fetchAsyncIterator(opts)))));
const commits = await mapAsync(toFetchOptionsIterable(config.api, batches), opts => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
pending: ++stats.pending
return submit(opts);
}, concurrency);
for await (const result of commits) {
(_b = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
(_c = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
done: true
async function runFromArchive(migration, path, config) {
var _a, _b, _c;
const stats = {
documents: 0,
mutations: 0,
pending: 0,
queuedBatches: 0,
completedTransactions: [],
currentMutations: []
const filteredDocuments = applyFilters(migration, parse(decodeText(fromExportArchive(path)), {
parse: safeJsonParser
const abortController = new AbortController();
const createReader = bufferThroughFile(asyncIterableToStream(stringify(filteredDocuments)), getBufferFilePath(), {
signal: abortController.signal
const context = createBufferFileContext(createReader);
const documents = () => tap(parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(createReader())), {
parse: safeJsonParser
}), () => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
documents: ++stats.documents
const mutations = tap(collectMigrationMutations(migration, documents, context), muts => {
var _a2;
stats.currentMutations = arrify(muts);
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
mutations: ++stats.mutations
const batches = tap(batchMutations(toSanityMutations(mutations), MUTATION_ENDPOINT_MAX_BODY_SIZE), () => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
queuedBatches: ++stats.queuedBatches
const concurrency = (_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.concurrency) != null ? _a : DEFAULT_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY;
if (concurrency > MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY) {
throw new Error("Concurrency exceeds maximum allowed value (".concat(MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY, ")"));
const commits = await mapAsync(toFetchOptionsIterable(config.api, batches), opts => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
pending: ++stats.pending
return Promise.resolve();
}, concurrency);
for await (const result of commits) {
(_b = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
(_c = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
done: true
async function* dryRun(config, migration) {
const mutations = collectMigrationMutations(migration, ndjson(await fromExportEndpoint(config.api)));
const filteredDocuments = applyFilters(migration, parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(await fromExportEndpoint({
documentTypes: migration.documentTypes
}))), {
parse: safeJsonParser
const abortController = new AbortController();
const createReader = bufferThroughFile(asyncIterableToStream(filteredDocuments), getBufferFilePath(), {
signal: abortController.signal
const context = createBufferFileContext(createReader);
const mutations = collectMigrationMutations(migration, () => parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(createReader())), {
parse: safeJsonParser
}), context);
for await (const mutation of mutations) {
if (!mutation) continue;
yield CompactFormatter.format(Array.isArray(mutation) ? mutation : [mutation]);
yield JSON.stringify(mutation, null, 2);
export { collectMigrationMutations, decodeText, defineMigration, delay, dryRun, filter, fromDocuments, fromExportArchive, fromExportEndpoint, map, ndjson, parseJSON, run, split, stringifyJSON, take, toArray };
export { DEFAULT_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY, MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY, append, at, collectMigrationMutations, create, createIfNotExists, createOrReplace, dec, decodeText, defineMigration, del, delay, delete_, diffMatchPatch, dryRun, filter, fromDocuments, fromExportArchive, fromExportEndpoint, inc, insert, insertAfter, insertBefore, map, parse, parseJSON, patch, prepend, replace, run, runFromArchive, safeJsonParser, set, setIfMissing, split, stringify, stringifyJSON, take, toArray, toFetchOptionsIterable, truncate, unset };

@@ -8,4 +8,9 @@ 'use strict';

var promises = require('node:fs/promises');
var createSafeJsonParser = require('@sanity/util/createSafeJsonParser');
var arrify = require('arrify');
var mutiny = require('@bjoerge/mutiny');
var arrify = require('arrify');
var paths = require('@sanity/util/paths');
var node_os = require('node:os');
var path = require('node:path');
var groq = require('groq-js');
function _interopDefaultCompat(e) {

@@ -18,2 +23,4 @@ return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : {

var arrify__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(arrify);
var path__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(path);
var groq__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultCompat(groq);
const objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;

@@ -402,3 +409,3 @@ const uint8ArrayStringified = "[object Uint8Array]";

async function* streamAsyncIterator(stream) {
async function* streamToAsyncIterator(stream) {
const reader = stream.getReader();

@@ -445,5 +452,5 @@ try {

async function* fromExportArchive(path) {
for await (const [header, entry] of streamAsyncIterator(untar(await maybeDecompress(readFileAsWebStream(path))))) {
for await (const [header, entry] of streamToAsyncIterator(untar(await maybeDecompress(readFileAsWebStream(path))))) {
if (header.type === "file" &&".ndjson")) {
for await (const chunk of streamAsyncIterator(entry)) {
for await (const chunk of streamToAsyncIterator(entry)) {
yield chunk;

@@ -454,5 +461,9 @@ }

function assert2xx(res) {
async function assert2xx(res) {
if (res.status < 200 || res.status > 299) {
const err = new Error("HTTP Error ".concat(res.status, ": ").concat(res.statusText));
const response = await res.json().catch(() => {
throw new Error("Error parsing JSON ".concat(res.status, ": ").concat(res.statusText));
const message = response.error ? response.error.description : "HTTP Error ".concat(res.status, ": ").concat(res.statusText);
const err = new Error(message);
err.statusCode = res.status;

@@ -462,3 +473,3 @@ throw err;

async function fetchAsyncIterator(_ref) {
async function fetchStream(_ref) {
let {

@@ -469,6 +480,9 @@ url,

const response = await fetch(url, init);
await assert2xx(response);
if (response.body === null) throw new Error("No response received");
return streamAsyncIterator(response.body);
return response.body;
async function fetchAsyncIterator(options) {
return streamToAsyncIterator(await fetchStream(options));
function normalizeApiHost(apiHost) {

@@ -524,7 +538,7 @@ return apiHost.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "");

export: dataset => ({
export: (dataset, documentTypes) => ({
global: false,
method: "GET",
path: "/data/export/".concat(dataset),
searchParams: []
searchParams: documentTypes && (documentTypes == null ? void 0 : documentTypes.length) > 0 ? [["types", documentTypes.join(",")]] : []

@@ -544,3 +558,3 @@ mutate: (dataset, options) => {

var _a;
return fetchAsyncIterator(toFetchOptions({
return fetchStream(toFetchOptions({
projectId: options.projectId,

@@ -550,5 +564,8 @@ apiVersion: options.apiVersion,

apiHost: (_a = options.apiHost) != null ? _a : "",
endpoint:, options.documentTypes)
const safeJsonParser = createSafeJsonParser.createSafeJsonParser({
errorLabel: "Error streaming dataset"
function* fromDocuments(documents) {

@@ -577,5 +594,14 @@ for (const document of documents) {

async function* parseJSON(it) {
for await (const chunk of it) {
yield JSON.parse(chunk);
function parseJSON(it) {
try {
let {
parse = JSON.parse
} = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
return async function* () {
for await (const chunk of it) {
yield parse(chunk);
} catch (e) {
return Promise.reject(e);

@@ -590,3 +616,3 @@ }

for await (const chunk of it) {
if (predicate(chunk)) {
if (await predicate(chunk)) {
yield chunk;

@@ -616,5 +642,10 @@ }

function ndjson(it) {
return parseJSON(filter(split(decodeText(it), "\n"), line => Boolean(line && line.trim())));
function parse(it, options) {
return parseJSON(filter(split(it, "\n"), line => Boolean(line && line.trim())), options);
async function* stringify(iterable) {
for await (const doc of iterable) {
yield "".concat(JSON.stringify(doc), "\n");
async function* take(it, count) {

@@ -634,2 +665,32 @@ let i = 0;

async function* tap(it, interceptor) {
for await (const chunk of it) {
yield chunk;
async function mapAsync(it, project, concurrency) {
const {
} = await import('p-map');
return pMapIterable(it, v => project(v), {
async function lastValueFrom(it, options) {
const defaultGiven = ("defaultValue" in (options != null ? options : {}));
let latestValue;
let didYield = false;
for await (const value of it) {
didYield = true;
latestValue = value;
if (!didYield) {
if (defaultGiven) {
return options.defaultValue;
throw new Error("No value yielded from async iterable. If this iterable is empty, provide a default value.");
return latestValue;
async function* concatStr(it) {

