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@@ -1,393 +0,2 @@

import { Signal, ReadonlySignal } from "@preact/signals";
import { JSXInternal } from "preact/src/jsx";
declare enum WeekDay {
type WeekWithDates = Date[];
type MonthWithDates = Date[][];
declare enum Month {
MARCH = 2,
APRIL = 3,
MAY = 4,
JUNE = 5,
JULY = 6,
interface TimeUnits {
firstDayOfWeek: WeekDay;
getMonthWithTrailingAndLeadingDays(year: number, month: Month): MonthWithDates;
getWeekFor(date: Date): WeekWithDates;
getMonthsFor(year: number): Date[];
declare enum DatePickerView {
MONTH_DAYS = "month-days",
YEARS = "years"
interface DatePickerState {
isOpen: Signal<boolean>;
isDisabled: Signal<boolean>;
selectedDate: Signal<string>;
inputDisplayedValue: Signal<string>;
datePickerDate: Signal<string>;
datePickerView: Signal<DatePickerView>;
inputWrapperElement: Signal<HTMLDivElement | undefined>;
isDark: Signal<boolean>;
open(): void;
close(): void;
toggle(): void;
setView(view: DatePickerView): void;
type TranslationVariables = {
[key: string]: string | number;
type TranslateFn = (key: string, variables?: TranslationVariables) => string;
* This interface serves as a bridge between the AppSingleton for the date picker and calendar
* */
interface AppSingleton {
timeUnitsImpl: TimeUnits;
datePickerState: DatePickerState;
translate: TranslateFn;
* This interface serves as a bridge between the config interface for the date picker amd the calendar.
* */
interface Config {
locale: Signal<string>;
firstDayOfWeek: Signal<WeekDay>;
declare enum Placement {
TOP_START = "top-start",
TOP_END = "top-end",
BOTTOM_START = "bottom-start",
BOTTOM_END = "bottom-end"
interface DatePickerAppSingleton extends AppSingleton {
config: DatePickerConfigInternal;
type DatePickerListeners = {
onChange?: (date: string) => void;
onEscapeKeyDown?: ($app: DatePickerAppSingleton) => void;
type DatePickerStyle = {
dark?: boolean;
fullWidth?: boolean;
interface DatePickerConfigInternal extends Config {
min: string;
max: string;
placement: Placement;
listeners: DatePickerListeners;
style: DatePickerStyle;
teleportTo?: HTMLElement;
label?: string;
name?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
// This enum is used to represent names of all internally built views of the calendar
declare enum InternalViewName {
Day = "day",
Week = "week",
MonthGrid = "month-grid",
MonthAgenda = "month-agenda"
// Since implementers can use custom views, we need to have a type that combines the internal views with these custom views
type ViewName = InternalViewName | string;
type DateRange = {
start: string;
end: string;
interface RangeSetterConfig {
date: string;
timeUnitsImpl: TimeUnits;
calendarConfig: CalendarConfigInternal;
range: Signal<DateRange | null>;
type PreactViewComponent = (props: {
$app: CalendarAppSingleton;
id: string;
}) => JSXInternal.Element;
declare const addMonths: (to: string, nMonths: number) => string;
declare const addDays: (to: string, nDays: number) => string;
type ViewConfig<FrameworkComponent = PreactViewComponent> = {
* a unique identifier for the view
* */
name: ViewName;
* text that will be displayed in the view dropdown
* */
label: string;
* function that is called when a new date is selected
* */
setDateRange: (config: RangeSetterConfig) => DateRange;
* should the view be displayed on small screens (< 700px calendar width)
* */
hasSmallScreenCompat: boolean;
* should the view be displayed on wide screens (> 700px calendar width)
* */
hasWideScreenCompat: boolean;
* The component you want to render
* */
Component: FrameworkComponent;
* function that is called when the user clicks the backward/forward button
* */
backwardForwardFn: typeof addDays | typeof addMonths;
* number of units to add into the backwardForwardFn function. Result behind the scenes for example:
* backwardForwardFn = addDays
* backwardForwardUnits = 1
* result (behind the scenes) = addDays(date, 1)
* */
backwardForwardUnits: number;
type View<FrameworkComponent = PreactViewComponent> = ViewConfig<FrameworkComponent> & {
render(onElement: HTMLElement, $app: CalendarAppSingleton): void;
destroy(): void;
type EventId = number | string;
type startDate = string;
type nDays = number;
type EventFragments = Record<startDate, nDays>;
type CalendarEventOptions = {
disableDND?: boolean;
disableResize?: boolean;
additionalClasses?: string[];
interface CalendarEventExternal {
id: EventId;
start: string;
end: string;
title?: string;
people?: string[];
location?: string;
description?: string;
calendarId?: string;
_customContent?: {
timeGrid?: string;
dateGrid?: string;
monthGrid?: string;
monthAgenda?: string;
_options?: CalendarEventOptions;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
[key: string]: any;
interface CalendarEventInternal extends CalendarEventExternal {
// event duration
_isSingleDayTimed: boolean;
_isSingleDayFullDay: boolean;
_isSingleHybridDayTimed: boolean;
_isMultiDayTimed: boolean;
_isMultiDayFullDay: boolean;
// week time grid
_previousConcurrentEvents: number | undefined;
_totalConcurrentEvents: number | undefined;
// week date grid
_nDaysInGrid: number | undefined;
// month grid
_eventFragments: EventFragments;
_color: string;
_getForeignProperties(): Record<string, unknown>;
_getExternalEvent(): CalendarEventExternal;
type DayBoundariesInternal = {
start: number;
end: number;
interface TimeGridDragHandler {
type DayBoundariesDateTime = {
start: string;
end: string;
interface DateGridDragHandler {
interface EventCoordinates {
clientX: number;
clientY: number;
interface DragHandlerDependencies {
$app: CalendarAppSingleton;
eventCoordinates: EventCoordinates;
eventCopy: CalendarEventInternal;
updateCopy: (newCopy: CalendarEventInternal | undefined) => void;
interface MonthGridDragHandler {
interface DragAndDropPlugin extends PluginBase {
createTimeGridDragHandler(dependencies: DragHandlerDependencies, dayBoundariesDateTime: DayBoundariesDateTime): TimeGridDragHandler;
createDateGridDragHandler(dependencies: DragHandlerDependencies): DateGridDragHandler;
createMonthGridDragHandler(calendarEvent: CalendarEventInternal, $app: CalendarAppSingleton): MonthGridDragHandler;
