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JSONSchema Type Builder with Static Type Resolution for TypeScript

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Package description

What is @sinclair/typebox?

The @sinclair/typebox package is a TypeScript utility designed to create type-safe schemas with a consistent syntax. It is primarily used for defining data structures with TypeScript types and validating data at runtime using a separate validation library like Ajv.

What are @sinclair/typebox's main functionalities?

Type Creation

Allows the creation of TypeScript types for various data structures such as strings, numbers, objects, arrays, etc. The created types can be used for compile-time type checking and runtime validation.

{"const T = Type.String()"}

Type Composition

Enables the composition of complex types by combining simpler types. This is useful for defining the shape of objects, with optional and required fields.

{"const UserType = Type.Object({ name: Type.String(), age: Type.Optional(Type.Number()) })"}

Type Validation

Provides a way to validate data at runtime against the defined types using a validation library like Ajv. This ensures that the data conforms to the specified schema.

{"const T = Type.String(); const validate = ajv.compile(T); const isValid = validate('hello');"}

Other packages similar to @sinclair/typebox




JSON Schema Type Builder with Static Type Resolution for TypeScript

npm version GitHub CI


import { Static, Type } from '@sinclair/typebox'

const T = Type.String() /* const T = { "type": "string" } */

type T = Static<typeof T> /* type T = string */


$ npm install @sinclair/typebox --save


TypeBox is a type builder library that creates in-memory JSON Schema objects that can be statically resolved to TypeScript types. The schemas produced by this library are built to match the static type checking rules of the TypeScript compiler. TypeBox allows one to create a single unified type that can be both statically checked by the TypeScript compiler and runtime asserted using standard JSON schema validation.

TypeBox can be used as a simple tool to build up complex schemas or integrated into RPC or REST services to help validate JSON data received over the wire. TypeBox does not provide any JSON schema validation. Please use libraries such as AJV to validate schemas built with this library.

Requires TypeScript 4.0.3 and above.

License MIT



The following demonstrates TypeBox's general usage.

import { Type, Static } from '@sinclair/typebox'

// Let's say you have the following type ...

type Record = {
    id: string,
    name: string,
    timestamp: number

// can express this type in the following way.

const Record = Type.Object({        // const Record = {
    id: Type.String(),              //   type: 'object',
    name: Type.String(),            //   properties: { 
    timestamp: Type.Integer()       //      id: { 
})                                  //         type: 'string' 
                                    //      },
                                    //      name: { 
                                    //         type: 'string' 
                                    //      },
                                    //      timestamp: { 
                                    //         type: 'integer' 
                                    //      }
                                    //   }, 
                                    //   required: [
                                    //      "id",
                                    //      "name",
                                    //      "timestamp"
                                    //   ]
                                    // } 

// ...then infer back to the original static type this way.

type Record = Static<typeof Record> // type Record = {
                                    //    id: string,
                                    //    name: string,
                                    //    timestamp: number
                                    // }

// ...then use the type both as JSON schema and as a TypeScript type.

function receive(record: Record) { // a type
    if(JSON.validate(Record, {     // a schema
        id: '42', 
        name: 'dave', 
    })) {
        // ok...


The following table outlines the TypeBox mappings between TypeScript and JSON schema.