@@ -642,22 +703,268 @@ let buf = "";

async function* toMutationEndpoint(options, mutations) {
var _a;
for await (const mutation of mutations) {
const fetchOptions = toFetchOptions({
projectId: options.projectId,
apiVersion: options.apiVersion,
token: options.token,
apiHost: (_a = options.apiHost) != null ? _a : "",
endpoint:, {
returnIds: true
body: JSON.stringify({
mutations: mutiny.SanityEncoder.encode(Array.isArray(mutation) ? mutation : [mutation])
const CHUNK_SIZE = 1024;
function bufferThroughFile(source, filename, options) {
const signal = options == null ? void 0 : options.signal;
let writeHandle;
let readHandle;
let bufferDone = false;
signal == null ? void 0 : signal.addEventListener("abort", async () => {
await Promise.all([writeHandle && writeHandle.close(), readHandle && (await readHandle).close()]);
let readerCount = 0;
let ready;
async function pump(reader) {
try {
while (true) {
const {
} = await;
if (done || (signal == null ? void 0 : signal.aborted)) {
await writeHandle.write(value);
} finally {
await writeHandle.close();
bufferDone = true;
function createBufferedReader() {
let totalBytesRead = 0;
return async function tryReadFromBuffer(handle) {
const {
} = await Uint8Array(CHUNK_SIZE), 0, CHUNK_SIZE, totalBytesRead);
if (bytesRead === 0 && !bufferDone && !(signal == null ? void 0 : signal.aborted)) {
return tryReadFromBuffer(handle);
totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
return {
function init() {
if (!ready) {
ready = (async () => {
writeHandle = await, "w");
return ready;
function getReadHandle() {
if (!readHandle) {
readHandle =, "r");
return readHandle;
function onReaderStart() {
async function onReaderEnd() {
if (readerCount === 0 && readHandle) {
const handle = readHandle;
readHandle = null;
await (await handle).close();
return () => {
const readChunk = createBufferedReader();
return new ReadableStream({
async start() {
if (signal == null ? void 0 : signal.aborted) {
throw new Error("Cannot create new buffered readers on aborted stream");
await init();
await getReadHandle();
async pull(controller) {
if (!readHandle) {
throw new Error("Cannot read from closed handle");
const {
} = await readChunk(await readHandle);
if (bytesRead === 0 && bufferDone) {
await onReaderEnd();
} else {
controller.enqueue(buffer.subarray(0, bytesRead));
for await (const result of parseJSON(concatStr(decodeText(await fetchAsyncIterator(fetchOptions))))) {
yield result;
function asyncIterableToStream(it) {
return new ReadableStream({
async pull(controller) {
const {
} = await;
if (done) {
} else {
async function* toSanityMutations(it) {
for await (const mutation of it) {
if (Array.isArray(mutation)) {
yield mutiny.SanityEncoder.encode(mutation);
yield mutiny.SanityEncoder.encode([mutation])[0];
const PADDING_SIZE = '{"mutations":[]}'.length;
async function* batchMutations(mutations, maxBatchSize, options) {
let currentBatch = [];
let currentBatchSize = 0;
for await (const mutation of mutations) {
if ((options == null ? void 0 : options.preserveTransactions) && Array.isArray(mutation)) {
yield currentBatch;
yield mutation;
currentBatch = [];
currentBatchSize = 0;
const mutationSize = JSON.stringify(mutation).length;
if (mutationSize >= maxBatchSize + PADDING_SIZE) {
if (currentBatch.length) {
yield currentBatch;
yield [...arrify__default.default(mutation)];
currentBatch = [];
currentBatchSize = 0;
currentBatchSize += mutationSize;
if (currentBatchSize >= maxBatchSize + PADDING_SIZE) {
yield currentBatch;
currentBatch = [];
currentBatchSize = 0;
if (currentBatch.length > 0) {
yield currentBatch;
function create(document) {
return {
type: "create",
function patch(id, patches, options) {
return {
type: "patch",
patches: arrify__default.default(patches),
...(options ? {
} : {})
function at(path, operation) {
return {
path: typeof path === "string" ? paths.fromString(path) : path,
op: operation
function createIfNotExists(document) {
return {
type: "createIfNotExists",
function createOrReplace(document) {
return {
type: "createOrReplace",
function delete_(id) {
return {
type: "delete",
const del = delete_;
const set = value => ({
type: "set",
const setIfMissing = value => ({
type: "setIfMissing",
const unset = () => ({
type: "unset"
const inc = function () {
let amount = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;
return {
type: "inc",
const dec = function () {
let amount = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : 1;
return {
type: "dec",
const diffMatchPatch = value => ({
type: "diffMatchPatch",
function insert(items, position, indexOrReferenceItem) {
return {
type: "insert",
referenceItem: indexOrReferenceItem,
items: arrify__default.default(items)
function append(items) {
return insert(items, "after", -1);
function prepend(items) {
return insert(items, "before", 0);
function insertBefore(items, indexOrReferenceItem) {
return insert(items, "before", indexOrReferenceItem);
const insertAfter = (items, indexOrReferenceItem) => {
return insert(items, "after", indexOrReferenceItem);
function truncate(startIndex, endIndex) {
return {
type: "truncate",
function replace(items, referenceItem) {
return {
type: "replace",
items: arrify__default.default(items)
function getValueType(value) {

@@ -706,3 +1013,3 @@ if (Array.isArray(value)) {

filter: migration.filter,
documentType: migration.documentType
documentTypes: migration.documentTypes

@@ -717,6 +1024,7 @@ }

function createAsyncIterableMutation(migration, opts) {
const documentTypesSet = new Set(opts.documentTypes);
return async function* run(docs, context) {
for await (const doc of docs) {
if (doc._type !== opts.documentType) continue;
const documentMutations = collectDocumentMutations(migration, doc, context);
for await (const doc of docs()) {
if (!documentTypesSet.has(doc._type)) continue;
const documentMutations = await collectDocumentMutations(migration, doc, context);
if (documentMutations.length > 0) {

@@ -728,16 +1036,17 @@ yield documentMutations;

function collectDocumentMutations(migration, doc, context) {
async function collectDocumentMutations(migration, doc, context) {
var _a;
const documentMutations = (_a = migration.document) == null ? void 0 :, doc, context);
const nodeMigrations = flatMapDeep(doc, (value, path) => {
const documentMutations = Promise.resolve((_a = migration.document) == null ? void 0 :, doc, context));
const nodeMigrations = flatMapDeep(doc, async (value, path) => {
var _a2;
return [...arrify__default.default((_a2 = migration.node) == null ? void 0 :, value, path, context)), ...arrify__default.default(migrateNodeType(migration, value, path, context))].map(change => normalizeNodeMutation(path, change));
const [nodeReturnValues, nodeTypeReturnValues] = await Promise.all([Promise.resolve((_a2 = migration.node) == null ? void 0 :, value, path, context)), Promise.resolve(migrateNodeType(migration, value, path, context))]);
return [...arrify__default.default(nodeReturnValues), ...arrify__default.default(nodeTypeReturnValues)].map(change => normalizeNodeMutation(path, change));
return [...arrify__default.default(documentMutations), ...nodeMigrations].map(change => normalizeDocumentMutation(doc._id, change));
return (await Promise.all([...arrify__default.default(await documentMutations), ...nodeMigrations])).flat().map(change => normalizeDocumentMutation(doc._id, change));
function normalizeDocumentMutation(documentId, change) {
return isMutation(change) ? change : mutiny.patch(documentId, change);
return isMutation(change) ? change : patch(documentId, change);
function normalizeNodeMutation(path, change) {
return isOperation(change) ?, change) : change;
return isOperation(change) ? at(path, change) : change;