type EventModalProps = {
$app: CalendarAppSingleton;
interface EventModalPlugin extends PluginBase {
calendarEvent: Signal<CalendarEventInternal | null>;
calendarEventDOMRect: Signal<DOMRect | null>;
calendarEventElement: Signal<HTMLElement | null>;
close(): void;
setCalendarEvent(event: CalendarEventInternal | null, eventTargetDOMRect: DOMRect | null): void;
ComponentFn(props: EventModalProps): JSXInternal.Element;
interface CalendarCallbacks {
onEventUpdate?: (event: CalendarEventExternal) => void;
onEventClick?: (event: CalendarEventExternal) => void;
onRangeUpdate?: (range: DateRange) => void;
onSelectedDateUpdate?: (date: string) => void;
onClickDate?: (date: string) => void;
onDoubleClickDate?: (date: string) => void;
onClickDateTime?: (dateTime: string) => void;
onDoubleClickDateTime?: (dateTime: string) => void;
onClickAgendaDate?: (date: string) => void;
onClickPlusEvents?: (date: string) => void;
beforeRender?: ($app: CalendarAppSingleton) => void;
onRender?: ($app: CalendarAppSingleton) => void;
isCalendarSmall?: ($app: CalendarAppSingleton) => boolean;
type CustomComponentFns = {
timeGridEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
dateGridEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
monthGridEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
monthAgendaEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
eventModal?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentLeftPrepend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentLeftAppend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentRightPrepend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentRightAppend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContent?: CustomComponentFn;
interface EventsFacade {
get(id: EventId): CalendarEventExternal | undefined;
getAll(): CalendarEventExternal[];
add(event: CalendarEventExternal): void;
update(event: CalendarEventExternal): void;
remove(id: EventId): void;
set(events: CalendarEventExternal[]): void;
interface EventRecurrencePlugin extends PluginBase {
updateRecurrenceDND(eventId: EventId, oldEventStart: string, newEventStart: string): void;
updateRecurrenceOnResize(eventId: EventId, oldEventEnd: string, newEventEnd: string): void;
eventsFacade: EventsFacade;
type WeekOptions = {
gridHeight: number;
nDays: number;
eventWidth: number;
timeAxisFormatOptions: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions;
type MonthGridOptions = {
nEventsPerDay: number;
type ColorDefinition = {
main: string;
container: string;
onContainer: string;
type CalendarType = {
colorName: string;
label?: string;
lightColors?: ColorDefinition;
darkColors?: ColorDefinition;
type Plugins = {
dragAndDrop?: DragAndDropPlugin;
eventModal?: EventModalPlugin;
scrollController?: PluginBase;
eventRecurrence?: EventRecurrencePlugin;
resize?: ResizePlugin;
[key: string]: PluginBase | undefined;
type CustomComponentFn = (wrapperElement: HTMLElement, props: Record<string, unknown>) => void;
interface CalendarConfigInternal extends Config {
defaultView: ViewName;
views: Signal<View[]>;
dayBoundaries: Signal<DayBoundariesInternal>;
weekOptions: Signal<WeekOptions>;
calendars: Signal<Record<string, CalendarType>>;
isDark: Signal<boolean>;
minDate: Signal<string | undefined>;
maxDate: Signal<string | undefined>;
monthGridOptions: Signal<MonthGridOptions>;
plugins: Plugins;
isResponsive: boolean;
callbacks: CalendarCallbacks;
_customComponentFns: CustomComponentFns;
// Getters
isHybridDay: boolean;
timePointsPerDay: number;
interface CalendarState {
isCalendarSmall: Signal<boolean | undefined>;
view: ReadonlySignal<ViewName>;
setView: (view: ViewName, selectedDate: string) => void;
range: Signal<DateRange | null>;
isDark: Signal<boolean>;
setRange: (date: string) => void;
type EventsFilterPredicate = ((event: CalendarEventInternal) => boolean) | undefined;
interface CalendarEvents {
list: Signal<CalendarEventInternal[]>;
filterPredicate: Signal<EventsFilterPredicate>;
interface CalendarElements {
calendarWrapper: HTMLDivElement | undefined;
interface CalendarAppSingleton extends AppSingleton {
config: CalendarConfigInternal;
datePickerConfig: DatePickerConfigInternal;
calendarState: CalendarState;
calendarEvents: CalendarEvents;
elements: CalendarElements;
interface PluginBase {
name: string;
* Allow implementers to dynamically add any properties to the global app object as they see fit.
* In order to avoid conflict with future properties added to the library, we recommend
* using the unique prefix `$` for any custom properties added to the global app object.
* for example $app['$websocketService'] = new WebsocketService().
* Adding properties to existing sub-objects is discouraged, since this will make your application more
* brittle to future changes in the library.
* */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
beforeRender?($app: CalendarAppSingleton | any): void;
* Allow implementers to dynamically add any properties to the global app object as they see fit.
* In order to avoid conflict with future properties added to the library, we recommend
* using the unique prefix `$` for any custom properties added to the global app object.
* for example $app['$websocketService'] = new WebsocketService().
* Adding properties to existing sub-objects is discouraged, since this will make your application more
* brittle to future changes in the library.
* */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
onRender?($app: CalendarAppSingleton | any): void;
destroy?(): void;
interface ResizePlugin extends PluginBase {
createTimeGridEventResizer(calendarEvent: CalendarEventInternal, updateCopy: (newCopy: CalendarEventInternal | undefined) => void, mouseDownEvent: MouseEvent, dayBoundariesDateTime: {
start: string;
end: string;
}): void;
createDateGridEventResizer(calendarEvent: CalendarEventInternal, updateCopy: (newCopy: CalendarEventInternal | undefined) => void, mouseDownEvent: MouseEvent): void;
declare const createResizePlugin: (minutesPerInterval?: number) => ResizePlugin;
declare const createResizePlugin: (minutesPerInterval?: number) => never;
export { createResizePlugin };



