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@@ -0,5 +1,10 @@

import { EmbedProvider } from './provider';
import { EmbedProviderRegistry } from './registry';
export * from './providers';
export { Provider } from './constants';
export type { ProviderKey, ProviderType } from './types';
export { ProviderIdFunctionMap, ProviderIdUrlFunctionMap, getProviderFromUrl, convertUrlToEmbedUrl, } from './utils';
export { getProviderFromUrl, convertUrlToEmbedUrl, } from './utils';
export declare const defaultProviders: EmbedProvider[];
* Create a default registry and register all built-in providers.
export declare const defaultRegistry: EmbedProviderRegistry;

@@ -1,117 +0,385 @@

const S = (t) => {
const D = (e) => {
try {
return !!new URL(t);
return !!new URL(e);
} catch {
return !1;
}, d = /^(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?.com|\/watch\?v)?[=/]([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})(?:\\?|=|&|$)/, a = (t) => {
var o;
return t ? ((o = t.match(d)) == null ? void 0 : o[1]) ?? "" : "";
}, p = (t) => `${t}`, y = /^(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:(?:dailymotion\.com(?:\/embed)?\/video)|dai\.ly)\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:_[\w_-]+)?(?:\?playlist=[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$/, w = (t) => {
var o;
return ((o = t.match(y)) == null ? void 0 : o[1]) ?? "";
}, l = (t) => `${t}`, u = /^(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:embed\.|open\.)(?:spotify\.com\/)(?:(album|track|playlist)\/|\?uri=spotify:track:)([-\w]{22})(?:\?si=[_-\w]{22})?$/, f = /spotify:(?:(album|track|playlist):|\?uri=spotify:track:)([-\w]{22})/, h = (t) => {
const [, o, i] = t.match(u) || t.match(f) || [];
return [i, o];
}, b = (t, ...o) => `${typeof o[0] == "string" ? o[0] : ""}/${t}`, g = /(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.|player\.)?vimeo\.com\/(?:channels\/(?:\w+\/)?|groups\/(?:[^/]*)\/videos\/|video\/|)(\d+)(?:|\/\?)/, U = (t) => {
var o;
return ((o = t.match(g)) == null ? void 0 : o[1]) ?? "";
}, z = (t) => `${t}`, E = /^(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?[=/]media\/([-\w]+)/, I = (t) => {
var o;
if (t) {
if ((t == null ? void 0 : t.length) > 1e3)
}, s = /^(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:youtube(?:-nocookie)?.com|\/watch\?v)?[=/]([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})(?:\\?|=|&|$)/, U = (e) => {
var r;
return e ? ((r = e.match(s)) == null ? void 0 : r[1]) ?? "" : "";
}, w = (e) => `${e}`, f = {
/** @inheritdoc */
name: "YouTube",
* Determines if a given URL is recognized as a YouTube link.
* @param url - The string to evaluate.
* @returns `true` if the URL matches YouTube patterns; otherwise `false`.
canParseUrl(e) {
return s.test(e);
* Extracts the 11-char YouTube ID from a recognized YouTube URL.
* @param url - The potential YouTube link.
* @returns The extracted video ID or an empty string if none found.
getIdFromUrl(e) {
return U(e);
* Builds a full YouTube embed URL (e.g. `<id>`).
* @param id - The 11-char YouTube video ID.
* @returns A fully embeddable `<iframe>` URL for YouTube.
getEmbedUrlFromId(e) {
return w(e);
}, i = /^(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:(?:dailymotion\.com(?:\/embed)?\/video)|dai\.ly)\/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(?:_[\w_-]+)?(?:\?playlist=[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?$/, y = (e) => {
var r;
return ((r = e.match(i)) == null ? void 0 : r[1]) ?? "";
}, h = (e) => `${e}`, b = {
/** @inheritdoc */
name: "DailyMotion",
* Checks whether a given URL matches the DailyMotion pattern.
* @param url - The URL to test for DailyMotion compatibility.
* @returns `true` if the URL belongs to DailyMotion, otherwise `false`.
canParseUrl(e) {
return i.test(e);
* Extracts the ID from a recognized DailyMotion URL.
* @param url - The DailyMotion URL string.
* @returns The video ID found in the URL.
getIdFromUrl(e) {
return y(e);
* Builds an embed URL for a given DailyMotion ID.
* @param id - The DailyMotion video ID.
* @returns A fully embeddable iframe URL for DailyMotion.
getEmbedUrlFromId(e) {
return h(e);
}, n = [
], d = new RegExp(
), m = new RegExp(
function v(e) {
const r = e.match(d) || e.match(m);
if (!r)
return ["", ""];
const t = r[1] ?? "";
return [r[2] ?? "", t];
function I(e, ...r) {
const t = typeof r[0] == "string" ? r[0] : "";
return `${n.includes(t) ? t : "track"}/${e}`;
