Advanced tools
The monitors run
subcommand now no longer accepts --auth-token
or other means of authentication using token-based
auth. It is now required to use DSN based auth to monitor cron jobs using the sentry-cli.
Updated version 2.29.0 changelog. No code changes.
This release fixes the behavior of sourcemaps inject
and sourcemaps upload
. We now treat minified and non-minified
source files the same way in both commands, which was always the desired behavior, and is also consistent with our JS
bundler plugins.
Please be aware that from now on, sourcemaps inject
will inject debug IDs into all JS source files at the path
provided to the command. If you only wish for some of the files to have debug IDs injected, you need to modify the
path(s) passed to sourcemaps inject
or you need to use the --ignore
or --ignore-file
options to exclude the files
you do not wish to inject the debug IDs into.
In the sourcemaps upload
command, we have eliminated the "Minified Scripts" section in the Source Maps Upload Report.
Instead, these minified scripts will appear under "Scripts."
Sentry CLI now validates that you have provided an auth token whenever you run a command that requires authentication to succeed. If you fail to provide an auth token when running such a command, the Sentry CLI will exit with an error message explaining that the auth token is required but missing.
and .mjs
to default sourcemaps upload
extensions (#1961) by @szokeasaurusrexChangelog
argument (#1930)" (#1942) by @szokeasaurusrexChangelog
argument (#1930) by @szokeasaurusrexChangelog
sentry-cli monitors run
command now has two new command line arguments: --failure-issue-threshold
. These arguments allow the user to specify the number of consecutive failed checkins that
trigger an issue to be created and the number of successful checkins that trigger the issue to be resolved,