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@solid-primitives/mouse - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.2.0 to 2.0.0




@@ -0,17 +1,28 @@

import { Position, MaybeAccessor } from '@solid-primitives/utils';
import { Accessor } from 'solid-js';
import { MaybeAccessor } from '@solid-primitives/utils';
interface MouseOptions {
declare type MouseSourceType = "mouse" | "touch" | null;
declare type MousePosition = Position & {
sourceType: MouseSourceType;
declare type MousePositionInside = MousePosition & {
isInside: boolean;
interface PositionRelativeToElement extends Position {
top: number;
left: number;
width: number;
height: number;
isInside: boolean;
interface UseTouchOptions {
* Listen to `touchmove` events
* Listen to touch events. If enabled, position will be updated on `touchstart` event.
* @default true
touch?: boolean;
interface FollowTouchOptions {
* Initial values
* @default { x:0, y:0 }
initialValue?: Position;
* If enabled, position will be updated on touchmove event.
* If enabled, position will be updated on `touchmove` event.
* @default true

@@ -21,121 +32,105 @@ */

declare type MouseSourceType = "mouse" | "touch" | null;
* Listens to the global mouse events, providing a reactive up-to-date position of the cursor on the page.
* @param options
* @returns Accessors for current x & y position, and source of the last cursor movement
* @see
* @example
* const [{ x, y, sourceType }, { stop, start }] = createMousePosition({ touch: false })
* Attaches event listeners to provided targat, listeneing for changes to the mouse/touch position.
* @param target
* ```ts
* HTMLElement | Window | Document
* ```
* @param callback function fired on every position change
* @param options {@link UseTouchOptions} & {@link FollowTouchOptions}
* @returns function removing all event listeners
declare function createMousePosition(options?: MouseOptions): [
getters: {
x: Accessor<number>;
y: Accessor<number>;
sourceType: Accessor<MouseSourceType>;
clear: VoidFunction
interface Position {
x: number;
y: number;
interface RelativeToElementValues extends Position {
top: number;
left: number;
width: number;
height: number;
declare function makeMousePositionListener(target: HTMLElement | Window | Document | undefined, callback: (position: MousePosition) => void, options?: UseTouchOptions & FollowTouchOptions): VoidFunction;
* Attaches event listeners to provided targat, listening for mouse/touch entering/leaving the element.
* @param target
* ```ts
* HTMLElement | Window | Document
* ```
* @param callback function fired on mouse leaving or entering the element
* @param options {@link UseTouchOptions}
* @returns function removing all event listeners
declare function makeMouseInsideListener(target: HTMLElement | Window | Document | undefined, callback: (isInside: boolean) => void, options?: UseTouchOptions): VoidFunction;
* Turn position relative to the page, into position relative to an element.
declare const posRelativeToElement: (pageX: number, pageY: number, el: Element) => RelativeToElementValues;
declare const getPositionToElement: (pageX: number, pageY: number, el: Element) => PositionRelativeToElement;
* Turn position relative to the page, into position relative to an element. Clamped to the element bounds.
declare const getPositionInElement: (pageX: number, pageY: number, el: Element) => PositionRelativeToElement;
* Turn position relative to the page, into position relative to the screen.
declare const posRelativeToScreen: (pageX: number, pageY: number) => Position;
declare const getPositionToScreen: (pageX: number, pageY: number) => Position;
interface MouseOnScreenOptions {
interface MousePositionOptions extends UseTouchOptions, FollowTouchOptions {
* Listen to touch events
* @default true
* Initial values
* @default { x: 0, y: 0, isInside: false, sourceType: null }
touch?: boolean;
initialValue?: Partial<MousePositionInside>;
interface PositionToElementOptions extends UseTouchOptions, FollowTouchOptions {
* Initial value
* @default false
* @default { x: 0, y: 0, top: 0, left: 0, width: 0, height: 0, isInside: false }
initialValue?: boolean;
initialValue?: Partial<PositionRelativeToElement>;
* *Is the cursor on screen?*
* @param options -
* - touch - *Listen to touch events*
* - initialValue
* Attaches event listeners to {@link target} element to provide a reactive object of current mouse position on the page.