const F = {
/** @inheritdoc */
name: "Spotify",
* Determines if the given URL or URI matches a recognized Spotify pattern.
* @param url - A string that could point to a Spotify resource.
* @returns `true` if the pattern matches, otherwise `false`.
canParseUrl(e) {
return d.test(e) || m.test(e);
* Extracts the ID and type from a recognized Spotify URL or `spotify:` URI.
* @param url - The Spotify link.
* @returns `[id, type]` if matched, otherwise `["", ""]`.
getIdFromUrl(e) {
return v(e);
* Builds an embeddable Spotify URL from an ID plus optional arguments (e.g. type).
* @param id - The 22-char Spotify ID.
* @param args - The first arg may be the content type (`track`, `album`, `playlist`, etc.).
* @returns The final embed URL, e.g. `"<id>"`.
getEmbedUrlFromId(e, ...r) {
return I(e, ...r);
}, c = /(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.|player\.)?vimeo\.com\/(?:channels\/(?:\w+\/)?|groups\/(?:[^/]*)\/videos\/|video\/|)(\d+)(?:|\/\?)/, P = (e) => {
var r;
return ((r = e.match(c)) == null ? void 0 : r[1]) ?? "";
}, E = (e) => `${e}`, z = {
/** @inheritdoc */
name: "Vimeo",
* Determines if the given URL matches the Vimeo pattern.
* @param url - The URL string to test.
* @returns `true` if the URL is recognized as Vimeo; otherwise `false`.
canParseUrl(e) {
return c.test(e);
* Extracts the Vimeo video ID from a recognized URL.
* @param url - The Vimeo URL.
* @returns The numeric video ID.
getIdFromUrl(e) {
return P(e);
* Builds an embeddable Vimeo URL from a numeric video ID.
* @param id - The numeric Vimeo ID.
* @returns A fully embeddable URL for use in `<iframe src="...">`.
getEmbedUrlFromId(e) {
return E(e);
}, a = /^(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?[=/]media\/([-\w]+)/, R = (e) => {
var r;
if (e) {
if ((e == null ? void 0 : e.length) > 1e3)
throw new Error("URL too long");
return ((o = t.match(E)) == null ? void 0 : o[1]) ?? "";
return ((r = e.match(a)) == null ? void 0 : r[1]) ?? "";
return "";
}, F = (t) => `${t}`, T = /^(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www|fast|support\.)?(?|[=/](?:medias|embed)\/([-\w]+)/, s = (t) => {
var o;
if (t) {
if ((t == null ? void 0 : t.length) > 1e3)
}, T = (e) => `${e}`, $ = {
/** @inheritdoc */
name: "EdPuzzle",
* Checks if the given URL belongs to EdPuzzle.
* @param url - A string potentially matching EdPuzzle.
* @returns `true` if EdPuzzle is recognized; otherwise `false`.
canParseUrl(e) {
return a.test(e);
* Extracts the EdPuzzle ID from the recognized EdPuzzle URL.
* @param url - The EdPuzzle media URL.
* @returns The extracted EdPuzzle ID.
getIdFromUrl(e) {
return R(e);
* Builds an embeddable EdPuzzle URL from the given media ID.
* @param id - The EdPuzzle media ID.
* @returns A full embed URL (e.g. `<id>`).
getEmbedUrlFromId(e) {
return T(e);
}, l = /^(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www|fast|support\.)?(?|[=/](?:medias|embed)\/([-\w]+)/, x = (e) => {
var r;
if (e) {
if (e.length > 1e3)
throw new Error("URL too long");
return ((o = t.match(T)) == null ? void 0 : o[1]) ?? "";
return ((r = e.match(l)) == null ? void 0 : r[1]) ?? "";
return "";
}, v = (t) => `${t}`, R = /^(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?[=/]share\/([-\w]+)/, c = (t) => {
var o;
if (t) {
if ((t == null ? void 0 : t.length) > 1e3)
}, A = (e) => `${e}`, L = {
/** @inheritdoc */
name: "Wistia",
* Checks if a URL is recognized as a Wistia link by testing the pattern {@link wistiaUrlRegex}.
* @param url - The string to test.
* @returns `true` if it matches Wistia patterns, otherwise `false`.
canParseUrl(e) {
return l.test(e);
* Extracts the Wistia media ID from a recognized Wistia URL.
* @param url - The shared Wistia link.
* @returns The extracted Wistia ID (e.g. `"26sk4lmiix"`).
getIdFromUrl(e) {
return x(e);
* Constructs a Wistia embed URL given a media ID.
* @param id - The Wistia media ID.
* @returns An `<iframe>`-friendly URL (e.g. `<id>`).
getEmbedUrlFromId(e) {
return A(e);
}, u = /^(?:(?:https?):)?(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?[=/]share\/([-\w]+)/, S = (e) => {
var r;
if (e) {
if (e.length > 1e3)
throw new Error("URL too long");
return ((o = t.match(R)) == null ? void 0 : o[1]) ?? "";
return ((r = e.match(u)) == null ? void 0 : r[1]) ?? "";
return "";
}, L = (t) => `${t}`;
var e = /* @__PURE__ */ ((t) => (t.YouTube = "YouTube", t.Spotify = "Spotify", t.Vimeo = "Vimeo", t.DailyMotion = "DailyMotion", t.EdPuzzle = "EdPuzzle", t.Loom = "Loom", t.Wistia = "Wistia", t))(e || {});
