A library of reusable Postgresql domains.
This package contains re-usable Postgresql sql. The package is installed using a traditional javascript package manager such as npm, yarn or pnpm. Applying the sql located in the package to a Postgresql database instance is done using Sql Package Manager.
This package has:
- definitions - Sql is stored within the package.
- Testing, BDD/TDD - Testing is done using the jest testing framework but the tests are written in Sql. True behavior driven development is supported via
yarn test:postgresql:watch
. - versioned - Versioning is used and supported via lerna.
- dependencies - The dependency features of the javascript package manager are leveraged. Sql Package Manager projects can depend on other projects.
This package was generated as follows:
yarn sqlpm generate '{"packageName": "lib", "platform": "postgresql", "description": "A library of reusable Postgresql domains.", "author": "...", "email": ""...", "purposes": ["readwrite"], "actions": ["run", "test", "reset"]}'
yarn lerna add @sqlpm/sqlpm-lib-ts --scope=@sqlpm/lib-postgresql
yarn lerna add @sqlpm/test-postgresql --scope=@sqlpm/lib-postgresql