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Official Sentry SDK for browsers

Version published

Package description

What is @sentry/browser?

The @sentry/browser package is a JavaScript SDK for Sentry, which is an error tracking service that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. The SDK hooks into the global error handling mechanisms of the browser and captures unhandled exceptions and other errors, providing rich context and insights into the underlying issues.

What are @sentry/browser's main functionalities?

Error Tracking

This feature automatically captures JavaScript exceptions and sends them to Sentry for analysis and tracking. The code initializes Sentry with a DSN (Data Source Name) and sets up a global error handler to capture exceptions.

Sentry.init({ dsn: 'YOUR_DSN' });

window.onerror = function (errorMsg, url, lineNumber, column, errorObj) {
  return false;

Manual Error Reporting

This allows developers to manually report exceptions or errors to Sentry. The code block demonstrates how to catch an error in a try-catch block and manually send it to Sentry using the captureException method.

Sentry.init({ dsn: 'YOUR_DSN' });

try {
  // Code that might fail
} catch (error) {

Performance Monitoring

This feature enables performance monitoring by capturing transactions and spans. The code initializes Sentry with a sample rate for transactions and demonstrates how to start and finish a transaction, which can be used to measure the performance of operations.

Sentry.init({ dsn: 'YOUR_DSN', tracesSampleRate: 1.0 });

const transaction = Sentry.startTransaction({ name: 'test transaction' });
// ... some code ...


Breadcrumbs are a trail of events that happened prior to an issue. This feature allows you to record breadcrumbs manually. The code shows how to add a breadcrumb for an authentication event.

Sentry.init({ dsn: 'YOUR_DSN' });

  category: 'auth',
  message: 'User authenticated',
  level: Sentry.Severity.Info

User Feedback

This feature allows you to collect user feedback when an error occurs. The code initializes Sentry and then shows a dialog to the user to collect feedback for a specific event.

Sentry.init({ dsn: 'YOUR_DSN' });

Sentry.showReportDialog({ eventId: 'event_id' });

Other packages similar to @sentry/browser




Important Changes

  • feat(nextjs): Trace pageloads in App Router (#12157)

If you are using Next.js version 14.3.0-canary.64 or above, the Sentry Next.js SDK will now trace clientside pageloads with React Server Components. This means, that client-side errors like Error: An error occurred in the Server Components render., which previously didn't give you much information on how that error was caused, can now be traced back to a specific error in a server component.

  • feat(angular): Add Support for Angular 18 (#12183)

This release guarantees support for Angular 18 with @sentry/angular.

Other Changes

  • feat(deps): Bump @opentelemetry/instrumentation-aws-lambda from 0.41.0 to 0.41.1 (#12078)
  • fix(metrics): Ensure string values are interpreted for metrics (#12165)




Official Sentry SDK for Browsers

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To use this SDK, call Sentry.init(options) as early as possible after loading the page. This will initialize the SDK and hook into the environment. Note that you can turn off almost all side effects using the respective options.

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';

  dsn: '__DSN__',
  // ...

To set context information or send manual events, use the exported functions of @sentry/browser. Note that these functions will not perform any action before you have called Sentry.init():

import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser';

// Set user information, as well as tags and further extras
Sentry.setExtra('battery', 0.7);
Sentry.setTag('user_mode', 'admin');
Sentry.setUser({ id: '4711' });

// Add a breadcrumb for future events
  message: 'My Breadcrumb',
  // ...

// Capture exceptions, messages or manual events
Sentry.captureMessage('Hello, world!');
Sentry.captureException(new Error('Good bye'));
  message: 'Manual',
  stacktrace: [
    // ...


Package last updated on 23 May 2024

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