@@ -212,2 +212,3 @@ 'use strict';

PluginName["CalendarControls"] = "calendarControls";
PluginName["CurrentTime"] = "currentTime";
})(PluginName || (PluginName = {}));

@@ -219,2 +220,7 @@

const definePlugin = (name, definition) => { = name;
return definition;
var WeekDay;

@@ -389,4 +395,6 @@ (function (WeekDay) {

const createResizePlugin = (minutesPerInterval = 15) => new ResizePluginImpl(minutesPerInterval);
const createResizePlugin = (minutesPerInterval = 15) => {
return definePlugin('resize', new ResizePluginImpl(minutesPerInterval));
exports.createResizePlugin = createResizePlugin;

@@ -1,393 +0,2 @@

import { Signal, ReadonlySignal } from "@preact/signals";
import { JSXInternal } from "preact/src/jsx";
declare enum WeekDay {
type WeekWithDates = Date[];
type MonthWithDates = Date[][];
declare enum Month {
MARCH = 2,
APRIL = 3,
MAY = 4,
JUNE = 5,
JULY = 6,
interface TimeUnits {
firstDayOfWeek: WeekDay;
getMonthWithTrailingAndLeadingDays(year: number, month: Month): MonthWithDates;
getWeekFor(date: Date): WeekWithDates;
getMonthsFor(year: number): Date[];
declare enum DatePickerView {
MONTH_DAYS = "month-days",
YEARS = "years"
interface DatePickerState {
isOpen: Signal<boolean>;
isDisabled: Signal<boolean>;
selectedDate: Signal<string>;
inputDisplayedValue: Signal<string>;
datePickerDate: Signal<string>;
datePickerView: Signal<DatePickerView>;
inputWrapperElement: Signal<HTMLDivElement | undefined>;
isDark: Signal<boolean>;
open(): void;
close(): void;
toggle(): void;
setView(view: DatePickerView): void;
type TranslationVariables = {
[key: string]: string | number;
type TranslateFn = (key: string, variables?: TranslationVariables) => string;
* This interface serves as a bridge between the AppSingleton for the date picker and calendar
* */
interface AppSingleton {
timeUnitsImpl: TimeUnits;
datePickerState: DatePickerState;
translate: TranslateFn;
* This interface serves as a bridge between the config interface for the date picker amd the calendar.
* */
interface Config {
locale: Signal<string>;
firstDayOfWeek: Signal<WeekDay>;
declare enum Placement {
TOP_START = "top-start",
TOP_END = "top-end",
BOTTOM_START = "bottom-start",
BOTTOM_END = "bottom-end"
interface DatePickerAppSingleton extends AppSingleton {
config: DatePickerConfigInternal;
type DatePickerListeners = {
onChange?: (date: string) => void;
onEscapeKeyDown?: ($app: DatePickerAppSingleton) => void;
type DatePickerStyle = {
dark?: boolean;
fullWidth?: boolean;
interface DatePickerConfigInternal extends Config {
min: string;
max: string;
placement: Placement;
listeners: DatePickerListeners;
style: DatePickerStyle;
teleportTo?: HTMLElement;
label?: string;
name?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
// This enum is used to represent names of all internally built views of the calendar
declare enum InternalViewName {
Day = "day",
Week = "week",
MonthGrid = "month-grid",
MonthAgenda = "month-agenda"
// Since implementers can use custom views, we need to have a type that combines the internal views with these custom views
type ViewName = InternalViewName | string;
type DateRange = {
start: string;
end: string;
interface RangeSetterConfig {
date: string;
timeUnitsImpl: TimeUnits;
calendarConfig: CalendarConfigInternal;
range: Signal<DateRange | null>;
type PreactViewComponent = (props: {
$app: CalendarAppSingleton;
id: string;
}) => JSXInternal.Element;
declare const addMonths: (to: string, nMonths: number) => string;
declare const addDays: (to: string, nDays: number) => string;
type ViewConfig<FrameworkComponent = PreactViewComponent> = {
* a unique identifier for the view
* */
name: ViewName;
* text that will be displayed in the view dropdown
* */
label: string;
* function that is called when a new date is selected
* */
setDateRange: (config: RangeSetterConfig) => DateRange;
* should the view be displayed on small screens (< 700px calendar width)
* */
hasSmallScreenCompat: boolean;
* should the view be displayed on wide screens (> 700px calendar width)
* */
hasWideScreenCompat: boolean;
* The component you want to render
* */
Component: FrameworkComponent;
* function that is called when the user clicks the backward/forward button
* */
backwardForwardFn: typeof addDays | typeof addMonths;
