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Maybe/Optional type implementation in Typescript. Main motivation for creating this library was handling `null` values in deeply nested data, coming from GraphQL APIs, but the library itself is not limited to GraphQL.

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Maybe/Optional type implementation in Typescript. Main motivation for creating this library was handling null values in deeply nested data, coming from GraphQL APIs, but the library itself is not limited to GraphQL.

Main idea behind this: we put all potentially null/undefined values in a special Maybe box and don't allow you to take it out, unless you tell what exactly should happen in null/undefined case. We also provide a couple of helper functions, which allow you to operate on Maybe boxes as if they were always defined. By chaining this operation you will almost always specify the code for happy-path only and still stay null-safe.

Creating a maybe value


Takes a value which could potentially be null or undefined and returns a safe Maybe wrapper. These are all valid maybe calls:

import { maybe } from '@sevinf/maybe';

maybe(() => alert('Hello!'));

Prevents double-wrapping the value. maybe(foo) and maybe(maybe(foo)) return the same value.


Takes non-null/undefined value and returns a Maybe wrapper. These are all valid some calls:

import { some } from '@sevinf/maybe';

some(() => alert('Hello!'));

These calls will throw exception in runtime:

import { some } from '@sevinf/maybe';


Use it if are absolutely sure it is safe (for example, when passing the constant). In case your are not sure about nullability, use maybe instead.


Constant, containing Maybe wrapper with no value inside. Safe equivalent of null value.

Working with Maybe values

Maybe instances provide a couple of methods, which allow you to work on them in safe manner, regardless of whether or not they hold some or none values.

.map(fn: (a) => b): Maybe<b>

This a main method for manipulating the data inside Maybe box. If wrapped value is null or undefined, does nothing and returns none value. Otherwise, calls provided fn function with unboxed value (which guaranteed to be non-null) and returns new Maybe box from return value of fn.

Couple of examples:

import { maybe } from '@sevinf/maybe';

const five = maybe(5);
const ten = => x + 5); // ten now holds number 10
const shout = => `${x}!`); // shout holds string '5!'
const renderFive = => <div>{x}</div>); // contains React element, rendering number 5

// all of these operations are also safe
const nothing = maybe(null);
const ten = => x + 5); // ten holds nothing
const shout = => `${x}!`); // shout holds nothing
const renderFive = => <div>{x}</div>); // renderFive holds nothing

You can chain .map calls together:

import { maybe } from '@sevinf/maybe';

function addFiveShoutAndRender(maybeValue) {
  return maybeValue
    .map(x => x + 5)
    .map(x => `${x}!`)
    .map(x => <div>${x}</div>);

addFiveShoutAndRender(maybe(5)); // returns maybe box, holding <div>10!</div>
addFiveShoutAndRender(maybe(null)); // returns maybe box, holding nothing

You can return Maybe values from the fn callback. In that case, resulting value will be flattened. You will never have Maybe value, wrapped in another Maybe:

import { none, some } from '@sevinf/maybe';

function filterLow(x) {
  if (x > 100) {
    return some(x);
  return none;
function shoutOver100(maybeValue) {
  return => `${x}!`);

addFiveShoutAndRender(maybe(9000)); // returns maybe box, holding string "9000!"
addFiveShoutAndRender(maybe(null)); // returns maybe box, holding nothing
addFiveShoutAndRender(maybe(5)); // returns maybe box, holding nothing


Getting property of the object or array element is needed often enough so we provide a helper method for this. Functionally equivalent to .map(value => value[key]), but nicer to use in case of deeply nested data (for example, GraphQL data):

import { maybe } from '@sevinf/maybe';

function hasMore(maybeAccount) {
  return maybeAccount

    followers: {
      pageInfo: {
        hasMoreData: true
); // returns Maybe box, holding `true` inside

// all those calls are safe and return boxes, containing nothing
hasMore(maybe({ followers: null }));
hasMore(maybe({ followers: {} }));
    followers: {
      pageInfo: null
    followers: {
      pageInfo: {}

Also works with arrays:

import { maybe } from '@sevinf/maybe';

const safeArray = maybe(['foo', 'bar']);
safeArray.get(0); // returns Maybe<foo>
safeArray.get(100); // returns maybe, holding nothing