@@ -763,33 +1072,276 @@ function migrateNodeType(migration, value, path, context) {

function collectMigrationMutations(migration, documents) {
const ctx = {
withDocument: () => {
throw new Error("Not implemented yet");
function collectMigrationMutations(migration, documents, context) {
const migrate = normalizeMigrateDefinition(migration);
return migrate(documents, context);
function getBufferFilePath() {
return path__default.default.join(node_os.tmpdir(), "/export-buffer-".concat(, ".tmp"));
function parseGroq(query) {
try {
return groq__default.default.parse(query);
} catch (err) {
err.message = 'Failed to parse GROQ filter "'.concat(query, '": ').concat(err.message);
throw err;
async function groqQuery(it, query, params) {
const parsedFilter = parseGroq(query);
const all = await toArray(it);
return (await groq__default.default.evaluate(parsedFilter, {
dataset: all,
function createBufferFileContext(getReader) {
function getAllDocumentsFromBuffer() {
return parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(getReader())), {
parse: safeJsonParser
async function getDocumentsFromBuffer(ids) {
const found = {};
let remaining = ids.length;
for await (const doc of getAllDocumentsFromBuffer()) {
if (ids.includes(doc._id)) {
found[doc._id] = doc;
if (remaining === 0) break;
return => found[id]);
async function getDocumentFromBuffer(id) {
return (await getDocumentsFromBuffer([id]))[0];
function queryFromBuffer(query, params) {
return groqQuery(getAllDocumentsFromBuffer(), query, params);
return {
getDocument: getDocumentFromBuffer,
getDocuments: getDocumentsFromBuffer,
query: queryFromBuffer
const migrate = normalizeMigrateDefinition(migration);
return migrate(documents, ctx);
async function* run(config, migration) {
const mutations = collectMigrationMutations(migration, ndjson(await fromExportEndpoint(config.api)));
for await (const result of toMutationEndpoint(config.api, mutations)) {
yield formatMutationResponse(result);
function isSystemDocumentId(id) {
return id.startsWith("_.");
function parseGroqFilter(filter) {
try {
return groq__default.default.parse("*[".concat(filter, "]"));
} catch (err) {
err.message = 'Failed to parse GROQ filter "'.concat(filter, '": ').concat(err.message);
throw err;
function formatMutationResponse(mutationResponse) {
return "OK (transactionId = ".concat(mutationResponse.transactionId, ")\n").concat( => {
return " - ".concat(result.operation, ": ").concat(;
async function matchesFilter(parsedFilter, document) {
const result = await (await groq__default.default.evaluate(parsedFilter, {
dataset: [document]
return result.length === 1;
async function* applyFilters(migration, documents) {
const documentTypes = migration.documentTypes;
const parsedFilter = migration.filter ? parseGroqFilter(migration.filter) : void 0;
for await (const doc of documents) {
if (isSystemDocumentId(doc._id)) {
if (documentTypes && documentTypes.length > 0 && !documentTypes.includes(doc._type)) {
if (parsedFilter && !(await matchesFilter(parsedFilter, doc))) {
yield doc;
async function* toFetchOptionsIterable(apiConfig, mutations) {
var _a;
for await (const mut of mutations) {
yield toFetchOptions({
projectId: apiConfig.projectId,
apiVersion: apiConfig.apiVersion,
token: apiConfig.token,
apiHost: (_a = apiConfig.apiHost) != null ? _a : "",
endpoint:, {
returnIds: true
body: JSON.stringify({
mutations: mut
async function run(config, migration) {
var _a, _b, _c;
const stats = {
documents: 0,
mutations: 0,
pending: 0,
queuedBatches: 0,
completedTransactions: [],
currentMutations: []
const filteredDocuments = applyFilters(migration, parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(await fromExportEndpoint({
documentTypes: migration.documentTypes
}))), {
parse: safeJsonParser
const abortController = new AbortController();
const createReader = bufferThroughFile(asyncIterableToStream(stringify(filteredDocuments)), getBufferFilePath(), {
signal: abortController.signal
const context = createBufferFileContext(createReader);
const documents = () => tap(parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(createReader())), {
parse: safeJsonParser
}), () => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
documents: ++stats.documents
const mutations = tap(collectMigrationMutations(migration, documents, context), muts => {
var _a2;
stats.currentMutations = arrify__default.default(muts);
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
mutations: ++stats.mutations
const concurrency = (_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.concurrency) != null ? _a : DEFAULT_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY;
if (concurrency > MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY) {
throw new Error("Concurrency exceeds maximum allowed value (".concat(MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY, ")"));
const batches = tap(batchMutations(toSanityMutations(mutations), MUTATION_ENDPOINT_MAX_BODY_SIZE), () => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
queuedBatches: ++stats.queuedBatches
const submit = async opts => lastValueFrom(parseJSON(concatStr(decodeText(await fetchAsyncIterator(opts)))));
const commits = await mapAsync(toFetchOptionsIterable(config.api, batches), opts => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
pending: ++stats.pending
return submit(opts);
}, concurrency);
for await (const result of commits) {
(_b = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
(_c = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
done: true
async function runFromArchive(migration, path, config) {
var _a, _b, _c;
const stats = {
documents: 0,
mutations: 0,
pending: 0,
queuedBatches: 0,
completedTransactions: [],
currentMutations: []
const filteredDocuments = applyFilters(migration, parse(decodeText(fromExportArchive(path)), {
parse: safeJsonParser
const abortController = new AbortController();
const createReader = bufferThroughFile(asyncIterableToStream(stringify(filteredDocuments)), getBufferFilePath(), {
signal: abortController.signal
const context = createBufferFileContext(createReader);
const documents = () => tap(parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(createReader())), {
parse: safeJsonParser
}), () => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
documents: ++stats.documents
const mutations = tap(collectMigrationMutations(migration, documents, context), muts => {
var _a2;
stats.currentMutations = arrify__default.default(muts);
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
mutations: ++stats.mutations
const batches = tap(batchMutations(toSanityMutations(mutations), MUTATION_ENDPOINT_MAX_BODY_SIZE), () => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
queuedBatches: ++stats.queuedBatches
const concurrency = (_a = config == null ? void 0 : config.concurrency) != null ? _a : DEFAULT_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY;
if (concurrency > MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY) {
throw new Error("Concurrency exceeds maximum allowed value (".concat(MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY, ")"));
const commits = await mapAsync(toFetchOptionsIterable(config.api, batches), opts => {
var _a2;
(_a2 = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
pending: ++stats.pending
return Promise.resolve();
}, concurrency);
for await (const result of commits) {
(_b = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
(_c = config.onProgress) == null ? void 0 :, {
done: true
async function* dryRun(config, migration) {
const mutations = collectMigrationMutations(migration, ndjson(await fromExportEndpoint(config.api)));
const filteredDocuments = applyFilters(migration, parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(await fromExportEndpoint({
documentTypes: migration.documentTypes
}))), {
parse: safeJsonParser
const abortController = new AbortController();
const createReader = bufferThroughFile(asyncIterableToStream(filteredDocuments), getBufferFilePath(), {
signal: abortController.signal
const context = createBufferFileContext(createReader);
const mutations = collectMigrationMutations(migration, () => parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(createReader())), {
parse: safeJsonParser
}), context);
for await (const mutation of mutations) {
if (!mutation) continue;
yield mutiny.CompactFormatter.format(Array.isArray(mutation) ? mutation : [mutation]);
yield JSON.stringify(mutation, null, 2);
exports.append = append; = at;
exports.collectMigrationMutations = collectMigrationMutations;
exports.create = create;
exports.createIfNotExists = createIfNotExists;
exports.createOrReplace = createOrReplace;
exports.dec = dec;
exports.decodeText = decodeText;
exports.defineMigration = defineMigration;
exports.del = del;
exports.delay = delay;
exports.delete_ = delete_;
exports.diffMatchPatch = diffMatchPatch;
exports.dryRun = dryRun;