* number of units to add into the backwardForwardFn function. Result behind the scenes for example:
* backwardForwardFn = addDays
* backwardForwardUnits = 1
* result (behind the scenes) = addDays(date, 1)
* */
backwardForwardUnits: number;
type View<FrameworkComponent = PreactViewComponent> = ViewConfig<FrameworkComponent> & {
render(onElement: HTMLElement, $app: CalendarAppSingleton): void;
destroy(): void;
type EventId = number | string;
type startDate = string;
type nDays = number;
type EventFragments = Record<startDate, nDays>;
type CalendarEventOptions = {
disableDND?: boolean;
disableResize?: boolean;
additionalClasses?: string[];
interface CalendarEventExternal {
id: EventId;
start: string;
end: string;
title?: string;
people?: string[];
location?: string;
description?: string;
calendarId?: string;
_customContent?: {
timeGrid?: string;
dateGrid?: string;
monthGrid?: string;
monthAgenda?: string;
_options?: CalendarEventOptions;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
[key: string]: any;
interface CalendarEventInternal extends CalendarEventExternal {
// event duration
_isSingleDayTimed: boolean;
_isSingleDayFullDay: boolean;
_isSingleHybridDayTimed: boolean;
_isMultiDayTimed: boolean;
_isMultiDayFullDay: boolean;
// week time grid
_previousConcurrentEvents: number | undefined;
_totalConcurrentEvents: number | undefined;
// week date grid
_nDaysInGrid: number | undefined;
// month grid
_eventFragments: EventFragments;
_color: string;
_getForeignProperties(): Record<string, unknown>;
_getExternalEvent(): CalendarEventExternal;
type DayBoundariesInternal = {
start: number;
end: number;
interface TimeGridDragHandler {
type DayBoundariesDateTime = {
start: string;
end: string;
interface DateGridDragHandler {
interface EventCoordinates {
clientX: number;
clientY: number;
interface DragHandlerDependencies {
$app: CalendarAppSingleton;
eventCoordinates: EventCoordinates;
eventCopy: CalendarEventInternal;
updateCopy: (newCopy: CalendarEventInternal | undefined) => void;
interface MonthGridDragHandler {
interface DragAndDropPlugin extends PluginBase {
createTimeGridDragHandler(dependencies: DragHandlerDependencies, dayBoundariesDateTime: DayBoundariesDateTime): TimeGridDragHandler;
createDateGridDragHandler(dependencies: DragHandlerDependencies): DateGridDragHandler;
createMonthGridDragHandler(calendarEvent: CalendarEventInternal, $app: CalendarAppSingleton): MonthGridDragHandler;
type EventModalProps = {
$app: CalendarAppSingleton;
interface EventModalPlugin extends PluginBase {
calendarEvent: Signal<CalendarEventInternal | null>;
calendarEventDOMRect: Signal<DOMRect | null>;
calendarEventElement: Signal<HTMLElement | null>;
close(): void;
setCalendarEvent(event: CalendarEventInternal | null, eventTargetDOMRect: DOMRect | null): void;
ComponentFn(props: EventModalProps): JSXInternal.Element;
interface CalendarCallbacks {
onEventUpdate?: (event: CalendarEventExternal) => void;
onEventClick?: (event: CalendarEventExternal) => void;
onRangeUpdate?: (range: DateRange) => void;
onSelectedDateUpdate?: (date: string) => void;
onClickDate?: (date: string) => void;
onDoubleClickDate?: (date: string) => void;
onClickDateTime?: (dateTime: string) => void;
onDoubleClickDateTime?: (dateTime: string) => void;
onClickAgendaDate?: (date: string) => void;
onClickPlusEvents?: (date: string) => void;
beforeRender?: ($app: CalendarAppSingleton) => void;
onRender?: ($app: CalendarAppSingleton) => void;
isCalendarSmall?: ($app: CalendarAppSingleton) => boolean;
type CustomComponentFns = {
timeGridEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
dateGridEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
monthGridEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
monthAgendaEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
eventModal?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentLeftPrepend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentLeftAppend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentRightPrepend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentRightAppend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContent?: CustomComponentFn;
interface EventsFacade {
get(id: EventId): CalendarEventExternal | undefined;
getAll(): CalendarEventExternal[];