const $ = (t) => {
if (t) {
if (t.match(/dailymotion/))
return e.DailyMotion;
if (t.match(/spotify/))
return e.Spotify;
if (t.match(/vimeo/))
return e.Vimeo;
if (t.match(/youtu\.?be/))
return e.YouTube;
if (t.match(/
return e.EdPuzzle;
if (s(t))
return e.Wistia;
if (c(t))
return e.Loom;
}, M = (e) => `${e}`, Y = {
/** @inheritdoc */
name: "Loom",
* Returns `true` if the provided URL matches the Loom share pattern.
* @param url - The URL to test for Loom compatibility.
* @returns `true` if Loom recognized; otherwise `false`.
canParseUrl(e) {
return u.test(e);
* Extracts the Loom video ID from a recognized Loom URL.
* @param url - The shared Loom link.
* @returns The parsed Loom video ID.
getIdFromUrl(e) {
return S(e);
* Builds an embeddable Loom URL from a given Loom video ID.
* @param id - The Loom ID (e.g. `"e883f70b219a49f6ba7fbeac71a72604"`).
* @returns The final embed URL (e.g. `<id>`).
getEmbedUrlFromId(e) {
return M(e);
}, M = {
[e.DailyMotion]: w,
[e.Spotify]: h,
[e.Vimeo]: U,
[e.YouTube]: a,
[e.EdPuzzle]: I,
[e.Loom]: c,
[e.Wistia]: s
}, x = {
[e.DailyMotion]: l,
[e.Spotify]: b,
[e.Vimeo]: z,
[e.YouTube]: p,
[e.EdPuzzle]: F,
[e.Loom]: L,
[e.Wistia]: v
}, V = (t) => {
const o = $(t);
if (!o) return "";
const i = M[o], n = x[o], r = i(t);
if (Array.isArray(r)) {
const m = r.shift();
return m ? n(m, ...r) : "";
function V(e) {
if (e)
return p.findProviderByUrl(e);
function W(e) {
const r = V(e);
if (!r) return "";
const t = r.getIdFromUrl(e);
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
const [o, ...g] = t;
return o ? r.getEmbedUrlFromId(o, ...g) : "";
return n(r);
return r.getEmbedUrlFromId(t);
class _ {
* Creates an instance of {@link EmbedProviderRegistry}.
constructor() {
this.providers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
* Registers a provider.
* @remarks
* If a provider with the same name is already present, it will be overwritten.
* @param provider - The {@link EmbedProvider} instance to register.
register(r) {
this.providers.set(, r);
* Lists all registered providers.
* @returns An array of all currently registered {@link EmbedProvider} instances.
listProviders() {
return Array.from(this.providers.values());
* Retrieves a provider by name.
* @param name - A provider’s `name` property.
* @returns The matching {@link EmbedProvider}, or `undefined` if not found.
getProviderByName(r) {
return this.providers.get(r);
* Finds the first provider that can parse the given URL.
* @param url - The URL to analyze.
* @returns The matching {@link EmbedProvider}, or `undefined` if no provider recognizes it.
findProviderByUrl(r) {
for (const t of this.providers.values())
if (t.canParseUrl(r))
return t;
const B = [
], p = new _();
for (const e of B)
export {
e as Provider,
M as ProviderIdFunctionMap,
x as ProviderIdUrlFunctionMap,
V as convertUrlToEmbedUrl,
y as dailyMotionUrlRegex,
E as edPuzzleUrlRegex,
l as getDailyMotionEmbedFromId,
w as getDailyMotionIdFromUrl,
F as getEdPuzzleEmbedUrlFromId,
I as getEdPuzzleIdFromUrl,
L as getLoomEmbedUrlFromId,
c as getLoomIdFromUrl,
$ as getProviderFromUrl,
b as getSpotifyEmbedUrlFromIdAndType,
h as getSpotifyIdAndTypeFromUrl,
z as getVimeoEmbedUrlFromId,
U as getVimeoIdFromUrl,
v as getWistiaEmbedUrlFromId,
s as getWistiaIdFromUrl,
p as getYouTubeEmbedUrlFromId,
a as getYouTubeIdFromUrl,
S as isValidUrl,
R as loomUrlRegex,
f as spotifySymbolRegex,
u as spotifyUrlRegex,
g as vimeoUrlRegex,
T as wistiaUrlRegex,
d as youTubeUrlRegex
b as DailyMotionProvider,
$ as EdPuzzleProvider,
Y as LoomProvider,
F as SpotifyProvider,
z as VimeoProvider,
L as WistiaProvider,
f as YouTubeProvider,
W as convertUrlToEmbedUrl,
i as dailyMotionUrlRegex,
B as defaultProviders,
p as defaultRegistry,
a as edPuzzleUrlRegex,
h as getDailyMotionEmbedFromId,
y as getDailyMotionIdFromUrl,
T as getEdPuzzleEmbedUrlFromId,
R as getEdPuzzleIdFromUrl,
M as getLoomEmbedUrlFromId,
S as getLoomIdFromUrl,
V as getProviderFromUrl,
I as getSpotifyEmbedUrlFromIdAndType,
v as getSpotifyIdAndTypeFromUrl,
E as getVimeoEmbedUrlFromId,
P as getVimeoIdFromUrl,
A as getWistiaEmbedUrlFromId,
x as getWistiaIdFromUrl,
w as getYouTubeEmbedUrlFromId,
U as getYouTubeIdFromUrl,
D as isValidUrl,
u as loomUrlRegex,
m as spotifySymbolRegex,
d as spotifyUrlRegex,
c as vimeoUrlRegex,
l as wistiaUrlRegex,
s as youTubeUrlRegex