│ TypeBoxTypeScriptJSON Schema                 │
│ const T = Type.Any()           │ type T = anyconst T = { }               │
│ const T = Type.Unknown()       │ type T = unknownconst T = { }               │
│ const T = Type.String()        │ type T = stringconst T = {                 │
│                                │                             │    type: 'string'           │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Number()        │ type T = numberconst T = {                 │
│                                │                             │    type: 'number'           │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Integer()       │ type T = numberconst T = {                 │
│                                │                             │    type: 'integer'          │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Boolean()       │ type T = booleanconst T = {                 │
│                                │                             │    type: 'boolean'          │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Null()          │ type T = nullconst T = {                 │
│                                │                             │    type: 'null'             │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.RegEx(/foo/)	 │ type T = stringconst T = {                 │
│                                │                             │    type: 'string',          │
│                                │                             │    pattern: 'foo'           │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Literal('foo')  │ type T = 'foo'const T = {                 │
│                                │                             │    type: 'string',          │
│                                │                             │    enum: ['foo']            │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Array(          │ type T = number[]           │ const T = {                 │
│    Type.Number()               │                             │    type: 'array',           │
│ )                              │                             │    items: {                 │
│                                │                             │      type: 'number'         │
│                                │                             │    }                        │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Dict(           │ type T = {                  │ const T = {                 │
│    Type.Number()               │      [key: string]          │    type: 'object'           │
│ )                              │ } : numberadditionalProperties: {  │
│   	                         │                             │      type: 'number'         │
│   	                         │                             │    }                        │
│   	                         │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Object({        │ type T = {                  │ const T = {                 │
│   name:  Type.String(),        │    name: string,            │   type: 'object',           │
│   email: Type.String(),        │    email: stringproperties: {             │
│ })	                         │ }                           │      name: {                │
│   	                         │                             │        type: 'string'       │
│   	                         │                             │      },                     │
│   	                         │                             │      email: {               │
│                                │                             │        type: 'string'       │
│   	                         │                             │      }                      │
│   	                         │                             │   },                        │
│                                │                             │   required: [               │
│                                │                             │      'name',                │
│                                │                             │      'email'                │
│                                │                             │   ]                         |
│   	                         │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Tuple([         │ type T = [string, number]   │ const T = {                 │
│   Type.String(),               │                             │    type: 'array',           │
│   Type.Number()                │                             │    items: [                 │
│ ])                             │                             │       {                     │
│   	                         │                             │         type: 'string'      │
│   	                         │                             │       }, {                  │
│   	                         │                             │         type: 'number'      │
│   	                         │                             │       }                     │
│   	                         │                             │    ],                       │
│   	                         │                             │    additionalItems: false,  │
│   	                         │                             │    minItems: 2,             │
│   	                         │                             │    maxItems: 2,             │
│   	                         │                             │ }                           |
│ enum Foo {                     │ enum Foo {                  │ const T = {                 │
│   A,                           │   A,                        │    enum: [0, 1]             │
│   B                            │   B                         │ }                           │
│ }                              │ }                           │                             │
│                                │                             │                             │
│ type T = Type.Enum(Foo)        │ type T = Foo                │                             │
│                                │                             │                             │
│ const T = Type.Union([         │ type T = string | numberconst T = {                 │
│   Type.String(),               │                             │    anyOf: [{                │
│   Type.Number()                │                             │       type: 'string'        │
│ ])                             │                             │    }, {                     │
│                                │                             │       type: 'number'        │
│                                │                             │    }]                       │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Intersect([     │ type T = {                  │ const T = {                 │
│    Type.Object({               │    a: stringallOf: [{                 │
│         a: Type.String()       │ } & {                       │     type: 'object',         │
│    }),                         │    b: numberproperties: {           │
│    Type.Object({               │ }                           │        a: {                 │
│       b: Type.Number()         │                             │          type: 'string'     │
│   })                           │                             │        }                    │
│ })                             │                             │     },                      │
│                                │                             │     required: ['a']         │
│                                │                             │   }, {                      │
│                                │                             │     type: 'object',         │
│                                │                             │     properties: {           │
│                                │                             │       b: {                  │
│                                │                             │         type: 'number'      │
│                                │                             │       }                     │
│                                │                             │     },                      │
│                                │                             │     required:['b']          │
│                                │                             │   }]                        │
│                                │                             │ }                           │


TypeBox provides modifiers that can be applied to an objects properties. This allows for optional and readonly to be applied to that property. The following table illustates how they map between TypeScript and JSON Schema.

│ TypeBoxTypeScriptJSON Schema                 │
│ const T = Type.Object({        │ type T = {                  │ const T = {                 │
│   name: Type.Optional(         │    name?: string,           │   type: 'object',           │
│      Type.String(),            │ }                           │   properties: {             │
│   )	                         │                             │      name: {                │
│ })  	                         │                             │        type: 'string'       │
│   	                         │                             │      }                      │
│   	                         │                             │   }                         │
│   	                         │                             │ }                           │
│   	                         │                             │                             │
│ const T = Type.Object({        │ type T = {                  │ const T = {                 │
│   name: Type.Readonly(         │    readonly name: string,   │   type: 'object',           │
│      Type.String(),            │ }                           │   properties: {             │
│   )	                         │                             │      name: {                │
│ })  	                         │                             │        type: 'string'       │
│   	                         │                             │      }                      │
│   	                         │                             │   },                        │
│                                │                             │   required: ['name']        │
│   	                         │                             │ }                           │
│   	                         │                             │                             │
│ const T = Type.Object({        │ type T = {                  │ const T = {                 │
│   name: Type.ReadonlyOptional( │    readonly name?: string,  │   type: 'object',           │
│      Type.String(),            │ }                           │   properties: {             │
│   )	                         │                             │      name: {                │
│ })  	                         │                             │        type: 'string'       │
│   	                         │                             │      }                      │
│   	                         │                             │   }                         │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│   	                         │                             │                             │


You can pass additional JSON schema properties on the last argument of any given type. The following are some examples.

// string must be an email
const T = Type.String({ format: 'email' })

// number must be a multiple of 2
const T = Type.Number({ multipleOf: 2 })

// array must have at least 5 integer values
const T = Type.Array(Type.Integer(), { minItems: 5 })


In addition to JSON schema types, TypeBox provides several extended types that allow for function and constructor types to be composed. These additional types are not valid JSON Schema and will not validate using typical JSON Schema validation. However, these types can be used to frame JSON schema and describe callable interfaces that may receive JSON validated data. These types are as follows.