add(event: CalendarEventExternal): void;
update(event: CalendarEventExternal): void;
remove(id: EventId): void;
set(events: CalendarEventExternal[]): void;
interface EventRecurrencePlugin extends PluginBase {
updateRecurrenceDND(eventId: EventId, oldEventStart: string, newEventStart: string): void;
updateRecurrenceOnResize(eventId: EventId, oldEventEnd: string, newEventEnd: string): void;
eventsFacade: EventsFacade;
type WeekOptions = {
gridHeight: number;
nDays: number;
eventWidth: number;
timeAxisFormatOptions: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions;
type MonthGridOptions = {
nEventsPerDay: number;
type ColorDefinition = {
main: string;
container: string;
onContainer: string;
type CalendarType = {
colorName: string;
label?: string;
lightColors?: ColorDefinition;
darkColors?: ColorDefinition;
type Plugins = {
dragAndDrop?: DragAndDropPlugin;
eventModal?: EventModalPlugin;
scrollController?: PluginBase;
eventRecurrence?: EventRecurrencePlugin;
resize?: ResizePlugin;
[key: string]: PluginBase | undefined;
type CustomComponentFn = (wrapperElement: HTMLElement, props: Record<string, unknown>) => void;
interface CalendarConfigInternal extends Config {
defaultView: ViewName;
views: Signal<View[]>;
dayBoundaries: Signal<DayBoundariesInternal>;
weekOptions: Signal<WeekOptions>;
calendars: Signal<Record<string, CalendarType>>;
isDark: Signal<boolean>;
minDate: Signal<string | undefined>;
maxDate: Signal<string | undefined>;
monthGridOptions: Signal<MonthGridOptions>;
plugins: Plugins;
isResponsive: boolean;
callbacks: CalendarCallbacks;
_customComponentFns: CustomComponentFns;
// Getters
isHybridDay: boolean;
timePointsPerDay: number;
interface CalendarState {
isCalendarSmall: Signal<boolean | undefined>;
view: ReadonlySignal<ViewName>;
setView: (view: ViewName, selectedDate: string) => void;
range: Signal<DateRange | null>;
isDark: Signal<boolean>;
setRange: (date: string) => void;
type EventsFilterPredicate = ((event: CalendarEventInternal) => boolean) | undefined;
interface CalendarEvents {
list: Signal<CalendarEventInternal[]>;
filterPredicate: Signal<EventsFilterPredicate>;
interface CalendarElements {
calendarWrapper: HTMLDivElement | undefined;
interface CalendarAppSingleton extends AppSingleton {
config: CalendarConfigInternal;
datePickerConfig: DatePickerConfigInternal;
calendarState: CalendarState;
calendarEvents: CalendarEvents;
elements: CalendarElements;
interface PluginBase {
name: string;
* Allow implementers to dynamically add any properties to the global app object as they see fit.
* In order to avoid conflict with future properties added to the library, we recommend
* using the unique prefix `$` for any custom properties added to the global app object.
* for example $app['$websocketService'] = new WebsocketService().
* Adding properties to existing sub-objects is discouraged, since this will make your application more
* brittle to future changes in the library.
* */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
beforeRender?($app: CalendarAppSingleton | any): void;
* Allow implementers to dynamically add any properties to the global app object as they see fit.
* In order to avoid conflict with future properties added to the library, we recommend
* using the unique prefix `$` for any custom properties added to the global app object.
* for example $app['$websocketService'] = new WebsocketService().
* Adding properties to existing sub-objects is discouraged, since this will make your application more
* brittle to future changes in the library.
* */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
onRender?($app: CalendarAppSingleton | any): void;
destroy?(): void;
interface ResizePlugin extends PluginBase {
createTimeGridEventResizer(calendarEvent: CalendarEventInternal, updateCopy: (newCopy: CalendarEventInternal | undefined) => void, mouseDownEvent: MouseEvent, dayBoundariesDateTime: {
start: string;
end: string;
}): void;
createDateGridEventResizer(calendarEvent: CalendarEventInternal, updateCopy: (newCopy: CalendarEventInternal | undefined) => void, mouseDownEvent: MouseEvent): void;
declare const createResizePlugin: (minutesPerInterval?: number) => ResizePlugin;
declare const createResizePlugin: (minutesPerInterval?: number) => never;
export { createResizePlugin };