@@ -0,4 +1,53 @@

import { EmbedProvider } from '../provider';
* A regular expression for matching DailyMotion video links.
* @remarks
* This pattern handles optional protocols (`http`/`https`), optional `www.`, and
* either `` (which may also have `/embed` in it) or ``.
* It also supports an optional `?playlist=<id>` segment.
* **Credit**: [Stack Overflow]( (2021-03-14: Support `?playlist`)
* @example
* ```
* // Matches e.g. ""
* // Also matches ""
* ```
export declare const dailyMotionUrlRegex: RegExp;
* Extracts a DailyMotion video ID from a given URL string.
* @param url - The URL that may match DailyMotion patterns.
* @returns The extracted DailyMotion video ID, or an empty string if none found.
* @example
* ```ts
* const dmId = getDailyMotionIdFromUrl("");
* console.log(dmId); // "x7znrd0"
* ```
export declare const getDailyMotionIdFromUrl: (url: string) => string;
* Constructs an embeddable DailyMotion URL from the given ID.
* @param id - The DailyMotion video ID.
* @returns A URL suitable for embedding in an `<iframe>`.
* @example
* ```ts
* console.log(getDailyMotionEmbedFromId("x7znrd0"));
* // ""
* ```
export declare const getDailyMotionEmbedFromId: (id: string) => string;
* A provider implementation for detecting and building embed URLs for DailyMotion videos.
* @remarks
* This object satisfies the {@link EmbedProvider} interface, allowing usage in a registry or
* with `convertUrlToEmbedUrl()`.
export declare const DailyMotionProvider: EmbedProvider;

@@ -0,3 +1,4 @@

import { EmbedProvider } from '../provider';
* Detection and parsing for Edpuzzle URLs
* Detection and parsing for Edpuzzle URLs.