Returns true if box holds nothing:

import { maybe, none } from '@sevinf/maybe';

none.isNone(); // true
maybe(null).isNone(); // true
maybe(undefined).isNone(); // true

maybe('foo').isNone(); // false
maybe(false).isNone(); // false
maybe(0).isNone(); // false

Getting the value out of the Maybe

So far, we learned how to create a Maybe value and learned to operate on it in a safe way. It is recommended that you'll pass Maybe values around, use .map functions and keep values boxes for as long as possible: that way your are safely protected from null pointer exceptions. However, at some point you'll have to get the value out: you can't send Maybe to react or renderer or your backend server. In that case, Maybe type requires you to explicitly specify what to do in none case. It provides a bunch of instance methods for different scenarios.


Returns boxed value if it is set and provided fallback value otherwise:

import { maybe } from '@sevinf/maybe';

maybe(5).orElse(0); // returns 5
maybe(null).orElse(0); // returns 0
maybe(undefined).orElse(0); // returns 0

maybe({ foo: 5 })
  .orElse(0); // returns 5
maybe({ foo: 5 })
  .orElse(0); // returns 0

.orCall(getFallback: () => fallback)

Returns boxed value if it is set. If it is not, calls provided getFallback function and returns its return value. Can be used instead of .orElse if computing fallback value is expensive.

// computeExpensiveFallbackValue won't be called unless it is really needed
someMaybeValue.orCall(() => computeExpensiveFallbackValue());


Returns boxed value if it is set and null otherwise. Use with caution: you are responsible for null-safety on your own after this! Generally, prefer .orElse and .orCall methods, use .orNull only if you absolutely have to.

.orThrow(message: ?string)

Returns boxed value if it is set and throws TypeError otherwise. Use only when you are absolutely sure that there is a value inside Maybe.

import { maybe } from '@sevinf/maybe';

maybe(5).orThrow(); // returns 5
maybe(null).orThrow(); // throws TypeError with default message
maybe(undefined).orThrow('This should never happen'); // throws TypeError with custom message

Helper functions

Library provides a number of helper functions for common scenarios:

first(items: Maybe[]): Maybe

Returns the first item in items, which holds any value. Returns none if all items are none or the list is empty. Useful for the cases of multiple different fallbacks. Suppose we have an account. We want to display account's nickname, full name or login, whichever is set. If nothing is set, we want to fallback to default message:

import { first } from '@sevinf/maybe';

function getDisplayName(maybeAccount) {
  return first([
  ]).orElse('Unknown User');

all(items: Maybe[]): Maybe

Accepts array of Maybe values. If every value in array holds something, return Maybe, holding the array of unboxed values. If at least one value is none, returns none. Useful when you have several required fields and want to do something only when they are all set. For example, you want display account info only when account has both full name and profile picture. If any of those fields are missing, you want to display nothing at all:

import { all } from '@sevinf/maybe';

function verifyAccount(maybeAccount) {
  return all([
  ]).map(([fullName, profilePicture]) => {
    // do something with `fullName` and `profilePicture`, they
    // are both non-null here

allProperties(object): Maybe

Equivalent to all, only operates on objects properties instead of array items.

import { allProperties } from '@sevinf/maybe';

function verifyAccount(maybeAccount) {
  return allProperties({
    name: maybeAccount.get('fullName'),
    picture: maybeAccount.get('profilePicture')
  }).map(verifiedAccount => {
    // all properties of `verifiedAccount` (name and picture) are
    // non-null here

You can also mix Maybe and non-Maybe properties:

import { allProperties } from '@sevinf/maybe';

function verifyAccount(maybeAccount) {
  return allProperties({
    id: 'foo'
    name: maybeAccount.get('fullName'),
    picture: maybeAccount.get('profilePicture')
  }).map(verifiedAccount => {
    // verifiedAccount has non-null `id`, `name` and `picture` properties


Accepts array of Maybe values. Filters out all none values and unboxes the rest. Useful for filtering out unwanted items from the lists. Suppose, we have an array of accounts and we want to have only those items, which pass verifyAccount check from previous example:

import { compact } from '@sevinf/maybe';

function getValidAccounts(accountList) {
  return compact(;


Package last updated on 05 May 2019

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