@@ -210,2 +210,3 @@ import 'preact/jsx-runtime';

PluginName["CalendarControls"] = "calendarControls";
PluginName["CurrentTime"] = "currentTime";
})(PluginName || (PluginName = {}));

@@ -217,2 +218,7 @@

const definePlugin = (name, definition) => { = name;
return definition;
var WeekDay;

@@ -387,4 +393,6 @@ (function (WeekDay) {

const createResizePlugin = (minutesPerInterval = 15) => new ResizePluginImpl(minutesPerInterval);
const createResizePlugin = (minutesPerInterval = 15) => {
return definePlugin('resize', new ResizePluginImpl(minutesPerInterval));
export { createResizePlugin };

@@ -1,393 +0,2 @@

import { Signal, ReadonlySignal } from "@preact/signals";
import { JSXInternal } from "preact/src/jsx";
declare enum WeekDay {
type WeekWithDates = Date[];
type MonthWithDates = Date[][];
declare enum Month {
MARCH = 2,
APRIL = 3,
MAY = 4,
JUNE = 5,
JULY = 6,
interface TimeUnits {
firstDayOfWeek: WeekDay;
getMonthWithTrailingAndLeadingDays(year: number, month: Month): MonthWithDates;
getWeekFor(date: Date): WeekWithDates;
getMonthsFor(year: number): Date[];
declare enum DatePickerView {
MONTH_DAYS = "month-days",
YEARS = "years"
interface DatePickerState {
isOpen: Signal<boolean>;
isDisabled: Signal<boolean>;
selectedDate: Signal<string>;
inputDisplayedValue: Signal<string>;
datePickerDate: Signal<string>;
datePickerView: Signal<DatePickerView>;
inputWrapperElement: Signal<HTMLDivElement | undefined>;
isDark: Signal<boolean>;
open(): void;
close(): void;
toggle(): void;
setView(view: DatePickerView): void;
type TranslationVariables = {
[key: string]: string | number;
type TranslateFn = (key: string, variables?: TranslationVariables) => string;
* This interface serves as a bridge between the AppSingleton for the date picker and calendar
* */
interface AppSingleton {
timeUnitsImpl: TimeUnits;
datePickerState: DatePickerState;
translate: TranslateFn;
* This interface serves as a bridge between the config interface for the date picker amd the calendar.
* */
interface Config {
locale: Signal<string>;
firstDayOfWeek: Signal<WeekDay>;
declare enum Placement {
TOP_START = "top-start",
TOP_END = "top-end",
BOTTOM_START = "bottom-start",
BOTTOM_END = "bottom-end"
interface DatePickerAppSingleton extends AppSingleton {
config: DatePickerConfigInternal;
type DatePickerListeners = {
onChange?: (date: string) => void;
onEscapeKeyDown?: ($app: DatePickerAppSingleton) => void;
type DatePickerStyle = {
dark?: boolean;
fullWidth?: boolean;
interface DatePickerConfigInternal extends Config {
min: string;
max: string;
placement: Placement;
listeners: DatePickerListeners;
style: DatePickerStyle;
teleportTo?: HTMLElement;
label?: string;
name?: string;
disabled?: boolean;
// This enum is used to represent names of all internally built views of the calendar
declare enum InternalViewName {
Day = "day",
Week = "week",
MonthGrid = "month-grid",
MonthAgenda = "month-agenda"
// Since implementers can use custom views, we need to have a type that combines the internal views with these custom views
type ViewName = InternalViewName | string;
type DateRange = {
start: string;
end: string;
interface RangeSetterConfig {
date: string;
timeUnitsImpl: TimeUnits;
calendarConfig: CalendarConfigInternal;
range: Signal<DateRange | null>;
type PreactViewComponent = (props: {
$app: CalendarAppSingleton;
id: string;
}) => JSXInternal.Element;
declare const addMonths: (to: string, nMonths: number) => string;
declare const addDays: (to: string, nDays: number) => string;
type ViewConfig<FrameworkComponent = PreactViewComponent> = {
* a unique identifier for the view
* */
name: ViewName;
* text that will be displayed in the view dropdown
* */
label: string;
* function that is called when a new date is selected
* */
setDateRange: (config: RangeSetterConfig) => DateRange;
* should the view be displayed on small screens (< 700px calendar width)
* */
hasSmallScreenCompat: boolean;
* should the view be displayed on wide screens (> 700px calendar width)
* */
hasWideScreenCompat: boolean;
* The component you want to render
* */
Component: FrameworkComponent;
* function that is called when the user clicks the backward/forward button
* */
backwardForwardFn: typeof addDays | typeof addMonths;
* number of units to add into the backwardForwardFn function. Result behind the scenes for example:
* backwardForwardFn = addDays
* backwardForwardUnits = 1
* result (behind the scenes) = addDays(date, 1)
* */
backwardForwardUnits: number;
type View<FrameworkComponent = PreactViewComponent> = ViewConfig<FrameworkComponent> & {
