Advanced tools
The @sentry/nestjs
SDK will now capture performance data for NestJS Events (@nestjs/event-emitter
for @WithSentry
behaviour into @sentry/nestjs
SDK init()
for processThreadBreadcrumbIntegration
and deprecate it (#14334)_sentryModuleMetadata
is not mangled (#14344)sentry.source
attribute to custom
when calling span.updateName
on SentrySpan
type in favor of RequestEventData
in requestDataIntegration
integration (#13526)tedious
integration (#13486)debug_meta
with ANR events (#14203)Work in this release was contributed by @grahamhency, @Zen-cronic, @gilisho and @phuctm97. Thank you for your contributions!
(#14138)The Nuxt SDK now allows you to track Pinia state for captured errors. To enable the Pinia plugin, add the piniaIntegration
to your client config:
// sentry.client.config.ts
import { usePinia } from '#imports';
integrations: [
Sentry.piniaIntegration(usePinia(), {
/* optional Pinia plugin options */
The Sentry Metrics beta has ended in favour of revisiting metrics in another form at a later date.
This new approach will include different APIs, making the current metrics API unnecessary. This release deprecates the metrics API with the plan to remove in the next SDK major version. If you currently use the metrics API in your code, you can safely continue to do so but sent data will no longer be processed by Sentry.
Learn more about the end of the Metrics beta.
attribute to resource spans (#14056)skipBrowserExtensionCheck
escape hatch option (#14147)asyncFunctionReExports
to define re-exported server functions (#14104)piniaIntegration
does not crash esm apps (#14169)Work in this release was contributed by @rexxars. Thank you for your contribution!
With this release, the Sentry Next.js, and Cloudflare SDKs will now capture performance data based on OpenTelemetry. Some exceptions apply in cases where Next.js captures inaccurate data itself.
NOTE: You may experience minor differences in transaction names in Sentry.
Most importantly transactions for serverside pages router invocations will now be named GET /[param]/my/route
instead of /[param]/my/route
This means that those transactions are now better aligned with the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions.
and worker_thread
entry files in rollup (#14060)onError
callback (#14002)