@sensu/couch-pwd ![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sen-su/couch-pwd.svg?branch=master)
An up-to-date version of couch-pwd that is actually published.
Hash and compare passwords with the crypto's pbkdf2.
Heavily inspired by node-pwd.
Uses the following values as defaults
- iterations = 10
- keylen = 20
- size = 16
- encoding = 'hex'
The resulting salt and password Strings are the same you'd get when you save a
user to CouchDB and let CouchDB do all the hashing for you.
Module has two goals
- verify user passwords without making requests to
API - use the same hashing algorithm for other databases
npm install couch-pwd
On signup generate a salt / password hash, and save it somewhere:
var pwd = require('couch-pwd');
pwd.hash('my password', function(err, salt, hash){
user.salt = salt;
user.hash = hash;
To authenticate load and compare:
var pwd = require('couch-pwd');
pwd.hash('submitted password', user.salt, function(err, hash){
if (user.hash == hash) {