* @param target (Defaults to `window`) element to attach the listeners to – can be a reactive function
* @param options {@link MousePositionOptions}
* @returns reactive object of current mouse position on the page
* ```ts
* { x: number, y: number, sourceType: MouseSourceType, isInside: boolean }
* ```
* @see
* @example
* const [isMouseOnScreen, { start, stop }] = createMouseOnScreen(true);
* const [el, setEl] = createSignal(ref)
* const pos = createMousePosition(el, { touch: false })
* createEffect(() => {
* console.log(pos.x, pos.y)
* })
declare function createMouseOnScreen(initialValue?: boolean): [onScreen: Accessor<boolean>, clear: VoidFunction];
declare function createMouseOnScreen(options?: MouseOnScreenOptions): [onScreen: Accessor<boolean>, clear: VoidFunction];
declare function createMousePosition(target?: MaybeAccessor<Window | Document | HTMLElement>, options?: MousePositionOptions): MousePositionInside;
* Listens to mouse (and touch) events inside the element.
* Attaches event listeners to `window` to provide a reactive object of current mouse position on the page.
* @param element target element *— if passed as a signal, will update on change*
* @param options
* @returns Autoupdating position of cursor inside the element; source of the last cursor movement
* @see
* This is a [shared root primitive](
* @returns reactive object of current mouse position on the page
* ```ts
* { x: number, y: number, sourceType: MouseSourceType, isInside: boolean }
* ```
* @see
* @example
* const [{ x, y, sourceType, isInside }, { stop, start }] = createMouseInElement(() => myRef, { followTouch: false })
* const pos = useMousePosition()
* createEffect(() => {
* console.log(pos.x, pos.y)
* })
declare function createMouseInElement(element: MaybeAccessor<HTMLElement>, options?: MouseOptions): [
getters: {
x: Accessor<number>;
y: Accessor<number>;
sourceType: Accessor<MouseSourceType>;
isInside: Accessor<boolean>;
clear: VoidFunction
declare type InitialValues = Partial<RelativeToElementValues>;
interface PositionToElementOptions extends Omit<MouseOptions, "initialValue"> {
initialValue?: InitialValues;
declare const useMousePosition: () => MousePositionInside;
* Provides an autoupdating position relative to an element. Can be used with existing position signals, or let it get the current cursor position itself.
* Provides an autoupdating position relative to an element based on provided page position.
* @param element target `Element`
* @param pos Your existing position values, or `undefined` to capture mouse position automatically
* @param options
* @param element target `Element` used in calculations
* @param pos reactive function returning page position *(relative to the page not window)*
* @param options {@link PositionToElementOptions}
* @returns Autoupdating position relative to top-left of the target + current bounds of the element.
* @see
* @see
* @example
* const [{ x, y, top, left, width, height, isInside }, manualUpdate] = createMouseToElement(() => myRef)
* const [el, setEl] = createSignal(ref)
* const pos = useMousePosition()
* const relative = createPositionToElement(el, () => pos)
* createEffect(() => {
* console.log(relative.x, relative.y)
* })
declare function createMouseToElement(element: MaybeAccessor<Element>, pos?: Accessor<Position> | {
x: MaybeAccessor<number>;
y: MaybeAccessor<number>;
}, options?: PositionToElementOptions): [
getters: {
x: Accessor<number>;
y: Accessor<number>;
top: Accessor<number>;
left: Accessor<number>;
width: Accessor<number>;
height: Accessor<number>;
isInside: Accessor<boolean>;
update: VoidFunction
declare function createPositionToElement(element: Element | Accessor<Element | undefined>, pos: Accessor<Position>, options?: PositionToElementOptions): PositionRelativeToElement;
export { InitialValues, MouseOnScreenOptions, MouseOptions, MouseSourceType, Position, PositionToElementOptions, RelativeToElementValues, createMouseInElement, createMouseOnScreen, createMousePosition, createMouseToElement, posRelativeToElement, posRelativeToScreen };
export { FollowTouchOptions, MousePosition, MousePositionInside, MousePositionOptions, MouseSourceType, PositionRelativeToElement, PositionToElementOptions, UseTouchOptions, createMousePosition, createPositionToElement, getPositionInElement, getPositionToElement, getPositionToScreen, makeMouseInsideListener, makeMousePositionListener, useMousePosition };