render(onElement: HTMLElement, $app: CalendarAppSingleton): void;
destroy(): void;
type EventId = number | string;
type startDate = string;
type nDays = number;
type EventFragments = Record<startDate, nDays>;
type CalendarEventOptions = {
disableDND?: boolean;
disableResize?: boolean;
additionalClasses?: string[];
interface CalendarEventExternal {
id: EventId;
start: string;
end: string;
title?: string;
people?: string[];
location?: string;
description?: string;
calendarId?: string;
_customContent?: {
timeGrid?: string;
dateGrid?: string;
monthGrid?: string;
monthAgenda?: string;
_options?: CalendarEventOptions;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
[key: string]: any;
interface CalendarEventInternal extends CalendarEventExternal {
// event duration
_isSingleDayTimed: boolean;
_isSingleDayFullDay: boolean;
_isSingleHybridDayTimed: boolean;
_isMultiDayTimed: boolean;
_isMultiDayFullDay: boolean;
// week time grid
_previousConcurrentEvents: number | undefined;
_totalConcurrentEvents: number | undefined;
// week date grid
_nDaysInGrid: number | undefined;
// month grid
_eventFragments: EventFragments;
_color: string;
_getForeignProperties(): Record<string, unknown>;
_getExternalEvent(): CalendarEventExternal;
type DayBoundariesInternal = {
start: number;
end: number;
interface TimeGridDragHandler {
type DayBoundariesDateTime = {
start: string;
end: string;
interface DateGridDragHandler {
interface EventCoordinates {
clientX: number;
clientY: number;
interface DragHandlerDependencies {
$app: CalendarAppSingleton;
eventCoordinates: EventCoordinates;
eventCopy: CalendarEventInternal;
updateCopy: (newCopy: CalendarEventInternal | undefined) => void;
interface MonthGridDragHandler {
interface DragAndDropPlugin extends PluginBase {
createTimeGridDragHandler(dependencies: DragHandlerDependencies, dayBoundariesDateTime: DayBoundariesDateTime): TimeGridDragHandler;
createDateGridDragHandler(dependencies: DragHandlerDependencies): DateGridDragHandler;
createMonthGridDragHandler(calendarEvent: CalendarEventInternal, $app: CalendarAppSingleton): MonthGridDragHandler;
type EventModalProps = {
$app: CalendarAppSingleton;
interface EventModalPlugin extends PluginBase {
calendarEvent: Signal<CalendarEventInternal | null>;
calendarEventDOMRect: Signal<DOMRect | null>;
calendarEventElement: Signal<HTMLElement | null>;
close(): void;
setCalendarEvent(event: CalendarEventInternal | null, eventTargetDOMRect: DOMRect | null): void;
ComponentFn(props: EventModalProps): JSXInternal.Element;
interface CalendarCallbacks {
onEventUpdate?: (event: CalendarEventExternal) => void;
onEventClick?: (event: CalendarEventExternal) => void;
onRangeUpdate?: (range: DateRange) => void;
onSelectedDateUpdate?: (date: string) => void;
onClickDate?: (date: string) => void;
onDoubleClickDate?: (date: string) => void;
onClickDateTime?: (dateTime: string) => void;
onDoubleClickDateTime?: (dateTime: string) => void;
onClickAgendaDate?: (date: string) => void;
onClickPlusEvents?: (date: string) => void;
beforeRender?: ($app: CalendarAppSingleton) => void;
onRender?: ($app: CalendarAppSingleton) => void;
isCalendarSmall?: ($app: CalendarAppSingleton) => boolean;
type CustomComponentFns = {
timeGridEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
dateGridEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
monthGridEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
monthAgendaEvent?: CustomComponentFn;
eventModal?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentLeftPrepend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentLeftAppend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentRightPrepend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContentRightAppend?: CustomComponentFn;
headerContent?: CustomComponentFn;
interface EventsFacade {
get(id: EventId): CalendarEventExternal | undefined;
getAll(): CalendarEventExternal[];
add(event: CalendarEventExternal): void;
update(event: CalendarEventExternal): void;
remove(id: EventId): void;
set(events: CalendarEventExternal[]): void;
interface EventRecurrencePlugin extends PluginBase {
updateRecurrenceDND(eventId: EventId, oldEventStart: string, newEventStart: string): void;
updateRecurrenceOnResize(eventId: EventId, oldEventEnd: string, newEventEnd: string): void;
eventsFacade: EventsFacade;
type WeekOptions = {
gridHeight: number;
nDays: number;
eventWidth: number;
timeAxisFormatOptions: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions;
type MonthGridOptions = {
nEventsPerDay: number;
type ColorDefinition = {
main: string;
container: string;
onContainer: string;
