Cosmos Web Components
Note: This project is pre-alpha and should not be used in a production environment.
Cosmos is the name of StackPath's Design System.
This package is a set of native Web Components that implement the core philosophies of the Cosmos design system that we use to build the StackPath user interface.
Cosmos Web Components are built with StencilJS and provide both lazy-loading distribution and a full custom elements bundle, so you can pick whichever works best in your project.
To use the components within your own codebase, follow these steps:
Install the component library
npm install @stackpath/cosmos-web-components
Configure the assets
The package contains assets that are required by some components but are intentionally not bundled with the Javascript. To make them available in your codebase, you must copy the assets from the package into your project's static assets directory. For example, from the root of your project, you might run:
cp -R ./node_modules/@stackpath/cosmos-web-components/dist/cosmos/assets ./public/