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Recommended setup for releasing semantically using GitHub Actions workflows

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npm i -D @sanity/semantic-release-preset
Why isn't semantic-release a peer dependency?

There's a convention in semantic-release presets to have it as a peer, which would make the install setup look like this:

npm install --save-dev semantic-release @sanity/semantic-release-preset

This leaves it to you to keep both dependencies up to date. This package is primarily designed to ease our own internal @sanity npm packages, and thus we prefer for it to be a single dependency. That way we avoid mismatch bugs where bots might make a PR that updates semantic-release to a new, breaking, major version. But fail to also update @sanity/semantic-release-preset causing it to fail.

By declaring it as a normal dependency we avoid these issues, and reduce churn and PR noise.

Setup the release config

Create a .releaserc.json:

  "extends": "@sanity/semantic-release-preset",
  "branches": ["main"]

The branches array is mandatory, and in most repositories you should put the default git branch here (main, or master if it's an older repository).

Optional: Configure prerelease branches

If you have stable releases going out from the git branch main, and want commits on the branch v3 to result in only being installable with the npm dist-tag dev-preview:

npm i package-name@dev-preview

But not on:

npm i package-name # or npm i package-name@latest

Then use this config:

  "extends": "@sanity/semantic-release-preset",
  "branches": [
    { "name": "v3", "channel": "dev-preview", "prerelease": true }

Optional: Advanced prerelease branches

On many studio v3 plugins we're using the main git branch to push prereleases that are installable as:

npm i package-name@studio-v3

And that's saved to the package.json as:

  "dependencies": {
    "package-name": "^1.0.0-v3-studio.1"

To run that setup use:

  "extends": "@sanity/semantic-release-preset",
  "branches": [
    { "name": "studio-v2", "channel": "latest" },
    { "name": "main", "channel": "studio-v3", "prerelease": "v3-studio" }

Why not use "prerelease": true?

If prerelease is true instead of v3-studio this is what happens when it's installed:

  "dependencies": {
    "package-name": "^1.0.0-studio-v3.1"

Since we use the name studio-v3 as the channel, the prerelease increment makes it look like the studio version is v3.1, which is confusing. Alternatively, you could set channel to v3-studio but then the install command would change to this:

npm i package-name@v3-studio

And since we always say "Studio v3" and never "v3 Studio" when talking about the new version it's better to use both channel and prerelease to set the optimal ordering individually.

Minimal GitHub Release workflow

This is the bare minimum required steps to trigger a new release. This will push a new release every time an eliglible commit is pushed to git. Check the opinionated flow to see how to trigger releases manually. Create .github/workflows/ci.yml:

name: CI

on: push

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          # Need to fetch entire commit history to
          # analyze every commit since last release
          fetch-depth: 0
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: lts/*
          cache: 'npm'
      - run: npm ci
      - run: npm test --if-present
      # Branches that will release new versions are defined in .releaserc.json
      # @TODO uncomment after verifying with --dry-run we're ready to go
      # - run: npx semantic-release
      - run: npx semantic-release --dry-run
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_PUBLISH_TOKEN }}

It's important that you use --dry-run in the npx semantic-release command until you've verified that semantic-release is setup correctly and is able to detect your release branches and published version numbers. If you don't you may accidentally release a wrong version on npm, know that you can't simply unpublish accidents so it's best to be safe.

You need two secrets, secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN is always provided to GitHub actions, but if you try to --dry-run locally you'll need to create a token. It's easiest to just push commits and inspect the workflow output. You can add --debug to the npx semantic-release command to see more verbose logs if there's a tricky error.

The secrets.NPM_PUBLISH_TOKEN is provided on our GitHub org. If you're outside it you'll need to create it with auth-only 2FA and add it to the repository secrets.

If you're unable to make it work chances are your issue is documented in the semantic-release troubleshooting docs

Once you've confirmed with --dry-run that everything is looking good and semantic-release will perform the actions you expect it to, go ahead and edit .github/workflows/release.yml:

name: CI

  # Build on pushes branches that have a PR (including drafts)
  # Build on commits pushed to branches without a PR if it's in the allowlist
    branches: [main]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          # Need to fetch entire commit history to
          # analyze every commit since last release
          fetch-depth: 0
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
          node-version: lts/*
          cache: 'npm'
      - run: npm ci
      - run: npm test --if-present
      # Branches that will release new versions are defined in .releaserc.json
      - run: npx semantic-release
          GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_PUBLISH_TOKEN }}

If this is on a brand new package that haven't published to npm yet, make a commit like this:

git add .github/workflows/release.yml
git commit -m "feat: initial release"
git push

If you're onboarding a package that already has a published version history:

git add .github/workflows/release.yml
git commit -m "fix: use semantic-release"
git push

Check the Release Workflow docs for more information.

Opinionated GitHub Release workflow

  1. This flow runs a build task for linting and things that only need to run once.
  2. Runs test, which runs a matrix of operating systems and Node.js versions.
  3. FInally, runs release, if the workflow started from a workflow_dispatch, it is skipped on push.

TODO more docs are coming, we're actively exploring the optimal setup

Next steps, for even more automation



Package last updated on 08 Jan 2023

Did you know?


Socket for GitHub automatically highlights issues in each pull request and monitors the health of all your open source dependencies. Discover the contents of your packages and block harmful activity before you install or update your dependencies.


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