@@ -1,213 +0,20 @@

// src/mousePosition.ts
import { isClient, createCallbackStack } from "@solid-primitives/utils";
import { batch, createSignal } from "solid-js";
// src/common.ts
import { createEventListener } from "@solid-primitives/event-listener";
var addListener = (el, ev, cb, options = { passive: true }) => createEventListener(el, ev, cb, options);
// src/mousePosition.ts
function createMousePosition(options = {}) {
const { touch = true, followTouch = true, initialValue = { x: 0, y: 0 } } = options;
const [x, setX] = createSignal(initialValue.x);
const [y, setY] = createSignal(initialValue.y);
const [sourceType, setSourceType] = createSignal(null);
const mouseHandler = (event) => batch(() => {
const touchHandler = (event) => {
if (!event.touches.length)
batch(() => {
const toCleanup = createCallbackStack();
const start = () => {
if (!isClient)
toCleanup.push(addListener(window, "mousemove", mouseHandler));
toCleanup.push(addListener(window, "dragover", mouseHandler));
if (touch) {
toCleanup.push(addListener(window, "touchstart", touchHandler));
if (followTouch)
toCleanup.push(addListener(window, "touchmove", touchHandler));
return [
var posRelativeToElement = (pageX, pageY, el) => {
const bounds = el.getBoundingClientRect(), top = + window.screenY, left = bounds.left + window.scrollX;
return {
x: pageX - left,
y: pageY - top,
width: bounds.width,
height: bounds.height
var posRelativeToScreen = (pageX, pageY) => ({
x: pageX - window.scrollX,
y: pageY - window.screenY
// src/mouseOnScreen.ts
import { isClient as isClient2, createCallbackStack as createCallbackStack2 } from "@solid-primitives/utils";
import { createMemo, createSignal as createSignal2 } from "solid-js";
function createMouseOnScreen(a = {}) {
var _a, _b;
let touch;
let initialValue;
if (typeof a === "object") {
touch = (_a = a == null ? void 0 : a.touch) != null ? _a : true;
initialValue = (_b = a == null ? void 0 : a.initialValue) != null ? _b : false;
} else {
touch = true;
initialValue = a != null ? a : null;
const [mouseOnScreen, setMouseOnScreen] = createSignal2(initialValue);
const [touchOnScreen, setTouchOnScreen] = createSignal2(touch ? initialValue : false);
const onScreen = createMemo(touch ? () => mouseOnScreen() || touchOnScreen() : () => mouseOnScreen());
const toCleanup = createCallbackStack2();
const start = () => {
if (!isClient2)
toCleanup.push(addListener(document, "mouseenter", () => setMouseOnScreen(true)), addListener(document, "mousemove", () => setMouseOnScreen(true), {
passive: true,
once: true
}), addListener(document, "mouseleave", () => setMouseOnScreen(false)));
if (touch)
toCleanup.push(addListener(window, "touchstart", () => setTouchOnScreen(true)), addListener(window, "touchend", () => setTouchOnScreen(false)));
return [onScreen, toCleanup.execute];
// src/mouseInElement.ts
import { access, createCallbackStack as createCallbackStack3 } from "@solid-primitives/utils";
import { createComputed, createSignal as createSignal3, onMount } from "solid-js";
function createMouseInElement(element, options = {}) {
const { touch = true, followTouch = true, initialValue = { x: 0, y: 0 } } = options;
const [x, setX] = createSignal3(initialValue.x);
const [y, setY] = createSignal3(initialValue.y);
const [sourceType, setSourceType] = createSignal3(null);
const [isInside, setIsInside] = createSignal3(false);
const handleMouseMove = (e, el) => {
const { top, left } = el.getBoundingClientRect();
setX(e.pageX - left - window.pageXOffset);
setY(e.pageY - top - window.pageYOffset);
const handleTouchMove = (e, el) => {
const { top, left } = el.getBoundingClientRect();
if (!e.touches.length)
setX(e.touches[0].clientX - left - window.pageXOffset);
setY(e.touches[0].clientY - top - window.pageYOffset);
const toCleanup = createCallbackStack3();
const start = (el = access(element)) => {
if (!el)
toCleanup.push(addListener(el, "mouseover", () => setIsInside(true)), addListener(el, "mouseout", () => setIsInside(false)), addListener(el, "mousemove", (e) => handleMouseMove(e, el)));
if (touch) {
toCleanup.push(addListener(el, "touchstart", (e) => {
handleTouchMove(e, el);
}), addListener(el, "touchend", () => setIsInside(false)));
if (followTouch)
toCleanup.push(addListener(el, "touchmove", (e) => handleTouchMove(e, el)));
access(element) ? createComputed(() => start()) : onMount(() => createComputed(() => start()));
return [
// src/mouseToElement.ts
import { omit } from "@solid-primitives/immutable";
import { access as access2 } from "@solid-primitives/utils";
import { batch as batch2, createComputed as createComputed2, createMemo as createMemo2, createSignal as createSignal4, onMount as onMount2 } from "solid-js";
function createMouseToElement(element, pos, options = {}) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
const { initialValue = {} } = options;
let pageX;
let pageY;
if (typeof pos === "function") {
pageX = () => pos().x;
pageY = () => pos().y;
} else if (typeof pos === "object") {
pageX = typeof pos.x === "function" ? pos.x : () => pos.x;
pageY = typeof pos.y === "function" ? pos.y : () => pos.y;
} else {
const [mouse] = createMousePosition(omit(options, "initialValue"));
pageX = mouse.x;
pageY = mouse.y;
const [x, setX] = createSignal4((_a = initialValue.x) != null ? _a : 0);
const [y, setY] = createSignal4((_b = initialValue.y) != null ? _b : 0);
const [top, setTop] = createSignal4((_c = != null ? _c : 0);
const [left, setLeft] = createSignal4((_d = initialValue.left) != null ? _d : 0);
const [width, setWidth] = createSignal4((_e = initialValue.width) != null ? _e : 0);
const [height, setHeight] = createSignal4((_f = initialValue.height) != null ? _f : 0);
const isInside = createMemo2(() => x() >= 0 && y() >= 0 && x() <= width() && y() <= height());
const update = () => {
const el = access2(element);
if (!el)
const relative = posRelativeToElement(pageX(), pageY(), el);
batch2(() => {
access2(element) ? createComputed2(update) : onMount2(() => createComputed2(update));
return [
import {
} from "./chunk-MOSNKDWK.js";
export {
"name": "@solid-primitives/mouse",
"version": "1.2.0",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "A collection of Solid Primitives, that capture current mouse cursor position, and help to deal with common related usecases.",
"author": "Damian Tarnawski @thetarnav <>",
"author": "Damian Tarnawski <>",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ "homepage": "",