@@ -800,10 +1352,25 @@ exports.filter = filter;

exports.fromExportEndpoint = fromExportEndpoint; = inc;
exports.insert = insert;
exports.insertAfter = insertAfter;
exports.insertBefore = insertBefore; = map;
exports.ndjson = ndjson;
exports.parse = parse;
exports.parseJSON = parseJSON;
exports.patch = patch;
exports.prepend = prepend;
exports.replace = replace; = run;
exports.runFromArchive = runFromArchive;
exports.safeJsonParser = safeJsonParser;
exports.set = set;
exports.setIfMissing = setIfMissing;
exports.split = split;
exports.stringify = stringify;
exports.stringifyJSON = stringifyJSON;
exports.take = take;
exports.toArray = toArray;
exports.toFetchOptionsIterable = toFetchOptionsIterable;
exports.truncate = truncate;
exports.unset = unset;

@@ -1,7 +0,11 @@

import {Mutation} from '@bjoerge/mutiny'
import type {NodePatch} from '@bjoerge/mutiny'
import type {Operation} from '@bjoerge/mutiny'
import type {Path} from '@bjoerge/mutiny'
import {SanityDocument} from '@sanity/types'
import type {KeyedSegment} from '@sanity/types'
import {MultipleMutationResult} from '@sanity/client'
import {Mutation as Mutation_2} from '@sanity/client'
import type {Path} from '@sanity/types'
import {SanityDocument as SanityDocument_2} from '@sanity/types'
declare type AnyArray<T = any> = T[] | readonly T[]
export declare type AnyOp = SetOp<unknown> | SetIfMissingOp<unknown> | UnsetOp
export declare interface APIConfig {

@@ -15,12 +19,103 @@ projectId: string

* Creates an `insert` operation that appends the provided items.
* @param items - The items to append.
* @returns An `insert` operation at the end of the array.
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare function append<const Items extends AnyArray<unknown>>(
items: Items | ArrayElement<Items>,
): InsertOp<NormalizeReadOnlyArray<Items>, 'after', -1>
declare type ArrayElement<A> = A extends readonly (infer T)[] ? T : never
export declare type ArrayOp =
| InsertOp<AnyArray, RelativePosition, IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment>
| UpsertOp<AnyArray, RelativePosition, IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment>
| ReplaceOp<AnyArray, IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment>
| TruncateOp
export declare type AssignOp<T extends object = object> = {
type: 'assign'
value: T
export declare type AsyncIterableMigration = (
documents: AsyncIterableIterator<SanityDocument>,
documents: () => AsyncIterableIterator<SanityDocument_2>,
context: MigrationContext,
) => AsyncGenerator<Mutation | Mutation[]>
* Creates a node patch at a specific path.
* @param path - The path where the operation should be applied.
* @param operation - The operation to be applied.
* @returns The node patch.
* @beta
export declare function at<O extends Operation>(
path: Path | string,
operation: O,
): NodePatch<Path, O>
export declare function collectMigrationMutations(
migration: Migration,
documents: AsyncIterableIterator<SanityDocument>,
documents: () => AsyncIterableIterator<SanityDocument_2>,
context: MigrationContext,
): AsyncGenerator<Mutation | Mutation[], any, unknown>
* Creates a new document.
* @param document - The document to be created.
* @returns The mutation operation to create the document.
* @beta
export declare function create<Doc extends Optional<SanityDocument, '_id'>>(
document: Doc,
): CreateMutation<Doc>
* Creates a document if it does not exist.
* @param document - The document to be created.
* @returns The mutation operation to create the document if it does not exist.
* @beta
export declare function createIfNotExists<Doc extends SanityDocument>(
document: Doc,
): CreateIfNotExistsMutation<Doc>
export declare type CreateIfNotExistsMutation<Doc extends SanityDocument> = {
type: 'createIfNotExists'
document: Doc
export declare type CreateMutation<Doc extends Optional<SanityDocument, '_id'>> = {
type: 'create'
document: Doc
* Creates or replaces a document.
* @param document - The document to be created or replaced.
* @returns The mutation operation to create or replace the document.
* @beta
export declare function createOrReplace<Doc extends SanityDocument>(
document: Doc,
): CreateOrReplaceMutation<Doc>
export declare type CreateOrReplaceMutation<Doc extends SanityDocument> = {
type: 'createOrReplace'
document: Doc
* Creates a `dec` (decrement) operation with the provided amount.
* @param amount - The amount to decrement by.
* @returns A `dec` operation.
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare const dec: <const N extends number = 1>(amount?: N) => DecOp<N>
export declare function decodeText(

@@ -30,4 +125,16 @@ it: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>,

export declare type DecOp<Amount extends number> = {
type: 'dec'
amount: Amount
export declare const DEFAULT_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY = 6
export declare function defineMigration<T extends Migration>(migration: T): T
* Alias for delete_
export declare const del: typeof delete_
export declare function delay<T>(

@@ -38,2 +145,29 @@ it: AsyncIterableIterator<T>,

* Deletes a document.
* @param id - The id of the document to be deleted.
* @returns The mutation operation to delete the document.
* @beta
export declare function delete_(id: string): DeleteMutation
export declare type DeleteMutation = {
type: 'delete'
id: string
* Creates a `diffMatchPatch` operation with the provided value.
* @param value - The value for the diff match patch operation.
* @returns A `diffMatchPatch` operation.
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare const diffMatchPatch: (value: string) => DiffMatchPatchOp
export declare type DiffMatchPatchOp = {
type: 'diffMatchPatch'
value: string
export declare type DocumentMigrationReturnValue =

@@ -47,14 +181,23 @@ | undefined

export declare function dryRun(
config: MigrationRunnerOptions_2,
config: MigrationRunnerOptions,
migration: Migration,
): AsyncGenerator<string, void, unknown>
export declare interface ExportAPIConfig extends APIConfig {
documentTypes?: string[]
declare interface FetchOptions {
url: string | URL
init: RequestInit
export declare function filter<T>(
it: AsyncIterableIterator<T>,
predicate: (value: T) => boolean,
predicate: (value: T) => boolean | Promise<boolean>,
): AsyncGenerator<Awaited<T>, void, unknown>
export declare function fromDocuments(
documents: SanityDocument[],
): Generator<SanityDocument, void, unknown>
documents: SanityDocument_2[],
): Generator<SanityDocument_2, void, unknown>

@@ -64,5 +207,82 @@ export declare function fromExportArchive(path: string): AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array, void, unknown>

export declare function fromExportEndpoint(
options: APIConfig,
): Promise<AsyncGenerator<Uint8Array, void, unknown>>
options: ExportAPIConfig,
): Promise<ReadableStream<Uint8Array>>
* Creates an `inc` (increment) operation with the provided amount.
* @param amount - The amount to increment by.
* @returns An `inc` operation.
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare const inc: <const N extends number = 1>(amount?: N) => IncOp<N>
export declare type IncOp<Amount extends number> = {
type: 'inc'
amount: Amount
export declare type IndexedSegment = number
* Creates an `insert` operation with the provided items, position, and reference item.
* @param items - The items to insert.
* @param position - The position to insert at.
* @param indexOrReferenceItem - The index or reference item to insert before or after.
* @returns An `insert` operation.
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare function insert<
const Items extends AnyArray<unknown>,
const Pos extends RelativePosition,
const ReferenceItem extends IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment,
items: Items | ArrayElement<Items>,
position: Pos,
indexOrReferenceItem: ReferenceItem,
): InsertOp<NormalizeReadOnlyArray<Items>, Pos, ReferenceItem>
* Creates an `insert` operation that inserts the provided items after the provided index or reference item.
* @param items - The items to insert.
* @param indexOrReferenceItem - The index or reference item to insert after.
* @returns An `insert` operation after the provided index or reference item.
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare const insertAfter: <
const Items extends AnyArray<unknown>,
const ReferenceItem extends number | KeyedSegment,
items: Items | ArrayElement<Items>,
indexOrReferenceItem: ReferenceItem,
) => InsertOp<NormalizeReadOnlyArray<Items>, 'after', ReferenceItem>
* Creates an `insert` operation that inserts the provided items before the provided index or reference item.
* @param items - The items to insert.
* @param indexOrReferenceItem - The index or reference item to insert before.
* @returns An `insert` operation before the provided index or reference item.
* {@link}
export declare function insertBefore<
const Items extends AnyArray<unknown>,
const ReferenceItem extends IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment,
items: Items | ArrayElement<Items>,
indexOrReferenceItem: ReferenceItem,
): InsertOp<NormalizeReadOnlyArray<Items>, 'before', ReferenceItem>
export declare type InsertOp<
Items extends AnyArray,
Pos extends RelativePosition,
ReferenceItem extends IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment,
> = {
type: 'insert'
referenceItem: ReferenceItem
position: Pos
items: Items
export declare type JsonArray = JsonValue[] | readonly JsonValue[]