@@ -9,17 +10,45 @@ * [Edpuzzle's official embed docs](

* Matches ID from URLs matching:
* A regex pattern that matches an Edpuzzle media ID from a URL.
* @remarks
* Matches IDs from URLs like:
* ``
* ``
export declare const edPuzzleUrlRegex: RegExp;
* Return ID from shared link.
* Returns the EdPuzzle media ID from a given URL string.
* @param url Shared URL link.
* @param url - The shared EdPuzzle URL link (can be `undefined`).
* @returns The extracted EdPuzzle ID if found, or an empty string otherwise.
* @throws If `url` length exceeds 1000 characters (for security/performance reasons).
* @example
* ```ts
* const id = getEdPuzzleIdFromUrl("");
* console.log(id); // "606b413369971e424ec6021e"
* ```
export declare const getEdPuzzleIdFromUrl: (url: string | undefined) => string;
* Return embed-friendly URL from ID.
* Constructs a standard EdPuzzle embed URL from a given EdPuzzle media ID.
* @param edPuzzleId ID of embed
* @param edPuzzleId - The EdPuzzle ID to embed.
* @returns An embeddable URL: `<edPuzzleId>`
* @example
* ```ts
* console.log(getEdPuzzleEmbedUrlFromId("606b413369971e424ec6021e"));
* // ""
* ```
export declare const getEdPuzzleEmbedUrlFromId: (id: string) => string;
* A provider implementation for EdPuzzle, following the {@link EmbedProvider} interface.
* @remarks
* It exports `canParseUrl`, `getIdFromUrl`, and `getEmbedUrlFromId` for
* EdPuzzle-based media. Useful with `convertUrlToEmbedUrl` or custom logic.
export declare const EdPuzzleProvider: EmbedProvider;

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import { EmbedProvider } from '../provider';

@@ -9,17 +10,51 @@ * Detecting and parsing for Loom URLs.

* Matches ID from URLs matching:
* Matches an ID from Loom URLs that look like:
* ``
* @remarks
* This pattern allows for:
* - Optional protocol (e.g. `https://`)
* - Optional `www.`
* - ``
* - A capture group of letters, digits, dashes, or underscores.
* @example
* ```ts
* // Matches:
* //
* //
* ```
export declare const loomUrlRegex: RegExp;
* Return ID from shared link.
* Returns the Loom video ID from a shared link.
* @param url Shared URL link.
* @param url - A Loom share URL (or `undefined`).
* @returns The extracted Loom video ID if found, otherwise an empty string.
* @throws If `url` length exceeds 1000 characters (a safety guard).
* @example
* ```ts
* const loomId = getLoomIdFromUrl("");
* console.log(loomId); // "e883f70b219a49f6ba7fbeac71a72604"
* ```
export declare const getLoomIdFromUrl: (url: string | undefined) => string;
* Return embed-friendly URL from ID.
* Constructs an embeddable Loom URL from a Loom video ID.
* @param loomId ID of embed
* @param loomId - The Loom video ID to embed.
* @returns A URL suitable for use in an `<iframe src="...">`.
* @example
* ```ts
* console.log(getLoomEmbedUrlFromId("e883f70b219a49f6ba7fbeac71a72604"));
* // ""
* ```
export declare const getLoomEmbedUrlFromId: (id: string) => string;
* A provider implementation for Loom, adhering to the {@link EmbedProvider} interface.
export declare const LoomProvider: EmbedProvider;