"name": "mouse",
"stage": 2,
"stage": 3,
"list": [

@@ -27,5 +25,13 @@ "category": "Inputs"

"type": "module",
"main": "dist/index.cjs",
"module": "dist/index.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"main": "./dist/server.cjs",
"module": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
"node": {
"import": "./dist/server.js",
"require": "./dist/server.cjs"
"import": "./dist/index.js",
"require": "./dist/index.cjs"
"files": [

@@ -35,5 +41,7 @@ "dist"

"scripts": {
"start": "vite -r ./dev/ -c ./dev/vite.config.ts",
"start": "vite serve dev --host",
"dev": "yarn start",
"build": "tsup",
"test": "uvu -r solid-register"
"test": "uvu -r solid-register",
"test:watch": "watchlist src test -- npm test"

@@ -48,12 +56,13 @@ "keywords": [

"devDependencies": {
"@solid-primitives/raf": "^1.0.5",
"@solid-primitives/raf": "^2.1.0",
"jsdom": "^19.0.0",
"prettier": "^2.4.1",
"solid-register": "^0.1.5",
"tslib": "^2.3.1",
"tsup": "^5.10.0",
"unocss": "0.24.3",
"uvu": "^0.5.2",
"vite": "2.8.1",
"vite-plugin-solid": "2.2.5"
"prettier": "^2.6.2",
"solid-register": "^0.2.3",
"tslib": "^2.4.0",
"tsup": "^5.12.6",
"unocss": "0.31.13",
"uvu": "^0.5.3",
"vite": "2.9.5",
"vite-plugin-solid": "2.2.6",
"watchlist": "^0.3.1"

@@ -64,6 +73,6 @@ "peerDependencies": {

"dependencies": {
"@solid-primitives/event-listener": "^1.6.0",
"@solid-primitives/immutable": "^0.1.0",
"@solid-primitives/utils": "^1.0.0"
"@solid-primitives/event-listener": "^2.0.0",
"@solid-primitives/rootless": "^1.1.0",
"@solid-primitives/utils": "^1.2.0"