│ TypeBoxTypeScriptExtended Schema             │
│ const T = Type.Constructor([   │ type T = new (              │ const T = {                 │
|    Type.String(),              │  arg0: string,              │   type: 'constructor'       │
│    Type.Number(),              │  arg1: numberarguments: [{             │
│ ], Type.Boolean())             │ ) => booleantype: 'string'         │
│                                │                             │   }, {                      │
│                                │                             │      type: 'number'         │
│                                │                             │   }],                       │
│                                │                             │   returns: {                │
│                                │                             │      type: 'boolean'        │
│                                │                             │   }                         │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Function([      │ type T = (                  │ const T = {                 │
|    Type.String(),              │  arg0: string,              │   type : 'function',        │
│    Type.Number(),              │  arg1: numberarguments: [{             │
│ ], Type.Boolean())             │ ) => booleantype: 'string'         │
│                                │                             │   }, {                      │
│                                │                             │      type: 'number'         │
│                                │                             │   }],                       │
│                                │                             │   returns: {                │
│                                │                             │      type: 'boolean'        │
│                                │                             │   }                         │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Promise(        │ type T = Promise<string>    │ const T = {                 │
|    Type.String()               │                             │   type: 'promise',          │
| )                              │                             │   item: {                   │
│                                │                             │      type: 'string'         │
│                                │                             │   }                         │
│                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Undefined()     │ type T = undefinedconst T = {                 │
|                                │                             │   type: 'undefined'         │
|                                │                             │ }                           │
│ const T = Type.Void()          │ type T = voidconst T = {                 │
|                                │                             │   type: 'void'              │
|                                │                             │ }                           │


It is possible to create interfaces from TypeBox types. Consider the following code that creates a ControllerInterface type that has a single function createRecord(...). The following is how one would approach this in TypeScript.

interface CreateRecordRequest {
    data: string

interface CreateRecordResponse {
    id: string

interface ControllerInterface {
    createRecord(record: CreateRecordRequest): Promise<CreateRecordResponse>

class Controller implements ControllerInterface {
    async createRecord(record: CreateRecordRequest): Promise<CreateRecordResponse> {
        return { id: '1' }

The following is the TypeBox equivalent.

import { Type, Static } from '@sinclair/typebox'

type CreateRecordRequest = Static<typeof CreateRecordRequest>
const CreateRecordRequest = Type.Object({
    data: Type.String()
type CreateRecordResponse = Static<typeof CreateRecordResponse>
const CreateRecordResponse = Type.Object({
    id: Type.String()

type ControllerInterface = Static<typeof ControllerInterface>
const ControllerInterface = Type.Object({
    createRecord: Type.Function([CreateRecordRequest], Type.Promise(CreateRecordResponse))

class Controller implements ControllerInterface {
    async createRecord(record: CreateRecordRequest): Promise<CreateRecordResponse> {
        return { id: '1' }

Because TypeBox encodes the type information as JSON schema, it now becomes possible to reflect on the JSON schema to produce sharable metadata that can be used as machine readable documentation.

console.log(JSON.stringify(ControllerInterface, null, 2))
// outputs:
// {
//   "type": "object",
//   "properties": {
//     "createRecord": {
//       "type": "function",
//       "arguments": [
//         {
//           "type": "object",
//           "properties": {
//             "data": {
//               "type": "string"
//             }
//           },
//           "required": [
//             "data"
//           ]
//         }
//       ],
//       "returns": {
//         "type": "promise",
//         "item": {
//           "type": "object",
//           "properties": {
//             "id": {
//               "type": "string"
//             }
//           },
//           "required": [
//             "id"
//           ]
//         }
//       }
//     }
//   },
//   "required": [
//     "createRecord"
//   ]
// }


TypeBox does not provide JSON schema validation out of the box and expects users to select an appropriate JSON schema validation library. TypeBox schemas should match JSON Schema draft 6. So any validation library capable of draft 6 should be fine.

A good validation library to use is AJV. The following demonstrates basic usage.

import { Type } from '@sinclair/typebox'

import * as Ajv from 'ajv'

const ajv = new Ajv()

const User = Type.Object({
    name:  Type.String(),
    email: Type.String({ format: 'email' })

const isValid = ajv.validate(User, { 
    name:  'dave', 
    email: '' 

// isValid -> true

By default, TypeBox will create kind and modifier properties on the underlying schemas. TypeBox uses these to help statically resolve the schemas to TypeScript types as well as apply the appropriate modifiers to an objects properties (such as optional). In most cases this is fine, however if using a validator that mandates on strict JSON schemas with known schema properties, you can use Type.Strict() to omit the kind and modifier properties. As follows.

import { Type, Static } from '@sinclair/typebox'

const T = Type.Object({
    email: Type.Optional(Type.String())

// const T = {
//   kind: Symbol(ObjectKind),
//   type: 'object',
//   properties: {
//     email: {
//       kind: Symbol(StringKind),
//       type: 'string',
//       modifier: Symbol(OptionalModifier)
//     }
//   }
// }

const U = Type.Strict(Type.Object({
    email: Type.Optional(Type.String())

// const U = { 
//     type: 'object', 
//     properties: { 
//         email: { 
//             type: 'string' 
//         } 
//     } 
// }



Last updated on 21 Feb 2021

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