@@ -0,5 +1,97 @@

import { EmbedProvider } from '../provider';
* A list of supported Spotify content types recognized by the library:
* - track
* - album
* - playlist
* - artist
* - show (podcast)
* - episode (podcast episode)
* @remarks
* These values are used to parse and build embeddable Spotify URLs for each specific content type.
export declare const SPOTIFY_TYPES: readonly ["track", "album", "playlist", "artist", "show", "episode"];
* A regex that matches open or embed-style Spotify URLs.
* @example
* - ``
* - ``
* - ``
* - ``
* @remarks
* - Derived from [a gist by TrevorJTClarke](
* Thank you, **@TrevorJTClarke**!
* **Pattern Explanation**:
* 1. Optional protocol (`https?`)
* 2. Optional `embed.` or `open.` subdomain
* 3. Must have `""`
* 4. Captures one of the recognized `SPOTIFY_TYPES`
* 5. Followed by a 22-character ID
* 6. Optionally captures a `?si=` param
export declare const spotifyUrlRegex: RegExp;
* A regex that matches Spotify URIs, such as:
* - `spotify:track:1w4etUoKfql47wtTFq031f`
* - `spotify:album:1DFixLWuPkv3KT3TnV35m3`
* - `spotify:artist:1Xyo4u8uXC1ZmMpatF05PJ`
* - `spotify:show:5YEXv3C5fnMA3lFzNim4Ya`
* - `spotify:episode:4XplJhQEj1Qp6QzrbA5sYk`
* @remarks
* Captures both the content type and the 22-character ID.
export declare const spotifySymbolRegex: RegExp;
export declare const getSpotifyIdAndTypeFromUrl: (url: string) => [string, string];
export declare const getSpotifyEmbedUrlFromIdAndType: (id: string, ...args: unknown[]) => string;
* Extracts the Spotify ID and type from a given Spotify URL or URI.
* @param url - A Spotify web URL or `spotify:` URI.
* @returns A tuple `[id, type]`, where `id` is the 22-char ID and `type` is one of `track`, `album`, `playlist`, `artist`, `show`, or `episode`.
* @example
* ```ts
* // For ""
* // => ["1w4etUoKfql47wtTFq031f", "track"]
* // For "spotify:album:1DFixLWuPkv3KT3TnV35m3"
* // => ["1DFixLWuPkv3KT3TnV35m3", "album"]
* ```
* @remarks
* Returns `["", ""]` if there's no valid match.
export declare function getSpotifyIdAndTypeFromUrl(url: string): [string, string];
* Constructs an embeddable Spotify URL from an ID and optional content type.
* @param id - The 22-character Spotify ID (e.g. track/album/playlist ID).
* @param args - The first element in `args` may be the content type. If not provided or invalid, defaults to `"track"`.
* @returns A valid embed URL, e.g. `""`.
* @remarks
* - If a recognized `SpotifyType` isn't passed, defaults to `track`.
* - The function is often used inside the {@link SpotifyProvider}.
* @example
* ```ts
* // Normally you'd pass [id, type] as args:
* console.log(getSpotifyEmbedUrlFromIdAndType("7ouMYWpwJ422jRcDASZB7P", "track"));
* // => ""
* ```
export declare function getSpotifyEmbedUrlFromIdAndType(id: string, ...args: unknown[]): string;
* A provider object implementing the {@link EmbedProvider} interface for Spotify.
* @remarks
* - `canParseUrl()` checks both web and `spotify:` URIs.
* - `getIdFromUrl()` returns `[id, type]`.
* - `getEmbedUrlFromId()` calls {@link getSpotifyEmbedUrlFromIdAndType}.
* This provider allows handling any recognized Spotify media (tracks, albums, playlists, artists, shows, episodes).
export declare const SpotifyProvider: EmbedProvider;