@@ -76,2 +296,8 @@

export declare interface JSONOptions<Type> {
parse?: JSONParser<Type>
export declare type JSONParser<Type> = (line: string) => Type
export declare type JsonPrimitive = string | number | boolean | null

@@ -81,2 +307,4 @@

export {KeyedSegment}
export declare function map<T, U>(

@@ -87,2 +315,4 @@ it: AsyncIterableIterator<T>,

export declare const MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY = 10
export declare type MigrateDefinition = NodeMigration | AsyncIterableMigration

@@ -96,3 +326,6 @@

filter?: string
documentType: string
* What document types to migrate
documentTypes?: string[]
migrate: Def

@@ -102,63 +335,76 @@ }

export declare interface MigrationContext {
withDocument(id: string): Promise<SanityDocument | null>
getDocument<T extends SanityDocument_2>(id: string): Promise<T | undefined>
getDocuments<T extends SanityDocument_2>(ids: string[]): Promise<T[]>
query<T>(query: string, params?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<T>
declare interface MigrationRunnerOptions {
export declare type MigrationProgress = {
documents: number
mutations: number
pending: number
queuedBatches: number
currentMutations: Mutation[]
completedTransactions: MultipleMutationResult[]
done?: boolean
export declare interface MigrationRunnerConfig {
api: APIConfig
concurrency?: number
onProgress?: (event: MigrationProgress) => void
declare interface MigrationRunnerOptions_2 {
declare interface MigrationRunnerOptions {
api: APIConfig
export declare function ndjson(
it: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>,
): AsyncIterableIterator<unknown>
export declare type Mutation<Doc extends SanityDocument = any> =
| CreateMutation<Doc>
| CreateIfNotExistsMutation<Doc>
| CreateOrReplaceMutation<Doc>
| DeleteMutation
| PatchMutation
export declare interface NodeMigration {
document?: <Doc extends SanityDocument>(
document?: <Doc extends SanityDocument_2>(
doc: Doc,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => DocumentMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => DocumentMigrationReturnValue | Promise<DocumentMigrationReturnValue>
node?: <Node extends JsonValue>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
object?: <Node extends JsonObject>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
array?: <Node extends JsonArray>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
string?: <Node extends string>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
number?: <Node extends number>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
boolean?: <Node extends boolean>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
null?: <Node extends null>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
export declare interface NodeMigrationContext {
withDocument(id: string): Promise<SanityDocument | null>
export declare type NodeMigrationReturnValue =

@@ -169,11 +415,156 @@ | DocumentMigrationReturnValue

export declare function parseJSON(it: AsyncIterableIterator<string>): AsyncIterableIterator<unknown>
export declare type NodePatch<P extends Path = Path, O extends Operation = Operation> = {
path: P
op: O
export declare type NodePatchList =
| [NodePatch, ...NodePatch[]]
| NodePatch[]
| readonly NodePatch[]
| readonly [NodePatch, ...NodePatch[]]
declare type NormalizeReadOnlyArray<T> = T extends readonly [infer NP, ...infer Rest]
? [NP, ...Rest]
: T extends readonly (infer NP)[]
? NP[]
: T
export declare type NumberOp = IncOp<number> | DecOp<number>
export declare type ObjectOp = AssignOp | UnassignOp
export declare type Operation = PrimitiveOp | ArrayOp | ObjectOp
declare type Optional<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit<T, K> & Partial<Pick<T, K>>
export declare function parse<Type>(
it: AsyncIterableIterator<string>,
options?: JSONOptions<Type>,
): AsyncIterableIterator<Type>
export declare function parseJSON<Type>(
it: AsyncIterableIterator<string>,
{parse}?: JSONOptions<Type>,
): AsyncIterableIterator<Type>
* Applies a patch to a document.
* @param id - The id of the document to be patched.
* @param patches - The patches to be applied.
* @param options - Optional patch options.
* @returns The mutation operation to patch the document.
* @beta
export declare function patch<P extends NodePatchList | NodePatch>(
id: string,
patches: P,
options?: PatchOptions,
): PatchMutation<NormalizeReadOnlyArray<Tuplify<P>>>
export declare type PatchMutation<Patches extends NodePatchList = NodePatchList> = {
type: 'patch'
id: string
patches: Patches
options?: PatchOptions
export declare type PatchOptions = {
ifRevision?: string
export {Path}
export declare function run(
config: MigrationRunnerOptions,
* Creates an `insert` operation that prepends the provided items.
* @param items - The items to prepend.
* @returns An `insert` operation at the beginning of the array.
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare function prepend<const Items extends AnyArray<unknown>>(
items: Items | ArrayElement<Items>,
): InsertOp<NormalizeReadOnlyArray<Items>, 'before', 0>
export declare type PrimitiveOp = AnyOp | StringOp | NumberOp
export declare type RelativePosition = 'before' | 'after'
* Creates a `replace` operation with the provided items and reference item.
* @param items - The items to replace.
* @param referenceItem - The reference item to replace.
* @returns A ReplaceOp operation.
* @remarks This will be converted to an `insert`/`replace` patch when submitted to the API
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare function replace<
Items extends any[],
ReferenceItem extends IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment,
>(items: Items | ArrayElement<Items>, referenceItem: ReferenceItem): ReplaceOp<Items, ReferenceItem>
export declare type ReplaceOp<
Items extends AnyArray,
ReferenceItem extends IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment,
> = {
type: 'replace'
referenceItem: ReferenceItem
items: Items
export declare function run(config: MigrationRunnerConfig, migration: Migration): Promise<void>
export declare function runFromArchive(
migration: Migration,
): AsyncGenerator<string, void, unknown>
path: string,
config: MigrationRunnerConfig,
): Promise<void>
* Safe JSON parser that is able to handle lines interrupted by an error object.
* This may occur when streaming NDJSON from the Export HTTP API.
* @internal
* @see {@link | Initial pull request}
export declare const safeJsonParser: (line: string) => SanityDocument_2
export declare type SanityDocument = {
_id?: string
_type: string
_createdAt?: string
_updatedAt?: string
_rev?: string
* Creates a `set` operation with the provided value.
* @param value - The value to set.
* @returns A `set` operation.
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare const set: <const T>(value: T) => SetOp<T>
* Creates a `setIfMissing` operation with the provided value.
* @param value - The value to set if missing.
* @returns A `setIfMissing` operation.
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare const setIfMissing: <const T>(value: T) => SetIfMissingOp<T>
export declare type SetIfMissingOp<T> = {
type: 'setIfMissing'
value: T
export declare type SetOp<T> = {
type: 'set'
value: T
export declare function split(

@@ -184,2 +575,6 @@ it: AsyncIterableIterator<string>,

export declare function stringify(
iterable: AsyncIterableIterator<unknown>,
): AsyncGenerator<string, void, unknown>
export declare function stringifyJSON(

