This package contains re-usable Postgresql sql. The package is installed using a traditional javascript package manager such as npm, yarn or pnpm. Applying the sql located in the package to a Postgresql database instance can be done by using Sql Package Manager or a migration tool of your choosing.
This package has:
- definitions - Sql is stored within the package.
- Testing, BDD/TDD - Testing is done using the jest testing framework but the tests are written in Sql. True behavior driven development is supported via
yarn test:postgresql:watch
. - versioned - Versioning is used and supported via lerna.
- dependencies - The dependency features of the javascript package manager are leveraged. Sql Package Manager projects can depend on other projects.
This package was generated form the root of this repository as follows:
yarn sqlpm generate '{"packageName": "universal", "platform": "postgresql", "description": "Contains resources that can be used for testing.", "author": "...", "email": "...", "purposes": ["readwrite"], "actions": ["run", "test", "reset"]}'
yarn lerna add @sqlpm/sqlpm-lib-ts --scope=@sqlpm/universal-postgresql
yarn lerna add @sqlpm/test-postgresql --scope=@sqlpm/universal-postgresql
yarn lerna add @sqlpm/lib-postgresql --scope=@sqlpm/universal-postgresql