@@ -0,4 +1,49 @@

import { EmbedProvider } from '../provider';
* A regex pattern that matches Vimeo video URLs.
* @remarks
* Credit: [Stack Overflow]( (2021-03-14: modified / fixed to ignore unused groups).
* This pattern handles optional protocols (`https?://`), optional subdomains (`www.`, `player.`), and various Vimeo URL structures:
* - `…`
* - `…/videos/…`
* - `…`
* - `…`
export declare const vimeoUrlRegex: RegExp;
* Extracts the numeric Vimeo video ID from a given URL.
* @param url - The Vimeo URL string.
* @returns The extracted numeric ID, or an empty string if no match is found.
* @example
* ```ts
* const vimeoId = getVimeoIdFromUrl("");
* console.log(vimeoId); // "134668506"
* ```
export declare const getVimeoIdFromUrl: (url: string) => string;
* Constructs an embeddable Vimeo URL from the given numeric video ID.
* @param id - The numeric Vimeo ID.
* @returns A URL suitable for embedding in an `<iframe>`.
* @example
* ```ts
* const embedUrl = getVimeoEmbedUrlFromId("134668506");
* console.log(embedUrl); // ""
* ```
export declare const getVimeoEmbedUrlFromId: (id: string) => string;
* A provider implementation for Vimeo, conforming to the {@link EmbedProvider} interface.
* @remarks
* - `canParseUrl()` uses {@link vimeoUrlRegex} to detect Vimeo URLs.
* - `getIdFromUrl()` extracts the numeric ID from recognized Vimeo links.
* - `getEmbedUrlFromId()` builds an embeddable `<iframe>` URL for Vimeo.
export declare const VimeoProvider: EmbedProvider;

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import { EmbedProvider } from '../provider';

@@ -10,23 +11,45 @@ * Detecting and parsing for Wistia URLs.

* Matches ID from URLs matching:
* -
* -
* Regex pattern to match Wistia media IDs from URL formats such as:
* While these are not used, these are mentions on [Wistia's embed construction]( docs:
* -
* -
* - ``
* - ``
* @remarks
* While the library doesn’t explicitly handle them, [Wistia's embed docs](
* also mention variants like:
* - ``
* - ``
export declare const wistiaUrlRegex: RegExp;
* Return ID from shared link.
* Extracts the Wistia media ID from a given URL string.
* @param url Shared URL link.
* @param url - The shared Wistia link (can be `undefined`).
* @returns The extracted Wistia media ID, or an empty string if none found.
* @throws If `url` length is >1000 (a safeguard).
* @example
* ```ts
* const wistiaId = getWistiaIdFromUrl("");
* console.log(wistiaId); // "26sk4lmiix"
* ```
export declare const getWistiaIdFromUrl: (url: string | undefined) => string;
* Return embed-friendly URL from ID.
* Constructs a Wistia embed URL from a media ID.
* @param wistiaId ID of embed
* @param wistiaId - The Wistia ID.
* @returns A URL suitable for embedding in an `<iframe>`.
* @example
* ```ts
* console.log(getWistiaEmbedUrlFromId("26sk4lmiix"));
* // ""
* ```
export declare const getWistiaEmbedUrlFromId: (id: string) => string;
* A provider implementation for Wistia, following the {@link EmbedProvider} interface.
export declare const WistiaProvider: EmbedProvider;

@@ -0,7 +1,57 @@

import { EmbedProvider } from '../provider';
* Regex matcher for YouTube URLs
* Regex matcher for YouTube URLs.
* @remarks
* This pattern captures the 11-character YouTube video ID from multiple formats:
* - ``
* - ``
* - Variants with or without `www.` / `-nocookie`
* **Credit**: [Stack Overflow](
export declare const youTubeUrlRegex: RegExp;
* Extracts an 11-character YouTube video ID from a given URL string.
* @param url - The string potentially representing a YouTube link (can be `undefined`).
* @returns The extracted video ID, or an empty string if no match is found.
* @example
* ```ts
* // With a watch URL:
* const videoId = getYouTubeIdFromUrl("");
* console.log(videoId); // "FTQbiNvZqaY"
* // With a shortlink:
* const shortId = getYouTubeIdFromUrl("");
* console.log(shortId); // "FTQbiNvZqaY"
* ```
* @remarks
* If `url` is `undefined` or not a valid YouTube link, returns an empty string.
export declare const getYouTubeIdFromUrl: (url: string | undefined) => string;
* Constructs a YouTube embed URL from a 11-character video ID.
* @param id - The YouTube video ID.
* @returns An embeddable URL in the form `<id>`.
* @example
* ```ts
* console.log(getYouTubeEmbedUrlFromId("FTQbiNvZqaY"));
* // ""
* ```
export declare const getYouTubeEmbedUrlFromId: (id: string | undefined) => string;
* A provider implementation for YouTube, satisfying the {@link EmbedProvider} interface.
* @remarks
* - `canParseUrl()` detects if a URL belongs to YouTube using {@link youTubeUrlRegex}.
* - `getIdFromUrl()` extracts the YouTube video ID (11 chars).
* - `getEmbedUrlFromId()` builds a playable embed URL.
export declare const YouTubeProvider: EmbedProvider;