@@ -189,2 +584,4 @@ it: AsyncIterableIterator<unknown>,

export declare type StringOp = DiffMatchPatchOp
export declare function take<T>(

@@ -197,2 +594,58 @@ it: AsyncIterableIterator<T>,

export declare function toFetchOptionsIterable(
apiConfig: APIConfig,
mutations: AsyncIterableIterator<Mutation_2[]>,
): AsyncGenerator<FetchOptions, void, unknown>
* Creates a `truncate` operation that will remove all items after `startIndex` until the end of the array or the provided `endIndex`.
* @param startIndex - The start index for the truncate operation.
* @param endIndex - The end index for the truncate operation.
* @returns A `truncate` operation.
* @remarks - This will be converted to an `unset` patch when submitted to the API
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare function truncate(startIndex: number, endIndex?: number): TruncateOp
export declare type TruncateOp = {
type: 'truncate'
startIndex: number
endIndex?: number
declare type Tuplify<T> = T extends readonly [infer NP, ...infer Rest]
? [NP, ...Rest]
: T extends readonly (infer NP)[]
? NP[]
: [T]
export declare type UnassignOp<K extends readonly string[] = readonly string[]> = {
type: 'unassign'
keys: K
* Creates an `unset` operation.
* @returns An `unset` operation.
* {@link}
* @beta
export declare const unset: () => UnsetOp
export declare type UnsetOp = {
type: 'unset'
export declare type UpsertOp<
Items extends AnyArray,
Pos extends RelativePosition,
ReferenceItem extends IndexedSegment | KeyedSegment,
> = {
type: 'upsert'
items: Items
referenceItem: ReferenceItem
position: Pos
export {}


"name": "@sanity/migrate",
"version": "3.25.1-canary.22+7467ec230d",
"version": "3.26.2-canary.47+dc645319c7",
"description": "Tooling for running data migrations on projects",

@@ -37,13 +37,2 @@ "keywords": [

"./mutations": {
"types": "./lib/dts/src/_exports/mutations.d.ts",
"source": "./src/_exports/mutations.ts",
"require": "./lib/_exports/mutations.js",
"node": {
"module": "./lib/_exports/mutations.esm.js",
"import": "./lib/_exports/mutations.cjs.mjs"
"import": "./lib/_exports/mutations.esm.js",
"default": "./lib/_exports/mutations.esm.js"
"./package.json": "./package.json"

@@ -74,11 +63,17 @@ },

"lint": "eslint .",
"watch": "pkg-utils watch --tsconfig tsconfig.lib.json"
"watch": "pkg-utils watch --tsconfig tsconfig.lib.json",
"test": "jest"
"dependencies": {
"@bjoerge/mutiny": "^0.5.1",
"@sanity/types": "3.25.1-canary.22+7467ec230d",
"@sanity/client": "^6.11.1",
"@sanity/types": "3.26.2-canary.47+dc645319c7",
"@sanity/util": "3.26.2-canary.47+dc645319c7",
"arrify": "^2.0.1",
"fast-fifo": "^1.3.2"
"fast-fifo": "^1.3.2",
"groq-js": "^1.4.1",
"p-map": "^7.0.1"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/arrify": "^2.0.1",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2"

@@ -89,3 +84,3 @@ },

"gitHead": "7467ec230d743872295acc60992b3510fa2dc51f"
"gitHead": "dc645319c7d109039871bc4b3385a0df47a10d55"
export {fromExportArchive} from '../sources/fromExportArchive'
export {fromExportEndpoint} from '../sources/fromExportEndpoint'
export {fromDocuments} from '../sources/fromDocuments'
export {safeJsonParser} from '../sources/fromExportEndpoint'
export * from '../types'

@@ -8,3 +9,6 @@ export * from '../defineMigration'

export * from '../runner/run'
export * from '../runner/runFromArchive'
export * from '../runner/dryRun'
export * from '../runner/collectMigrationMutations'
export * from '../mutations'

@@ -25,7 +25,8 @@ type SupportedMethod = 'GET' | 'POST'

export: (dataset: string): Endpoint => ({
export: (dataset: string, documentTypes?: string[]): Endpoint => ({
global: false,
method: 'GET',
path: `/data/export/${dataset}`,
searchParams: [],
documentTypes && documentTypes?.length > 0 ? [['types', documentTypes.join(',')]] : [],

@@ -32,0 +33,0 @@ mutate: (

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import {streamAsyncIterator} from '../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {streamToAsyncIterator} from '../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'

@@ -11,5 +11,13 @@ export interface FetchOptions {

export function assert2xx(res: Response) {
export async function assert2xx(res: Response): Promise<void> {
if (res.status < 200 || res.status > 299) {
const err = new Error(`HTTP Error ${res.status}: ${res.statusText}`) as HTTPError
const response = await res.json().catch(() => {
throw new Error(`Error parsing JSON ${res.status}: ${res.statusText}`)
const message = response.error
? response.error.description
: `HTTP Error ${res.status}: ${res.statusText}`
const err = new Error(message) as HTTPError
err.statusCode = res.status

@@ -20,7 +28,11 @@ throw err

export async function fetchAsyncIterator({url, init}: FetchOptions) {
export async function fetchStream({url, init}: FetchOptions) {
const response = await fetch(url, init)
await assert2xx(response)
if (response.body === null) throw new Error('No response received')
return streamAsyncIterator(response.body)
return response.body
export async function fetchAsyncIterator(options: FetchOptions) {
return streamToAsyncIterator(await fetchStream(options))

@@ -1,4 +0,7 @@

export async function* filter<T>(it: AsyncIterableIterator<T>, predicate: (value: T) => boolean) {
export async function* filter<T>(
it: AsyncIterableIterator<T>,
predicate: (value: T) => boolean | Promise<boolean>,
) {
for await (const chunk of it) {
if (predicate(chunk)) {
if (await predicate(chunk)) {
yield chunk

@@ -5,0 +8,0 @@ }

@@ -1,6 +0,13 @@

export async function* parseJSON(
export type JSONParser<Type> = (line: string) => Type
export interface JSONOptions<Type> {
parse?: JSONParser<Type>
export async function* parseJSON<Type>(
it: AsyncIterableIterator<string>,
): AsyncIterableIterator<unknown> {
{parse = JSON.parse}: JSONOptions<Type> = {},
): AsyncIterableIterator<Type> {
for await (const chunk of it) {
yield JSON.parse(chunk)
yield parse(chunk)

@@ -7,0 +14,0 @@ }

import {split} from './split'
import {decodeText} from './decodeText'
import {parseJSON} from './json'
import {type JSONOptions, parseJSON} from './json'
import {filter} from './filter'
export function ndjson(it: AsyncIterableIterator<Uint8Array>) {
return parseJSON(filter(split(decodeText(it), '\n'), (line) => Boolean(line && line.trim())))
export function parse<Type>(
it: AsyncIterableIterator<string>,
options?: JSONOptions<Type>,
): AsyncIterableIterator<Type> {
return parseJSON(
filter(split(it, '\n'), (line) => Boolean(line && line.trim())),
export async function* stringify(iterable: AsyncIterableIterator<unknown>) {
for await (const doc of iterable) {
yield `${JSON.stringify(doc)}\n`
import {SanityDocument} from '@sanity/types'
import {Migration} from '../types'
import {Migration, MigrationContext} from '../types'
import {normalizeMigrateDefinition} from './normalizeMigrateDefinition'

@@ -7,11 +7,7 @@

migration: Migration,
documents: AsyncIterableIterator<SanityDocument>,
documents: () => AsyncIterableIterator<SanityDocument>,
context: MigrationContext,
) {
const ctx = {
withDocument: () => {
throw new Error('Not implemented yet')
const migrate = normalizeMigrateDefinition(migration)
return migrate(documents, ctx)
return migrate(documents, context)