@@ -10,11 +10,22 @@ <p>

A collection of primitives, capturing current mouse cursor position, and helping to deal with common usecases:
- [`createMousePosition`](#createMousePosition) - Listens to the global mouse events, providing a reactive up-to-date position of the cursor on the page.
- [`createMouseToElement`](#createMouseToElement) - Provides an auto-updating position relative to a provided element. It can be used with existing position signals or left to get the current cursor position itself.
- [`createMouseInElement`](#createMouseInElement) - An alternative to `createMouseToElement`, that listens to mouse (and touch) events only inside the element. Provides information of position and if the element is being hovered.
- [`createMouseOnScreen`](#createMouseOnScreen) - Answers the question: _Is the cursor on screen?_
##### Reactive primitives:
- [`createMousePosition`](#createMousePosition) - Listens to the mouse events, providing a reactive up-to-date position of the cursor on the page.
- [`createPositionToElement`](#createPositionToElement) - Provides an auto-updating position relative to a provided element.
##### Non-reactive primitives:
- [`makeMousePositionListener`](#makeMousePositionListener) - Attaches event listeners to provided targat, listeneing for changes to the mouse/touch position.
- [`makeMouseInsideListener`](#makeMouseInsideListener) - Attaches event listeners to provided targat, listening for mouse/touch entering/leaving the element.
##### Calculations:
- [`getPositionToElement`](#getPositionToElement) - Turn position relative to the page, into position relative to an element.
- [`getPositionInElement`](#getPositionInElement) - Turn position relative to the page, into position relative to an element. Clamped to the element bounds.
- [`getPositionToScreen`](#getPositionToScreen) - Turn position relative to the page, into position relative to the screen.
## Installation