@@ -1,15 +0,2 @@

import { Provider } from './constants';
import { ValueOfProvider } from './types';
export declare const getProviderFromUrl: (url: string) => Provider | undefined;
export declare const ProviderIdFunctionMap: {
[P in ValueOfProvider]: (url: string) => string | string[];
type ProviderIdFn = {
[P in ValueOfProvider]: (id: string, ...args: unknown[]) => string;
export declare const ProviderIdUrlFunctionMap: ProviderIdFn;
* Converts URL variations from sites to their "embed-friendly" URL.
export declare const convertUrlToEmbedUrl: (url: string) => string;
import { EmbedProvider } from './provider';
export declare const isString: (val: unknown) => val is string;

@@ -23,3 +10,23 @@ export declare const isRegExp: (val: unknown) => val is RegExp;

export declare const matcher: (regex: RegExp | string) => ((value: string) => boolean);
export {};
* Returns the first registered provider that can handle a given URL.
* @remarks
* Internally calls {@link EmbedProviderRegistry.findProviderByUrl}.
* Returns `undefined` if no known provider matches.
* @param url - The URL to check.
export declare function getProviderFromUrl(url: string): EmbedProvider | undefined;
* Converts a recognized media URL to an embeddable iframe-friendly URL.
* @remarks
* - If the URL is recognized, calls the provider’s `getIdFromUrl()` and `getEmbedUrlFromId()`.
* - If no provider is found, returns an empty string.
* @param url - The user-supplied media URL (e.g., a YouTube link).
* @returns The embeddable URL string (e.g., ``) or an empty string.
export declare function convertUrlToEmbedUrl(url: string): string;
"name": "@social-embed/lib",
"description": "URL detection and parsing for embed providers (YouTube, other OEmbed compatible providers),",
"version": "0.1.0-next.9",
"version": "0.1.0-next.10",
"main": "dist/lib.umd.cjs",

@@ -41,3 +41,3 @@ "module": "dist/lib.js",

"typescript": "^5.7.2",
"vite": "^6.0.6",
"vite": "^6.0.7",
"vite-plugin-dts": "^4.4.0",

@@ -51,2 +51,3 @@ "vitest": "^2.1.8"

"clean": "rimraf dist",
"check": "tsc --noEmit",
"vite": "vite",

@@ -53,0 +54,0 @@ "start": "pnpm vite",

@@ -1,44 +0,137 @@

# [`@social-embed/lib`]( &middot; [![GitHub license](]( [![npm version](](
# `@social-embed/lib` &middot; [![GitHub license](]( [![npm version](](
## Start
A lightweight, browser-friendly utility that parses common media URLs (YouTube, Vimeo, Spotify, etc.) and converts them into embeddable links or extracts relevant IDs.
Install the package:
## Installation
npm i @social-embed/lib
# or
yarn add @social-embed/lib
Then import and use it like so:
pnpm add @social-embed/lib
### Using a CDN
If your environment supports ESM or direct URL imports, you can pull from a CDN:
import { convertUrlToEmbedUrl, getYouTubeIdFromUrl } from "@social-embed/lib";
import { getYouTubeIdFromUrl } from "";
import { getYouTubeIdFromUrl } from "";
## Usage
Below is a simple TypeScript example demonstrating some core functions:
import {
} from "@social-embed/lib";
// 1. Convert any recognized media URL into its embeddable form
// output:
// Output: ""
// output: Bd8_vO5zrjo
// 2. Extract YouTube video ID
// Output: "Bd8_vO5zrjo"
// 3. DailyMotion usage
// Output: "x7znrd0"
// Output: ""
If your environment supports ESM or direct URLs, you can also import the library like this:
### More Examples
// unpkg
import { getYouTubeIdFromUrl } from "";
// ""
// skypack
import { getYouTubeIdFromUrl } from "";
// ""
## Try
- [CodePen], [CodePen Console]
- [JSFiddle]
// ""
// ""
// ""
### Validate Any URL
import { isValidUrl } from "@social-embed/lib";
console.log(isValidUrl("")); // true
console.log(isValidUrl("notaurl")); // false
## Try It Out
- [CodePen][codepen]
- [CodePen Console][codepen console]
- [JSFiddle][jsfiddle]
[codepen console]:

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