@@ -1,7 +0,13 @@

import {CompactFormatter} from '@bjoerge/mutiny'
import {SanityDocument} from '@sanity/types'
import {APIConfig, Migration} from '../types'
import {ndjson} from '../it-utils/ndjson'
import {fromExportEndpoint} from '../sources/fromExportEndpoint'
import {fromExportEndpoint, safeJsonParser} from '../sources/fromExportEndpoint'
import {streamToAsyncIterator} from '../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {bufferThroughFile} from '../fs-webstream/bufferThroughFile'
import {asyncIterableToStream} from '../utils/asyncIterableToStream'
import {parse} from '../it-utils/ndjson'
import {decodeText} from '../it-utils'
import {collectMigrationMutations} from './collectMigrationMutations'
import {getBufferFilePath} from './utils/getBufferFile'
import {createBufferFileContext} from './utils/createBufferFileContext'
import {applyFilters} from './utils/applyFilters'

@@ -13,11 +19,36 @@ interface MigrationRunnerOptions {

export async function* dryRun(config: MigrationRunnerOptions, migration: Migration) {
const filteredDocuments = applyFilters(
await fromExportEndpoint({...config.api, documentTypes: migration.documentTypes}),
{parse: safeJsonParser},
const abortController = new AbortController()
const createReader = bufferThroughFile(
{signal: abortController.signal},
const context = createBufferFileContext(createReader)
const mutations = collectMigrationMutations(
ndjson(await fromExportEndpoint(config.api)) as AsyncIterableIterator<SanityDocument>,
() => parse(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(createReader())), {parse: safeJsonParser}),
// stop buffering the export once we're done collecting all mutations
for await (const mutation of mutations) {
if (!mutation) continue
yield CompactFormatter.format(Array.isArray(mutation) ? mutation : [mutation])
yield JSON.stringify(mutation, null, 2)

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import {at, Mutation, NodePatch, Operation, patch, Path} from '@bjoerge/mutiny'
import {SanityDocument} from '@sanity/types'
import {Path, SanityDocument} from '@sanity/types'
import arrify from 'arrify'
import {AsyncIterableMigration, Migration, NodeMigration, NodeMigrationContext} from '../types'
import {at, Mutation, NodePatch, Operation, patch} from '../mutations'
import {AsyncIterableMigration, Migration, MigrationContext, NodeMigration} from '../types'
import {JsonArray, JsonObject, JsonValue} from '../json'

@@ -16,3 +16,3 @@ import {flatMapDeep} from './utils/flatMapDeep'

filter: migration.filter,
documentType: migration.documentType,
documentTypes: migration.documentTypes,

@@ -42,8 +42,11 @@ }

migration: NodeMigration,
opts: {filter?: string; documentType?: string},
opts: {filter?: string; documentTypes?: string[]},
): AsyncIterableMigration {
const documentTypesSet = new Set(opts.documentTypes)
return async function* run(docs, context) {
for await (const doc of docs) {
if (doc._type !== opts.documentType) continue
const documentMutations = collectDocumentMutations(migration, doc, context)
for await (const doc of docs()) {
if (!documentTypesSet.has(doc._type)) continue
const documentMutations = await collectDocumentMutations(migration, doc, context)
if (documentMutations.length > 0) {

@@ -56,18 +59,22 @@ yield documentMutations

function collectDocumentMutations(
async function collectDocumentMutations(
migration: NodeMigration,
doc: SanityDocument,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
context: MigrationContext,
) {
const documentMutations = migration.document?.(doc, context)
const nodeMigrations = flatMapDeep(doc as JsonValue, (value, path) => {
return [
...arrify(migration.node?.(value, path, context)),
...arrify(migrateNodeType(migration, value, path, context)),
].map((change) => normalizeNodeMutation(path, change))
const documentMutations = Promise.resolve(migration.document?.(doc, context))
const nodeMigrations = flatMapDeep(doc as JsonValue, async (value, path) => {
const [nodeReturnValues, nodeTypeReturnValues] = await Promise.all([
Promise.resolve(migration.node?.(value, path, context)),
Promise.resolve(migrateNodeType(migration, value, path, context)),
return [...arrify(nodeReturnValues), ...arrify(nodeTypeReturnValues)].map((change) =>
normalizeNodeMutation(path, change),
return [...arrify(documentMutations), ...nodeMigrations].map((change) =>
normalizeDocumentMutation(doc._id, change),
return (await Promise.all([...arrify(await documentMutations), ...nodeMigrations]))
.map((change) => normalizeDocumentMutation(doc._id, change))

@@ -100,3 +107,3 @@

path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
context: MigrationContext,
) {

@@ -103,0 +110,0 @@ switch (getValueType(value)) {

import {SanityDocument} from '@sanity/types'
import {MultipleMutationResult} from '@sanity/client'
import {APIConfig, Migration} from '../types'
import {ndjson} from '../it-utils/ndjson'
import {fromExportEndpoint} from '../sources/fromExportEndpoint'
import {toMutationEndpoint} from '../targets/toMutationEndpoint'
import {MultipleMutationResult, Mutation as SanityMutation} from '@sanity/client'
import arrify from 'arrify'
import {APIConfig, Migration, MigrationProgress} from '../types'
import {parse, stringify} from '../it-utils/ndjson'
import {fromExportEndpoint, safeJsonParser} from '../sources/fromExportEndpoint'
import {endpoints} from '../fetch-utils/endpoints'
import {toFetchOptions} from '../fetch-utils/sanityRequestOptions'
import {tap} from '../it-utils/tap'
import {mapAsync} from '../it-utils/mapAsync'
import {lastValueFrom} from '../it-utils/lastValueFrom'
import {decodeText, parseJSON} from '../it-utils'
import {concatStr} from '../it-utils/concatStr'
import {fetchAsyncIterator, FetchOptions} from '../fetch-utils/fetchStream'
import {bufferThroughFile} from '../fs-webstream/bufferThroughFile'
import {streamToAsyncIterator} from '../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {asyncIterableToStream} from '../utils/asyncIterableToStream'
import {toSanityMutations} from './utils/toSanityMutations'
import {
} from './constants'
import {batchMutations} from './utils/batchMutations'
import {collectMigrationMutations} from './collectMigrationMutations'
import {getBufferFilePath} from './utils/getBufferFile'
import {createBufferFileContext} from './utils/createBufferFileContext'
import {applyFilters} from './utils/applyFilters'
interface MigrationRunnerOptions {
export interface MigrationRunnerConfig {
api: APIConfig
concurrency?: number
onProgress?: (event: MigrationProgress) => void
export async function* run(config: MigrationRunnerOptions, migration: Migration) {
const mutations = collectMigrationMutations(
export async function* toFetchOptionsIterable(
apiConfig: APIConfig,
mutations: AsyncIterableIterator<SanityMutation[]>,
) {
for await (const mut of mutations) {
yield toFetchOptions({
projectId: apiConfig.projectId,
apiVersion: apiConfig.apiVersion,
token: apiConfig.token,
apiHost: apiConfig.apiHost ?? '',
endpoint:, {returnIds: true}),
body: JSON.stringify({mutations: mut}),
export async function run(config: MigrationRunnerConfig, migration: Migration) {
const stats: MigrationProgress = {
documents: 0,
mutations: 0,
pending: 0,
queuedBatches: 0,
completedTransactions: [],
currentMutations: [],
const filteredDocuments = applyFilters(
ndjson(await fromExportEndpoint(config.api)) as AsyncIterableIterator<SanityDocument>,
await fromExportEndpoint({...config.api, documentTypes: migration.documentTypes}),
{parse: safeJsonParser},
const abortController = new AbortController()
for await (const result of toMutationEndpoint(config.api, mutations)) {
yield formatMutationResponse(result)
const createReader = bufferThroughFile(
{signal: abortController.signal},
const context = createBufferFileContext(createReader)
const documents = () =>
parse<SanityDocument>(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(createReader())), {
parse: safeJsonParser,
() => {
config.onProgress?.({...stats, documents: ++stats.documents})
const mutations = tap(collectMigrationMutations(migration, documents, context), (muts) => {
stats.currentMutations = arrify(muts)
mutations: ++stats.mutations,
const concurrency = config?.concurrency ?? DEFAULT_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY
if (concurrency > MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY) {
throw new Error(`Concurrency exceeds maximum allowed value (${MAX_MUTATION_CONCURRENCY})`)
function formatMutationResponse(mutationResponse: MultipleMutationResult) {
return `OK (transactionId = ${mutationResponse.transactionId})
.map((result) => {
return ` - ${result.operation}: ${}`
const batches = tap(
batchMutations(toSanityMutations(mutations), MUTATION_ENDPOINT_MAX_BODY_SIZE),
() => {
config.onProgress?.({...stats, queuedBatches: ++stats.queuedBatches})
const submit = async (opts: FetchOptions): Promise<MultipleMutationResult> =>
lastValueFrom(parseJSON(concatStr(decodeText(await fetchAsyncIterator(opts)))))
const commits = await mapAsync(
toFetchOptionsIterable(config.api, batches),
(opts) => {
config.onProgress?.({...stats, pending: ++stats.pending})
return submit(opts)
for await (const result of commits) {
done: true,
// Cancel export/buffer stream, it's not needed anymore