type CalendarType = {
colorName: string;
label?: string;
lightColors?: ColorDefinition;
darkColors?: ColorDefinition;
type Plugins = {
dragAndDrop?: DragAndDropPlugin;
eventModal?: EventModalPlugin;
scrollController?: PluginBase;
eventRecurrence?: EventRecurrencePlugin;
resize?: ResizePlugin;
[key: string]: PluginBase | undefined;
type CustomComponentFn = (wrapperElement: HTMLElement, props: Record<string, unknown>) => void;
interface CalendarConfigInternal extends Config {
defaultView: ViewName;
views: Signal<View[]>;
dayBoundaries: Signal<DayBoundariesInternal>;
weekOptions: Signal<WeekOptions>;
calendars: Signal<Record<string, CalendarType>>;
isDark: Signal<boolean>;
minDate: Signal<string | undefined>;
maxDate: Signal<string | undefined>;
monthGridOptions: Signal<MonthGridOptions>;
plugins: Plugins;
isResponsive: boolean;
callbacks: CalendarCallbacks;
_customComponentFns: CustomComponentFns;
// Getters
isHybridDay: boolean;
timePointsPerDay: number;
interface CalendarState {
isCalendarSmall: Signal<boolean | undefined>;
view: ReadonlySignal<ViewName>;
setView: (view: ViewName, selectedDate: string) => void;
range: Signal<DateRange | null>;
isDark: Signal<boolean>;
setRange: (date: string) => void;
type EventsFilterPredicate = ((event: CalendarEventInternal) => boolean) | undefined;
interface CalendarEvents {
list: Signal<CalendarEventInternal[]>;
filterPredicate: Signal<EventsFilterPredicate>;
interface CalendarElements {
calendarWrapper: HTMLDivElement | undefined;
interface CalendarAppSingleton extends AppSingleton {
config: CalendarConfigInternal;
datePickerConfig: DatePickerConfigInternal;
calendarState: CalendarState;
calendarEvents: CalendarEvents;
elements: CalendarElements;
interface PluginBase {
name: string;
* Allow implementers to dynamically add any properties to the global app object as they see fit.
* In order to avoid conflict with future properties added to the library, we recommend
* using the unique prefix `$` for any custom properties added to the global app object.
* for example $app['$websocketService'] = new WebsocketService().
* Adding properties to existing sub-objects is discouraged, since this will make your application more
* brittle to future changes in the library.
* */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
beforeRender?($app: CalendarAppSingleton | any): void;
* Allow implementers to dynamically add any properties to the global app object as they see fit.
* In order to avoid conflict with future properties added to the library, we recommend
* using the unique prefix `$` for any custom properties added to the global app object.
* for example $app['$websocketService'] = new WebsocketService().
* Adding properties to existing sub-objects is discouraged, since this will make your application more
* brittle to future changes in the library.
* */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
onRender?($app: CalendarAppSingleton | any): void;
destroy?(): void;
interface ResizePlugin extends PluginBase {
createTimeGridEventResizer(calendarEvent: CalendarEventInternal, updateCopy: (newCopy: CalendarEventInternal | undefined) => void, mouseDownEvent: MouseEvent, dayBoundariesDateTime: {
start: string;
end: string;
}): void;
createDateGridEventResizer(calendarEvent: CalendarEventInternal, updateCopy: (newCopy: CalendarEventInternal | undefined) => void, mouseDownEvent: MouseEvent): void;
declare const createResizePlugin: (minutesPerInterval?: number) => ResizePlugin;
declare const createResizePlugin: (minutesPerInterval?: number) => never;
export { createResizePlugin };

@@ -214,2 +214,3 @@ (function (global, factory) {

PluginName["CalendarControls"] = "calendarControls";
PluginName["CurrentTime"] = "currentTime";
})(PluginName || (PluginName = {}));

@@ -221,2 +222,7 @@

const definePlugin = (name, definition) => { = name;
return definition;
var WeekDay;

@@ -391,3 +397,5 @@ (function (WeekDay) {

const createResizePlugin = (minutesPerInterval = 15) => new ResizePluginImpl(minutesPerInterval);
const createResizePlugin = (minutesPerInterval = 15) => {
return definePlugin('resize', new ResizePluginImpl(minutesPerInterval));

@@ -394,0 +402,0 @@ exports.createResizePlugin = createResizePlugin;

"name": "@schedule-x/resize",
"umdName": "SXResize",
"version": "2.1.0",
"version": "2.2.0",
"description": "Resize events in the Schedule-X calendar",

@@ -30,3 +30,3 @@ "author": {

"homepage": "",
"gitHead": "8c8df9d6329567163cffc9f744cf2efba173c7f9"
"gitHead": "33db04bc41ed4f015efd93f12ecd65f72801038e"
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