@@ -30,189 +41,138 @@

Listens to the global mouse events, providing a reactive up-to-date position of the cursor on the page.
Attaches event listeners to provided targat, providing a reactive up-to-date position of the cursor on the page.
### Usage
#### Usage
import { createMousePosition } from "@solid-primitives/mouse";
const [{ x, y, sourceType }, clear] = createMousePosition({ touch: false });
// listening to touch events is enabled by default
const pos = createMousePosition(window);
createEffect(() => {
console.log(pos.x, pos.y);
// to clear all event listeners
// target can be a reactive signal
const [el, setEl] = createSignal(ref);
const pos = createMousePosition(el);
// if using a jsx ref, pass it as a function, or wrap primitive inside onMount
let ref;
const pos = createMousePosition(() => ref);
<div ref={ref}></div>;
### Types
By default `createMousePosition` is listening to `touch` events as well. You can disable that behavior with `touch` and `followTouch` options.
function createMousePosition(options: MouseOptions = {}): [
getters: {
x: Accessor<number>;
y: Accessor<number>;
sourceType: Accessor<MouseSourceType>;
clear: VoidFunction
interface MouseOptions {
* Listen to `touchmove` events
* @default true
touch?: boolean;
* Initial values
* @default { x:0, y:0 }
initialValue?: Position;
* If enabled, position will be updated on touchmove event.
* @default true
followTouch?: boolean;
interface Position {
x: number;
y: number;
type MouseSourceType = "mouse" | "touch" | null;
// disables following touch position – only registers touch start
const pos = createMousePosition(window, { followTouch: false });
// disables listeneing to any touch events
const pos = createMousePosition(window, { touch: false });
## `createMouseToElement`
#### `useMousePosition`
Provides an autoupdating position relative to a provided element. It can be used with existing position signals, or left to get the current cursor position itself.
This primitive providea a [shared root]( variant that will listen to window mouse position, and reuse event listeners and signals across dependents.
### Usage
import { createMouseToElement } from "@solid-primitives/mouse";
const [{ x, y, top, left, width, height, isInside }, manualUpdate] = createMouseToElement(
() => myRef
// If position argument is left undefined, it will use
// createMousePosition internally to track the cursor position.
// But if you are already tracking the mouse position yourself, or with createMousePosition.
// You can pass it to createMouseToElement to avoid additional performance payload.
const [mouse] = createMousePosition();
const [{ x, y, isInside }] = createMouseToElement(el, mouse);
// This also works when you are applying some transformations to the position, or debouncing it.
const myPos = createMemo(() => {
/* do sth with the mouse position */
const pos = useMousePosition();
createEffect(() => {
console.log(pos.x, pos.y);
const [{ x, y, isInside }] = createMouseToElement(el, myPos);
### Types
#### Definition
function createMouseToElement(
element: MaybeAccessor<Element>,
pos?: Accessor<Position> | { x: MaybeAccessor<number>; y: MaybeAccessor<number> },
options: PositionToElementOptions = {}
): [
getters: {
x: Accessor<number>;
y: Accessor<number>;
top: Accessor<number>;
left: Accessor<number>;
width: Accessor<number>;
height: Accessor<number>;
isInside: Accessor<boolean>;
update: VoidFunction
interface Position {
x: number;
y: number;
interface PositionToElementOptions extends MouseOptions {
initialValue?: {
top?: number;
left?: number;
width?: number;
height?: number;
x?: number;
y?: number;
function createMousePosition(
target?: MaybeAccessor<Window | Document | HTMLElement>,
options?: MousePositionOptions
): MousePositionInside;
## `createMouseInElement`
## `createPositionToElement`
An alternative to [`createMouseToElement`](#createMouseToElement), that listens to mouse _(and touch)_ events only inside the element. Provides information of position and if is the element being currently hovered.
Provides an autoupdating position relative to an element based on provided page position.
### Usage
#### Usage
import { createMouseInElement } from "@solid-primitives/mouse";
import { createPositionToElement, useMousePosition } from "@solid-primitives/mouse";
const [{ x, y, sourceType, isInside }, clear] = createMouseInElement(() => myRef, {
followTouch: false
const pos = useMousePosition();
const relative = createPositionToElement(ref, () => pos);
createEffect(() => {
console.log(relative.x, relative.y);
// Same way as createMousePosition:
// the "touch", and "foullowTouch" settings are enabled by default
// to clear all event listeners
// target can be a reactive signal
const [el, setEl] = createSignal(ref);
const relative = createPositionToElement(el, () => pos);
// if using a jsx ref, pass it as a function, or wrap primitive inside onMount
let ref;
const relative = createPositionToElement(() => ref);
<div ref={ref}></div>;
### Types
#### Definition
function createMouseInElement(
element: MaybeAccessor<HTMLElement>,
options: MouseOptions = {}
): [
getters: {
x: Accessor<number>;
y: Accessor<number>;
sourceType: Accessor<MouseSourceType>;
isInside: Accessor<boolean>;
clear: VoidFunction
type MouseSourceType = "mouse" | "touch" | null;
function createPositionToElement(
element: Element | Accessor<Element | undefined>,
pos: Accessor<Position>,
options?: PositionToElementOptions
): PositionRelativeToElement;
## `createMouseOnScreen`
## Non-reactive primitives:
Answers the question: _Is the cursor on screen?_
### `makeMousePositionListener`
### Usage
Attaches event listeners to provided targat, listeneing for changes to the mouse/touch position.
import { createMouseOnScreen } from "@solid-primitives/mouse";
const clear = makeMousePositionListener(el, pos => console.log(pos), { touch: false });
// remove listeners manually (will happen on cleanup)
const [isMouseOnScreen, clear] = createMouseOnScreen(true);
### `makeMouseInsideListener`
// to clear all event listeners
Attaches event listeners to provided targat, listening for mouse/touch entering/leaving the element.
const clear = makeMouseInsideListener(el, inside => console.log(inside), { touch: false });
// remove listeners manually (will happen on cleanup)
### Types
## Calculations
### `getPositionToElement`
Turn position relative to the page, into position relative to an element.
function createMouseOnScreen(
initialValue?: boolean
): [onScreen: Accessor<boolean>, clear: VoidFunction];
function createMouseOnScreen(
options?: MouseOnScreenOptions
): [onScreen: Accessor<boolean>, clear: VoidFunction];
const pos = getPositionToElement(pageX, pageY, element);
interface MouseOnScreenOptions {
* Listen to touch events
* @default true
touch?: boolean;
* Initial value
* @default false
initialValue?: boolean;
### `getPositionInElement`
Turn position relative to the page, into position relative to an element. Clamped to the element bounds.
const pos = getPositionInElement(pageX, pageY, element);
### `getPositionToScreen`
Turn position relative to the page, into position relative to the screen.
const pos = getPositionToScreen(pageX, pageY);
## Demo

@@ -239,2 +199,18 @@

2.0.0 - **stage-3**
Removed `createMouseInElement`, `createMouseOnScreen`
- `posRelativeToElement` -> `getPositionToElement`
- `posRelativeToScreen` -> `getPositionToScreen`
- `createMouseToElement` -> `createPositionToElement`
Added `makeMousePositionListener`, `makeMouseInsideListener` and `getPositionInElement`
Removed clear() and update() functions from reactive primitives. `createPositionToElement` now only takes accessor position.

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