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import {Path, PathElement} from '@bjoerge/mutiny'
import {Path, PathSegment} from '@sanity/types'
import {JsonArray, JsonObject, JsonValue} from '../../json'

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ import {getValueType} from './getValueType'

container: JsonArray | JsonObject,
): PathElement {
): PathSegment {
if (

@@ -20,0 +20,0 @@ item &&

import {maybeDecompress} from '../fs-webstream/maybeDecompress'
import {untar} from '../tar-webstream/untar'
import {streamAsyncIterator} from '../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {streamToAsyncIterator} from '../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {readFileAsWebStream} from '../fs-webstream/readFileAsWebStream'
export async function* fromExportArchive(path: string) {
for await (const [header, entry] of streamAsyncIterator(
for await (const [header, entry] of streamToAsyncIterator(
untar(await maybeDecompress(readFileAsWebStream(path))),
)) {
if (header.type === 'file' &&'.ndjson')) {
for await (const chunk of streamAsyncIterator(entry)) {
for await (const chunk of streamToAsyncIterator(entry)) {
yield chunk

@@ -14,0 +14,0 @@ }

@@ -1,8 +0,10 @@

import {fetchAsyncIterator} from '../fetch-utils/fetchStream'
import {createSafeJsonParser} from '@sanity/util/createSafeJsonParser'
import {SanityDocument} from '@sanity/types'
import {fetchStream} from '../fetch-utils/fetchStream'
import {toFetchOptions} from '../fetch-utils/sanityRequestOptions'
import {endpoints} from '../fetch-utils/endpoints'
import {APIConfig} from '../types'
import {ExportAPIConfig} from '../types'
export function fromExportEndpoint(options: APIConfig) {
return fetchAsyncIterator(
export function fromExportEndpoint(options: ExportAPIConfig) {
return fetchStream(

@@ -13,5 +15,17 @@ projectId: options.projectId,

apiHost: options.apiHost ?? '',
endpoint:, options.documentTypes),
* Safe JSON parser that is able to handle lines interrupted by an error object.
* This may occur when streaming NDJSON from the Export HTTP API.
* @internal
* @see {@link | Initial pull request}
export const safeJsonParser = createSafeJsonParser<SanityDocument>({
errorLabel: 'Error streaming dataset',

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import {streamAsyncIterator} from '../../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {streamToAsyncIterator} from '../../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {untar} from '../untar'

@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ import {readFileAsWebStream} from '../../fs-webstream/readFileAsWebStream'

const fileStream = readFileAsWebStream(file)
for await (const [header, body] of streamAsyncIterator(untar(fileStream))) {
yield [, streamAsyncIterator(body)]
for await (const [header, body] of streamToAsyncIterator(untar(fileStream))) {
yield [, streamToAsyncIterator(body)]

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@ }

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import {streamAsyncIterator} from '../../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {streamToAsyncIterator} from '../../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {toArray} from '../../it-utils/toArray'

@@ -33,5 +33,5 @@ import {untar} from '../untar'

for await (const [header, body] of streamAsyncIterator(untar(fileStream))) {
for await (const [header, body] of streamToAsyncIterator(untar(fileStream))) {
if ( {
const chunks = await toArray(streamAsyncIterator(body))
const chunks = await toArray(streamToAsyncIterator(body))
const sum = await shasum(concatUint8Arrays(chunks))

@@ -38,0 +38,0 @@ expect(sum).toEqual('02c936cda5695fa4f43f5dc919c1f55c362faa6dd558dfb2d77d524f004069db')

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import {streamAsyncIterator} from '../../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {streamToAsyncIterator} from '../../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {toArray} from '../../it-utils/toArray'

@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ import {untar} from '../untar'

const fileStream = readFileAsWebStream(file)
for await (const [header, body] of streamAsyncIterator(untar(fileStream))) {
const content = await toArray(decodeText(streamAsyncIterator(body)))
for await (const [header, body] of streamToAsyncIterator(untar(fileStream))) {
const content = await toArray(decodeText(streamToAsyncIterator(body)))
yield [, {type: header.type, content}]

@@ -13,0 +13,0 @@ }

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import {streamAsyncIterator} from '../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'
import {streamToAsyncIterator} from '../utils/streamToAsyncIterator'

@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ /**

export async function drain(stream: ReadableStream<unknown>) {
for await (const _ of streamAsyncIterator(stream)) {
for await (const _ of streamToAsyncIterator(stream)) {
// do nothing

@@ -1,4 +0,5 @@

import type {SanityDocument} from '@sanity/types'
import type {Mutation, NodePatch, Operation, Path} from '@bjoerge/mutiny'
import type {SanityDocument, Path} from '@sanity/types'
import {MultipleMutationResult} from '@sanity/client'
import {JsonArray, JsonObject, JsonValue} from './json'
import {Mutation, NodePatch, Operation} from './mutations'

@@ -9,3 +10,3 @@ export type {Path}

export type AsyncIterableMigration = (
documents: AsyncIterableIterator<SanityDocument>,
documents: () => AsyncIterableIterator<SanityDocument>,
context: MigrationContext,

@@ -20,3 +21,8 @@ ) => AsyncGenerator<Mutation | Mutation[]>

filter?: string
documentType: string
* What document types to migrate
documentTypes?: string[]
migrate: Def

@@ -27,4 +33,16 @@ }

export type MigrationProgress = {
documents: number
mutations: number
pending: number
queuedBatches: number
currentMutations: Mutation[]
completedTransactions: MultipleMutationResult[]
done?: boolean
export interface MigrationContext {
withDocument(id: string): Promise<SanityDocument | null>
getDocument<T extends SanityDocument>(id: string): Promise<T | undefined>
getDocuments<T extends SanityDocument>(ids: string[]): Promise<T[]>
query<T>(query: string, params?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<T>

@@ -40,4 +58,4 @@

export interface NodeMigrationContext {
withDocument(id: string): Promise<SanityDocument | null>
export interface ExportAPIConfig extends APIConfig {
documentTypes?: string[]

@@ -57,39 +75,39 @@

doc: Doc,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => DocumentMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => DocumentMigrationReturnValue | Promise<DocumentMigrationReturnValue>
node?: <Node extends JsonValue>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
object?: <Node extends JsonObject>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
array?: <Node extends JsonArray>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
string?: <Node extends string>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
number?: <Node extends number>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
boolean?: <Node extends boolean>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>
null?: <Node extends null>(
node: Node,
path: Path,
context: NodeMigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue
context: MigrationContext,
) => NodeMigrationReturnValue | Promise<NodeMigrationReturnValue>

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

export async function* streamAsyncIterator<T>(stream: ReadableStream<T>) {
export async function* streamToAsyncIterator<T>(stream: ReadableStream<T>) {
// Get a lock on the stream

@@ -3,0 +3,0 @@ const reader = stream.getReader()

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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